
iNZcodeWidget <- setRefClass(
    fields = list(
        GUI = "ANY",
        history = "list", ## each list is a vector of commands
        keep.last = "logical", ## if FALSE, the last element of history is replaced on update
        packages = "character",
        disabled = "logical"
    methods = list(
        initialize = function(gui) {
                GUI = gui, keep.last = TRUE,
                packages = c("iNZightPlots"), disabled = FALSE
            history <<- list()
        add = function(x, keep = TRUE, tidy = FALSE) {
            x <- gsub("^SEP$", sep(), x)

            if (!keep.last) history <<- history[-length(history)]
            history <<- c(history, list(c("", x)))
            keep.last <<- keep
            ## append any new packages ...?
            if (any(grepl("::", x))) {
                xpkg <- x[grepl("::", x)]
                m <- stringr::str_match(xpkg, "([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]+):{2,3}")
            if (any(grepl("%>%", x)) && !"magrittr" %in% packages) {
                packages <<- c(packages, "magrittr")

            if (any(grepl("library\\([a-zA-Z0-9]+\\)", x))) {
                    x[grepl("library\\([a-zA-Z0-9]+\\)", x)],
                    function(y) {
                        m <- regexpr("library\\([a-zA-Z0-9]+\\)", y)
                        pkg <- gsub(
                            ".*library\\(|\\).*", "",
                            substr(y, m, m + attr(m, "match.length"))
                        if (!pkg %in% packages) packages <<- c(packages, pkg)
        get = function(width = 80, indent = 4) {
            code <- do.call(
                    function(x) {
                        x <- gsub("^#", "\n#", x)
                        x <- paste(x, collapse = " ")

                        y <- iNZightTools::tidy_all_code(
                            width = width,
                            indent = indent
                        c(y, "")
            return(c(header(), code))
        update = function() {
            if (disabled) {
            ## look at the data - has it got code? update the history with the code!
            code <- GUI$getActiveDoc()$getCode()
            if (is.null(code)) {
                add("## NOTE:  missing code")

            if (length(code) == 1 && code == "") {
            if (is.null(GUI$getActiveDoc()$getModel()$getDesign())) {
                dname <- attr(GUI$getActiveData(lazy = TRUE), "name", exact = TRUE)
            } else {
                dname <- GUI$getActiveDoc()$getModel()$dataDesignName
            if (is.null(dname) || dname == "") {
                dname <- sprintf("data%s", ifelse(GUI$activeDoc == 1, "", GUI$activeDoc))
            dname <- iNZightTools:::create_varname(dname)

            if (!any(grepl(".dataset", code))) {
                code <- c(sprintf("%s <- ", dname), code)
                add(code, keep = TRUE, tidy = TRUE)
            } else {
                code <- gsub(
                    "\ +", " ", # one or more spaces with just one space!
                    paste(gsub(".dataset", dname, code, fixed = TRUE), collapse = "")
                code <- gsub(" %>% ", " %>% \n    ", code)
                ## replace data %>% foo() with data %<>% foo()
                ## before the first one, add a comment explaining what %<>% does
                asgnpipe <- paste(dname, "%<>% ")
                # if (!any(sapply(history, function(x) any(grepl('%<>%', x)))))
                #   asgnpipe <- paste(collapse = "\n",
                #     c("## The `%<>%` operator pipes and assigns, and is the equivalent of",
                #       "## data <- data %>% function(...), which is the equivalent of",
                #       "## data <- function(data, ...)", "", asgnpipe))
                code <- gsub(paste0(dname, " %>% \n    "), asgnpipe, code)
                add(code, keep = TRUE)
        header = function() {
                "# iNZight Code History",
                sprintf("## This script was automatically generated by iNZight v%s", packageVersion("iNZight")),
                #   "## BETA WARNING: we're still working on making this as accurate",
                #   "##               as possible, so please ... ",
                #   "##  - expect 'gaps' in the generated code (i.e., missing actions), and",
                #   "##  - LET US KNOW if you think something's missing",
                #   "##    (if you can give a minimal step-by-step to reproduce the problem, ",
                #   "##     that would be incredibly useful!)",
                #   "##    email: inzight_support@stat.auckland.ac.nz",
                #   "",
                "## This script assumes you have the following packages installed.",
                "## Uncomment the following lines if you don't:",
                    "# install.packages(c('%s'), ",
                    paste(packages, collapse = "',\n#                    '")
                "#     repos = c('https://r.docker.stat.auckland.ac.nz',",
                "#               'https://cran.rstudio.com'))",
                if ("magrittr" %in% packages) {
                    "library(magrittr)  # enables the pipe (%>%) operator"
        sep = function(width = 80) {
            paste("##", paste(rep("-", width - 6), collapse = ""), "##")
        enable = function() disabled <<- FALSE,
        disable = function() disabled <<- TRUE
iNZightVIT/iNZight documentation built on April 8, 2024, 10:23 a.m.