
writeEllipsis <- function(..., append = NULL, warn = T, soft = F) {
  if (is.logical(append)) 
    stop("argment append requires over/softwrited ellipsis")
  dots <- list(...)
  if (!is.null(append)) 
    dots <- c(dots, append)
  dots.names <- names(dots)
  unique.names <- unique(dots.names)
  # flags of conflicting with the fixed argments
  conflict.flags <- logical(length(unique.names))
  # index of ellipsis that is used for the returned args
  dots.use.index <- numeric(length(unique.names))
  for (i in 1:length(unique.names)) {
    hit.index <- which(dots.names == unique.names[i])
    if (length(hit.index) > 1) 
      conflict.flags[i] <- TRUE
    if (soft) 
      dots.use.index[i] <- min(hit.index) else dots.use.index[i] <- max(hit.index)
  if (warn && T %in% conflict.flags) 
    if (soft) 
      warning("arguments ", paste(unique.names[conflict.flags], "", collapse = "and "), "conflicted with recommeded argments") else warning("arguments ", paste(unique.names[conflict.flags], "", collapse = "and "), "is fixed")

#' Overwrite some fixed arguments to the arguments \code{...} given by user call.
#' When ellipsis arguments so called \code{...} is given by user call,
#' frequently we want to overwrite some arguments as fixed desirable arguments.
#' This function helps to settles the situation simply.
#' @param ... fixed and given arguments.
#' @param append argments list to be appended.
#' @param warn if \code{T}, warnings when fixed and argments given to user call conflict.
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @return overwrited ellipsis.
#' @seealso \code{\link{softwriteEllipsis}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # plot function with xlim = c(0, 2 * pi) and col = 'red'
#' plot2pired <- function(x, ...){
#'   elp <- overwriteEllipsis(..., x = x, xlim = c(0, 2 * pi), col = 'red')
#'   do.call(plot, elp)
#' }
#' plot2pired(sin)
#' # this example is warned due to conflict argments
#' plot2pired(sin, main = 'sin curve', xlim = c(-pi, pi))
overwriteEllipsis <- function(..., append = NULL, warn = T) writeEllipsis(..., warn = warn, soft = F, 
  append = append)

#' Overwrite some desirable arguments to \code{...} softly.
#' This function is minor modificated version of \code{\link{overwriteEllipsis}}.
#' The only difference is that don't overwrite conflict argments.
#' @param ... fixed and given arguments.
#' @param append argments list to be appended.
#' @param warn if \code{T}, warnings when fixed and given argments conflict.
#' @return overwrited ellipsis.
#' @seealso \code{\link{overwriteEllipsis}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # plot function with xlim = c(0, 2 * pi) and col = 'red' defaultly
#' plot2pi <- function(x, ...){
#'   elp <- overwriteEllipsis(..., x = x, xlim = c(0, 2 * pi))
#'   elp <- softwriteEllipsis(..., append = elp, col = 'red')
#'   do.call(plot, elp)
#' }
#' # this example is evaluated as col = 'red'
#' plot2pi(sin)
#' # this example is evaluated as col = 'blue'
#' plot2pi(sin, col = 'blue')
softwriteEllipsis <- function(..., append = NULL, warn = F) writeEllipsis(..., warn = warn, soft = T, 
  append = append)
hosscine/myfs documentation built on May 25, 2019, 6:20 p.m.