

test_that("plotSensors' failsafes kick in when needed", {
	expect_error(plotSensors("a"), "Could not recognise the input as an actel results object.", fixed = TRUE)
	expect_error(plotSensors(list("a")), "Could not recognise the input as an actel results object.", fixed = TRUE)
	expect_error(plotSensors(example.results, tag = 1:2), "Please list only one tag", fixed = TRUE)
	expect_error(plotSensors(example.results, tag = "a"),
		"Could not find tag 'a' in the input.", fixed = TRUE)
	expect_error(plotSensors(example.results, tag = "R64K-4451", sensor = "test"),
		"Could not find sensor unit(s) 'test' in the tag detections.", fixed = TRUE)

	xresults <- example.results
	xresults$valid.detections[[1]]$Sensor.Value <- NA
	expect_error(plotSensors(xresults, tag = "R64K-4451"),
		"No sensor data found for this tag.", fixed = TRUE)

test_that("plotSensors is working", {
	p <- plotSensors(example.results, tag = "R64K-4451")
	expect_that(p, is_a("ggplot"))

	xresults <- example.results
	xresults$valid.detections[[1]]$Sensor.Value[1:3] <- NA
	expect_warning(plotSensors(xresults, tag = "R64K-4451"),
		"3 rows in this tag's detections do not contain sensor values and will be discarded.", fixed = TRUE)

	xresults <- example.results
	xresults$valid.detections[[1]]$Sensor.Unit[1:5] <- NA
	expect_warning(plotSensors(xresults, tag = "R64K-4451"),
		"Not all rows with sensor data contain a sensor unit! Plotting unknown data separately.", fixed = TRUE)

test_that("array.alias and colour.by play nicely together", {
	expect_warning(plotSensors(example.results, tag = "R64K-4451", array.alias = c("A0" = "Dummy"), colour.by = "section"),
		"array.alias can only be used when colour.by = 'array'. Ignoring array.alias.", fixed = TRUE)
	tryCatch(plotSensors(example.results, tag = "R64K-4451", colour.by = "section"),
		warning = function(w) stop("A warning was issued where it should not had been!"))

test_that("lcol and pcol are working", {
	expect_warning(plotSensors(example.results, tag = "R64K-4451", pcol = "blue"),
		"Not enough colours supplied in 'pcol' (1 supplied and 10 needed). Reusing colours.", fixed = TRUE)
	tryCatch(plotSensors(example.results, tag = "R64K-4451", pcol = gg_colour_hue(10)),
		warning = function(w) stop("A warning was issued where it should not had been!"))
	expect_error(plotSensors(example.results, tag = "R64K-4451", lcol = gg_colour_hue(10)),
		"Please provide only one value for 'lcol'.", fixed = TRUE)
hugomflavio/actel documentation built on April 18, 2024, 4:23 a.m.