
Defines functions zdns_exec zdns_help

Documented in zdns_exec zdns_help

#' Raw interface to zdns
#' Pass in command-line arguments via `args`. Not a recommended function
#' unless you _really_ know what you're doing. Run `zdns_help()`
#' to see a list of options.
#' @md
#' @export
zdns_exec <- function(args=c(), stdout="", stdin="") {

  if (!dir.exists(path.expand("~/.zdnsr"))) {
    message("Bootstrapping public nameservers list...")

  zdns_bin <- Sys.which("zdns")

  if (zdns_bin == "") {
    message("zdns binary not on PATH. Trying to find it at ~/go/bin...")
    zdns_bin <- path.expand("~/go/bin/zdns")
    if (!file.exists(zdns_bin)) {
      stop("zdns binary not found.", call.=FALSE)

  res <- system2(zdns_bin, args=args, stdout=stdout, stdin=stdin)



#' @rdname zdns_exec
#' @export
zdns_help <- function(x) {
hrbrmstr/zdnsr documentation built on Feb. 28, 2020, 9:35 a.m.