
# these functions should have nothing to do with versioning or downloads

get_current_ns <- function (package) {
  ns <- tryCatch(
    loadNamespace(package, partial = FALSE),
    error = function (e) {
      stop("Couldn't load current version of package.\n",
        "Do you have it installed? If not run `install.packages('", package, "')`.\n",
        "Or, use `current_fun = fun_at(fun, package, version)` to compare to a version\n",
        " without doing a full install.\n",
        "Original error:", e$message, call. = FALSE)


is_api_same <- function (fun1, fun2) {
  # we use args because it can cope with Primitive functions, see ?formals
  identical(formals(args(fun1)), formals(args(fun2)))

get_fun_in_ns <- function (fun, ns) {
      x <- get(fun, ns, inherits = FALSE),
    # a uniform error message can be caught upstream
    error = function (e) stop_fun_not_found(fun, ns)


fun_names_in_ns <- function (ns, methods) {
  # getNamespaceExports may include re-exported functions from other packages; we don't want these
  # but ls(ns) will include non-exported functions; we don't want these
  res <- getNamespaceExports(ns)
  res <- purrr::keep(res, ~ is.function(get(.x, ns)))
  if (methods) {
    # unlike utils::isS3method, this works even when the generic is not on the search path
    # e.g. with knit_print.flextable when knitr is not attached
    my_is_s3_method <- function (name) name %in% ns[[".__NAMESPACE__."]][["S3methods"]][, 3]
    S3methods <- purrr::keep(ls(envir = ns), my_is_s3_method)
    res <- unique(c(res, S3methods))
  imports <- unlist(getNamespaceImports(ns))
  res <- setdiff(res, imports)


get_stub_fun_in_core <- function (fun, package, version) {

  rch <- get_rcheology_rows(name = fun, package = package) # memoised for speed
  rch <- rch[rch$Rversion == version, ]
  if (nrow(rch) == 0L) stop_fun_not_found(fun, package, version)
  stopifnot(nrow(rch) == 1L)
  fun_args <- rch$args
  if (is.na(fun_args)) stop(glue("Could not determine arguments of '{fun}' in rcheology database ",
        "of core R functions"))
  fake_fun <- paste("function", fun_args, "NULL")
  fake_fun <- eval(parse(text = fake_fun))

  return (fake_fun)

args_match <- function (fun, ...) {
  fun_name <- deparse(substitute(fun))
  safe_mc <- purrr::safely(match.call)
  x <- safe_mc(fun, do.call(call, list(fun_name, ...)))



core_packages <- function () {
  ip <- as.data.frame(utils::installed.packages())
  ip <- dplyr::filter(ip, Priority == "base")

is_core_package <- memoise::memoise( function (package) {
  return(package %in% core_packages())

# used elsewhere to check for this error
FUNCTION_NOT_FOUND <- "Could not find function in namespace"

stop_fun_not_found <- function (fun, ns_or_package, version) {
  if (is.environment(ns_or_package)) {
    package <- getNamespaceName(ns_or_package)
    version <- getNamespaceVersion(ns_or_package)
  } else {
    package <- ns_or_package
  stop(FUNCTION_NOT_FOUND, ": ", fun, " in ", package, " version ", version)
hughjonesd/apicheck documentation built on Sept. 9, 2019, 12:55 p.m.