
Defines functions handle_decimal_alignment clean_contents

# return character matrix of formatted contents, suitably escaped
clean_contents <- function(
  output_type = c("latex", "html", "screen", "markdown", "word", "excel", "rtf"),
) {
  output_type <- match.arg(output_type)
  contents <- as.matrix(as.data.frame(ht))

  # == format numbers according to number_format ==
  for (col in seq_len(ncol(contents))) {
    for (row in seq_len(nrow(contents))) {
      cell <- contents[row, col]
      num_fmt <- number_format(ht)[[row, col]] # a list element, double brackets
      cell <- format_numbers(cell, num_fmt)
      if (is.na(cell)) cell <- na_string(ht)[row, col]
      contents[row, col] <- as.character(cell)

  # == replace NAs ==
  contents[is.na(contents)] <- na_string(ht)

  # == render markdown, sanitize output ==
  for (col in seq_len(ncol(contents))) {
    md_rows <- markdown(ht)[, col]
    contents[md_rows, col] <- render_markdown(contents[md_rows, col], output_type)
    if (output_type %in% c("latex", "html", "rtf")) {
      to_esc <- escape_contents(ht)[, col] & ! md_rows
      contents[to_esc, col] <-  sanitize(contents[to_esc, col], output_type)

  # == handle decimal alignment ==
  for (col in seq_len(ncol(contents))) {
    pad_chars <- rep(NA, length(col))
    # if align(ht) is a single character, e.g. "." or ",", we align on that:
    align_pad   <- ncharw(align(ht)[, col]) == 1
    pad_chars[align_pad] <- align(ht)[align_pad, col]
    contents[, col] <- handle_decimal_alignment(contents[, col], pad_chars, output_type)

  # == lengthen minus signs ==
  if (getOption("huxtable.long_minus", FALSE) &&
            ! aligning_with_siunitx(output_type)) {
    long_minus <- switch(output_type,
                         latex = "$-$",
                         excel = "-",
    lengthen_minus <- function (numeral) {
      numeral <- sub("^-", long_minus, numeral)
      numeral <- sub("([eE])-", paste0("\\1", long_minus), numeral)
    contents[] <- stringr::str_replace_all(contents, number_regex(), lengthen_minus)

  if (output_type == "rtf") {
    contents <- utf8_to_rtf(contents)


utf8_to_rtf <- function (mx) {
  utf8_codes <- function (x) utf8ToInt(enc2utf8(x))

  rtf_encode <- function (x) {
    code <- utf8_codes(x)
    x <- strsplit(x, split = "")[[1]]
    x[code > 127L & code <= 32767L]   <- code[code > 127L & code <= 32767L]
    x[code > 32767L] <- code[code > 32767L] - 65536L
    x[code > 127L] <- paste0("\\u", x[code > 127L], "?")
    paste0(x, collapse = "")

  needs_conv <- vapply(c(mx), function (x) any(utf8_codes(x) > 127L),
  mx[needs_conv] <- vapply(mx[needs_conv], rtf_encode,


# Format numeral generics
numeral_formatter <- function (x) {

#' @export
numeral_formatter.default <- function (x) {
  stop("Unrecognized number_format. Please use a number, string or function.")

# If we are a function then return output from the function
#' @export
numeral_formatter.function <- function (x) {

#' @export
numeral_formatter.character <- function (x) {
  return(function(numeral) sprintf(x, numeral))

#' @export
numeral_formatter.numeric <- function (x) {
  return(function(numeral) formatC(round(numeral, x), format = "f", digits = x))

# Breakdown of
# (                     begin capturing group
# -?                    optional minus sign
# [0-9]*                followed by any number of digits
# \\.?                  optionally followed by a decimal point
# [0-9]+                which may also be followed by any number of digits
# ([eE]-?[0-9]+)?       optionally including e or E as in scientific notation
#                       along with (optionally) a sign preceding the digits
#                       specifying the level of the exponent.
# )                     end capturing group
number_regex <- function () {

# find each numeric substring, and replace it:
format_numbers <- function (string, num_fmt) {
  if (is.na(string)) return(NA_character_)

  # ! is.function avoids a warning if num_fmt is a function:
  if (! is.function(num_fmt) && is.na(num_fmt)) return(string)

  format_numeral <- function (str) {
    num <- as.numeric(str)
    result <- numeral_formatter(num_fmt)(num)

  stringr::str_replace_all(string, number_regex(), format_numeral)

handle_decimal_alignment <- function(col, pad_chars, output_type) {
  # where pad_chars is NA we do not pad
  orig_col  <- col
  na_pad    <- is.na(pad_chars)
  col       <- col[! na_pad]
  pad_chars <- pad_chars[! na_pad]
  if (length(col) == 0) return(orig_col)

  col <- if (aligning_with_siunitx(output_type)) {
           add_tablenum(col, pad_chars)
         } else {
           pad_spaces(col, pad_chars, output_type)

  orig_col[! na_pad] <- col

pad_spaces <- function (col, pad_chars, output_type) {
  find_pos  <- function(string, char) {
    regex <- gregexpr(char, string, fixed = TRUE)[[1]]

  pos <- mapply(find_pos, col, pad_chars)
  nchars <- ncharw(col)
  # take the biggest distance from the decimal point
  pos[pos == -1L] <- nchars[pos == -1L] + 1
  chars_after_. <- nchars - pos

  pad_n_spaces <- max(chars_after_.) - chars_after_.
  pad_char <- switch(output_type,
                     "html"   = "&nbsp;",
                     "latex"  = "\\hphantom{0}",
                     "screen" = "\u00a0", # screen non-breaking space
                     "rtf"    = "\\~",
                     " ")
  col <- paste0(col, str_rep(pad_char, pad_n_spaces))


add_tablenum <- function (col, pad_chars) {
  tn_options <- rep("", length(pad_chars))
  non_dot <- pad_chars != "."
  tn_options[non_dot] <- sprintf("[output-decimal-marker = {%s}]", pad_chars[non_dot])

  replacements <- paste0("\\\\tablenum", tn_options,"{\\1}")
  stringr::str_replace_all(col, number_regex(), replacements)

aligning_with_siunitx <- function (output_type) {
  output_type == "latex" && getOption("huxtable.latex_siunitx_align", FALSE)
hughjonesd/huxtable documentation built on Feb. 17, 2024, 12:20 a.m.