
#' @title Rasterize Polygons or Lines
#' @name VeloxRaster_rasterize
#' @description
#' Rasterizes a collection of polygons or lines, i.e. assigns the values in the \code{field} column of the
#' SPDF to the raster cells intersecting with the respective geometry.
#' @details
#' Note that rasterization is performed sequentially. Hence, cells being contained by multiple polygons
#' are assigned the value of the last polygon in the \code{spdf} object.
#' If argument \code{small = TRUE}, then the values of small polygons are assigned last.
#' If spdf contains polygons, then cell-polygon intersections are calculated based on cell centroids (but see argument \code{small}).
#' If spdf contains lines, then regular cell-line intersections are calculated.
#' @param spdf A sf POLYGON or MULTIPOLYGON object, a sf LINE or MULTILINE object, a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame object, or a SpatialLinesDataFrame object.
#' @param field A character string corresponding to the name of a numeric column in \code{spdf}.
#' @param band A positive integer denoting the ID of the band where the rasterized values are written.
#' @param background Optional. A numeric value assigned to all background cells.
#' @param small Boolean. If TRUE and spdf contains polygons, then intersections for small (or oddly shaped) polygons that do not intersect with any cell centroid
#' are established by intersecting the small polygon with the entire (boxed) cells.
#' @return Void.
#' @examples
#' ## Make VeloxRaster
#' mat <- matrix(0, 10, 10)
#' vx <- velox(mat, extent=c(0,1,0,1), res=c(0.1,0.1), crs="+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs")
#' ## Make SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
#' library(sp)
#' library(rgeos)
#' coord <- cbind(0.5, 0.5)
#' spoint <- SpatialPoints(coords=coord)
#' spols <- gBuffer(spgeom=spoint, width=0.25)
#' spdf <- SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(Sr=spols, data=data.frame(value=1), match.ID=FALSE)
#' ## Rasterize, set background to -1
#' vx$rasterize(spdf=spdf, field="value", background=-1)
#'@import rgeos
#'@import sp
#'@import sf
VeloxRaster$methods(rasterize = function(spdf, field, band=1, background=NULL, small=FALSE) {
  "See \\code{\\link{VeloxRaster_rasterize}}."

  ## Some safety checks
  if (any(!(band %in% 1:nbands))) {
    stop(paste("VeloxRaster only has", nbands, "bands."))
  if (!(field%in%names(spdf))) {
    stop(paste(field, " is not a column name of spdf."))

  ## Get geomc & values
  isLine <- FALSE
  if (inherits(spdf, "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame")) {
    geomc <- st_geometry(st_as_sf(spdf))
    values <- spdf@data[,field]
  } else if (inherits(spdf, 'SpatialLinesDataFrame')) {
    geomc <- st_geometry(st_as_sf(spdf))
    values <- spdf@data[,field]
    isLine <- TRUE
  } else if (inherits(spdf, "sf")) {
    geomc <- st_geometry(spdf)
    if (inherits(geomc, "sfc_MULTILINESTRING") | inherits(geomc, "sfc_LINESTRING")) {
      isLine <- TRUE
    values <- as.data.frame(spdf)[,field]
  } else {
    stop("Argument spdf is not of supported class.")

  ## Fill target band with background
  if (!is.null(background)) {
    nrow <- dim[1]
    ncol <- dim[2]
    new.mat <- matrix(background, nrow, ncol)
    rasterbands[[band]] <<- new.mat

  # Ensure we have an overlap
  overlaps <- .self$overlapsExtent(geomc)
  if (!overlaps) {

  # Create boost grid, boost geometries, intersect
  if (isLine) {
    boostGrid <- boost(.self, box = TRUE)  # If geomc is line, only box intersects make sense
  } else {
    boostGrid <- boost(.self)  # If geomc is line, only box intersects make sense
  geomc.boost <- boost(geomc)
  intrs.ls <- bg_intersects(geomc.boost, boostGrid)

  # Color raster
  missing.idx <- c()
  for (i in 1:length(intrs.ls)) {
    idx <- intrs.ls[[i]]
    if (length(idx) > 0) {
      rasterbands[[band]][idx] <<- values[i]
    } else {
      missing.idx <- c(missing.idx, i)

  # If small activated: Fill missings using box intersect
  if (small & length(missing.idx) > 0 & !isLine) {

    # Create box grid, boost geometries, intersect
    boostBoxGrid <- boost(.self, box = TRUE)
    missing.boost <- geomc.boost[missing.idx]
    intrs.ls <- bg_intersects(missing.boost, boostBoxGrid)

    # Color missing
    for (i in 1:length(intrs.ls)) {
      idx <- intrs.ls[[i]]
      if (length(idx) > 0) {
        rasterbands[[band]][idx] <<- values[i]

  ## Legacy code
  # ## Iterate through polygons and color
  # sp <- SpatialPolygons(spdf@polygons)
  # values <- spdf@data[,field]
  # for (p in 1:length(sp)) {
  #   ## Disect SpatialPolygons object
  #   sp.ls <- disect(rgeos::createSPComment(sp[p,]))
  #   ring.ls <- sp.ls[[1]]
  #   hole.ls <- sp.ls[[2]]
  #   ## Intersections
  #   hitmat.ls <- vector("list", length(ring.ls))
  #   for (i in 1:length(ring.ls)) {  ## For each outer ring
  #     ## Get this ring
  #     ring <- ring.ls[[i]]
  #     ring <- ring[-nrow(ring),]
  #     ## Get extent of this ring
  #     ext <- c(min(ring[,1]), max(ring[,1]), min(ring[,2]), max(ring[,2]))
  #     ## Check whether ring overlaps with raster
  #     ring.overlaps <- .self$overlapsExtent(ext)
  #     if (ring.overlaps) {
  #       ## Crop raster
  #       crop.vx <- .self$copy()
  #       crop.vx$crop(ext)
  #       ## Get intersection with ring
  #       hitmat.ls[[i]] <- hittest_cpp(crop.vx$rasterbands, crop.vx$dim, crop.vx$extent, crop.vx$res, ring[,1], ring[,2], nrow(ring))
  #     } else {
  #       hitmat.ls[[i]] <- matrix(NA, 0, 2+nbands)
  #     }
  #     ## For each hole: remove points that intersect with hole
  #     thishole.ls <- hole.ls[[i]]
  #     if (length(thishole.ls) > 0 & ring.overlaps) {
  #       for (j in 1:length(thishole.ls)) {
  #         hole <- thishole.ls[[j]]
  #         hole <- hole[-nrow(hole),]
  #         hitmat.ls[[i]] <- unhit_cpp(hitmat.ls[[i]], hole[,1], hole[,2], nrow(hole))
  #       }
  #     }
  #   }
  #   ## Coloring
  #   hitmat <- do.call(rbind, hitmat.ls)
  #   if (nrow(hitmat) > 0) {
  #     value <- values[p]
  #     coordvalmat <- cbind(hitmat[,1:2,drop=FALSE], value)
  #     rasterbands[[band]] <<- color_cpp(rasterbands[[band]], coordvalmat, extent, res)
  #   }
  # }
hunzikp/velox documentation built on June 6, 2021, 2:40 a.m.