flatten <- function(list) {
unlist(list, recursive = FALSE, use.names=TRUE)
#' Read an x3p file into an x3p object
#' Read file in x3p format. x3p formats describe 3d topological surface according to
#' ISO standard ISO5436 – 2000.
#' x3p files are a container format implemented as a zip archive of a folder
#' consisting of an xml file of meta
#' information and a binary matrix of numeric surface measurements.
#' @param file The file path to the x3p file, or an url to an x3p file
#' @param quiet for url downloads, show download progress?
#' @param size size in bytes to use for reading the binary file. If not specified, default is used. Will be overwritten if specified in the xml meta file.
#' @param tmpdir temporary directory to use to extract the x3p file (default NULL uses tempdir() to set a directory).
#' @return x3p object consisting of a list of the surface matrix and the four records as specified in the ISO standard
#' @export
#' @import xml2
#' @importFrom utils unzip download.file
#' @examples
#' logo <- x3p_read(system.file("csafe-logo.x3p", package="x3ptools"))
x3p_read <- function(file, size = NA, quiet = T, tmpdir = NULL) {
if (grepl("http|www", file)) {
fname <- tempfile(fileext = ".x3p")
download.file(file, destfile = fname, quiet = quiet, mode = "wb")
} else {
fname <- file
if (!file.exists(fname)) stop(sprintf("File %s not found.\n", fname))
## Create a temp directory to unzip x3p file
if (!is.null(tmpdir)) {
mydir <- tmpdir
} else {
mydir <- tempdir()
try_unzip <- try({result <- unzip(fname, exdir = mydir)}, silent=TRUE)
if (length(result) == 0) stop(sprintf("File %s is not an x3p file", fname)) # unzipping didn't work
## see what we got:
data <- grep("data.bin$", result) # data has extension .bin
meta <- grep(".xml$", result) # meta info has extension .xml
mask <- grep(".png$", result, value = TRUE) # mask has extension .png # for CSAFE
# browser()
cadre <- FALSE
if (length(mask)==0) {
mask <- grep("mask.bin$", result, value = TRUE) # mask has extension .png # for Cadre
if (length(mask) > 0) cadre <- TRUE
# if we have not exactly one of each we have a problem:
stopifnot(length(data) == 1) # nice error messages would be good
## Should contain data.bin and valid.bin
bullet_data_dir <- file.path(mydir, "bindata", dir(file.path(mydir, "bindata")))
bullet_data <- result[data]
## Get the meta information
bullet_info <- lapply(result[meta], read_xml)
bullet_children <- lapply(bullet_info, xml_children)
bullet_childinfo <- lapply(bullet_children, xml_children)
## Convert to a list
bullet_info_list <- lapply(bullet_childinfo, as_list)
bullet_info_list <- flatten(bullet_info_list)
bullet_info_unlist <- flatten(bullet_info_list)
## Read the data matrix
sizes <- as.numeric(c(bullet_info_unlist$SizeX[[1]], bullet_info_unlist$SizeY[[1]], bullet_info_unlist$SizeZ[[1]]))
increments <- as.numeric(
ifelse(length(bullet_info_unlist$CZ$Increment) == 0, 1, bullet_info_unlist$CZ$Increment[[1]])
# use a default of 1 in case the Z increment is not included
size2 <- NA
if (bullet_info_unlist$CZ$DataType[[1]] == "F") size2 <- 4
if (bullet_info_unlist$CZ$DataType[[1]] == "D") size2 <- 8
if (!is.na(size2) & !(is.na(size))) {
if (size != size2) warning(sprintf("Number of bytes specified (%d bytes) in x3p file different from requested (%d bytes)", size2, size))
if (is.na(size)) size <- size2 # only use xml when size is not specified
datamat <- matrix(readBin(bullet_data,
what = numeric(),
size = size,
n = prod(sizes[1:2])
nrow = sizes[1],
ncol = sizes[2]
## Store some metadata
bullet_metadata <- list(
sizeY = sizes[2],
sizeX = sizes[1],
incrementY = increments[2],
incrementX = increments[1]
input.info <- flatten(lapply(bullet_info, as_list))
if (!("Record1" %in% names(input.info))) {
names(input.info) <- NULL
input.info <- flatten(input.info)
# Let's make sure we have Records 1, 2, 3, and 4
record1 <- input.info$Record1
record2 <- input.info$Record2
record3 <- input.info$Record3
if (any(is.null(record1), is.null(record2), is.null(record3))) {
warning("One of the crucial record files is missing, double check that the x3p is valid. Found Records named <", paste0(names(input.info), collapse = ","),">")
# is there missing info in general.info?
any_empty_info <- sapply(record2, function(x) !length(x))
if (any(any_empty_info)) {
idx <- which(any_empty_info)
record2[idx] <- lapply(record2[idx], function(x) {
x <- list("")
# is there any other information?
other <- setdiff(names(input.info), c("Record1", "Record2", "Record3", "Record4"))
record_other <- NULL
if (length(other) > 0) {
record_other <- input.info[other]
res <- list(
header.info = bullet_metadata,
surface.matrix = datamat,
feature.info = record1,
general.info = record2,
matrix.info = record3,
other.info = record_other
# bullet_info = bullet_info)
# browser()
class(res) <- "x3p"
if (length(mask) > 0) {
# png <- magick::image_read(mask)
png <- png::readPNG(mask, native = FALSE)
if (cadre) {
nc <- ncol(png)
png <- png[,nc:1]
raster <- as.raster(png)
if (!(is.na(dim(png)[3]))) {
if (dim(png)[3] == 4) {
# bit of a workaround - not sure why #rrggbb00 is not recognized as transparent automatically
raster[png[, , 4] == 0] <- "transparent"
# browser()
res <- x3p_add_mask(res, mask = raster)
#' @rdname x3p_read
#' @export
read_x3p <- x3p_read
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