
sidfex.checkfileformat = function (filepathnames) {

	if (length(filepathnames) == 1 && dir.exists(filepathnames)) {
		lastchar = substr(filepathnames,nchar(filepathnames),nchar(filepathnames))
		if (lastchar != "/") {filepathnames = paste0(filepathnames,"/")}
		filepathnames = paste0(filepathnames,system(paste0("ls ",filepathnames),intern=TRUE))

	N = length(filepathnames)
	res.list = list()

	for (i in 1:N) {

		filepathname = filepathnames[[i]]
		if (!file.exists(filepathname)) {
			res = "File does not exist."
			res.list[[filepathname]] = res

		res = NULL

		### check file name

		filenameX = strsplit(filepathname,split="/",fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
		Nstr = length(filenameX)
		filenameX = filenameX[Nstr]

		filename = strsplit(filenameX,split=".",fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
		Nstr = length(filename)
		suffix = filename[Nstr]
		if (Nstr == 1 || suffix != "txt") {
			res = c(res,paste0("File name must have suffix '.txt'. Not checking further."))
			res.list[[filepathname]] = res
		if (Nstr > 1) {
			filename = paste(filename[1:(Nstr-1)],collapse=".")

		filename.flds = strsplit(filename,split="_",fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
		Nstr = length(filename.flds)
		if (Nstr != 5) {
			res = c(res,paste0("File name should contain exactly four underscores but contains ",Nstr-1,". Not checking further."))
			res.list[[filepathname]] = res
		GroupID = filename.flds[1]
		MethodID = filename.flds[2]
		TargetID = filename.flds[3]
		InitTime = strsplit(filename.flds[4],split="-",fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
		Nstr = length(InitTime)
		if (Nstr != 2) {
			res = c(res,paste0("Initial time provided as '",InitTime,"' in file name must have format InitYear-InitDayOfYear (note the minus sign) where InitYear is an integer and InitDayOfYear is a float (or integer)."))
			InitYear = NA
			InitDayOfYear = NA
		} else {
			InitYear = InitTime[1]
			InitYear.int = as.integer(InitYear)
			if (is.na(InitYear.int) || InitYear.int != as.numeric(InitYear)) {
				res = c(res,paste0("InitYear provided as '",InitYear,"' in file name must be an integer."))
			InitDayOfYear = InitTime[2]
			if (is.na(as.numeric(InitDayOfYear))) {
				res = c(res,paste0("InitDayOfYear provided as '",InitDayOfYear,"' in file name must be numeric."))
		EnsMemNum = filename.flds[5]
		EnsMemNum.int = as.integer(EnsMemNum)
		if (is.na(EnsMemNum.int) || EnsMemNum.int != as.numeric(EnsMemNum) || nchar(EnsMemNum) != 3) {
			res = c(res,paste0("EnsMemNum provided as '",EnsMemNum,"' in file name must be a 3-digit integer (with leading zeros if needed)."))

		### check file header

		filecont = scan(filepathname,sep="\n",what="character",quiet=TRUE)
		Nr = length(filecont)
		if (Nr < 1) {
			res = c(res,paste0("File empty."))
			res.list[[filepathname]] = res

		nrGroupID = 0
		GroupIDfound = FALSE
		while (nrGroupID < Nr && !GroupIDfound) {
			nrGroupID = nrGroupID + 1
			rowcont = filecont[nrGroupID]
			if (substr(rowcont,1,7) == "GroupID") {
				GroupIDfound = TRUE

		if (!GroupIDfound) {
			res = c(res,"No row starting with 'GroupID' found in file.  Not checking further.")
			res.list[[filepathname]] = res

		if (nrGroupID != 1) {

		  if (nrGroupID != 6) {
		    res = c(res,"'GroupID' is neither in row 1 (incoming format) nor in row 6 (processed format).  Not checking further.")
		    res.list[[filepathname]] = res

		  ### check auto file header (processed format)

		  row.strs = c("SubmitYear","SubmitDayOfYear","ProcessedYear","ProcessedDayOfYear")
		  for (nr in 1:length(row.strs)) {
		    rowcont = filecont[nr]
		    row.str = row.strs[nr]
		    row.flds = strsplit(rowcont,split=" ",fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
		    row.flds = row.flds[row.flds != ""]
		    if (row.flds[1] != paste0(row.str,":")) {
		      res = c(res,paste0("Row number ",nr," of processed file must start with '",row.str,":' (followed by one or more space characters) instead of '",row.flds[1],"'."))
		    if (length(row.flds) != 2) {
		      res = c(res,paste0("Row number ",nr," of processed file, provided as '",filecont[nr],"', must contain exactly two strings, separated by one or more space characters."))
		    if (is.na(as.numeric(row.flds[2]))) {
		      res = c(res,paste0(row.str," specified within the file ('",row.flds[2],"') is not numeric."))

		  if(filecont[5] != "### end of auto header") {
		    res = c(res,"Row number 5 must be '### end of auto header' for processed files. Not checking further.")
		    res.list[[filepathname]] = res


		if ((Nr - nrGroupID) < 10) {
			res = c(res,paste0("File must have at least 10 rows after 'GroupID' but has only ",Nr-nrGroupID,". Not checking further."))
			res.list[[filepathname]] = res

		row.strs = c("GroupID","MethodID","TargetID","InitYear","InitDayOfYear","InitLat","InitLon","EnsMemNum")
		for (nrx in 1:length(row.strs)) {
			nr = nrGroupID + nrx - 1
			rowcont = filecont[nr]
			row.str = row.strs[nrx]
			row.flds = strsplit(rowcont,split=" ",fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
			row.flds = row.flds[row.flds != ""]
			if (row.flds[1] != paste0(row.str,":")) {
				res = c(res,paste0("Row number ",nrx," (counting GroupID row as first row) must start with '",row.str,":' (followed by one or more space characters) instead of '",row.flds[1],"'."))
			if (length(row.flds) != 2) {
				res = c(res,paste0("Row number ",nrx," (counting GroupID row as first row), provided as '",filecont[nr],"', must contain exactly two strings, separated by one or more space characters."))
			if (row.str == "GroupID") {
				if (row.flds[2] != GroupID) {
					res = c(res,paste0(row.str," specified within the file ('",row.flds[2],"') does not match the ",row.str," provided in the file name ('",GroupID,"')."))
			if (row.str == "MethodID") {
				if (row.flds[2] != MethodID) {
					res = c(res,paste0(row.str," specified within the file ('",row.flds[2],"') does not match the ",row.str," provided in the file name ('",MethodID,"')."))
			if (row.str == "TargetID") {
				if (row.flds[2] != TargetID) {
					res = c(res,paste0(row.str," specified within the file ('",row.flds[2],"') does not match the ",row.str," provided in the file name ('",TargetID,"')."))
			if (row.str == "InitYear") {
				if (row.flds[2] != InitYear) {
					res = c(res,paste0(row.str," specified within the file ('",row.flds[2],"') does not match the ",row.str," provided in the file name ('",InitYear,"')."))
			if (row.str == "InitDayOfYear") {
				if (row.flds[2] != InitDayOfYear) {
					res = c(res,paste0(row.str," specified within the file ('",row.flds[2],"') does not match the ",row.str," provided in the file name ('",InitDayOfYear,"')."))
			if (row.str == "InitLat") {
				if (is.na(as.numeric(row.flds[2]))) {
					res = c(res,paste0(row.str," specified within the file ('",row.flds[2],"') is not numeric."))
			if (row.str == "InitLon") {
				if (is.na(as.numeric(row.flds[2]))) {
					res = c(res,paste0(row.str," specified within the file ('",row.flds[2],"') is not numeric."))
			if (row.str == "EnsMemNum") {
				if (row.flds[2] != EnsMemNum) {
					res = c(res,paste0(row.str," specified within the file ('",row.flds[2],"') does not match the ",row.str," provided in the file name ('",EnsMemNum,"')."))

		nr = nr + 1
		if(filecont[nr] != "### end of header") {
			res = c(res,"Row number 9 (counting GroupID row as first row) must be '### end of header'. Not checking further.")
			res.list[[filepathname]] = res

		### check file data table

		tab.names = unlist(strsplit(unlist(strsplit(filecont[nr+1],split="\t",fixed=TRUE)),split=" ",fixed=TRUE))
		tab.names = tab.names[tab.names != ""]
		Ncol = length(tab.names)
		if (Ncol < 4) {
			res = c(res,paste0("Forecast table must have at least four column names (space or tab delimited), but has ",Ncol,". Not checking further."))
			res.list[[filepathname]] = res
		tab.names.x = c("Year","DayOfYear","Lat","Lon")
		if (any(tab.names[1:4] != tab.names.x)) {
			res = c(res,paste0("First four forecast table column names must be 'Year DayOfYear Lat Lon'."))
		Year.nonint = FALSE
		DayOfYear.nonnum = FALSE
		Lat.nonnum = FALSE
		Lon.nonnum = FALSE
		if (Ncol > 4) {extracol.nonnum = FALSE}
		for (k in (nr+2):Nr) {
			row.flds = unlist(strsplit(unlist(strsplit(filecont[k],split="\t",fixed=TRUE)),split=" ",fixed=TRUE))
			row.flds = row.flds[row.flds!=""]
			if (length(row.flds) != Ncol) {
				res = c(res,paste0("At least one of the forecast table rows (total file row number ",k,
				                   ") does not have the same number of column entries (space or tab delimited) as there are column names (",Ncol,"). Not checking further."))
				res.list[[filepathname]] = res
			Year = row.flds[1]
			Year.int = as.integer(Year)
			if (is.na(Year.int) || Year.int != as.numeric(Year)) {
				Year.nonint = TRUE
			DayOfYear = row.flds[2]
			if (is.na(as.numeric(DayOfYear))) {
				DayOfYear.nonnum = TRUE
			Lat = row.flds[3]
			if (Lat != "NaN" && Lat != "nan" && is.na(as.numeric(Lat))) {
				Lat.nonnum = TRUE
			Lon = row.flds[4]
			if (Lon != "NaN" && Lon != "nan" && is.na(as.numeric(Lon))) {
				Lon.nonnum = TRUE
			if (Ncol > 4) {
			  for (icol in 5:Ncol) {
			    val = row.flds[icol]
			    if (Lon != "NaN" && Lon != "nan" && is.na(as.numeric(Lon))) {
			      extracol.nonnum = TRUE
		if (Year.nonint) {
			res = c(res,paste0("Year column contains at least one non-integer value."))
		if (DayOfYear.nonnum) {
			res = c(res,paste0("DayOfYear column contains at least one non-numeric value."))
		if (Lat.nonnum) {
			res = c(res,paste0("Lat column contains at least one non-numeric value that is not 'NaN'."))
		if (Lon.nonnum) {
			res = c(res,paste0("Lon column contains at least one non-numeric value that is not 'NaN'."))
		if (Ncol > 4) {
		  if (extracol.nonnum) {
		    res = c(res,paste0("At least one of the extra columns contains at least one non-numeric value that is not 'NaN'."))


		if (length(res) == 0) {
			res.list[[filepathname]] = "No file format violations found."
		} else {
			res.list[[filepathname]] = res


	if (length(res.list) == 1) {
	} else {

helgegoessling/SIDFEx documentation built on March 15, 2024, 2:26 p.m.