
#' Generates random natural numbers.
#' @param n number of the random numbers.
#' @param min min of the random numbers.
#' @param max max of the random numbers.
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @return random natural numbers.
#' @export
runifN <- function(n, min = 1, max = 10) {
  if (min > max) 
    stop("argment max is not larger than min.")
  if (!min - round(min) == 0 || !max - round(max) == 0) 
    stop("argment max and min must be integer.")
  return(ceiling(runif(n, min = min - 1, max = max)))

#' Calculates norm of \code{x}.
#' @param x target vector.
#' @return norm of \code{x}.
#' @export
vnorm <- function(x) sqrt(sum(x^2))

#' Calculates norm for each row of \code{X}.
#' @param X target matrix.
#' @return norm for each row of \code{X}.
#' @export
rowNorm <- function(X) sqrt(rowSums(X^2))

#' Calculates \code{X - a} with row first.
#' R's default calculation of \code{X - a} is with col first likes \code{X[,1] - a}, \code{X[,2] - a}, ....
#' This function implements calclation with row first likes \code{X[1,] - a}, \code{X[1,] - a}, ....
#' @param X minused matrix.
#' @param a minuses vector.
#' @return \code{X - a} in row first.
#' @export
rowMinus <- function(X, a) t(t(X) - a)

#' Calculates \code{X \* a} with row first.
#' R's default calculation of \code{X \* a} is with col first likes \code{X[,1] \* a}, \code{X[,2] \* a}, ....
#' This function implements calclation with row first likes \code{X[1,] \* a}, \code{X[1,] \* a}, ....
#' @param X timed matrix.
#' @param a times vector.
#' @return \code{X \* a} with row first.
rowTimes <- function(X, a) t(t(X) * a)

#' Replaces NA from matrix with maintaining the dimension.
#' @param X target matrix.
#' @param replace value to be replaced for NA.
#' @return NA removed matrix.
#' @export
replaceNA <- function(X, replace = 0) return(ifelse(is.na(X), replace, X))

#' \code{order} function regards a duplication value as the same ranking.
#' @param x target vector.
#' @param decreasing if \code{TRUE}, proceses in decreasing.
#' @return order of \code{x}.
#' @export
order2 <- function(x, decreasing = F) {
  v <- sort(unique(x))
  if (decreasing) 
    v <- rev(v)
  o <- numeric(length(x))
  for (val in 1:length(v)) {
    o[which(x == v[val])] <- val

#' Calculates rank of each elements of matrix.
#' @param X target matrix.
#' @return matrix presents rank.
#' @export
rank.matrix <- function(X) {
  ranks <- (floor(rank(X)) + 1)/2
  return(matrix(ranks, nrow(X), ncol(X), byrow = T))

#' Searches index of minimum element from matrix.
#' @param X target matrix.
#' @return index of minimum element.
#' @export
which.min.ind <- function(X) {
  r <- myfs::rank.matrix(X)
  s <- unique(sort(r))
  olst <- lapply(s, function(s, r) which(r == s, arr.ind = T), r)
  return(myfs::matlist(olst)[, 2:1])

#' Searches index of maximum element from matrix.
#' @param X target matrix.
#' @return index of maximum element.
#' @export
which.max.ind <- function(X) {
  r <- myfs::rank.matrix(X)
  s <- unique(sort(r, decreasing = T))
  olst <- lapply(s, function(s, r) which(r == s, arr.ind = T), r)
  return(myfs::matlist(olst)[, 2:1])

#' Orders matrix in each rows.
#' @param X target matrix.
#' @param ignore0 special option when \code{X} is distance matrix.
#' @param decreasing if \code{T}, orders in decreasing.
#' @return matrix with orderd each rows.
#' @export
order.col <- function(X, decreasing = F, ignore0 = F) {
  if (nrow(X) <= ncol(X)) 
    warning("when nrow <= ncol, using t(apply(X,1,order)) is faster")
  odr <- X
  if (decreasing) 
    work.X <- -X else work.X <- X
  acs <- cbind(1:nrow(X), 0)
  if (ignore0) {
    if (max(abs(X)) == Inf) 
      stop("ignore0 is invalid when X include Inf") else work.X[which(X == 0)] <- max(X) + 1
  for (i in 1:ncol(X)) {
    acs[, 2] <- max.col(-work.X)
    odr[, i] <- acs[, 2]
    work.X[acs] <- Inf

#' Sorts matrix in each rows.
#' @param X target matrix.
#' @param ignore0 special option when \code{X} is distance matrix.
#' @param decreasing if \code{T}, sorts in decreasing.
#' @return matrix with sorted each rows.
#' @export
sort_col <- function(X, decreasing = F, ignore0 = F) {
  if (nrow(X) <= ncol(X)) 
    warning("when nrow <= ncol, using t(apply(X,1,sort)) is faster")
  srt <- X
  if (decreasing) 
    work.X <- -X else work.X <- X
  acs <- cbind(1:nrow(X), 0)
  if (ignore0) {
    if (max(abs(X)) == Inf) 
      stop("ignore0 is invalid when X include Inf") else work.X[which(X == 0)] <- max(X) + 1
  for (i in 1:ncol(X)) {
    acs[, 2] <- max.col(-work.X)
    srt[, i] <- X[acs]
    work.X[acs] <- Inf

#' Converts lists or vectors that nested by list to matrix.
#' @param lst lists or vectors nested by list.
#' @param nrow number of rows.
#' @param ncol number of cols.
#' @param rname rownames of matrix after converted.
#' @param cname colnames of matrix after converted.
#' @return converted matrix.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' lst <- lapply(1:5,rep,3)
#' matlist(lst)
matlist <- function(lst, nrow = length(lst), ncol = length(lst[[nrow]]), rname = names(lst), cname = names(lst[[nrow]])) {
  if (length(lst) == 0) 
    stop("input list is empty")
  lst <- lapply(lst, function(l) {
    length(l) <- ncol
  mat <- matrix(unlist(lst), nrow, ncol, byrow = T)
  rownames(mat) <- rname
  colnames(mat) <- cname

#' Calculates euclidean distance of vectors.
#' @param x a vector.
#' @param y a vector.
#' @return euclidean distance between \code{x} and \code{y}.
#' @export
euclidean <- function(x, y) sqrt(sum((x - y)^2))

#' Integrates discrete vector by quadrature.
#' @param x target density object calculated by function \code{density()}.
#' @return integration of \code{x}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' n <- rnorm(100)
#' dens <- density(n)
#' quadrature(dens)
quadrature <- function(x) {
  assert_that(class(x) == "density")
  y <- x$y
  x <- x$x
  sum(diff(x) * y[2:length(y)])

#' Calculates angle of 2-dimensional vectors.
#' This function calculates the angle of x to y in anticlockwise.
#' @param x vector 1.
#' @param y vector 2.
#' @return angle in radian.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # a example of orthogonal vectors
#' angle(c(1, 0), c(0, 1))
#' # = 1 / 2 * pi
#' angle(c(0, 1), c(1, 0))
#' # = 3 / 2 * pi
angle <- function(x, y) {
  assert_that(length(x) == 2)
  assert_that(length(y) == 2)
  xrad <- atan2(x[2], x[1])
  if (xrad < 0) 
    xrad <- xrad + 2 * pi
  yrad <- atan2(y[2], y[1])
  if (yrad < 0) 
    yrad <- yrad + 2 * pi
  angle <- yrad - xrad
  if (angle < 0) 
    return(angle + 2 * pi) else return(angle)

#' Padding (expanding rows and cols) for \code{matrix}.
#' @param X target matrix.
#' @param size expanding size.
#' @param replace values of expanded elements. if NULL, copies border values of the matrix.
#' @importFrom assertthat is.number
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @return padding matrix.
#' @export
padding.matrix <- function(X, size = 1, replace = NULL) {
  # check args
  assert_that(nrow(X) >= 2 && ncol(X) >= 2)
  if (is.number(replace)) 
    data <- replace else data <- 0
  # simple padding
  padded <- matrix(data, nrow(X) + size * 2, ncol(X) + size * 2)
  padded[(1 + size):(nrow(padded) - size), (1 + size):(ncol(padded) - size)] <- X
  # padding with border values of matrix.
  if (is.null(replace)) {
    padded[expand.grid(1:(1 + size), 1:(1 + size)) %>% as.matrix] <- X[1, 1]  # top left
    padded[expand.grid((2 + size):(size + nrow(X) - 1), 1:(1 + size)) %>% as.matrix] <- X[2:(nrow(X) - 
      1), 1]  # middle left
    padded[expand.grid((size + nrow(X)):nrow(padded), 1:(1 + size)) %>% as.matrix] <- X[nrow(X), 
      1]  # bottom left
    if (ncol(X) > 2) {
      ind.top.center <- expand.grid(1:(1 + size), (2 + size):(size + ncol(X) - 1)) %>% as.matrix
      ind.top.center <- ind.top.center[sapply(1:(size + 1), seq, to = nrow(ind.top.center), 
        by = size + 1) %>% as.numeric, ]
      padded[ind.top.center] <- X[1, 2:(ncol(X) - 1)]  # top center
      ind.bottom.center <- expand.grid((size + nrow(X)):nrow(padded), (2 + size):(size + ncol(X) - 
        1)) %>% as.matrix
      ind.bottom.center <- ind.bottom.center[sapply(1:(size + 1), seq, to = nrow(ind.bottom.center), 
        by = size + 1) %>% as.numeric, ]
      padded[ind.bottom.center] <- X[nrow(X), 2:(ncol(X) - 1)]  # bottom center
    padded[expand.grid(1:(1 + size), (size + ncol(X)):ncol(padded)) %>% as.matrix] <- X[1, ncol(X)]  # top right
    padded[expand.grid((2 + size):(size + nrow(X) - 1), (size + ncol(X)):ncol(padded)) %>% as.matrix] <- X[2:(nrow(X) - 
      1), ncol(X)]  # middle right
    padded[expand.grid((size + nrow(X)):nrow(padded), (size + ncol(X)):ncol(padded)) %>% as.matrix] <- X[nrow(X), 
      ncol(X)]  # bottom right

#' Calculate second highest value in vector.
#' @param x target vector.
#' @return second highest value.
#' @export
max2nd <- function(x) {
  n <- length(x)
  sort(x, partial = n - 1)[n - 1]

#' Calculate second lowest value in vector.
#' @param x target vector.
#' @return second lowest value.
#' @export
min2nd <- function(x) {
  n <- length(x)
  -sort(-x, partial = n - 1)[n - 1]
hosscine/myfs documentation built on May 25, 2019, 6:20 p.m.