
Defines functions ff_object ff_object.BasicRaster ff_object.character ffrarr

Documented in ff_object ff_object.BasicRaster ff_object.character ffrarr

#' Raster and 'ff' file-backed arrays
#' Create an file-backed 'ff' object from a raster, or a raster-enabled file. 
#' When the object is created from a filename, `raster::brick` is used. The 'dim'ension
#' for raster and for ff in this context always keeps degenerate singletons. Please
#' get in touch if this causes you problems. 
#' @param x raster or raster-able file
#' @param ... arguments to methods
#' @param readonly open in read-only mode (TRUE by default)
#' @param filename path to file to create
#' @return `ff` object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' f <- system.file("extdata", "raster", "sst.grd", package  = "ffraster")
#' ff_object(raster::brick(f))
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   arr <- ff_object(f, filename = "afile.grd")
#'  }
ff_object <- function(x, readonly = TRUE, filename = NULL, ...) {
#' @name ff_object
#' @export
#' @importFrom raster filename
ff_object.BasicRaster <- function(x, readonly = TRUE, filename = NULL, ...) {
  ini <- try(ini_file(x))
  if (inherits(ini, "try-error")) {
    print("cannot interpret backing file for this object")
  # set up data dimensions and order
    vdim <- dim(x)
  dimo <- dim_order(x)
  ff_out <- ff(dim = dim(x), 
     vmode = ff_type(x), 
     dimorder = dimo, 
     readonly = readonly, 
     filename = gri_filename(x))
    ## now the virtual dim order must always be column-
  #ff::dimorder(ff_out) <- seq_along(dimo)
#' @name ff_object
#' @export
#' @importFrom yesno yesno
ff_object.character <- function(x, readonly = TRUE, filename = NULL, ...)  {
  if (is.null(filename)) {
    stop("please specify a filename, must end in \".grd\"")
  answer <- yesno::yesno("do you want to create a raster and write this object to a new file?", 
      "\n", filename)
  if (!answer) {return(invisible(NULL))}

  ff_object(raster::brick(x, filename = filename), readonly = readonly, ...)

#' ffraster
#' Build a ff array to be used as a raster. 
#' For mapping between raster and ff types, see \code{\link[ff]{vmode}} and \code{\link[raster]{dataType}}
#' @param dim dimensions in Raster order (nrow, ncol, nlayer)
#' @param mode ff data mode see details
#' @param readonly open in readonly mode (TRUE is default)
#' @param filename file name as per \code{\link{writeRaster}}
#' @importFrom ff ff
#' @importFrom raster raster
#' @return ff
#' @export
#' @examples
#' mat <- volcano
#' library(raster)
#' b <- brick(raster(mat), raster(mat), raster(mat))
#' fn <- rasterTmpFile()
#' dt <- "byte"
#' ffraster:::.writeGRD(b, dataType = dt, filename = fn)
#' a <- ffrarr(dim(b), mode = dt, filename = fn, readonly = FALSE)
ffrarr <- function(dim, mode, filename, readonly = TRUE) {
    # set up data dimensions and order
  vdim <- dim
  vm <- c(INT1U = "ubyte", FLT4S = "single", FLT8S = "double")[mode]
   vm <- mode
  # bit of overkill to work with n-D
  if(vdim[length(vdim)] < 2) vdim <- vdim[length(vdim)-1]
  dimo <- seq_along(vdim)[c(seq_along(vdim)[-1], 1)]
  # dimo <- c(3, 1, 2)
  ff(dim = vdim, vmode = vm, dimorder = dimo, readonly = readonly, filename = gsub("grd$", "gri", filename))

raster_.nodatavalue <- 
  function (object) 
    if (inherits(object, "RasterStack")) {
      return(sapply(object@layers, function(x) x@file@nodatavalue))

#' @importFrom raster extension<- 
raster_.setFileExtensionHeader <- 
  function (fname, type = "raster") 
    if (type == "raster") {
      extension(fname) <- ".grd"
    else if (type == "SAGA") {
      extension(fname) <- "sgrd"
    else if (type == "IDRISI") {
      extension(fname) <- ".rdc"
    else if (type == "IDRISIold") {
      extension(fname) <- ".doc"
    else if (type %in% c("BIL", "BSQ", "BIP")) {
      extension(fname) <- ".hdr"
    else if (type == "big.matrix") {
      extension(fname) <- ".brd"
    else {
      stop("unknown file format")

#' @importFrom raster xmin ymin xmax ymax projection nlayers trim minValue maxValue getZ
.writeGRD <- function (x, type = "raster", filename = NULL, dataType = NULL, byteorder = "little", bandorder = "BIL", 
                       nbands = NULL, dates = NULL, overwrite = FALSE) 
  if (file.exists(filename) && !overwrite) stop("'filename' exists, use a different file or set 'overwrite = TRUE'")
  if (overwrite) {
    binfilename <- gsub("grd$", "gri", filename)

    if (file.exists(binfilename)) unlink(binfilename)
  rastergrd <- raster_.setFileExtensionHeader(filename, type)
  thefile <- file(rastergrd, "w")
  cat("[general]", "\n", file = thefile, sep = "")
  cat("creator=R package 'raster'", "\n", file = thefile, sep = "")
  cat("created=", format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), 
      "\n", file = thefile, sep = "")
  cat("[georeference]", "\n", file = thefile, sep = "")
  cat("nrows=", nrow(x), "\n", file = thefile, sep = "")
  cat("ncols=", ncol(x), "\n", file = thefile, sep = "")
  cat("xmin=", as.character(xmin(x)), "\n", file = thefile, 
      sep = "")
  cat("ymin=", as.character(ymin(x)), "\n", file = thefile, 
      sep = "")
  cat("xmax=", as.character(xmax(x)), "\n", file = thefile, 
      sep = "")
  cat("ymax=", as.character(ymax(x)), "\n", file = thefile, 
      sep = "")
  cat("projection=", projection(x), "\n", file = thefile, sep = "")
  cat("[data]", "\n", file = thefile, sep = "")
  cat("datatype=", dataType, "\n", file = thefile, 
      sep = "")
  cat("byteorder=", byteorder, "\n", file = thefile, 
      sep = "")
  if (is.null(nbands)) {
    nl <- nlayers(x)
    miv <- paste(minValue(x, -1, warn = FALSE), collapse = ":")
    mav <- paste(maxValue(x, -1, warn = FALSE), collapse = ":")
    ln <- gsub(":", ".", names(x))
    ln <-  paste(ln, collapse = ":")
  } else {
    nl <- nbands
    miv <- paste(rep(minValue(x, -1, warn = FALSE), nbands), collapse = ":")
    mav <- paste(rep(maxValue(x, -1, warn = FALSE), nbands), collapse = ":")
    ln <- gsub(":", ".", names(x))
    ln <-  paste(paste(ln, seq(nbands), sep = "."), collapse = ":")
  cat("nbands=", nl, "\n", file = thefile, sep = "")
  cat("bandorder=", bandorder, "\n", file = thefile, 
      sep = "")
  if (nl == 1) {
    fact <- is.factor(x)[1]
    cat("categorical=", paste(fact, collapse = ":"), "\n", 
        file = thefile, sep = "")
    if (any(fact)) {
      r <- x@data@attributes[[1]]
      cat("ratnames=", paste(colnames(r), collapse = ":"), 
          "\n", file = thefile, sep = "")
      cat("rattypes=", paste(sapply(r, class), collapse = ":"), 
          "\n", file = thefile, sep = "")
      cat("ratvalues=", paste(trim(as.character(as.matrix(r))), 
                              collapse = ":"), "\n", file = thefile, sep = "")
    if (length(x@legend@colortable) > 1) {
      cat("colortable=", paste(x@legend@colortable, collapse = ":"), 
          "\n", file = thefile, sep = "")
  cat("minvalue=", miv, 
      "\n", file = thefile, sep = "")
  cat("maxvalue=", mav, 
      "\n", file = thefile, sep = "")
  cat("nodatavalue=", raster_.nodatavalue(x), "\n", file = thefile, 
      sep = "")
  cat("[legend]", "\n", file = thefile, sep = "")
  # cat("legendtype=", x@legend@type, "\n", file = thefile, sep = "")
  #  cat("values=", paste(x@legend@values, collapse = ":"), "\n", 
  #     file = thefile, sep = "")
  #  cat("color=", paste(x@legend@color, collapse = ":"), "\n", 
  #      file = thefile, sep = "")
  cat("[description]", "\n", file = thefile, sep = "")
  cat("layername=", ln, "\n", file = thefile, 
      sep = "")
  z <- getZ(x)
  if (!is.null(nbands)) {
    if (is.null(dates)) dates <- seq_len(nbands)
    z <- dates
  if (!is.null(z)) {
    zname <- names(x@z)[1]
    if (is.null(zname)) {
      zname <- "z-value"
    zclass <- class(z)
    if (inherits(z, "POSIXct")) {
      z <- format(z, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tz = "UTC")
    else {
      z <- as.character(z)
    cat("zvalues=", paste(c(zname, z), collapse = ":"), "\n", 
        file = thefile, sep = "")
    cat("zclass=", zclass, "\n", file = thefile, sep = "")
  a <- NULL
  try(a <- unlist(x@history), silent = TRUE)
  if (!is.null(a)) {
    cat("history=", a, "\n", file = thefile, sep = "")
  a <- NULL
  try(a <- rapply(x@history, function(x) paste(as.character(x), 
                                               collapse = "#,#")), silent = TRUE)
  if (!is.null(a)) {
    a <- gsub("\n", "#NL#", a)
    type <- rapply(x@history, class)
    type_value <- apply(cbind(type, a), 1, function(x) paste(x, 
                                                             collapse = ":"))
    name_type_value <- apply(cbind(names(a), type_value), 
                             1, function(x) paste(x, collapse = "="))
    name_type_value <- paste(name_type_value, "\n", sep = "")
    cat("[metadata]", "\n", file = thefile, sep = "")
    cat(name_type_value, file = thefile, sep = "")
hypertidy/ffraster documentation built on May 24, 2019, 4:05 a.m.