#' Maximum likelihood estimate
#' Perform inference of bias and interaction parameters for a single response group
#' Given numeric data matrix, either pseudo-likelihood
#' of mean-field theory is used to find the maximum likelihood estimate
#' of bias \code{h} and interaction \code{J} parameters. Normally
#' called by \code{\link{bbl}} rather than directly.
#' @param xi Data matrix; expected to be numeric with elements ranging from
#' zero to positive integral upper bound \code{L-1}.
#' @param freq Frequency vector of number of times each row of \code{xi}
#' is to be repeated. If \code{NULL}, defaults to 1. Expected
#' to be non-negative integers.
#' @param qJ Matrix of logicals indicating which predictor pairs are
#' interacting. If \code{NULL}, all are allowed.
#' @param method \code{c('pseudo','mf')} for pseudo-likelihood maximization or
#' mean field inference.
#' @param L Vector of number of factor levels in each predictor. If
#' \code{NULL}, will be inferred from \code{xi}.
#' @param lambda Vector of L2 regularization parameters for
#' \code{method = 'pseudo'}. Applies to interaction parameters \code{J}.
#' @param lambdah L2 parameters for \code{h} in \code{'pseudo'}.
#' If \code{NULL}, it is set equal to \code{lambda}.
#' \code{lambdah = 0} will free \code{h} from penalization.
#' @param symmetrize Enforce the symmetry of interaction parameters by
#' taking mean values of the matrix and its trace:
#' \eqn{J_{ij}^{(y)}(x_1,x_2)=J_{ji}^{(y)}(x_2,x_1)}.
#' @param eps Vector of regularization parameters for \code{mf}. Must be
#' within the range of \eqn{\epsilon \in [0,1]}.
#' @param nprint Frequency of printing iteration progress under \code{'pseudo'}.
#' @param itmax Maximum number of iterations for \code{'pseudo'}.
#' @param tolerance Upper bound for fractional changes in pseduo-likelihood
#' values before termiating iteration in \code{'pseudo'}.
#' @param verbose Verbosity level.
#' @param prior.count Use prior count of 1 for \code{method = 'mf'} to reduce
#' numerical instability.
#' @param naive Naive Bayes inference. Equivalent to \code{method = 'mf'} together
#' with \code{eps = 0}.
#' @param lz.half Divide interaction term in approximation to \eqn{\ln Z_{iy}}
#' in \code{'pseudo'}.
#' @return List of inferred parameters \code{h} and \code{J}. See
#' \code{\link{bbl}} for parameter structures.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(535)
#' predictors <- list()
#' for(i in 1:5) predictors[[i]] <- c('a','c','g','t')
#' par <- randompar(predictors)
#' par
#' xi <- sample_xi(nsample=5000, predictors=predictors, h=par$h, J=par$J,
#' code_out=TRUE)
#' head(xi)
#' ps <- mlestimate(xi=xi, method='pseudo', lambda=0)
#' ps$h
#' ps$J[[1]]
#' mf <- mlestimate(xi=xi, method='mf', eps=0.9)
#' plot(x=unlist(par$h), y=unlist(ps$h), xlab='True', ylab='Inferred')
#' segments(x0=-2, x1=2, y0=-2, y1=2, lty=2)
#' points(x=unlist(par$J), y=unlist(ps$J), col='red')
#' points(x=unlist(par$h), y=unlist(mf$h), col='blue')
#' points(x=unlist(par$J), y=unlist(mf$J), col='green')
#' @export
mlestimate <- function(xi, freq=NULL, qJ=NULL, method='pseudo',
L=NULL, lambda=1e-5, lambdah=0, symmetrize=TRUE, eps=0.9,
nprint=100, itmax=10000, tolerance=1e-5, verbose=1,
prior.count=TRUE, naive=FALSE, lz.half=FALSE){
lambdah <- lambda
m <- NCOL(xi)
qJ <- matrix(TRUE, nrow=m, ncol=m)
rownames(qJ) <- colnames(qJ) <- colnames(xi)
diag(qJ) <- FALSE
if(naive) qJ[which(qJ,arr.ind=TRUE)] <- FALSE
else naive <- sum(qJ)==0 # no interaction
La <- apply(xi, 2, max)
L <- La
if(!all(L >= La))
stop('Data provided have predictor levels exceeding L')
L <- L-1
method <- 'mf'
eps <- 0
xi <- as.matrix(xi)
if(!is.numeric(xi[1,1]) | min(xi)<0)
stop('Input data to mlestimate must be numeric and non-negative')
nsample <- NROW(xi)
if(is.null(freq)) freq <- rep(1L, nsample)
else if(length(freq)!=nsample)
stop('Length of freq does not match data')
Lambda <- c(lambda, lambdah)
Nprint <- c(nprint)
Itmax <- c(itmax)
Tol <- c(tolerance)
Verbose <- c(verbose)
Lzhalf <- c(lz.half)
Naive <- c(naive)
theta <- pseudo_mle(xi, freq, qJ, L, Lambda, Nprint, Itmax, Tol,
Naive, Verbose, Lzhalf)
L <- theta$L
else if(method=='mf'){
Eps <- c(eps)
theta <- mfwrapper(xi, freq, qJ, L, Eps)
else stop('unknown method in mlestimate')
h <- theta$h
J <- vector('list',m)
for(i in seq_len(m)) J[[i]] <- vector('list',m)
for(i in seq(1,m)){
Li <- L[i]
for(j in seq(i,m)){
Lj <- L[j]
x <- matrix(theta$J[[i]][[j]], nrow=Li, ncol=Lj, byrow=TRUE)
xt <- matrix(theta$J[[j]][[i]], nrow=Lj, ncol=Li, byrow=TRUE)
if(i<j & symmetrize){
x <- (x + t(xt))/2
xt <- t(x)
J[[i]][[j]] <- x
J[[j]][[i]] <- xt
return(list(h=h, J=J, lkh=theta$lkh, lz=theta$lz))
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