#' Convert Lat and Long to Transverse Mercator (TM)
#' Latitude and Longitude coordinates are converted to TM
#' projection coordinates with a user-defined central meridian.
#' The resulting units from applying the function are kilometers.
#' This function only should only be used if the coordinates supplied by the
#' user are latitude and longitude. The default TM projection here specifies
#' that both the minimum x and y-coordinate values are 0 scaled to 1 km.
#' @param cm is the user defined central median. A common choice is the
#' mean of the longitude values in your data set
#' @param lat is the vector of latitudes
#' @param lon is the vector of longitudes
#' @param xcol is the name of the output TM column of x coordinates
#' @param ycol is the name of the output TM column of y coordinates
#' @param minx is `NULL` by default and sets the minimum x-coordinate
#' value to 0. This is an optional minimum value for the x-coordinate vector.
#' @param miny is `NULL` by default and sets the minimum y-coordinate
#' value to 0. This is an optional minimum value for the y-coordinate vector.
#' @return A list with the TM coordinates as the first component of the list.
#' The first component of the list contains x coordinates in the first
#' column and y coordinates in the second column. The remaining elements of
#' the list are the \code{cm}, \code{minx}, and \code{miny} values that
#' were input.
#' @examples
#' ## Add transverse Mercator x and y coordinates to a data frame with
#' ## latitude/longitude coordinates.
#' exampledataset$xc_TM_ <- LLtoTM(cm = base::mean(exampledataset[ ,"xcoords"]),
#' lat = exampledataset[ ,"ycoords"],
#' lon = exampledataset[ ,"xcoords"])$xy[ ,1]
#' exampledataset$yc_TM_ <- LLtoTM(cm = base::mean(exampledataset[ ,"xcoords"]),
#' lat = exampledataset[ ,"ycoords"],
#' lon = exampledataset[ ,"xcoords"])$xy[ ,2]
#' @export LLtoTM
LLtoTM <- function(cm, lat, lon, xcol = "x",
ycol = "y", minx = NULL, miny = NULL) {
# check if any longitude values straddle the -180, +180 longitude line
# if so, convert minus longitude values to longitude values > 180
if(any(lon > 90 & lon < 180) & any(lon > -180 & lon < -90))
lon[lon < 0] <- 360 + lon[lon < 0]
# initialize some variables
e2 <- 0.00676865799729
a <- 6378206.4
ep2 <- e2 / (1-e2)
drc <- pi / 180
sc <- 0.9996
fe <- 500000
ftm <- 0.30480371
#calculate some frequently used values
lar <- lat * drc
ls <- sin(lar)
ls2 <- ls^2
els2 <- ep2 * ls2
lc <- cos(lar)
lc2 <- lc^2
lc3 <- lc^3
lc5 <- lc^5
elc2 <- ep2 * lc2
lt2 <- tan(lar)^2
lt4 <- lt2^2
# do the transformation
v <- a/sqrt(1 - e2*ls2)
p <- drc*(cm - lon)
temp <- 5104.57388 - (lc2*(21.73607 - 0.11422*lc2))
r1 <- 6367399.689*(lar - ls*lc*0.000001*temp)
r2 <- (v*ls*lc*p^2)/2
temp <- 5 - lt2 + 9*elc2 + (2*elc2)^2
r3 <- (v*ls*lc3*p^4*temp)/24
r4 <- v*lc*p
temp <- 1 - lt2 + elc2
r5 <- (v*lc3*p^3*temp)/6
temp <- 61 - 58*lt2 + lt4 + 270*elc2 - 330*els2
ra6 <- (v*ls*lc5*p^6*temp)/720
temp <- 5 - 18*lt2 + lt4 + 14*elc2 - 58*els2
rb5 <- (v*lc5*p^5*temp)/120
northing <- sc*(r1 + r2 + r3 + ra6)
easting <- -sc*(r4 + r5 + rb5)
if(is.null(miny)) miny <- min(northing)
y <- (northing - miny)/1000
if(is.null(minx)) minx <- min(easting)
x <- (easting - minx)/1000
out <- cbind(x,y)
colnames(out) <- c(xcol, ycol)
list(xy = out, cm = cm, minx = minx, miny = miny)
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