
Defines functions cdx_basic_query

Documented in cdx_basic_query

#' Perform a basic/limited Internet Archive CDX resource query for a URL
#' CDX files are "Content Index" files. The Wayback CDX server is a standalone HTTP
#' servlet that serves the index that the Wayback machine uses to lookup captures.
#' The index format is known as 'cdx' and contains various fields representing the capture,
#' usually sorted by url and date. <http://archive.org/web/researcher/cdx_file_format.php>.
#' @param url URL/resource to query for
#' @param match_type The CDX server can also return results matching a certain
#'        prefix, a certain host or all subdomains. Can be one of
#'        `"exact"`, `"prefix"`, `"host"`, or `"domain"` (defaults to `exact`).
#' @param collapse collapse results based on a field, or a substring of a field.
#'        Collapsing is done on adjacent cdx lines where all captures after the
#'        first one that are duplicate are filtered out. This is useful for filtering
#'        out captures that are 'too dense' or when looking for unique captures.
#'        To use collapsing, add one or more `collapse=field` or `collapse=field:N`
#'        where `N` is the first `N` characters of field to test. Use `NULL` for
#'        no collapsing Default is to collapse by `urlkey` (like the web UX).
#'        Reference: <https://github.com/internetarchive/wayback/tree/master/wayback-cdx-server>.
#' @param filter a valid [filter string](https://github.com/internetarchive/wayback/tree/master/wayback-cdx-server#filtering)
#'        (without the `filter=` or `NULL`. The default filter string is
#'        `statuscode:200` to only retrieve resources with an HTTP
#'        `200` (`OK`) status code. Set to `NULL` for no filtering.
#' @param limit Maximum number of results to return (first _n_ results). Use a
#'        negative number to retrieve the last _n_ results. Default is `10,000`.
#' @return data frame
#' @md
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' rproj_basic <- cdx_basic_query("https://www.r-project.org/")
#' dplyr::glimpse(rproj_basic)
#' ## Observations: 10,000
#' ## Variables: 7
#' ## $ urlkey     <chr> "org,r-project)/", "org,r-project)/", "org,r-project)/"...
#' ## $ timestamp  <dttm> 2000-06-20, 2000-08-16, 2000-10-12, 2000-11-10, 2000-1...
#' ## $ original   <chr> "http://www.r-project.org:80/", "http://www.r-project.o...
#' ## $ mimetype   <chr> "text/html", "text/html", "text/html", "text/html", "te...
#' ## $ statuscode <chr> "200", "200", "200", "200", "200", "200", "200", "200",...
#' ## $ digest     <chr> "XDIHHFDLIWSZFHYHT453ZL5FYPCKFF6Z", "SRO3WSKQS6HST4PQY7...
#' ## $ length     <dbl> 4894, 5027, 589, 581, 582, 596, 590, 592, 592, 592, 563...
#' }
cdx_basic_query <- function(url,
                            match_type = c("exact", "prefix", "host", "domain"),
                            collapse = "urlkey",
                            filter = "statuscode:200",
                            limit = 1e4L) {

  if (missing(url) || is.null(url) || is.na(url) || url == "" || !is.character(url)) {
    stop("Invalid or missing URL.")

  if (is.null(match_type) || is.na(match_type)) {
    stop("Invalid match type -- options are exact, prefix, host, or domain.")
  match_type <- match.arg(match_type)

  limit <- as.integer(limit)
  if (is.null(limit) || is.na(limit) || length(limit) == 0 || limit == 0L) {
    stop("Invalid limit requested.")
  limit <- min(limit, 15e4L) # NOTE: CDX max limit is 15e4L

  url_enc <- utils::URLencode(url)

    query = list(
      url = url_enc,
      output = "json",
      collapse = collapse,
      filter = filter,
      matchType = match_type,
      limit = limit
  ) -> res


  if (httr::http_type(res) != "application/json") {
    stop("The Wayback API did not return valid JSON", call. = FALSE)

  res <- httr::content(res, as = "text", encoding = "UTF-8")

    res, simplifyVector = TRUE, simplifyDataFrame = TRUE
  ) -> res

  res <- tibble::as_tibble(res)

  res <- stats::setNames(res[-1, ], purrr::flatten_chr(res[1, ]))

  if ("timestamp" %in% colnames(res)) {
    res <- dplyr::mutate_(res, "timestamp" = lazyeval::interp(~anytime::anytime(t), t = quote(timestamp)))

  if ("length" %in% colnames(res)) {
    res <- dplyr::mutate_(res, "length" = lazyeval::interp(~as.numeric(l), l = quote(length)))


hrbrmstr/wayback documentation built on May 17, 2019, 5:53 p.m.