
#' @keywords internal
weightfun <- function(input, samp_quant) {
    output <- rep(1, length(input))
    output[input <= samp_quant[1] | input >= samp_quant[2]] <- 0

###rewritten in NWkernel.cpp#' @keywords internal
# LOOCV_loop <- function(input, x, y, bandwidth) {
#   est_val <- nwestimator(x[input], x[-input], y[-input], bandwidth)
#   sq_error <- (y[input] - est_val)^2
#   return(sq_error)
# }

# #' @keywords internal
# LOOCV <- function(x, y, bandwidth, samp_quant) {
#     lenx <- length(x)
#     cv <- vapply(1:lenx, LOOCV_loop, numeric(1), x, y, bandwidth)
#     wts <- weightfun(x, samp_quant)
#     cv <- cv * wts
#     return(sum(cv)/lenx)
# }

#' Leave-one-out cross-validation
#' Evaluate leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV) for the Nadaraya-Watson estimator over a grid
#' @param x 'x' values.
#' @param y 'y' values.
#' @param hgrid The grid of test bandwidths.
#' @param weight_probs Specification for what percentage of points are used in the weight function.
#' @return The minimum bandwidth h, the minimum CV error and the grid of test bandwidths.
#' @family NOIS CV functions
#' @export
LOOCV_grid <- function(x, y, hgrid = seq(from = 0.05, to = 3, length.out = 80), weight_probs = c(0.05, 0.95)) {
    samp_quant <- stats::quantile(x, weight_probs)
    ind_keep <- which(x > samp_quant[1] & x < samp_quant[2]) - 1
    cvs <- vapply(hgrid, function(input) {
        # LOOCV(x, y, input, samp_quant)
      LOOCV(x, y, input, ind_keep)
    }, numeric(1))
    min_index <- which.min(cvs)
    min_h <- hgrid[min_index]
    return(list(min_h = min_h, min_CV = cvs[min_index], hgrid = hgrid))

#' @keywords internal
MCV_loopfun <- function(input, nextmx, nextmy, firstmx, firstmy, bandwidth) {
  est_val <- nwestimator(nextmx[input], firstmx, firstmy, bandwidth)
  if (is.nan(est_val)) {
    est_val <- 0
  sq_error <- (nextmy[input] - est_val)^2

#' MCV
#' @keywords internal
MCV <- function(nextmx, nextmy, firstmx, firstmy, bandwidth) {

    lenmx <- length(nextmx)

    ecv <- vapply(1:lenmx, MCV_loopfun, numeric(1), nextmx, nextmy, firstmx, firstmy, bandwidth)
    # wts <- weightfun(nextmx, samp_quant)
    # ecv <- ecv * wts
    # ecv <- ecv[nextmx > weight_probs[0] & nextmx < weight_probs[1]]
    output <- sum(ecv)/(lenmx)


#' Modified cross-validation
#' Evaluate modified cross-validation (MCV) for the Nadaraya-Watson estimator over a grid
#' @param x 'x' values.
#' @param y 'y' values.
#' @param m_brk The fraction of observations used for training. This is the most sensitive parameter.
#' @param a Constant for tuning grid (not recommended to change).
#' @param b Constant for tuning grid (not recommended to change).
#' @param eps0 Constant for tuning grid (not recommended to change).
#' @param gridlen The number of grid points.
#' @param weight_probs Specification for what percentage of points are used in the weight function.
#' @return The minimum bandwidth h, the minimum CV error and the grid of test bandwidths.
#' @family NOIS CV functions
#' @export
MCV_grid <- function(x, y, m_brk = 0.6, a = 0.75, b = 10, eps0 = 1/175, gridlen = 100, weight_probs = c(0.05, 0.95)) {
    m_brk = floor(m_brk * length(x))
    firstmx <- x[1:m_brk]
    firstmy <- y[1:m_brk]
    nextmx <- x[(m_brk + 1):length(x)]
    nextmy <- y[(m_brk + 1):length(y)]
    samp_quant <- stats::quantile(nextmx, probs = weight_probs)
    ind_keep <- which(nextmx > samp_quant[1] & nextmx < samp_quant[2])
    nextmx <- nextmx[ind_keep]
    nextmy <- nextmy[ind_keep]
    hgrid <- seq(from = a * m_brk^(-1/5 - eps0), to = b * m_brk^(-1/5 + eps0), length.out = gridlen)
    ecvs <- vapply(hgrid, function(input) {
        MCV(nextmx, nextmy, firstmx, firstmy, input)
    }, numeric(1))
    min_index <- which.min(ecvs)
    min_h <- hgrid[min_index] * (m_brk/length(x))^(1/5)
    return(list(min_h = min_h, min_CV = ecvs[min_index], hgrid = hgrid))

#' PCV
#' @keywords internal
PCV <- function(data, bandwidth, g, weight_probs) {
    n <- nrow(data)
    dat_num <- g * floor(n/g)
    dat_sub <- data[1:dat_num, ]

    dat_grp <- list()
    cnt_vec <- seq(1, dat_num, dat_num/g)
    dat_grp <- lapply(cnt_vec, function(curr_num) {
        ret <- dat_sub[curr_num:(curr_num + (dat_num/g) - 1), ]

    cv_err <- vapply(dat_grp, function(dat_in) {
        samp_quant <- stats::quantile(dat_in$x, weight_probs)
        ind_keep <- which(dat_in$x > samp_quant[1] & dat_in$x < samp_quant[2])
      # ret <- LOOCV(dat_in$x, dat_in$y, bandwidth)
        ret <- LOOCV(dat_in$x, dat_in$y, bandwidth, ind_keep)
    }, numeric(1))

    pcv_err <- sum(cv_err)/g

#' Partitioned cross-validation
#' Evaluate partitioned cross-validation (PCV) for the Nadaraya-Watson estimator over a grid
#' @param x 'x' values.
#' @param y 'y' values.
#' @param hgrid The grid of test bandwidths.
#' @param g The number of points used in each training subgroup. This is the most sensitive parameter.
#' @param weight_probs Specification for what percentage of points are used in the weight function.
#' @return The minimum bandwidth h, the minimum CV error and the grid of test bandwidths.
#' @family NOIS CV functions
#' @export
PCV_grid <- function(x, y, hgrid = seq(from = 0.05, to = 3, length.out = 100), g = floor(length(x)/5), weight_probs = c(0.05,
    0.95)) {
    # samp_quant <- stats::quantile(x, probs = weight_probs)
    data <- data.frame(x = x, y = y)
    cvs <- vapply(hgrid, function(input) {
        PCV(data, input, g, weight_probs)
    }, numeric(1))
    min_index <- which.min(cvs)
    min_h <- hgrid[min_index]
    min_h <- min_h * g^(-1/5)
    return(list(min_h = min_h, min_CV = cvs[min_index], hgrid = hgrid))
hoangtt1989/NOIS documentation built on May 20, 2019, 2:08 p.m.