
Defines functions Simulate_contact_control1

Documented in Simulate_contact_control1

#' Simulation of the epidemic control process with weibull infectious period
#' Epidemic simulation using the contact type model with the Australian control strategies.
#'\code{Simulate_contact_control1} provide the simulation of the epidemic process with the Australian BBTV management plan.
#' @inheritParams Simulate_contact_control
#' @seealso  \code{\link{Simulate_contact_control}}
#' @references
#' \insertRef{KR08}{contactsimulator}
#' \insertRef{Mee11}{contactsimulator}
#' @examples
#' f<- system.file("external/rast_SEQ.tif", package="contactsimulator")
#' rast<- raster(f)
#'  size<- raster::res(rast)[1]
#' # Extract infos on the grid
#' n_row_grid=nrow_grid=raster::nrow(rast)
#' n_col_grid=ncol_grid=raster::ncol(rast)
#' grid_size=raster::res(rast)[1]     # Resolution
#' n_line=(nrow_grid+1) + (ncol_grid +1)  # Number of grid  lines
#' x_min=raster::xmin(rast)  # min max of the bounding box
#' x_max=raster::xmax(rast)
#' y_min=raster::ymin(rast)
#' y_max=raster::ymax(rast)
#' da=as.data.frame(pointsinaustraliangrid)
#' pop_per_grid=round(raster::values(rast)*size^2)
#' pop_per_grid[is.na(pop_per_grid)]=0
#' mat=matrix(pop_per_grid,nrow = nrow_grid, byrow = TRUE)
#' pop_grid=apply(mat,2,rev)     # population per grid
#' # Structure of the grid
#' x=seq(x_min,x_max,grid_size)
#' y=seq(y_min,y_max,grid_size)
#' grid_lines=array(0,c(n_line,6))
#' for(i in 1:n_line){
#'   if(i<=(nrow_grid +1)){
#'     grid_lines[i,]=c(i,1,x[1],y[i],x[length(x)],y[i])
#'   }
#'   else{
#'     grid_lines[i,]=c(i,2,x[i-length(y)],y[1],x[i-length(y)],y[length(y)])
#'   }
#' }
#' grid_lines=as.data.frame(grid_lines)
#' colnames(grid_lines)<- c("indx","orient_line","coor_x_1","coor_y_1","coor_x_2","coor_y_2")
#' circle_x=2022230
#' circle_y=-3123109
#' r=10000
#'# Simulation with exponential kernel
#' alpha<- 30; beta<- 0.012; epsilon<- 0.02; omega<- 0.12; mu_lat<- 30; var_lat<- 20; t0<- 0; c<- 20; b1<-0; gama<- 0.5
#' param=data.frame(alpha1=alpha, alpha2=alpha, beta=beta, epsilon=epsilon, omega=omega, mu_lat=mu_lat, var_lat=var_lat, t0=t0, c=c, b1=b1, gama=gama)
#' f<- system.file("external/rast_farms_SEQ.tif", package="contactsimulator")
#' f_rast<- raster(f)
#' pop=round(raster::values(f_rast)*size^2)
#' pop[is.na(pop)]=0
#' mat=matrix(pop,nrow = nrow_grid, byrow = TRUE)
#' f_rast=apply(mat,2,rev)
#' y<- system.file("external/rast_backy_SEQ.tif", package="contactsimulator")
#' b_rast<- raster(y)
#' pop=round(raster::values(b_rast)*size^2)
#' pop[is.na(pop)]=0
#' mat=matrix(pop,nrow = nrow_grid, byrow = TRUE)
#' b_rast=apply(mat,2,rev)
#' @export
Simulate_contact_control1<- function(f_rast=NULL, b_rast=NULL, farm_pos_cat=NULL, vis_int_per_cat=NULL, param, grid_lines, pop_grid, grid_size=500, age_level=c(1,1),age_dist=c(1,0), m_start=1,t_b=100000, t_max=1000, t_intervention=100000, t_obs=3703, EI_model=1, kern_model=4,rad=1000,sweep_prop=c(.5,.5),back_p=c(.7,.5),rate_det=0.3,int_det=c(30,90,180),nb_in_b=1,nb=30,leav=c(3,6)){

  #Set parameters
  epsilon <- param$epsilon
  beta <- param$beta
  b1 <- param$b1
  alpha1 <- param$alpha1
  alpha2 <- param$alpha2
  mu_lat <- param$mu_lat
  var_lat <- param$var_lat
  omega <- param$omega
  c<- param$c
  t0<- param$t0

  beta_1<- beta;
  beta_2<- beta;

  ru <- param$gama

  min_coor_x <- min(c(grid_lines$coor_x_1,grid_lines$coor_x_2)) # bounds of the region
  max_coor_x <- max(c(grid_lines$coor_x_1,grid_lines$coor_x_2))
  min_coor_y <- min(c(grid_lines$coor_y_1,grid_lines$coor_y_2))
  max_coor_y <- max(c(grid_lines$coor_y_1,grid_lines$coor_y_2))

  x_intervals <- seq(min_coor_x,max_coor_x,grid_size)
  y_intervals <- seq(min_coor_y,max_coor_y,grid_size)

  n_line <- max(grid_lines$indx) + 1 #+ 1 # number of lines
  n_row_grid <- nrow(pop_grid) # number of rows of grids
  n_col_grid <- ncol(pop_grid)  # number of cols of grids

  pop_grid_old = pop_grid
  if(is.null(f_rast) & is.null(b_rast) & is.null(farm_pos_cat) & is.null(farm_pos_cat)){
    f_rast<- pop_grid
    b_rast<- pop_grid*0
    nb_in_b<- 0
    farm_pos_cat<- data.frame(ro=1,co=1,cat="A",vis_int=360,tim_lst_pos=-10000,nb_round=1,sweep=1)


  simulated_epi <- data.frame(k=numeric(0), coor_x=numeric(0), coor_y=numeric(0), t_e=numeric(0), t_i=numeric(0), t_r=numeric(0),age=numeric(0), infected_source=numeric(0), row=numeric(0), col=numeric(0), typ=numeric(0))
  # Extract data from farm and bakckyard
  b_rast<- b_rast*nb
  f_rast_p<- f_rast/(b_rast+f_rast)              # proportion occupied by farm and backyard plant resp
  b_rast_p<- b_rast/(b_rast+f_rast)
  f_rast_p[is.na(f_rast_p)]<- 0
  b_rast_p[is.na(b_rast_p)]<- 0
  farm_pos_cat$vis<- t_obs + farm_pos_cat$vis_int
  farm_pos_cat$cat<- as.character(farm_pos_cat$cat)
  farm_inf<- array(0,c(nrow(f_rast),ncol(f_rast)))
  time_sinc_last_pos<- array(0,c(nrow(f_rast),ncol(f_rast)))
  time_sinc_last_pos1<- array(0,c(nrow(f_rast),ncol(f_rast)))

    vist_int<- 2*t_max
    vist_int<- seq(365,t_max,365)

  ## initialize the index cases ##

  index_k <- 0:(m_start-1)
  tp_indx<- n_indx<- m_indx<- index_coor_x <- index_coor_y<- numeric(m_start)

  for(i in 1:m_start){
    ss<- which(farm_pos_cat$cat=="E" | farm_pos_cat$cat=="D" | farm_pos_cat$cat=="C" )
    if(length(ss)==0 ){
      ss<- which(farm_pos_cat$cat=="B" )
        ss<- which(farm_pos_cat$cat=="A" )
          stop("Farm need to be in one of the categories: A, B, C or D")


      k_grid <- sample(ss,size=1)
      # k_grid <- sample(1:length(as.numeric(pop_grid)),size=1, prob=as.numeric(pop_grid))
      # m_grid <- k_grid%%nrow(pop_grid) # the mth row of the grids
      # if(m_grid==0) m_grid <- nrow(pop_grid)
      # n_grid <- ceiling(k_grid/nrow(pop_grid))  # nth column ..

      k_grid <- sample(ss,size=1)

    m_grid <-  farm_pos_cat$ro[k_grid]# the mth row of the grids
    n_grid <-  farm_pos_cat$co[k_grid]# the mth row of the grids

    index_coor_x[i] <- stats::runif(1,min=x_intervals[n_grid],max=x_intervals[n_grid+1]) # random lands at a point in the grid selected
    index_coor_y[i] <- stats::runif(1,min=y_intervals[m_grid],max=y_intervals[m_grid+1])


    u1<- f_rast_p[m_grid,n_grid]
    u2<- b_rast_p[m_grid,n_grid]

    u<- max(u1,u2)
    if(length(ss)==0 | i<=nb_in_b ){
        tp_indx[i]<- 1
        b_rast[m_grid,n_grid]<- b_rast[m_grid,n_grid] - 1
        tp_indx[i]<- 0
        f_rast[m_grid,n_grid]<- f_rast[m_grid,n_grid] - 1
        farm_inf[m_grid,n_grid]<- farm_inf[m_grid,n_grid] + 1


      tp_indx[i]<- 0
      f_rast[m_grid,n_grid]<- f_rast[m_grid,n_grid] - 1
      farm_inf[m_grid,n_grid]<- farm_inf[m_grid,n_grid] + 1

    #u<- u2
    # if(u2>0){
    #   tp_indx[i]<- 1
    #   b_rast[m_grid,n_grid]<- b_rast[m_grid,n_grid] - 1
    # }
    # if(u>runif(1)){
    #   if(u==u2) {   # backyard plant
    #     tp_indx[i]<- 1
    #     b_rast[m_grid,n_grid]<- b_rast[m_grid,n_grid] - 1
    #     #print(c(u1,u2,m_grid,n_grid))
    #   }
    #   else {
    #     tp_indx[i]<- 0
    #     f_rast[m_grid,n_grid]<- f_rast[m_grid,n_grid] - 1
    #     farm_inf[m_grid,n_grid]<- farm_inf[m_grid,n_grid] + 1
    #     }
    # }
    # else{
    #   if(u==u2) {   # backyard plant
    #     tp_indx[i]<- 1
    #     b_rast[m_grid,n_grid]<- b_rast[m_grid,n_grid] - 1
    #   }
    #   else {
    #     tp_indx[i]<- 0
    #     f_rast[m_grid,n_grid]<- f_rast[m_grid,n_grid] - 1
    #     farm_inf[m_grid,n_grid]<- farm_inf[m_grid,n_grid] + 1
    #   }
    # }
    #pop_grid[m_grid,n_grid]<- pop_grid[m_grid,n_grid]-1


  # index_coor_x <- stats::runif(m_start,min_coor_x,max_coor_x)
  # index_coor_y <- stats::runif(m_start,min_coor_y,max_coor_y)
  dt<- stats::rexp(1)/epsilon    # Sellke

  index_t_e <- rep(t0+dt,m_start) # all assumed to infected at time=t0
  #index_t_e <- rep(t0,m_start) # all assumed to infected at time=t0

  # Latent period depending on the model

  index_t_i <- index_t_e + E_to_I(EI_model,t0 , mu_lat, var_lat)
  index_t_r <- index_t_i + stats::rweibull(m_start,shape=alpha2,scale=c)
  for(i in 1:m_start){
      index_t_r[i] <- 2*t_max

  index_age <- sample(age_level,size=m_start,prob=age_dist,replace=T)
  index_source <- rep(9999,m_start) # all assumed to be infected by the background

  # label the plant
  # show(c(m,n))

  # m=ceiling((index_coor_x-min_coor_x)/grid_size)-1
  # n=ceiling((index_coor_y-min_coor_y)/grid_size)-1

  simulated_epi[1:m_start,] <- c(index_k, index_coor_x,index_coor_y,index_t_e,index_t_i,index_t_r,index_age,index_source,m_indx,n_indx,tp_indx)

  t_now <- min(simulated_epi$t_i)

  simulated_epi_sub <- subset(simulated_epi, simulated_epi$t_i<=t_now & simulated_epi$t_r>t_now) # those are currently infectious

  num_infection <- nrow(simulated_epi)

  t_next <- t_now # to start the while loop

    # show(t_next)
    ### simulate the timings, and the source, of next infection ###

    simulated_epi_sub <- subset(simulated_epi, simulated_epi$t_i<=t_now & simulated_epi$t_r>t_now) # those are currently infectious

    #Risk due to secondary infection

      beta_infectious <- sapply(simulated_epi_sub$age, FUN=beta_by_age, c(beta_1,beta_2))
      total_beta <- sum(beta_infectious)
      joint_I_R <- c(simulated_epi_sub$t_i,simulated_epi_sub$t_r)
      min_I_R <- min(joint_I_R[which(joint_I_R>t_now)])

    #Risk due to primary infection
      total_beta <- 0
      min_I_R <- t_now

    t_next <- simulate_NHPP_next_event (t_now=t_now, t_intervention=t_intervention, sum_beta=total_beta, epsilon=epsilon, omega=omega, b1=b1, t_max=t_max) # simulate the next infection time using thinning algorithm
    min_tim_cont<- min(farm_pos_cat$vis)
    # show(c(t_next>=min(min_I_R,min_tim_cont) , t_next!=Inf , t_max<=min(min_I_R,min_tim_cont)))
    while(t_next>=min(min_I_R,min_tim_cont) & t_next!=Inf & t_max>min(min_I_R,min_tim_cont)){  # If next event is a removal

      kk<- (min(min_I_R,min_tim_cont)==min_tim_cont) +1

      switch (kk,
              {  # next event is the baseline process
                #indx_inf<- which(simulated_epi$t_i==min_I_R)  # Increase number of plants infected in the cell
                #farm_inf[simulated_epi$row[indx_inf],simulated_epi$col[indx_inf]]<- farm_inf[simulated_epi$row[indx_inf],simulated_epi$col[indx_inf]] +1
                t_now <- min_I_R

                ll<- which(simulated_epi_sub$t_r==min_I_R)

                    farm_inf[simulated_epi[ll,"row"],simulated_epi[ll,"col"]]<- farm_inf[simulated_epi[ll,"row"],simulated_epi[ll,"col"]] -1

                    f_rast[simulated_epi[ll,"row"],simulated_epi[ll,"col"]]<- f_rast[simulated_epi[ll,"row"],simulated_epi[ll,"col"]] +1
                    b_rast[simulated_epi[ll,"row"],simulated_epi[ll,"col"]]<- b_rast[simulated_epi[ll,"row"],simulated_epi[ll,"col"]] +1

                  #pop_grid[simulated_epi[ll,"row"],simulated_epi[ll,"col"]]<- pop_grid[simulated_epi[ll,"row"],simulated_epi[ll,"col"]] +1


              {  # control sweep
                indx_con<- which(farm_pos_cat$vis==min_tim_cont)
                ll<- (min_tim_cont>t_b) + 1  # baseline or alternative
                for(i in 1:length(indx_con)){
                  # show(i)

                  nn_1<- farm_pos_cat[indx_con[i],c("co")]
                  mm_1<- farm_pos_cat[indx_con[i],c("ro")]
                  # if(farm_inf[mm_1,nn_1]>0){
                  farm_inf[mm_1,nn_1]<- 0
                  plan_in_farm<- as.numeric(subset(simulated_epi, row==mm_1 & col==nn_1 & typ==0 & t_i<t_now &t_r>t_now)[,1])
                  plan_det<- integer(0)
                  if(length(plan_in_farm)>0 ){

                    if(ll==2 & (farm_pos_cat$cat[indx_con[i]]=="A" | farm_pos_cat$cat[indx_con[i]]=="B")){ # Growers monitoring
                      plan_in_farm_det_tim<- sapply(simulated_epi[plan_in_farm+1,"t_i"],function(t1) uniroot(fu,c(-1000,3*t_max),t1=t1,l=leav[2]-1)$root)
                      samp1<- plan_in_farm[which(plan_in_farm_det_tim<t_now)]
                        samp<- runif(length(samp1))
                        indx_det<- samp1[which(samp<=rate_det)]
                          plan_det<- indx_det


                      # print(farm_pos_cat$cat[indx_con[i]])
                      # print(t_now)
                      expert_det<- sapply(simulated_epi[plan_in_farm+1,"t_i"],function(t1) uniroot(fu,c(-1000,3*t_max),t1=t1,l=leav[1]-1)$root)
                      # print(plan_in_farm)
                        plan_det<- plan_in_farm[which(expert_det<t_now)]



                      # show(plan_in_farm)
                      simulated_epi[plan_det+1,"t_r"]<- min_tim_cont  # Remove all
                      f_rast[simulated_epi[plan_det+1,"row"],simulated_epi[plan_det+1,"col"]]<- f_rast[simulated_epi[plan_det+1,"row"],simulated_epi[plan_det+1,"col"]] +1
                      farm_inf[mm_1,nn_1]<- length(plan_det)

                      if(runif(1)<sweep_prop[ll]){ # Check if the plantation is considered for sweep
                        # Removal of backyard plant in a certain radius
                        # x_center<- min_coor_x + (nn_1-1)*grid_size + grid_size/2
                        # y_center<-  min_coor_y + (mm_1-1)*grid_size + grid_size/2

                        x_center<- x_intervals[nn_1] + grid_size/2
                        y_center<-  y_intervals[mm_1] + grid_size/2

                        back_in_sweep<- as.numeric(subset(simulated_epi, typ==1 & t_i<=t_now &t_r>t_max)[,1])
                          #Select proportion in the sweep
                          expert_det<- sapply(simulated_epi[ back_in_sweep+1,"t_i"],function(t1) uniroot(fu,c(-1000,3*t_max),t1=t1,l=leav[1]-1)$root)

                          back_in_sweep_det<- back_in_sweep[which(expert_det<t_now)]
                            prob<- round(length(back_in_sweep_det)*back_p[ll])
                            samp<- sample(back_in_sweep_det,prob)

                            dist_pot<- distanc(as.matrix(simulated_epi[samp+1,c("coor_x","coor_y")]),c(x_center,y_center))
                            indx_rem<- which(dist_pot<rad)
                            # show(dist_pot)
                            # show(c(x_center,y_center))
                            # show(c(mm_1,nn_1,prob))
                            # show(samp)
                              simulated_epi[samp[indx_rem]+1,"t_r"]<- min_tim_cont  # Remove all
                              b_rast[simulated_epi[samp[indx_rem]+1,"row"],simulated_epi[samp[indx_rem]+1,"col"]]<- b_rast[simulated_epi[samp[indx_rem]+1,"row"],simulated_epi[samp[indx_rem]+1,"col"]] +1




                  # recorded in the last year

                  rem_last_year<- subset(simulated_epi, row==mm_1 & col==nn_1 & typ==0 & t_r>t_now-360)
                  farm_inf_on<- farm_inf
                    farm_inf[mm_1,nn_1]<-  farm_inf[mm_1,nn_1] + nrow(rem_last_year)

                  # }

                    # show(c(farm_inf[mm_1,nn_1],farm_inf_on[mm_1,nn_1]))
                    # show(farm_pos_cat[indx_con[i],])
                    # show(c(t_now,min_tim_cont-farm_pos_cat$tim_lst_pos[indx_con[i]]))

                  if(ll==1){  # baseline
                  else{ # alternative
                    # show(c(farm_inf[mm_1,nn_1],farm_inf_on[mm_1,nn_1]))
                    # show(farm_pos_cat[indx_con[i],])
                    # show(c(t_now,min_tim_cont-farm_pos_cat$tim_lst_pos[indx_con[i]]))
                  # show(farm_inf[mm_1,nn_1])
                  # show(farm_pos_cat$vst)
                t_now <- min_tim_cont
                # simulated_epi_sub <- subset(simulated_epi, simulated_epi$t_i<=t_now & simulated_epi$t_r>t_now)# those are currently infectious

                min_tim_cont<- min(farm_pos_cat$vis)
                  # show(c(min_tim_cont,min_I_R,t_next))
                # show(farm_pos_cat)
                # show(c(min_tim_cont,ll))
                # show(c(min_tim_cont,min_I_R,t_next))

      simulated_epi_sub <- subset(simulated_epi, simulated_epi$t_i<=t_now & simulated_epi$t_r>t_now) # those are currently infectious


        beta_infectious <- sapply(simulated_epi_sub$age, FUN=beta_by_age, c(beta_1,beta_2))

        total_beta <- sum(beta_infectious)
        joint_I_R <- c(simulated_epi_sub$t_i,simulated_epi_sub$t_r)
        min_I_R <- min(joint_I_R[which(joint_I_R>t_now)])

        t_next <- simulate_NHPP_next_event (t_now=t_now,  t_intervention=t_intervention, sum_beta=total_beta, epsilon=epsilon, omega=omega, b1=b1,t_max=t_max)

        for(j in 1:nrow(simulated_epi_sub)){
            farm_inf[simulated_epi_sub$row[j],simulated_epi_sub$col[j]]<- farm_inf[simulated_epi_sub$row[j],simulated_epi_sub$col[j]] + 1
      # show(c(min_tim_cont,min_I_R,t_now,nrow(simulated_epi_sub),t_next))
        total_beta <- 0
        t_next <- simulate_NHPP_next_event (t_now=t_now,  t_intervention=t_intervention, sum_beta=total_beta, epsilon=epsilon, omega=omega, b1=b1, t_max=t_max)
        break # needed when consider background infection

      # show(farm_pos_cat)
        # show(c(min_tim_cont,min_I_R,t_next))

    } # end of while(t_next>=min_I_R)

    # show(c(t_next,t_now,k,nrow(simulated_epi_sub)))

    k <- num_infection + 1 - 1 # k=0,1,2...
    t_now <- t_next
    t_i_new <- t_now +  E_to_I(EI_model,t_now , mu_lat, var_lat)
      t_r_new <- t_i_new + stats::rweibull(1,shape=alpha2,scale=c)
        t_r_new <- 2*t_max
      t_r_new <- 2*t_max

    if(nrow(simulated_epi_sub)>=1) source <- sample(c(9999,simulated_epi_sub$k),size=1, prob=c(epsilon,beta_infectious)) # 9999 = background

    if(nrow(simulated_epi_sub)<1) source <- 9999 # 9999 = background

    age <- sample(age_level,size=1,prob=age_dist)
    ### simulate the coordinates of the new infection (above) ###

    x_new = min_coor_x - 5 # to start the while loop
    y_new = min_coor_y - 5 # to start the while loop
    # if(source!=9999){
    #   #print(c(simulated_epi$row[source+1],simulated_epi$col[source+1],source,k_grid))
    #   ru<- pop_grid[simulated_epi$row[source+1],simulated_epi$col[source+1]]/pop_grid_old[simulated_epi$row[source+1],simulated_epi$col[source+1]]
    # }
    # ru <- .47
    # print(source)
    pop_grid = f_rast + b_rast
    siz<- -1
    while(x_new<min_coor_x | x_new>max_coor_x | y_new<min_coor_y | y_new>max_coor_y | siz<0){
      #pop_grid = pop_grid_before
      if (source!=9999){
        # show(kern_model)
        # show(ru)
        # show(alpha1)
        # show(alpha2)

        r <- abs(Samp_dis (kern_model,ru, alpha1, alpha2))

        set_points <- circle_line_intersections (circle_x=simulated_epi$coor_x[source+1],circle_y=simulated_epi$coor_y[source+1], r,  n_line=n_line, grid_lines=grid_lines)

        n_set_points = nrow(set_points)
        if (n_set_points>=1) {
          # show(set_points)
          # show(source)
          # show(simulated_epi)
          arcs <- func_arcs_attributes(set_points, pop_grid, r, min_coor_x, min_coor_y, grid_size, n_row_grid, n_col_grid)

          arcs$mass <- arcs$dens*arcs$len_arc


          #arcs <- arcs[order(arcs$theta_abs),]

          sum_arcs_den <- sum(arcs$dens)
          # print(c(sum_arcs_den,n_line))
          # print(c(simulated_epi$coor_x[source+1],simulated_epi$coor_y[source+1]))
          # print(as.data.frame(arcs$n_th_col,arcs$m_th_row))
          # print(sum_arcs_den)
          if (sum_arcs_den>0){
            # print(nrow(arcs))
            k_segment <- sample(1:nrow(arcs),size=1,prob=arcs$mass) # decide which segment the new infection would lie
            theta_within_segment <- stats::runif(1, min=0, max=arcs$theta_abs[k_segment]) # uniformly draws a point within the segment chosen above

            if (k_segment==1) theta_from_y_eq_0 <- arcs$theta[nrow(arcs)] + theta_within_segment # the measure of theta from y=0
            if (k_segment!=1) theta_from_y_eq_0 <- arcs$theta[k_segment-1] + theta_within_segment # the measure of theta from y=0

            x_new <- simulated_epi$coor_x[source+1] + r*cos(theta_from_y_eq_0) # the coor_x of the new infection
            y_new <- simulated_epi$coor_y[source+1] + r*sin(theta_from_y_eq_0) # the coor_x of the new infection
            # print(c(r*cos(theta_from_y_eq_0)))

            # print(c(m,n,k_segment,n_set_points))
            # print(c(pop_grid[m,n],r))
            # print(arcs)
            # print(set_points)
            # #print(c(simulated_epi$coor_x[source+1],simulated_epi$coor_y[source+1],r))

            # if(any(c(m,n)!=c(arcs$m_th_row[k_segment],arcs$n_th_col[k_segment]))){
            #   print(c(m,n,k_segment,n_set_points))
            #   print(c(pop_grid[m,n],r))
            #   print(c(simulated_epi$coor_x[source+1],simulated_epi$coor_y[source+1],r))
            #   print(arcs)
            #   print(set_points)
            #   print(c(x_new,y_new))
            # }

            # print(c(m,n,1))

          if (sum_arcs_den==0){
            k_grid <- sample(1:length(as.numeric(pop_grid)),size=1, prob=as.numeric(pop_grid))
            m_grid <- k_grid%%nrow(pop_grid) # the mth row of the grids
            if(m_grid==0) m_grid <- nrow(pop_grid)
            n_grid <- ceiling(k_grid/nrow(pop_grid))  # nth column ..
            x_new <- stats::runif(1,min=x_intervals[n_grid],max=x_intervals[n_grid+1]) # random lands at a point in the grid selected
            y_new <- stats::runif(1,min=y_intervals[m_grid],max=y_intervals[m_grid+1])

            m_1 = m
            n_1 = n



        if (n_set_points<1) {
          theta_from_y_eq_0 <-  stats::runif(1, min=0,max=(2*pi)) # draw theta uniformly between [0,2pi]

          x_new <- simulated_epi$coor_x[source+1] + r*cos(theta_from_y_eq_0) # the coor_x of the new infection
          y_new <- simulated_epi$coor_y[source+1] + r*sin(theta_from_y_eq_0) # the coor_x of the new infection

          m_1 = m
          n_1 = n


        # print(c(r,n_set_points))


        k_grid <- sample(1:length(as.numeric(pop_grid)),size=1, prob=as.numeric(pop_grid))
        m_grid <- k_grid%%nrow(pop_grid) # the mth row of the grids
        if(m_grid==0) m_grid <- nrow(pop_grid)
        n_grid <- ceiling(k_grid/nrow(pop_grid))  # nth column ..
        x_new <- stats::runif(1,min=x_intervals[n_grid],max=x_intervals[n_grid+1]) # random lands at a point in the grid selected
        y_new <- stats::runif(1,min=y_intervals[m_grid],max=y_intervals[m_grid+1])

        m_1 = m
        n_1 = n


      siz<- pop_grid[m,n]-1
    } # end while(x_new<min_coor_x | x_new>max_coor_x | y_new<min_coor_y | y_new>max_coor_y){
      # label the plant
      # show(c(m,n))
      f_rast_p<- f_rast/(b_rast+f_rast)              # proportion occupied by farm and backyard plant resp
      b_rast_p<- b_rast/(b_rast+f_rast)
      f_rast_p[is.na(f_rast_p)]<- 0
      b_rast_p[is.na(b_rast_p)]<- 0

      u1<- f_rast_p[m,n]
      u2<- b_rast_p[m,n]

        tp<- 1
        u<- max(u1,u2)
            tp<- 0
            f_rast[m,n]<- f_rast[m,n] - 1
            tp<- 1
            b_rast[m,n]<- b_rast[m,n] - 1

            tp<- 1
            b_rast[m,n]<- b_rast[m,n] - 1
            tp<- 0
            # f_rast[m,n]<- f_rast[m,n] - 1

        # if(u>runif(1)){
        #   if(u==u2) {   # backyard plant
        #     tp<- 1
        #     b_rast[m,n]<- b_rast[m,n] - 1
        #   }
        #   else {
        #     tp<- 0
        #     f_rast[m,n]<- f_rast[m,n] - 1
        #   }
        # }
        # else{
        #   if(u==u2) {   # backyard plant
        #     tp<- 1
        #     b_rast[m,n]<- b_rast[m,n] - 1
        #   }
        #   else {
        #     tp<- 0
        #     f_rast[m,n]<- f_rast[m,n] - 1
        #   }
        # }


      # if(tp==0){
      #   farm_inf[m,n]<- farm_inf[m,n] + 1
      # }
      simulated_epi[k+1,] <- c(k, x_new, y_new, t_now, t_i_new, t_r_new, age, source, m,n,tp)


    num_infection <- num_infection + 1

    # Control proccedures; what if scenarios

  } # end of while(t_next<t_max)
  # show(farm_pos_cat)

holaanna/contactsimulator documentation built on Dec. 2, 2019, 2:39 a.m.