
Defines functions fitSSM

Documented in fitSSM

#' Maximum Likelihood Estimation of a State Space Model
#' Function \code{fitSSM} finds the maximum likelihood estimates for unknown
#' parameters of an arbitary state space model, given the user-defined model
#' updating function.
#' Note that \code{fitSSM} actually minimizes \code{-logLik(model)}, so for
#' example the Hessian matrix returned by \code{hessian = TRUE} has an opposite
#' sign than expected.
#' This function is simple wrapper around \code{\link{optim}}. For optimal performance in
#' complicated problems, it is more efficient to use problem specific codes with
#' calls to \code{logLik} method directly.
#' In \code{fitSSM}, the objective function for \code{\link{optim}} first
#' updates the model based on the current values of the parameters under optimization,
#' using function \code{updatefn}. Then function \code{checkfn}
#' is used for checking that the resulting model is valid
#' (the default \code{checkfn} checks for non-finite values and overly large (>1e7)
#' values in covariance matrices). If \code{checkfn} returns \code{TRUE},  the
#' log-likelihood is computed using a call \code{-logLik(model,check.model = FALSE)}.
#' Otherwise objective function returns value corresponding to
#'  \code{.Machine$double.xmax^0.75}.
#' The default \code{updatefn} can be used to estimate the values marked as \code{NA}
#' in unconstrained time-invariant covariance matrices Q and H. Note that the
#' default \code{updatefn} function cannot be used with trigonometric seasonal
#' components as its covariance structure is of form \eqn{\sigma}{\sigma}I,
#' i.e. not all \code{NA}'s correspond to unique value.
#' The code for the default \code{updatefn} can be found in the examples.
#' As can be seen from the function definition, it is assumed that
#' unconstrained optimization method such as \code{BFGS} is used.
#' Note that for non-Gaussian models derivative-free optimization methods such as
#' Nelder-Mead might be more reliable than methods which use finite difference
#' approximations. This is due to noise caused by the relative stopping criterion
#' used for finding approximating Gaussian model. In most cases this does not
#' seem to cause any problems though.
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats optim
#' @param inits Initial values for \code{\link{optim}}.
#' @param model Model object of class \code{SSModel}.
#' @param updatefn User defined function which updates the model given the
#'   parameters. Must be of form \code{updatefn(pars, model, ...)},
#'   where \code{...} correspond to optional additional arguments.
#'   Function should return the original model with updated parameters.
#'   See details for description of the default \code{updatefn}.
#' @param checkfn Optional function of form \code{checkfn(model)} for checking
#' the validity of the model. Should return \code{TRUE} if the model is valid,
#' and \code{FALSE} otherwise. See details.
#' @param update_args Optional list containing additional arguments to \code{updatefn}.
#' @param ... Further arguments for functions \code{optim} and
#'  \code{logLik.SSModel}, such as \code{nsim = 1000}, \code{marginal = TRUE}, 
#'   and \code{method = "BFGS"}.
#'@return A list with elements
#'\item{optim.out}{Output from function \code{optim}. }
#'\item{model}{Model with estimated parameters. }
#'@seealso \code{\link{logLik}}, \code{\link{KFAS}}, 
#' \code{\link{boat}}, \code{\link{sexratio}},
#' \code{\link{GlobalTemp}}, \code{\link{SSModel}}, 
#' \code{\link{importanceSSM}}, \code{\link{approxSSM}} for more examples.
#' @examples
#' # Example function for updating covariance matrices H and Q
#' # (also used as a default function in fitSSM)
#' updatefn <- function(pars, model){
#'   if(any(is.na(model$Q))){
#'     Q <- as.matrix(model$Q[,,1])
#'     naQd  <- which(is.na(diag(Q)))
#'     naQnd <- which(upper.tri(Q[naQd,naQd]) & is.na(Q[naQd,naQd]))
#'     Q[naQd,naQd][lower.tri(Q[naQd,naQd])] <- 0
#'     diag(Q)[naQd] <- exp(0.5 * pars[1:length(naQd)])
#'     Q[naQd,naQd][naQnd] <- pars[length(naQd)+1:length(naQnd)]
#'     model$Q[naQd,naQd,1] <- crossprod(Q[naQd,naQd])
#'   }
#'  if(!identical(model$H,'Omitted') && any(is.na(model$H))){#'
#'    H<-as.matrix(model$H[,,1])
#'    naHd  <- which(is.na(diag(H)))
#'    naHnd <- which(upper.tri(H[naHd,naHd]) & is.na(H[naHd,naHd]))
#'    H[naHd,naHd][lower.tri(H[naHd,naHd])] <- 0
#'    diag(H)[naHd] <-
#'      exp(0.5 * pars[length(naQd)+length(naQnd)+1:length(naHd)])
#'    H[naHd,naHd][naHnd] <-
#'      pars[length(naQd)+length(naQnd)+length(naHd)+1:length(naHnd)]
#'    model$H[naHd,naHd,1] <- crossprod(H[naHd,naHd])
#'    }
#'  model
#' # Example function for checking the validity of covariance matrices.
#' checkfn <- function(model){
#'   #test positive semidefiniteness of H and Q
#'   !inherits(try(ldl(model$H[,,1]),TRUE),'try-error') &&
#'   !inherits(try(ldl(model$Q[,,1]),TRUE),'try-error')
#' }
#' model <- SSModel(Nile ~ SSMtrend(1, Q = list(matrix(NA))), H = matrix(NA))
#' #function for updating the model
#' update_model <- function(pars, model) {
#'   model["H"] <- pars[1]
#'   model["Q"] <- pars[2]
#'   model
#' }
#' #check that variances are non-negative
#' check_model <- function(model) {
#'   (model["H"] > 0 && model["Q"] > 0)
#' }
#' fit <- fitSSM(inits = rep(var(Nile)/5, 2), model = model,
#'                  updatefn = update_model, checkfn = check_model)
#' # More complex model
#' set.seed(1)
#' n <- 1000
#' x1 <- rnorm(n)
#' x2 <- rnorm(n)
#' beta1 <- 1 + cumsum(rnorm(n, sd = 0.1)) # time-varying regression effect
#' beta2 <- -0.3 # time-invariant effect
#' # ARMA(2, 1) errors
#' z <- arima.sim(model = list(ar = c(0.7, -0.4), ma = 0.5), n = n, sd = 0.5)
#' # generate data, regression part + ARMA errors
#' y <- beta1 * x1 + beta2 * x2 + z
#' ts.plot(y)
#' # build the model using just zeros for now
#' # But note no extra white noise term so H is fixed to zero
#' model <- SSModel(y ~ SSMregression(~ x1 + x2, Q = 0, R = matrix(c(1, 0), 2, 1)) +
#'   SSMarima(rep(0, 2), 0, Q = 0), H = 0) 
#' # update function for fitSSM
#' update_function <- function(pars, model){
#'   ## separate calls for model components, use exp to ensure positive variances
#'   tmp_reg <- SSMregression(~ x1 + x2, Q = exp(pars[1]), R = matrix(c(1, 0), 2, 1))
#'   tmp_arima <- try(SSMarima(artransform(pars[2:3]), 
#'     artransform(pars[4]), Q = exp(pars[5])), silent = TRUE)
#'   # stationary check, see note in artransform docs
#'   if(inherits(tmp_arima, "try-error")) {
#'     model$Q[] <- NA # set something to NA just in case original model is ok
#'     return(model) # this goes to checkfn and causes rejection due to NA values
#'   }
#'   model["Q", etas = "regression"] <- tmp_reg$Q
#'   model["Q", etas = "arima"] <- tmp_arima$Q
#'   model["T", "arima"] <- tmp_arima$T
#'   model["R", states = "arima", etas = "arima"] <- tmp_arima$R
#'   model["P1", "arima"] <- tmp_arima$P1
#'   # you could also directly build the whole model here again, i.e.
#'   # model <- SSModel(y ~ 
#'   #   SSMregression(~ x1 + x2, Q = exp(pars[1]), R = matrix(c(1, 0), 2, 1)) +
#'   #   SSMarima(artransform(pars[2:3]), artransform(pars[4]), Q = exp(pars[5])), 
#'   #   H = 0)
#'   model
#' }
#' fit  <- fitSSM(model = model,
#'   inits = rep(0.1, 5),
#'   updatefn = update_function, method = "BFGS")
#' ts.plot(cbind(beta1, KFS(fit$model)$alphahat[, "x1"]), col = 1:2)
fitSSM <- function(model, inits, updatefn, checkfn, update_args = NULL, ...) {

  is_gaussian <- all(model$distribution == "gaussian")

  if (missing(updatefn)) {
    # use default updating function, only for time invariant covariance matrices
    estH <- is_gaussian && any(is.na(model$H))
    estQ <- any(is.na(model$Q))
    if ((dim(model$H)[3] > 1 && estH || (dim(model$Q)[3] > 1) && estQ))
      stop("No model updating function supplied, but cannot use default
             function as the covariance matrices are time varying.")
    updatefn <- function(pars, model) {
      if (estQ) {
        Q <- as.matrix(model$Q[, , 1])
        naQd <- which(is.na(diag(Q)))
        naQnd <- which(upper.tri(Q[naQd, naQd]) & is.na(Q[naQd, naQd]))
        Q[naQd, naQd][lower.tri(Q[naQd, naQd])] <- 0
        diag(Q)[naQd] <- exp(0.5 * pars[1:length(naQd)])
        Q[naQd, naQd][naQnd] <- pars[length(naQd) + 1:length(naQnd)]
        model$Q[naQd, naQd, 1] <- crossprod(Q[naQd, naQd])
      } else naQnd <- naQd <- NULL
      if (estH) {
        H <- as.matrix(model$H[, , 1])
        naHd <- which(is.na(diag(H)))
        naHnd <- which(upper.tri(H[naHd, naHd]) & is.na(H[naHd, naHd]))
        H[naHd, naHd][lower.tri(H[naHd, naHd])] <- 0
        diag(H)[naHd] <- exp(0.5 * pars[length(naQd) + length(naQnd) +
        H[naHd, naHd][naHnd] <- pars[length(naQd) + length(naQnd) +
            length(naHd) + 1:length(naHnd)]
        model$H[naHd, naHd, 1] <- crossprod(H[naHd, naHd])
  # Check that the model object is of proper form
  is.SSModel(do.call(updatefn, args = c(list(inits, model), update_args)),
    na.check = TRUE, return.logical = FALSE)

  # initial values for theta can be computed beforehand
  if (!is_gaussian && is.null(list(...)$theta)) {
    theta <- initTheta(model$y, model$u, model$distribution)

  } else theta <- NULL

  if (missing(checkfn)) {
    # check for nonfinite values and overly large variances/covariances
    if (is_gaussian) {
      checkfn <- function(model){
        all(sapply(c("H", "T", "R", "Q", "a1", "P1", "P1inf"),
          function(x) {
          })) && max(model$Q) <= 1e7 && max(model$H) <= 1e7
    } else {
      checkfn <- function(model){
        all(sapply(c("u", "T", "R", "Q", "a1", "P1", "P1inf"),
          function(x) {
          })) &&
          max(model$Q) <= 1e7

  likfn <- function(pars, model, ...) {
    model <- do.call(updatefn, args = c(list(pars, model), update_args))
    if (checkfn(model)) {
      return(-logLik(object = model, check.model = FALSE, theta = theta, ...))
    } else return(.Machine$double.xmax ^ 0.75)

  out <- NULL
  out$optim.out <- optim(par = inits, fn = likfn, model = model, ...)
  out$model <- do.call(updatefn, args = c(list(out$optim.out$par, model), update_args))
  # check that the obtained model is of proper form
  is.SSModel(out$model, na.check = TRUE, return.logical = FALSE)
helske/KFAS documentation built on Sept. 8, 2024, 4:44 p.m.