
Defines functions create_params.multinom create_coef_multinom print.params_mlogit summary.params_mlogit check.params_mlogit new_params_mlogit params_mlogit coeflist_to_array

Documented in check.params_mlogit create_params.multinom params_mlogit print.params_mlogit summary.params_mlogit

coeflist_to_array <- function(coefs) {
  coefs <- lapply(coefs, as.matrix)
  dims <- sapply(coefs, dim)
  if (!all(dims[1, ] == dims[1, 1])) {
    stop("The number of rows in each element of 'coefs' must be the same.",
         .call = FALSE)
  if (!all(dims[2, ] == dims[2, 1])) {
    stop("The number of columns in each element of 'coefs' must be the same.",
         .call = FALSE)
        dim = c(nrow(coefs[[1]]), ncol(coefs[[1]]), length(coefs)),
        dimnames = list(NULL, colnames(coefs[[1]]), names(coefs)))

# params_mlogit() --------------------------------------------------------------
#' Parameters of a multinomial logit model
#' Store the parameters of a fitted multinomial logistic 
#' regression model. The model is used to predict probabilities of \eqn{K} 
#' classes, which represent the probability of transitioning to particular health
#' state in a discrete time state transition model. Can be used as an element of a
#' [`params_mlogit_list`] to parameterize a [`CohortDtstmTrans`] object.
#' @param coefs  A 3D array of stacked matrices containing samples of the regression 
#' coefficients under sampling uncertainty. May also be a 
#' list of objects (e.g., data frames) that can be coerced into matrices with 
#' `as.matrix()`. Each matrix must have the same number of columns and the 
#' number of matrices must be equal to \eqn{K-1}.
#' @details Multinomial logit models are used to predict the probability of 
#' membership for subject \eqn{i} in each of \eqn{K} classes as a function of covariates:
#' \deqn{Pr(y_i = c) = \frac{e^{\beta_c x_i}}{\sum_{k=1}^K e^{\beta_k x_i}}}
#' @return An object of class `params_mlogit`, which is a list containing `coefs` 
#' and `n_samples`, where `n_samples` is equal to the number of rows in each
#'  element of `coefs`. The `coefs` element is always converted into
#' a 3D array of stacked matrices.
#' @seealso [summary.params_mlogit()], [params_mlogit_list()], [`CohortDtstmTrans`]
#' @examples 
#' # Consider a sick-sicker model and model transitions from the sick state
#' ## We can instantiate from a list of data frames
#' params <- params_mlogit(
#'   coefs = list(
#'     ### Transition from sick to sicker
#'     sicker = data.frame(
#'       intercept = c(-0.33, -.2, -.15),
#'       treat = c(log(.75), log(.8), log(.9))
#'     ),
#'    ### Transition from sick to death
#'     death = data.frame(
#'       intercept = c(-1, -1.2, -.5),
#'       treat = c(log(.6), log(.65), log(.55))
#'     )
#'   )
#' )
#' summary(params)
#' params
#' ## We can also instantiate from an array
#' coefs_sicker <- data.frame(
#'   intercept = c(-0.33, -.2, -.15),
#'   treat = c(log(.75), log(.8), log(.9))
#' )
#' coefs_death <- data.frame(
#'   intercept = c(-1, -1.2, -.5),
#'   treat = c(log(.6), log(.65), log(.55))
#' )
#' params2 <- params_mlogit(
#'   coefs <- array(
#'     data = c(as.matrix(coefs_sicker),
#'              as.matrix(coefs_death)),
#'     dim = c(3, 2, 2),
#'     dimnames = list(NULL, c("intercept", "treat"), c("sicker", "death"))
#'   )
#' )
#' params2
#' @aliases print.params_mlogit
#' @export
params_mlogit <- function(coefs){
  if (inherits(coefs, "list")) coefs <- coeflist_to_array(coefs)
  if (is.null(colnames(coefs))) colnames(coefs) <- paste0("x", 1:ncol(coefs))
  n_samples <- get_n_samples(coefs)
  return(check(new_params_mlogit(coefs, n_samples)))

new_params_mlogit <- function(coefs, n_samples){
  res <- list(coefs = coefs, n_samples = n_samples)
  class(res) <- "params_mlogit"

#' @rdname check
check.params_mlogit <- function(object, ...){
  if (!(is.numeric(object$coefs) && is_3d_array(object$coefs))) {
    stop("'coefs' must be a numeric 3D array.")

# summary.params_mlogit() --------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname summary.params
#' @export
summary.params_mlogit <- function(object, probs = c(.025, .975), ...) {
 rbindlist(apply(object$coef, 3, coef_summary, probs = probs),
          idcol = "to")

# print.params_mlogit() --------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
print.params_mlogit <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("A \"params_mlogit\" object\n\n")
  cat("Summary of coefficients:\n")
  cat(paste0("Number of parameter samples: ", x$n_samples))
  cat(paste0("Number of transitions: ",  dim(x$coefs)[3]))


# create_params.multinom() -----------------------------------------------------
create_coef_multinom <- function(object, n = 1000, uncertainty){
  # Extract/simulate coefficients
  coefs <- c(t(stats::coef(object)))
  if (uncertainty == "normal"){
    coefs_sim <- MASS::mvrnorm(n = n, 
                               mu = coefs,
                               Sigma = stats::vcov(object))
    if (n == 1) coefs_sim <- matrix(coefs_sim, nrow = 1)
  } else{
    coefs_sim <- matrix(coefs, nrow = 1)
  coefs_est <- stats::coef(object) # The point estimate
  if (is_1d_vector(coefs_est)){
    coefs_est <- matrix(coefs_est, nrow = 1)
    colnames(coefs_est) <- names(stats::coef(object))
  # Store coefficients in array
  p <- ncol(coefs_est)
  K <- nrow(coefs_est)
  coefs_sim_array <- array(NA, dim = c(nrow(coefs_sim), p, K))
  start_col <- 1
  end_col <- p
  for (j in 1:K){
    coefs_sim_array[, , j] <- coefs_sim[, start_col:end_col, drop = FALSE]
    start_col <- end_col + 1
    end_col <- end_col + p
  # Array dimension names
  class_names <- NULL
  if(length(object$lev)) class_names < object$lev[-1L]
  if(length(object$lab)) class_names <- object$lab[-1L]
  dimnames(coefs_sim_array) <- list(NULL,
  # Return

#' @export
#' @rdname create_params
create_params.multinom <- function(object, n = 1000, uncertainty = c("normal", "none"),
  uncertainty <- deprecate_point_estimate(list(...)$point_estimate, uncertainty,
  uncertainty <- match.arg(uncertainty)
  coefs <- create_coef_multinom(object, n, uncertainty)
  if (uncertainty == "none"){
    n_samples <- 1
  } else{
    n_samples <- n
  return(new_params_mlogit(coefs = coefs,
                           n_samples = n_samples))
hesim-dev/hesim documentation built on Sept. 19, 2024, 5:22 a.m.