
Defines functions VlnPlot2_SelColDisc vlnplot2_Stat_add_y vlnplot2_Stat VlnPlot2_Plot VlnPlot2_Calc VlnPlot2.default VlnPlot2.Seurat

Documented in VlnPlot2.default VlnPlot2.Seurat

#' @include generics.R

#' @param seu A Seurat object. Only applicable for the Seurat method.
#' @param group.by A variable from `meta.data` for grouping or a character vector of equal length as the number of cells. Only applicable for the Seurat method.
#' @param split.by A variable from `meta.data` to bifurcate the violin plots. Only applicable for the Seurat method.
#' @param cells Cell identifiers for use. Defaults to all cells. Only applicable for the Seurat method.
#' @param slot Slot to retrieve feature data from. Only applicable for the Seurat method.
#' @param assay Name of the assay to employ. Defaults to the active assay. Only applicable for the Seurat method.
#' @param priority If set to "expr", extracts data from the expression matrix over `meta.data`. Only applicable for the Seurat method.
#' @param load.cols When TRUE, automatically loads pre-stored color information for variables from `seu@misc[["var_colors"]]`.
#' @rdname VlnPlot2
#' @export

VlnPlot2.Seurat <- function(
  group.by = NULL,
  split.by = NULL,
  cells = NULL,
  slot = "data",
  assay = NULL,
  priority = c("expr","none"),
  cols = "auto",
  load.cols = TRUE,
  ncol = NULL,
  lab_fill = "group",
  scales = "free_y",
  violin = T,
  box = T,
  width = 0.9,
  pt = T,
  hide.outlier = F,
  pt.style = c("jitter","quasirandom"),
  pt.size = 0.2,
  pt.alpha = 1,
  strip.position = "top",
  stat.method = c("none", "wilcox.test", "t.test"),
  p.adjust.method = "holm",
  label = c("p.signif","p","p.adj","p.format"),
  comparisons = NULL,
  hide.ns = TRUE,
  step.increase = 0.12,
  tip.length = 0.03,
) {
  Std.matr <- Seu2Matr(
    seu = seu,
    features = features,
    group.by = group.by,
    split.by = split.by,
    cells = cells,
    slot = slot,
    assay = assay,
    priority = priority

  cols <- VlnPlot2_SelColDisc(
    seu = seu,
    group.by = group.by,
    split.by = split.by,
    cols = cols,
    load.cols = load.cols

  p <- VlnPlot2.default(
    matr = Std.matr$matr,
    f = Std.matr$f,
    f2 = Std.matr$f2,
    t = T,
    cols = cols,
    ncol = ncol,
    lab_fill = lab_fill,
    scales = scales,
    violin = violin,
    box = box,
    width = width,
    pt = pt,
    hide.outlier = hide.outlier,
    pt.style = pt.style,
    pt.size = pt.size,
    pt.alpha = pt.alpha,
    strip.position = strip.position,
    stat.method = stat.method,
    p.adjust.method = p.adjust.method,
    label = label,
    comparisons = comparisons,
    hide.ns = hide.ns,
    step.increase = step.increase,
    tip.length = tip.length,

#' @param matr A matrix or data frame with rows as features and columns as cells.
#' @param f A factor or vector indicating the identity of each cell. Should match the column length of `matr`.
#' @param f2 A factor or vector akin to `f` for splitting the violin plots. Default: NULL.
#' @param features Features to depict, such as gene expression, metrics, PC scores, or any data obtainable via `FetchData()`. Default: NULL (all features in matrix).
#' @param t If the matrix has features in columns and cells in rows, transpose the matrix first. Default: FALSE.
#' @param cols Flexible color settings for the plot, accepting a variety of inputs:
#'     - Seven color_pro styles: "default", "light", "pro_red", "pro_yellow", "pro_green", "pro_blue", "pro_purple".
#'     - Five color_iwh styles: "iwh_default", "iwh_intense", "iwh_pastel", "iwh_all", "iwh_all_hard".
#'     - Brewer color scales as specified by `brewer.pal.info`.
#'     - Any manually specified colors.
#' @param ncol Specifies the number of columns for display if multiple plots are shown. Default: NULL.
#' @param lab_fill Label for the figure legend. Default: 'group'.
#' @param scales Scales parameter passed to \code{\link[ggplot2:facet_wrap]{ggplot2::facet_wrap()}}. Default: 'free_y'.
#' @param violin Indicates whether to generate a violin plot. Default: TRUE.
#' @param box Indicates whether to depict a box plot. Default: TRUE.
#' @param width Width of the box plot. Default: 0.9.
#' @param pt Indicates if points should be plotted. Default: TRUE.
#' @param hide.outlier Conceals outlier points from the box plot. Default: FALSE.
#' @param pt.style Position adjustment. Default choices: "jitter", "quasirandom".
#' @param pt.size Point size setting. Default: 0.2.
#' @param pt.alpha Adjusts the transparency of points. Default: 1.
#' @param strip.position Positions the strip ("top" (default), "bottom", "left", or "right"). Only used when `f2 = NULL`.
#' @param stat.method Determines if pairwise statistics are added to the plot. Either "wilcox.test" or "t.test". Default: "none".
#' @param p.adjust.method Method for adjusting p-values, especially when conducting multiple pairwise tests or dealing with multiple grouping variables. Options include "holm", "hochberg", "hommel", "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", "fdr", and "none". Note: Adjustments are independently conducted for each variable in formulas containing multiple variables. Default: 'holm'.
#' @param label Specifies label type. Options include "p.signif" (showing significance levels), "p.format" (formatted p value), or "p", "p.adj". Default: "p.signif".
#' @param comparisons List of length-2 vectors, each containing either names of two x-axis values or two integers pointing to groups of interest for comparison. Default: all groups.
#' @param hide.ns If TRUE, the 'ns' symbol is concealed when displaying significance levels. Default: TRUE.
#' @param step.increase Numeric vector denoting the increase in fraction of total height for each additional comparison, minimizing overlap. Default: 0.12.
#' @param tip.length Numeric vector indicating the fraction of total height the bar descends to specify the exact column. For a line display instead of a bracket, set to 0. Default: 0.03.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to the \code{\link[ggpubr:stat_pvalue_manual]{ggpubr::stat_pvalue_manual()}}.
#' @rdname VlnPlot2
#' @export

VlnPlot2.default <- function(
  matr, f, f2 = NULL,
  features = NULL,
  t = F,
  cols = "pro_default",
  ncol = NULL,
  lab_fill = "group",
  scales = "free_y",
  violin = T,
  box = T,
  width = 0.9,
  pt = T,
  hide.outlier = F,
  pt.style = c("jitter","quasirandom"),
  pt.size = 0.2,
  pt.alpha = 1,
  strip.position = "top",
  stat.method = c("none", "wilcox.test", "t.test"),
  p.adjust.method = "holm",
  label = c("p.signif","p","p.adj","p.format"),
  comparisons = NULL,
  hide.ns = TRUE,
  step.increase = 0.12,
  tip.length = 0.03,
) {

  scores <- VlnPlot2_Calc(
    matr = matr,
    f = f,
    f2 = f2,
    features = features,
    t = t

  p <- VlnPlot2_Plot(
    scores = scores,
    cols = cols,
    ncol = ncol,
    lab_fill = lab_fill,
    scales = scales,
    violin = violin,
    box = box,
    width = width,
    pt = pt,
    hide.outlier = hide.outlier,
    pt.style = pt.style,
    pt.size = pt.size,
    pt.alpha = pt.alpha,
    strip.position = strip.position

  p <- vlnplot2_Stat(
    p = p,
    stat.method = stat.method,
    p.adjust.method = p.adjust.method,
    label = label,
    comparisons = comparisons,
    hide.ns = hide.ns,
    step.increase = step.increase,
    tip.length = tip.length,


#' @title StackedViolin
#' @description Alias of \code{\link[SeuratExtend:VlnPlot2]{VlnPlot2()}}
#' @seealso \code{\link[SeuratExtend:VlnPlot2]{VlnPlot2()}}
#' @rdname StackedViolin
#' @export

StackedViolin <- VlnPlot2.default

#' @rdname StackedViolin
#' @export

StackedViolin_v3 <- VlnPlot2.Seurat

# Internal ----------------------------------------------------------------

VlnPlot2_Calc <- function(
) {
  if(!t) matr <- t(matr)
  features <- features %||% colnames(matr)
  if(length(setdiff(features, colnames(matr))) > 0){
    message(paste0(setdiff(features, colnames(matr)), collapse = ", "), " not found")
    features <- intersect(features, colnames(matr))
  f <- factor(f)
  f2 <- f2 %||% data.frame(row.names = rownames(matr))
  scores <- cbind(f, f2, as.data.frame(matr[,features,drop = F]))
  scores <- melt(scores, measure.vars = features, variable.name = "feature")

VlnPlot2_Plot <- function(
) {
  x <- ifelse(!"f2" %in% colnames(scores), "f", "f2")
  p <- ggplot(scores, aes(x = .data[[x]], y = value))
  n <- nlevels(factor(scores[[x]]))

  if(violin) {
    p <- p + geom_violin(mapping = aes(fill = .data[[x]]), scale = "width", width = width)
  if(box & !violin) {
    if(pt | hide.outlier) {
      p <- p + geom_boxplot(mapping = aes(fill = .data[[x]]), outlier.shape = NA, width = width)
    } else {
      p <- p + geom_boxplot(mapping = aes(fill = .data[[x]]), outlier.size = pt.size, width = width)
  if(pt) {
    pt.style <- pt.style[1]
    if(!pt.style %in% c("quasirandom", "jitter")) stop('"pt.style" shoule be "quasirandom" or "jitter"')
    if(pt.style == "jitter") p <- p + geom_jitter(width = width/2.2, size = pt.size, alpha= pt.alpha)
    if(pt.style == "quasirandom") {
      p <- p + geom_quasirandom(size = pt.size, width = width/2, alpha= pt.alpha)
  if(box & violin) {
    if(pt | hide.outlier) {
      p <- p + geom_boxplot(outlier.shape = NA, width = 0.12, fill = "white")
    } else {
      p <- p + geom_boxplot(fill = "white", outlier.size = pt.size, width = 0.12, outlier.alpha = pt.alpha)

  p <- p + scale_fill_disc_auto(color_scheme = cols, n = n)

  if(x == "f"){
    p <- p +
      facet_wrap(vars(feature), ncol = ncol, strip.position=strip.position, scales = scales)+
      ylab(NULL) +
      xlab(NULL) +
      theme_classic() +
      theme(strip.background = element_blank(),
            strip.placement = "outside",
            legend.position = "none",
            axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45,hjust = 1),
            strip.text = element_text(face = "bold", size = 10)) +
      labs(fill = lab_fill) +
      scale_y_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(0,0.08)))
    p <- p +
      facet_grid(vars(feature), vars(f), switch = c("both"), scales = scales)+
      ylab(NULL) +
      xlab(NULL) +
      theme_classic() +
      theme(strip.background = element_blank(),
            strip.placement = "outside",
            axis.text.x = element_blank(),
            strip.text.y = element_text(face = "bold", size = 10)) +
      labs(fill = lab_fill) +
      scale_y_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(0,0.08)))

vlnplot2_Stat <- function(
    stat.method = c("none", "wilcox.test", "t.test"),
    p.adjust.method = "holm",
    label = c("p.signif","p","p.adj","p.format"),
    comparisons = NULL,
    hide.ns = TRUE,
    step.increase = 0.12,
    tip.length = 0.03,
) {
  stat.method <- stat.method[1]
  if(stat.method %in% c("wilcox.test", "t.test")) {

    scores <- p$data

    if (!"f2" %in% colnames(scores)) {
      formula <- value ~ f
      group_by_arg <- "feature"
    } else {
      formula <- value ~ f2
      group_by_arg <- c("feature", "f")
    stat.test <- compare_means(
      data = scores,
      method = stat.method,
      group.by = group_by_arg,
      p.adjust.method = p.adjust.method

    if(hide.ns == TRUE) {
      stat.test <- filter(stat.test, p.signif != "ns")
      if(nrow(stat.test) == 0) {
        message("No statistical significance.")
    stat.test$groups <- apply(stat.test, 1, function(x) c(x[["group1"]], x[["group2"]]), simplify = F)
    if(!is.null(comparisons)) {
      level_comparisons <- lapply(comparisons, function(pair) {
        if(is.numeric(pair)) {
          if (!"f2" %in% colnames(scores)) {
          } else {
        } else if(is.character(pair)) {
        } else {
          stop("Invalid comparison type")
      stat.test <- filter(stat.test, groups %in% level_comparisons)
    stat.test <- vlnplot2_Stat_add_y(stat.test, scores = scores, step.increase = step.increase)
    p <- p +
        label = label[1],
        tip.length = tip.length,

vlnplot2_Stat_add_y <- function(stat.test, scores, step.increase) {
  summary_data <- scores %>%
    group_by(feature) %>%
      min_value = min(value, na.rm = TRUE),
      max_value = max(value, na.rm = TRUE)
  summary_data <- summary_data %>%
      step = (max_value - min_value) * step.increase,
      start = (max_value - min_value) * 0.1 + max_value
  grouping_cols <- if ("f2" %in% colnames(scores)) c("feature", "f") else "feature"
  stat.test <- stat.test %>%
    left_join(summary_data, by = "feature") %>%
    group_by(across(all_of(grouping_cols))) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(y.position = start + step * (row_number() - 1)) %>%
    select(-min_value, -max_value, -step, -start) %>%

VlnPlot2_SelColDisc <- function(
) {
  if(is.null(cols)) return(NULL)
  if(cols[1] != "auto") return(cols)
  if(is.null(group.by)) group.by <- "ident"
  if(!is.null(split.by)) {
    var <- split.by
  } else {
    var <- group.by
  if(length(var) == 1) {
    load_var <- seu@misc[["var_colors"]][[var]]
    if(!is.null(load_var)) {
      cols <- load_var
    } else {
      cols <- "pro_default"
huayc09/SeuratExtend documentation built on July 15, 2024, 6:22 p.m.