
Defines functions callSubtypes callOneSubtype dataProc spliteMatrix createPairsFeatures

####====================Basic function==================####

#' @description given a matrix and gene pairs, create binary features
#' @param X One gene expression matrix
#' @param genes a vector of gene pairs
#' @return xbin, binned expression profile
#' @examples
#' Xsub <- createPairsFeatures(Xmat, genepairs)
createPairsFeatures <- function(X, genes) {

  # first convert the gene pairs to a named list
  # where each entry of the list is the genes for a given pivot-gene
  genePairs <- strsplit(genes, ':')
  pairList <- list()
  for(gi in genePairs) {
    pairList[[gi[1]]] <- c(pairList[[gi[1]]], gi[2])

  resList <- list() # then for each pivot gene
  for (gi in names(pairList)) {
    # assuming it's in the data ... really should be!
    if (gi %in% rownames(X)) {
      gs <- pairList[[gi]]                  ## can end up with the pivot gene in the genes...
      pval <- as.numeric(X[gi,])            ## pivot values across samples
      idx <- match(table=rownames(X), x=gs) ## get index to genes for this pivot
      Xsub <- X[idx,]                       ## subset the matrix, NAs for missing genes, pivot gene on top
      is_num_vector <- class(Xsub)[1]  %in% c('numeric', "integer") & length(gs) == 1
      if (is_num_vector) {
        Xsub <- matrix(data=Xsub, ncol=ncol(X), nrow=1)
        colnames(Xsub) <- colnames(X)
      rownames(Xsub) <- gs                  ## give gene IDs
      res0 <- lapply(1:ncol(Xsub), function(a) binaryGene(pval[a], Xsub[,a]))  ## create binary values
      resList[[gi]] <- do.call('cbind', res0)
    } else {
      # else we need to include some dummy rows
      randMat <- matrix(data=rbinom(n = length(pairList[[gi]]) * ncol(X), prob = 0.5, 1), ncol=ncol(X))
      colnames(randMat) <- colnames(X)
      resList[[gi]] <- randMat
  newMat <- do.call('rbind', resList)
  rownames(newMat) <- genes

#' @description splite matrix to a list of subset
#' @inheritParams geneMatch
#' @param cutoff the number of every subset of X
spliteMatrix <- function(X,cutoff=20){

  # Cut_vector
  cut_vector <- function(vt,nsplit=100){
      v2 <- list(vt);
      names(v2) <- paste0("1-",length(v2))
    } else {

      len1 <- floor(length(len.vt)/nsplit)

      ## low.ci and upper.ci
      low.ci <- 1;
      for(i in 1:(nsplit-1)){
        low.ci[i+1] <- low.ci[i] + len1
      upper.ci <- len1
      for(i in 1:(nsplit-1)){
        upper.ci[i+1] <- upper.ci[i] + len1

      ## upper.ci的最后一个值
      upper.ci[length(upper.ci)] <- length(vt)

      ## 形成列表
      v2 <- NULL
      for(i in 1:length(low.ci)){
        v2.i <- low.ci[i]:upper.ci[i]
        v2.i <- vt[v2.i]
        v2 <- c(v2,list(v2.i))
        names(v2)[i] <- paste0(low.ci[i],"-",upper.ci[i])
    ## 输出结果

  # Splite matrix
  nXL <- floor(ncol(X)/cutoff)
  eXL <- cut_vector(colnames(X),nXL)
  XL <- list()
  for(i in 1:length(eXL)){ # i=1
    XL[[names(eXL)[i]]] <- X[,eXL[[i]]]

####==============callSubtype functions==================####

#' @description Data preprocessing
#' @param mods A model or list of models, containing breakpoints, used to bin expression data
#' @param geneSet A list of genes for classification
#' @param nClust The number of clustering
#' @inheritParams geneMatch
#' @importFrom stringr str_detect
#' @return Xbin, the binned, subset, and binarized values.
#' @examples
#' mod1 <- dataProc(X, mods)
dataProc <- function(X,
                     nClust=4) {

  # working with matrices
  Xmat <- as.matrix(X)

  # NA filling with recursive partitioning and regression trees
  # Xmat <- na_fill(Xmat, method="anova", na.action = na.rpart)

  # Set features
  nGS <- length(geneSet)
  featureNames <- c()
  for (j1 in 1:(nGS-1)) {
    for (j2 in (j1+1):nGS) {
      featureNames <- c(featureNames, paste0('s',j1,'s',j2))

  # get out the relevant items
  breakVec <- mods$breakVec
  genes <- mods$bst$feature_names
  singleGenes <- genes[!str_detect(genes, ':')]
  singleGenes <- singleGenes[!singleGenes %in% featureNames]
  pairedGenes <- genes[str_detect(genes, ':')]
  setFeatures <- genes[str_detect(genes, 's[0-9]{1,6}s[0-9]{1,6}')]

  # bin the expression data
  Xbinned <- apply(Xmat, 2, breakBin, breakVec)
  rownames(Xbinned) <- rownames(Xmat)

  # and subset the genes to those not in pairs
    Xbinned <- Xbinned[singleGenes,]

  # here we have expression data, and we're using the pairs model
  # so we need to make pairs features.
  Xpairs <- createPairsFeatures(Xmat, pairedGenes)
  colnames(Xpairs) <- colnames(Xmat)

  # gene set features.
  Xset <- makeSetData(Xmat,geneSet)
    Xset <- Xset[setFeatures,]

  # join the data types and transpose
  Xbin <- t(rbind(Xbinned, Xpairs, Xset))

#' @description Make subtype calls for one sample
#' @param mods xgboost model list
#' @param X gene expression matrix, genes in rows, samples in columns
#' @param ci cluster label, and index into mods
#' @param verbose whether report messages
#' @inheritParams dataProc
#' @import xgboost
#' @return preds of one cluster model.
callOneSubtype <- function(mods, X, ci, geneSet, nClust, verbose=T) {

  # 2023-12-26:List in R is special. If the name of the list is 1,2,3,4, when you call l[[1]], it would call the name of "1" instead of the first one.
  # Xbin needs to have the same columns as the training matrix.

  # if(verbose) (paste0('calling subtype ', ci))

  if(as.character(ci) %in% names(mods)){

      mi <- mods[[as.character(ci)]] # or we can use: mi <- mods[[ci]]
      Xbin <- dataProc(X, mods=mi, geneSet, nClust)

      # WARNING: amalgamation/../src/learner.cc:438:
      # If you are loading a serialized model (like pickle in Python, RDS in R) generated by
      # older XGBoost, please export the model by calling `Booster.save_model` from that version
      # first, then load it back in current version. See:
      #   https://xgboost.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorials/saving_model.html
      # for more details about differences between saving model and serializing.

      # Prediction
      pred <- predict(mi$bst, Xbin)
    } else {
      pred <- rep(0, ncol(X))
  } else {

    # if(verbose) paste0('calling subtype ', ci, ': No avaliable model. Return 0!')

    # The model is unavailable. Return 0.
    pred <- rep(0, ncol(X))



#' @description Make subtype calls for each sample
#' @inheritParams callOneSubtype
callSubtypes <- function(mods, X, geneSet, clusterName, verbose=T) {

  pList <- lapply(clusterName, function(mi) callOneSubtype(mods, X, mi, geneSet, nClust, verbose))
  pMat  <- do.call('cbind', pList)
  colnames(pMat) <- clusterName # names(mods)
  bestCall <- apply(pMat, 1, function(pi) colnames(pMat)[which(pi == max(pi))][1])
  # 2022-9-27. There's no problem because bestcall_max is a legacy category strategy and would not be recommended.
  # bestCall <- apply(pMat, 1, function(pi) colnames(pMat)[which(pi == max(pi)[1])])
  #     1           2           3           4
  # 0.077546641 0.004749997 0.832491577 0.832491577
  return(data.frame(SampleID=colnames(X), BestCall=bestCall, pMat, stringsAsFactors=F))
huangwb8/GSClassifier documentation built on July 12, 2024, 5:10 p.m.