#' Leafdown R6 Class
#' @description
#' This class acts as a wrapper around a leafdown map.
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(leafdown)
#' library(leaflet)
#' library(shiny)
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(shinyjs)
#' ger1 <- raster::getData(country = "Germany", level = 1)
#' ger2 <- raster::getData(country = "Germany", level = 2)
#' spdfs_list <- list(ger1, ger2)
#' ui <- shiny::fluidPage(
#' useShinyjs(),
#' actionButton("drill_down", "Drill Down"),
#' actionButton("drill_up", "Drill Up"),
#' leafletOutput("leafdown")
#' )
#' server <- function(input, output) {
#' my_leafdown <- Leafdown$new(spdfs_list, "leafdown", input)
#' update_leafdown <- reactiveVal(0)
#' observeEvent(input$drill_down, {
#' my_leafdown$drill_down()
#' update_leafdown(update_leafdown() + 1)
#' })
#' observeEvent(input$drill_up, {
#' my_leafdown$drill_up()
#' update_leafdown(update_leafdown() + 1)
#' })
#' output$leafdown <- renderLeaflet({
#' update_leafdown()
#' meta_data <- my_leafdown$curr_data
#' curr_map_level <- my_leafdown$curr_map_level
#' if (curr_map_level == 1) {
#' data <- meta_data %>%
#' left_join(gdp_2014_federal_states, by = c("NAME_1" = "Federal_State"))
#' } else {
#' data <- meta_data %>%
#' left_join(gdp_2014_admin_districts, by = c("NAME_2" = "Admin_District"))
#' }
#' my_leafdown$add_data(data)
#' my_leafdown$draw_leafdown(
#' fillColor = ~ colorNumeric("Greens", GDP_2014)(GDP_2014), weight = 2, color = "grey"
#' )
#' })
#' }
#' shinyApp(ui, server)
#' }
#' @export
Leafdown <- R6::R6Class("Leafdown",
private = list(
# spdfs_list The spdfs of all map levels. This is set in \code{initialize} and cannot be changed afterwards.
# At the moment only two map levels are possible.
.spdfs_list = NULL,
# map_proxy The proxy from the leaflet map. Used for smoother redrawing.
.map_proxy = NULL,
# map_output_id The id from the shiny ui used in the \code{leafletOutput("<<id>>")}. Used to observe for _shape_click events.
.map_output_id = NULL,
# join_map_levels_by A named vector with the columns by which the map levels should be joined.
# By default this is set to c("GID_1" = "GID_1").
.join_map_levels_by = NULL,
# see documentation at corresponding active field
.curr_data = NULL,
# see documentation at corresponding active field
.curr_sel_data = NULL,
# see documentation at corresponding active field
.curr_map_level = NULL,
# curr_sel_ids The ids of the selected shapes of the current level. They will be highlighted on the map.
# Calling \code{drill_down}, the drill down functionality is executed for these shapes.
.curr_sel_ids = NULL,
# curr_spdf The spdfs of the current map level.
.curr_spdf = NULL,
# see documentation at corresponding active field
.curr_poly_ids = NULL,
# selected_parents The selected spdf shapes from the higher level. (Subset of spdfs_list)
.selected_parents = NULL,
# unselected_parents All spdf shapes from the higher level that are not selected. They will be drawn in gray.
# (Subset of spdfs_list)
.unselected_parents = NULL,
# .shape_selection_active A flag that indicates whether shape selection is active.
.shape_selection_active = TRUE,
# Initializes the observer for the maps _shape_click events. This is needed for the shape selection.
# Once a shape is clicked, it is added to (or removed from) \code{.curr_sel_ids}.
# The outline of selected shapes is highlighted via the showGroup (hideGroup) functions.
init_click_observer = function(input, map_output_id) {
shiny::observeEvent(input[[paste0(map_output_id, "_shape_click")]], {
clicked_id <- input[[paste0(map_output_id, "_shape_click")]]$id
.toggle_shape_select = function(shape_id) {
checkmate::assert_character(shape_id, min.chars = 1)
if (!shape_id %in% private$.curr_poly_ids) {
stop("Please make sure the selected shape_id is in the current level")
# Ids of selected polygons before click
curr_sel_ids <- private$.curr_sel_ids[[private$.curr_map_level]]
if (shape_id %in% curr_sel_ids) {
private$.map_proxy %>% hideGroup(shape_id)
# Remove id of unselected polygon
curr_sel_ids <- curr_sel_ids[!curr_sel_ids == shape_id]
} else {
private$.map_proxy %>% showGroup(shape_id)
# Add id of newly selected polygon
curr_sel_ids <- c(curr_sel_ids, shape_id)
# Update data with regards to currently selected polygons (after click)
is_selected <- private$.curr_poly_ids %in% curr_sel_ids
curr_sel_data <- subset(private$.curr_data, is_selected)
# Update leafdown object
private$.curr_sel_ids[[private$.curr_map_level]] <- curr_sel_ids
private$.curr_sel_data(curr_sel_data) # update reactiveVal
active = list(
#' @field curr_sel_data A \code{reactiveValue} containing a data.frame with
#' the metadata and (if available) the corresponding values of all currently selected shapes.
curr_sel_data = function(value) {
if (missing(value)) {
} else {
stop("`$curr_sel_data` is read only", call. = FALSE)
#' @field curr_data The metadata and (if available) the corresponding values of all currently displayed shapes.
curr_data = function(value) {
if (missing(value)) {
} else {
stop("`$.curr_data` is read only", call. = FALSE)
#' @field curr_map_level Index of the current map level.
#' This corresponds to the position of the shapes in the \code{spdfs_list}.
#' (i.e The highest-level is 1, the next is 2 and so on...).
curr_map_level = function(value) {
if (missing(value)) {
} else {
stop("`$curr_map_level` is read only", call. = FALSE)
#' @field curr_poly_ids The ids of all polygons of the current map level.
curr_poly_ids = function(value) {
if (missing(value)) {
} else {
stop("`$curr_poly_ids` is read only", call. = FALSE)
public = list(
#' @description
#' Initializes the leafdown object.
#' @param spdfs_list A list with the spdfs of all map levels. This cannot be changed later.
#' @param map_output_id The id from the shiny-ui used in the \code{leafletOutput("<<id>>")}.
#' Used to observe for _shape_click events.
#' @param input The \code{input} from the shiny app.
#' @param join_map_levels_by A named vector of length \code{length(spdfs_list) - 1} with the columns by which the map
#' levels should be joined. The first element defines how the first and second map levels should be joined, the second
#' element does the same for the second and third map levels and so on. The name of an element defines the name of
#' the join column in the upper map level and the actual element the join column of the lower map level.
#' By default this is set to c("GID_0" = "GID_0", "GID_1" = "GID_1", ..., "GID_n" = "GID_n"),
#' where n is \code{length(spdfs_list) - 1}.
initialize = function(spdfs_list, map_output_id, input, join_map_levels_by = NULL) {
# check map_output_id
checkmate::assert_character(map_output_id, min.chars = 1)
# check 'input' reactive vals from shiny
if (!shiny::is.reactivevalues(input)) {
stop("The given 'input' argument must be the 'input' from the shiny app")
if (is.null(join_map_levels_by) & length(spdfs_list) > 1) {
join_map_levels_by <- paste0("GID_", seq_len(length(spdfs_list) - 1))
names(join_map_levels_by) <- join_map_levels_by
private$.curr_map_level <- 1
private$.curr_sel_ids <- list(c())
private$.selected_parents <- list(c())
private$.unselected_parents <- list(c())
private$.spdfs_list <- spdfs_list
private$.map_output_id <- map_output_id
private$.join_map_levels_by <- assert_join_map_levels_by(join_map_levels_by, spdfs_list)
private$.curr_spdf <- private$.spdfs_list[[private$.curr_map_level]]
private$.curr_poly_ids <- sapply(private$.curr_spdf@polygons, slot, "ID")
private$.curr_data <- private$.curr_spdf@data
private$.curr_sel_data <- reactiveVal(data.frame())
private$init_click_observer(input, map_output_id)
#' @description
#' Draws the leaflet map on the current map level. All unselected parents will be drawn in gray.
#' @param ... Additional arguments given to \code{leaflet::addPolygons}
draw_leafdown = function(...) {
# Checks arguments in ellipsis for undesired inputs such as 'layerId' which may
# collide with internal structure of leafdown and returns a "cleaned" version of
# the arguments by removing or redefining problematic inputs.
# e.g. 'layerId' is removed from arg_list when set
arg_list <- check_draw_ellipsis(...)
curr_spdf <- private$.curr_spdf
if (!is.null(private$.curr_data)) {
curr_spdf@data <- private$.curr_data
# Using proxy to avoid redrawing of map when highlighting
private$.map_proxy <- leafletProxy(private$.map_output_id)
all_poly_ids <- private$.curr_poly_ids
map <- leaflet(curr_spdf)
arg_list[["map"]] <- map
arg_list[["layerId"]] <- ~all_poly_ids
arg_list[["highlight"]][["bringToFront"]] <- FALSE
# Add polygons (with "cleaned" version of the arguments) and polylines to basic map
map <- do.call(addPolygons, arg_list)
map <- addPolylines(
map = map,
group = all_poly_ids,
stroke = TRUE,
weight = 4,
color = "#FFCC00",
highlightOptions = highlightOptions(bringToFront = TRUE, weight = 4)
if (private$.curr_map_level != 1) {
# If there are unselected parent polygons then draw them as gray background
for (unselected_parents_on_level in private$.unselected_parents) {
if (length(unselected_parents_on_level) > 0) {
map <- map %>%
data = unselected_parents_on_level,
stroke = FALSE,
weight = 2,
color = "#929292",
highlightOptions = highlightOptions(bringToFront = TRUE)
) %>%
data = unselected_parents_on_level,
fillOpacity = 0.4,
color = "#A4A4A5",
weight = 1
# On drill up highlight the polylines which were selected before drill down
private$.map_proxy %>%
hideGroup(all_poly_ids) %>%
#' @description
#' Keeps the zoom after \code{drill_down} and \code{drill_up} events.
#' @param map the map output from \code{draw_leafdown}
#' @param input the input object from the shiny app
keep_zoom = function(map, input) {
map_zoom <- input[[paste0(private$.map_output_id, "_zoom")]]
map_center <- input[[paste0(private$.map_output_id, "_center")]]
if (!is.null(map_zoom) && !is.null(map_center)) {
map <- map %>% setView(map_center$lng, map_center$lat, map_zoom)
#' @description
#' Adds the data to the currently displayed shapes.
#' This includes the meta-data AND the values to be visualized in the map.
#' @param data The new data existing of the meta-data and the values to display in the map(color)
add_data = function(data) {
# check if the given data contains the correct metadata:
# - The metadata has to be the same as the old metadata
# - Optionally value column(s) can be added
if (!is.data.frame(data)) {
stop("The given data must be a data.frame")
if (!all(names(private$.curr_spdf@data) %in% names(data))) {
stop("You cannot remove columns from the existing meta-data. Only add to it")
metadata_initial <- private$.curr_spdf@data
metadata_given <- data[, names(private$.curr_spdf@data), drop = FALSE]
n_row_metadata_given <- nrow(metadata_given)
n_row_metadata_initial <- nrow(metadata_initial)
if (n_row_metadata_given != n_row_metadata_initial) {
err_msg <- sprintf(
"The number of rows of the given data (%1.0f) is not equal to the number of rows of the initial data (%1.0f).",
n_row_metadata_given, n_row_metadata_initial
# use of !isTRUE is intentional, as all.equal returns either TRUE or gives an error message (do not change to isFALSE)
if (!isTRUE(all.equal(metadata_given, metadata_initial, check.attributes = FALSE))) {
stop(paste("You cannot change or reorder the existing meta-data. Only add to it. Use left_joins to avoid reordering.",
"Error:", all.equal(metadata_given, metadata_initial, check.attributes = FALSE)))
private$.curr_data <- data
### Get selected data in new map level
curr_sel_ids <- private$.curr_sel_ids[[private$.curr_map_level]]
is_selected <- private$.curr_poly_ids %in% curr_sel_ids
curr_sel_data <- subset(private$.curr_data, is_selected)
private$.curr_sel_data(curr_sel_data) # update reactiveVal
#' @description
#' Drills down to the lower level if:
#' \itemize{
#' \item there is a lower level (for now there are only two levels)
#' \item at least one shape is selected to drill down on
#' }
#' This will not redraw the map. Also call \code{add_data} to add data for the new level and then
#' \code{draw_leafdown} to redraw the map on the new level.
drill_down = function() {
# check whether we can drill_down further (just 2 levels for now)
if (private$.curr_map_level == length(private$.spdfs_list)) {
shinyjs::alert("The lowest level is reached. Cannot drill lower!")
# check for selection (we can only drill_down if there are shapes selected)
if (length(private$.curr_sel_ids[[private$.curr_map_level]]) < 1) {
shinyjs::alert("Please select the area to drill down!")
# Information about parent polygons
parents <- private$.curr_spdf
all_parents_poly_ids <- sapply(parents@polygons, slot, "ID")
curr_sel_parent_poly_ids <- private$.curr_sel_ids[[private$.curr_map_level]]
mask_sel_parents_poly_ids <- all_parents_poly_ids %in% curr_sel_parent_poly_ids
curr_sel_parents <- parents[mask_sel_parents_poly_ids, ]
private$.selected_parents[[private$.curr_map_level]] <- curr_sel_parents
private$.unselected_parents[[private$.curr_map_level]] <- parents[!mask_sel_parents_poly_ids, ]
# spdf_new contains the child polygons of the selected parents
spdf_new <- private$.spdfs_list[[private$.curr_map_level + 1]]
rhs <- private$.join_map_levels_by[private$.curr_map_level]
lhs <- names(private$.join_map_levels_by[private$.curr_map_level])
is_child_of_selected_parents <- spdf_new@data[, rhs] %in% curr_sel_parents@data[, lhs]
spdf_new <- spdf_new[is_child_of_selected_parents, ]
# Update leafdown object
private$.curr_spdf <- spdf_new
private$.curr_poly_ids <- sapply(private$.curr_spdf@polygons, slot, "ID")
private$.curr_map_level <- private$.curr_map_level + 1
private$.curr_sel_ids[[private$.curr_map_level]] <- character(0)
private$.curr_data <- private$.curr_spdf@data
#' @description
#' Drills up to the higher level if:
#' \itemize{
#' \item there is a higher level (for now there are only two levels)
#' }
#' This will not redraw the map. Also call \code{add_data} to add data for the new level and then
#' \code{draw_leafdown} to redraw the map on the new level.
drill_up = function() {
# check whether we can drill_up further
if (private$.curr_map_level <= 1) {
shinyjs::alert("The highest level is reached. Cannot drill higher!")
# Update leafdown object
spdf_new <- private$.spdfs_list[[private$.curr_map_level - 1]]
# check if there are grandparents and only select shapes where the grandparents are selected
# if we drill up to the highest level, we do not need this check as there are no grandparents
if ((private$.curr_map_level - 1) > 1) {
rhs <- private$.join_map_levels_by[private$.curr_map_level - 1]
lhs <- names(private$.join_map_levels_by[private$.curr_map_level - 1])
selected_grandparents_data <- private$.selected_parents[[private$.curr_map_level - 1]]@data
unselected_grandparents_data <- private$.unselected_parents[[private$.curr_map_level - 1]]@data
all_grandparents_data <- rbind(selected_grandparents_data, unselected_grandparents_data)
is_child_of_selected_grandparents <- spdf_new@data[, rhs] %in% all_grandparents_data[, lhs]
spdf_new <- spdf_new[is_child_of_selected_grandparents, ]
private$.curr_spdf <- spdf_new
private$.curr_poly_ids <- sapply(private$.curr_spdf@polygons, slot, "ID")
private$.curr_map_level <- private$.curr_map_level - 1
private$.unselected_parents <- private$.unselected_parents[seq_len(private$.curr_map_level - 1)]
private$.curr_data <- private$.curr_spdf@data
#' @description
#' If shape selection is active, it selects the shape with the given shape id, or unselects it if it was already
#' selected.
#' @param shape_id the id of the shape to select, has to be a character and in the current map-level.
toggle_shape_select = function(shape_id) {
checkmate::assert_character(shape_id, min.chars = 1)
if (private$.shape_selection_active) {
#' @description
#' Activates shape selection.
activate_shape_selection = function() {
private$.shape_selection_active <- TRUE
#' @description
#' Deactivates shape selection. Information about previously selected shapes is preserved.
deactivate_shape_selection = function() {
private$.shape_selection_active <- FALSE
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