
Defines functions sim_style_data

Documented in sim_style_data

#' Simulate Data From a Multidimensional Rasch Model
#' This function allows to simulate data from a multidimensional Rasch model, in
#' which one (or more) latent variables represent response styles such as
#' extreme response style or acquiescence.
#' @references
#' Adams, R. J., Wilson, M., & Wang, W.-C. (1997). The multidimensional random coefficients multinomial logit model. \emph{Applied Psychological Measurement, 21}, 1-23. \href{http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0146621697211001}{doi:10.1177/0146621697211001}
#' Plieninger, H. (in press). Mountain or molehill: A simulation study on the impact of reponse styles. \emph{Educational and Psychological Measurement}.
#' Wetzel, E. & Carstensen, C. H. (2015). Multidimensional modeling of traits and response styles. \emph{European Journal of Psychological Assessment}. Advance online publication. \href{http://dx.doi.org/10.1027/1015-5759/a000291}{doi:10.1027/1015-5759/a000291}
#' @param n Numeric. Desired number of observations/persons.
#' @param items Numeric. Desired number of items/stimuli. If \code{ndimc} > 1, this
#'   specifies the number of items per dimension.
#' @param categ Numeric. Desired number of categories per item.
#' @param ndimc Numeric. Desired number of content-related latent variables (irrespective
#'   of number of style-related latent variables).
#' @param style Parameter to specify which response style(s) influence the data,
#'   can be either numeric or character. Users may choose one or more among
#'   \code{"ERS1"} (e.g., 1 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 1), \code{"ERS2"} (e.g., 2 / 1 /
#'   0 / 1 / 2), \code{"ARS"} (e.g., 0 / 0 / 0 / 1 / 1), \code{"ADRS"}
#'   (e.g, -1 / -1 / 0 / 1 / 1), and \code{"MRS"} (e.g., 0 / 0 / 1 / 0 /
#'   0). Alternatively, a user-specified vector of weights can be employed. Can
#'   also be \code{NULL} indicating complete abscence of response styles.
#' @param irtmodel A character string indicating which model to use. Currently
#'   available is \code{"RSM"} (i.e., rating scale model).
#' @param reversed Numeric. Indicates the number of reverse-coded items. Can be either a
#'   ratio between 0 and 1 indicating the ratio of reverse-coded items or an
#'   integer between 0 and \code{items}) indicating the number of reverse-coded
#'   items.
#' @param var.s Numeric. The variance(s) of the response style distribution.
#' @param mu.s Numeric. The mean(s) of the response style distribution.
#' @param sig Numeric matrix. The variance-covariance matrix of the multivariate
#'   distribution of thetas. If non-NULL, this overrides \code{var.s}.
#' @param emp Logical. If true, \code{mu.s} and \code{var.s}/\code{sig} specify the empirical not population mean and covariance matrix.
#' @param cor.cc An optional vector indicating the correlation between the
#'   content-related variables (if \code{ndimc} > 1). If \code{ndimc} > 2,
#'   \code{cor.cc} is recycled if it is not of length \code{ndimc*(ndimc-1)/2}.
#' @param pop.thres Logical. If \code{TRUE}, the thresholds of the RSM are set
#'   to their expected value.
#' @param my.theta Optional argument to employ a pre-specified vector of person parameters theta
#' @param my.thres Optional argument to employ a pre-specified vector of item parameters.
#' @return
#' Returns a list containing the data and basically a summary of the input specifications:
#'   \item{dat}{An array containing the data/responses of format \code{n} x
#'   \code{items} x \code{ndimc}}
#'   \item{theta}{A matrix containing the true person parameters of format
#'   \code{n} x \code{(ndimc + length(style))}. For example, if \code{ndimc = 1},
#'   and \code{style = c("ERS1", "ARS")}, then the second column corresponds to
#'   "ERS1" and the third column to "ARS".}
#'   \item{item.par}{A vector of item parameters}
#'   \item{n}{\code{n}}
#'   \item{items.per.dim}{Number of items per dimension}
#'   \item{rev.coded.items}{Number of reverse-coded items per dimension}
#'   \item{categories}{\code{categ}}
#'   \item{irtmodel}{\code{irtmodel}}
#'   \item{dims.content}{\code{ndimc}}
#'   \item{var.style}{Variance of the style-related latent variable(s).}
#'   \item{c.c.cor}{Correlation of the content-related latent variables.}
#'   \item{response.style}{
#'     \code{style} -- The specified response style(s)
#'     \code{coding} -- The implied coding scheme
#'     \code{mu} -- \code{mu.s}
#'     \code{sig} -- The employed variance-covariance matrix}
#' @export
# @importFrom magic adiag
# @importFrom MASS mvrnorm
# @importFrom truncnorm rtruncnorm
sim_style_data <- function(n = 200, items = 10, categ = 5, ndimc = 1,
                           style = NULL, irtmodel = "RSM", reversed = 1/3,
                           var.s, mu.s = 0, cor.cc, pop.thres = FALSE,
                           my.theta, my.thres, emp = TRUE, sig = NULL) {

    if (is.null(style) & !missing(var.s)) {
        stop("Not possible to specify the variance of the style dimension 'var.s', if argument 'style' is not specified")

    # ARGUMENT WRANGLING -------------------------------------------------------
    items.tot <- items * ndimc
    revs <- ifelse(reversed >= 1, reversed, trunc(items * reversed))
    reg <- items - revs
    #   revs.tot <- revs * ndimc
    #   reg.tot <- reg * ndimc
    ndims <- ifelse(is.character(style), length(style), length(style)/categ)
    ndim <- ndimc + ndims
    if (revs >= items) stop("Function needs at least one regular item.")

    # THETA --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # [DIM x N] MATRIX
    if (!missing(my.theta)) {
        if (is.vector(my.theta)) {
            theta <- matrix(my.theta, nrow = 1)
        } else {
            if (nrow(my.theta) > ncol(my.theta)) theta <- t(my.theta)
    } else {
        if (is.null(sig)) {
            sig <- matrix(0, nrow = ndim, ncol = ndim)
            diag(sig) <- 1
            if (!missing(var.s)) {
                diag(sig)[(ndimc + 1):ndim] <- var.s

            # the next 11 lines adapt the Var-Cov-Matrix if c and c are correlated
            if (!missing(cor.cc)) {
                if(length(cor.cc) == 1) {
                    cor.cc <- rep(cor.cc, (ndimc* (ndimc - 1) / 2))
                if (length(cor.cc) != (ndimc* (ndimc - 1) / 2)) {
                    stop("Incorrect specification of the number of elements for the var-cov-matrix of the content-related variables")
                sig[1:ndimc, 1:ndimc][upper.tri(sig[1:ndimc, 1:ndimc])] <- cor.cc
                sig[1:ndimc, 1:ndimc][lower.tri(sig[1:ndimc, 1:ndimc])] <- cor.cc
        } else {
            if (!isSymmetric(sig)) stop("The matrix 'sig' is not symmetric")
            if (ndim != ncol(sig)) stop("Matrix 'sig' is of wrong dimension")

        if (missing(mu.s)) mu.s <- 0
        if (length(mu.s) != ndims) {
            mu.s <- rep(mu.s, ndims)
        mu.vec <- c(rep(0, ndimc), mu.s)
        theta <- t(MASS::mvrnorm(n = n, mu = mu.vec, Sigma = sig, empirical = emp))
        if (is.null(style)) {
            rownames(theta) <- paste("content", 1:ndimc, sep = "")
        } else {
            rownames(theta) <- c(paste("content", 1:ndimc, sep = ""),
                                 ifelse(rep(is.character(style), ndims), style, paste("style", 1:ndims, sep = "")))

    # THRESHOLDS ---------------------------------------------------------------
    # [ITEMS*(CATEG-1) x N] MATRIX
    # For identification of the rating scale model, see comment below.
    if (!missing(my.thres)) {
        if (length(my.thres) != categ + items.tot - 1) {
            stop("Argument 'my.thres' has wrong length.")
        if (revs > 0) warning(paste(
            "The last", revs, "item(s) are reverse-coded, check that this is intended and possibly alter the order of 'my.thres'."))
        thres.rsm <- my.thres[(items.tot + 1):length(my.thres)]
        loc <- my.thres[1:items.tot]
        if (!is.unsorted(loc, strictly = T) & revs > 0) {
            stop("You are not allowed to reverse-code items if item locations are sorted. Please shuffle order of item locations.")

    } else {
        if (irtmodel == "RSM") {

            t.min <- -2.5
            t.max <- 2.5

            if (pop.thres == TRUE) {
                x1 <- seq(t.min, t.max, length = (categ + 1))
                thres.rsm <- x1[2:(length(x1) - 1)]; rm(x1)
            } else {
                repeat {
                    thres.rsm <- sort(runif(categ - 1, min = t.min, max = t.max))
                    thres.rsm <- thres.rsm - mean(thres.rsm)
                    if (max(abs(thres.rsm)) <= 2.5) break

            loc <- truncnorm::rtruncnorm(items.tot, a = -1.5, b = 1.5, mean = 0, sd = sqrt(1))

            #       loc <- numeric()
            #       for (i in 1:ndimc) {
            #         x2 <- seq(-1.5, 1.5, length = (reg + 2))
            #         loc <- c(loc, x2[2:(length(x2) - 1)])
            #         if (revs > 0) {
            #           x3 <- seq(-1.5, 1.5, length = (revs + 2))
            #           loc <- c(loc, x3[2:(length(x3) - 1)])
            #         }
            #       }
            #       loc <- rep(loc, each = categ - 1)

        } else {
            stop("Only the rating scale model is currently implemented. Please modify argument 'irtmodel'.")

    thres <- c(loc, thres.rsm)

    thres <- matrix(thres, nrow = length(thres), ncol = n)

    # B-MATRIX -----------------------------------------------------------------
    B <- matrix(rep(0:(categ - 1), items), ncol = 1)
    B <- do.call(magic::adiag, rep(list(B), ndimc))

    if (is.numeric(style)) {
        if (length(style) != categ) stop("Incorrect number of weights specified")
        B <- cbind(B,
                   matrix(c(rep(style, reg), rep(rev(style), revs)),
                          ncol = 1, nrow = items.tot * categ))
    } else {
        all.styles <- c("ERS1", "ERS2", "ARS", "ARS2", "ADRS", "MRS")
        if (!all(style %in% all.styles)) {
            stop(paste0("Argument 'style' must be one or more of ", paste0(all.styles, collapse = ", "),
                        ". Re-specify the argument or use your own coding (supplied as a numeric vector) instead."))
        for (i in seq(along = style)) {
            if ("ERS1" %in% style[i]) {
                ERS <- rep(0, categ)
                ERS[1] <- ifelse(categ > 2, 1, 0)
                ERS[length(ERS)] <- ifelse(categ > 2, 1, 0)
                B <- cbind(B, matrix(ERS, ncol = 1, nrow = items.tot * categ))
            if ("ERS2" %in% style[i]) {
                ERS <- c((ceiling(categ / 2) - 1):0,
                         ifelse(gtools::odd(categ), 1, 0):(ceiling(categ / 2) - 1))
#                 a1 <- categ * 3
#                 ERS <- c((trunc(a1 / 2) - 1):1, rep(0, ifelse(a1 %% 2 != 0, 3, 2)),
#                          1:(trunc(a1 / 2) -1)); rm(a1)
#                 ERS <- head(ERS, n = -(length(ERS) - categ) / 2)
#                 ERS <- tail(ERS, categ)
#                 if (categ == 3) ERS <- c(1, 0, 1)
                B <- cbind(B, matrix(ERS, ncol = 1, nrow = items.tot * categ))
            if ("ARS" %in% style[i]) {
                # e.g., 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
                ARS <- rep(1, categ)
                ARS[1:ceiling(categ / 2)] <- 0
                B <- cbind(B, matrix(rep(c(rep(ARS, reg), rep(rev(ARS), revs)),
                                         ndimc), ncol = 1))
            if ("ARS2" %in% style[i]) {
                # e.g., 0 0 0 0 3 3 3
                ARS2 <- rep((categ - 1) / 2, categ)
                ARS2[1:ceiling(categ / 2)] <- 0
                B <- cbind(B, matrix(rep(c(rep(ARS2, reg), rep(rev(ARS2), revs)),
                                         ndimc), ncol = 1))
            if ("ADRS" %in% style[i]) {
                # e.g., -1 -1 -1  0  1  1  1
                ADRS <- rep(0, categ)
                ADRS[1:trunc(categ / 2)] <- - 1
                ADRS[(ceiling(categ / 2) + 1):categ] <- 1
                B <- cbind(B, matrix(ADRS, ncol = 1, nrow = items.tot * categ))
            if ("MRS" %in% style[i]) {
                if (categ %% 2 != 0) {
                    MRS <- rep(0, categ)
                    MRS[ceiling(categ / 2)] <- 1
                    B <- cbind(B, matrix(MRS, ncol = 1, nrow = items.tot * categ))

    # A-MATRIX -----------------------------------------------------------------

    # Note that no identification constraint is placed on the A-matrix!! This is
    # especially important with respect to the thresholds in the rating scale
    # model (RSM). All RSM-thresholds are sampled (above) from the same
    # distribution to ensure that they have the same distributional properties.
    # The alternative way of, for example, fixing the last threshold to minus
    # the sum of the others leads to the problem that the last threshold no
    # longer belongs to the same distributional family than the others.
    A <- diag(1, categ - 1)
    A[lower.tri(A)] <- 1
    A <- rbind(0, A)
    A <- do.call(rbind, rep(list(A), items.tot))
    A2 <- do.call(magic::adiag, rep(list(t(t(0:(categ - 1)))), items.tot))
    A <- cbind(A2, A)

    # IRT MODEL -> DATA --------------------------------------------------------
    num <- exp(B %*% theta - A %*% thres)
    num <- array(num, dim = c(categ, items.tot, n))
    den <- array(rep(colSums(num), each = categ), dim = c(categ, items.tot, n))
    p <- num / den

    dat <- t(apply(p, c(2, 3), function(i) {
        as.integer(findInterval(runif(1), cumsum(i)))

    dat <- array(dat, dim = c(n, items.tot / ndimc, ndimc))

    # RETURN RESULTS -----------------------------------------------------------
    if(irtmodel == "RSM") {
        item.par = c(loc, thres.rsm)
        names(item.par) <- c(paste("item", 1:items.tot, sep = ""),
                             paste("categ", 1:(categ - 1), sep = ""))

    res <- list(dat = dat, theta = t(theta), item.parameters = item.par, n = n,
                items.per.dimension = items, reverse.coded.items = revs,
                categories = categ, irtmodel = irtmodel, dims.content = ndimc)
    if (ndimc > 1) {
        res <- c(res, c.c.cor = list(sig))
    if (length(style) > 0) {
        res <- c(res, response.style =
                     list(list(style = style,
                               coding = B[1:categ, (ndimc+1):ncol(B), drop = FALSE])))
    if (missing(my.theta)) {
        res$response.style <- c(res$response.style,
                                mu.style = mu.s,
                                # var.style = NA,
                                list(sig.theta = sig))
        if (!missing(var.s)) res$response.style$var.style <- var.s
hplieninger/stylesim documentation built on May 17, 2019, 4:54 p.m.