#' @import data.table
#' Read .idat files
#' @export
#' @param idat_files Character vector of relative or absolute filepaths, but without the suffixes '_Grn.idat' and '_Red.idat'. IDATs for red and green channel must have the same prefix and be stored in the same folder. E.g., a sample with the idats 200607110235_R01C01_Red.idat and 200607110235_R01C01_Grn.idat would be passed to \code{read_idats} as "200607110235_R01C01".
#' @param quiet If TRUE, suppresses the progress bar (useful for RMarkdown scripts).
#' @return A list containing
#' \item{manifest}{A data.table describing the probes}
#' \item{M}{intensities of targeting methylated sequences}
#' \item{U}{intensities of targeting unmethylated sequences}
#' \item{N}{number of beads from which average intensities in M were derived}
#' \item{V}{number of beads from which average intensities in U were derived}
#' \item{ctrlG}{Intensities of the control probes in the green color channel}
#' \item{ctrlR}{Intensities of the control probes in the red color channel}
#' \item{meta}{A data.table containing unique sample_ids and metadata}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' read_idats('9976861004_R01C01')
#' }
read_idats <- function(idat_files,quiet=FALSE){
J = length(idat_files)
## illuminaio can handle gzipped .idats
zipped = !file.exists(paste0(idat_files,"_Grn.idat"))
suffix = rep(".idat",times=J)
suffix[zipped] = ".idat.gz"
ex = file.exists(paste0(idat_files,"_Grn",suffix)) & file.exists(paste0(idat_files,"_Red",suffix))
if(!all(ex)) stop("Some .idat files are missing")
## How many different features/bead types are there?
# (Consider that Type I probes have each two different beads)
P = illuminaio::readIDAT(paste0(idat_files[1],"_Grn",suffix[1]))$nSNPsRead
## Pick appropriate manifest
# (numbers are possible #features I have encountered in the wild so far)
# We assume that all .idats use the same platform they can differ in #features, though
if(P %in% c(1051815,1051943,1052641))
manifest = data.table::copy(ewastools:::manifest_epic)
controls = data.table::copy(ewastools:::controls_epic)
else if(P==1105209)
manifest = data.table::copy(ewastools:::manifest_epic_v2)
controls = data.table::copy(ewastools:::controls_epic_v2)
else if(P==622399)
manifest = data.table::copy(ewastools:::manifest_450K)
controls = data.table::copy(ewastools:::controls_450K)
stop("Unknown platform")
M = U = matrix(NA_real_ ,nrow=nrow(manifest),ncol=J) # methylated (M) and unmethylated (U) signal intensities
S = T = matrix(NA_integer_,nrow=nrow(manifest),ncol=J) # standard deviations
N = V = matrix(NA_integer_,nrow=nrow(manifest),ncol=J) # number of beads underlying methylated (N) and unmethylated (V) signal intensities
ctrlG = ctrlR = matrix(NA_real_,nrow=nrow(controls),ncol=J) # signal intensities of control probes
ctrlN = matrix(NA_integer_,nrow=nrow(controls),ncol=J)
oobG = list(M=matrix(NA_real_,nrow=manifest[channel=="Red",.N],ncol=J),U=matrix(NA_real_,nrow=manifest[channel=="Red",.N],ncol=J))
oobR = list(M=matrix(NA_real_,nrow=manifest[channel=="Grn",.N],ncol=J),U=matrix(NA_real_,nrow=manifest[channel=="Grn",.N],ncol=J))
if(!quiet) pb <- txtProgressBar(min=0,max=J,style=3)
barcodes = rep(NA_character_,J)
positions = rep(NA_character_,J)
dates = rep(NA_character_,J)
for(j in 1:J){
red = illuminaio::readIDAT(paste0(idat_files[j],"_Red",suffix[j]))
grn = illuminaio::readIDAT(paste0(idat_files[j],"_Grn",suffix[j]))
idat_order = red$MidBlock
if(!identical(idat_order,grn$MidBlock)) stop("Red and green .idat files do not agree!")
barcodes [j] = red$Barcode
positions[j] = red$Unknowns$MostlyA
# This information is sometimes not recorded
if(nrow(red$RunInfo)>1) dates[j] = red$RunInfo[2,1]
controls[, i:=match(address ,idat_order)]
## Type I Red probes
i = manifest["Red",on="channel"]
U[ i$index,j ] = red$Quants[ i$Ui,1 ] # Mean
T[ i$index,j ] = red$Quants[ i$Ui,2 ] # SD
V[ i$index,j ] = red$Quants[ i$Ui,3 ] # NBeads
M[ i$index,j ] = red$Quants[ i$Mi,1 ] # Mean
S[ i$index,j ] = red$Quants[ i$Mi,2 ] # SD
N[ i$index,j ] = red$Quants[ i$Mi,3 ] # NBeads
oobG$U[ i$OOBi,j ] = grn$Quants[ i$Ui,1 ]
oobG$M[ i$OOBi,j ] = grn$Quants[ i$Mi,1 ]
## Type I Green probes
i = manifest["Grn",on="channel"]
U[ i$index,j ] = grn$Quants[ i$Ui,1 ] # Mean
T[ i$index,j ] = grn$Quants[ i$Ui,2 ] # SD
V[ i$index,j ] = grn$Quants[ i$Ui,3 ] # NBeads
M[ i$index,j ] = grn$Quants[ i$Mi,1 ] # Mean
S[ i$index,j ] = grn$Quants[ i$Mi,2 ] # SD
N[ i$index,j ] = grn$Quants[ i$Mi,3 ] # NBeads
oobR$U[ i$OOBi,j ] = red$Quants[ i$Ui,1 ]
oobR$M[ i$OOBi,j ] = red$Quants[ i$Mi,1 ]
## Type II probes
i = manifest["Both",on="channel"]
U[ i$index,j ] = red$Quants[ i$Ui,1 ] # Mean
T[ i$index,j ] = red$Quants[ i$Ui,2 ] # SD
V[ i$index,j ] = red$Quants[ i$Ui,3 ] # NBeads
M[ i$index,j ] = grn$Quants[ i$Mi,1 ] # Mean
S[ i$index,j ] = grn$Quants[ i$Mi,2 ] # SD
N[ i$index,j ] = grn$Quants[ i$Mi,3 ] # NBeads
## Control probes
# Not keeping the SD for control probes ATM
ctrlR[ controls$index,j ] = red$Quants[ controls$i,1 ]
ctrlG[ controls$index,j ] = grn$Quants[ controls$i,1 ]
ctrlN[ controls$index,j ] = red$Quants[ controls$i,3 ]
if(!quiet) setTxtProgressBar(pb, j)
if(!quiet) close(pb)
# Probes with zero beads on the chip (result of random chip assembly)
# are set to intensity zero in the .idat files. Mark them as missing.
M[N==0] = NA
U[V==0] = NA
S[N==0 | N==1] = NA
T[V==0 | V==1] = NA
ctrlG[ctrlN==0] = NA
ctrlR[ctrlN==0] = NA
sample_ids = strsplit(x=idat_files,split="/")
sample_ids = sapply(sample_ids,tail,n=1L)
meta = data.table(
sample_id = sample_ids
,date = as.IDate(dates,"%m/%d/%Y %r")
,time = as.ITime(dates,"%m/%d/%Y %r")
,barcode = barcodes
,position = positions
raw = list(
#' Drop samples from raw data.
#' @author Jonathan A. Heiss
#' @export
#' @param raw Output of calling \code{\link{read_idats}}
#' @param j Indices of the samples to drop
#' @return A modified \code{raw} object
drop_samples <- function(raw,j=NULL){
raw$U = raw$U[,-j,drop=FALSE]
raw$M = raw$M[,-j,drop=FALSE]
raw$T = raw$T[,-j,drop=FALSE]
raw$S = raw$S[,-j,drop=FALSE]
raw$V = raw$V[,-j,drop=FALSE]
raw$N = raw$N[,-j,drop=FALSE]
raw$ctrlG = raw$ctrlG[,-j,drop=FALSE]
raw$ctrlR = raw$ctrlR[,-j,drop=FALSE]
raw$oobG$M = raw$oobG$M[,-j,drop=FALSE]
raw$oobG$U = raw$oobG$U[,-j,drop=FALSE]
raw$oobR$M = raw$oobR$M[,-j,drop=FALSE]
raw$oobR$U = raw$oobR$U[,-j,drop=FALSE]
raw$meta = raw$meta[-j,,drop=FALSE]
raw$detP = raw$detP[,-j,drop=FALSE]
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