
Defines functions ef_ldv_speed

Documented in ef_ldv_speed

#' Emissions factors for Light Duty Vehicles and Motorcycles
#' \code{\link{ef_ldv_speed}} returns speed dependent emission factors, data.frames or
#' list of emission factors. The emission factors
#'  comes from the guidelines  EMEP/EEA air pollutant emission inventory guidebook
#' http://www.eea.europa.eu/themes/air/emep-eea-air-pollutant-emission-inventory-guidebook
#' The argument of this functions have several options which results in
#' different combinations that returns emission factors. If a combination of
#' any option is wrong it will return an empty value. Therefore, it is
#' important ti know the combinations.
#' @param v Character; category vehicle: "PC", "LCV", "Motorcycle" or "Moped
#' @param t Character; sub-category of of vehicle: PC:  "ECE_1501", "ECE_1502",
#' "2S"  or "4S". LCV: "4S", Motorcycle: "2S" or "4S". Moped: "2S" or "4S"
#' @param cc Character; size of engine in cc:  PC: "<=1400", ">1400", "1400_2000", ">2000",
#' "<=800", "<=2000". Motorcycle:  ">=50" (for "2S"), "<=250", "250_750", ">=750".
#' Moped: "<=50". LCV :  "<3.5" for gross weight.
#' @param f Character; type of fuel: "G", "D", "LPG" or "FH" (Gasoline Full Hybrid).
#' Full hybrid vehicles cannot be charged from the grid and recharge; only its own engine
#' may recharge tis batteries.
#' @param eu Character or data.frame of characters; euro standard:
#'  "PRE", "I", "II", "III", "III+DPF", "IV", "V", "VI" or "VIc".
#' When the pollutan is active surface or number of particles, eu can also be "III+DISI"
#' @param p Character; pollutant: "CO", "FC", "NOx", "NO", "NO2", "HC", "PM", "NMHC", "CH4",
#' "CO2",  "SO2" or "Pb". Only when p is "SO2" pr "Pb" x is needed. Also
#' polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), persistent organi pollutants (POPs),
#' and Number of particles and Active Surface.
#' @param x Numeric; if pollutant is "SO2", it is sulphur in fuel in ppm, if is
#' "Pb", Lead in fuel in ppm.
#' @param k Numeric; multiplication factor
#' @param show.equation Logical; option to see or not the equation parameters.
#' @param speed Numeric; Speed to return Number of emission factor and not a function.
#' @param fcorr Numeric; Correction by fuel properties by euro technology.
#' See \code{\link{fuel_corr}}. The order from first to last is
#' "PRE", "I", "II", "III", "IV", "V", VI, "VIc". Default is 1
#' @return An emission factor function which depends of the average speed V  g/km
#' @keywords speed emission factors
#' @note t = "ALL" and cc == "ALL" works for several pollutants because emission
#' fators are the same. Some exceptions are with NOx and FC because size of engine.
#' \strong{Hybrid cars}: the only cover "PC" and according to EMEP/EEA air pollutant emission inventory
#' guidebook 2016 (Ntziachristos and Samaras, 2016) only for euro IV. When new literature
#' is available, I will update these factors.
#' \strong{Pollutants (g/km)}: "CO", "NOx", "HC", "PM", "CH4", "NMHC", "CO2", "SO2",
#' "Pb", "FC".
#' \strong{Black Carbon and Organic Matter (g/km)}: "BC", "OM"
#' \strong{PAH and POP (g/km)}:  \code{\link{speciate}}
#' \strong{Dioxins and furans(g equivalent toxicity / km)}:  \code{\link{speciate}}
#' \strong{Metals (g/km)}:  \code{\link{speciate}}
#' \strong{NMHC (g/km)}: \code{\link{speciate}}
#' \emph{Active Surface (cm2/km)}:  \code{\link{speciate}}"AS_urban", "AS_rural", "AS_highway"
#' \emph{Total Number of particles (N/km)}: \code{\link{speciate}} "N_urban", "N_rural", "N_highway",
#' "N_50nm_urban", "N_50_100nm_rural", "N_100_1000nm_highway".
#' The available standards for Active Surface or number of particles are Euro I,
#' II, III, III+DPF dor diesle and III+DISI for gasoline. Pre euro vehicles
#' has the value of Euro I and  euro IV, V, VI and VIc the value of euro III.
#' @seealso \code{\link{fuel_corr}} \code{\link{emis}} \code{\link{ef_ldv_cold}}
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # Passenger Cars PC
#' # Emission factor function
#' V <- 0:150
#' ef1 <- ef_ldv_speed(v = "PC",t = "4S", cc = "<=1400", f = "G", eu = "PRE",
#' p = "CO")
#' efs <- EmissionFactors(ef1(1:150))
#' plot(Speed(1:150), efs, xlab = "speed[km/h]", type = "b", pch = 16, col = "blue")
#' # Quick view
#' pol <- c("CO", "NOx", "HC", "NMHC", "CH4", "FC", "PM", "CO2", "SO2",
#' "1-butyne", "propyne")
#' f <- sapply(1:length(pol), function(i){
#' ef_ldv_speed("PC", "4S", "<=1400", "G", "PRE", pol[i], x = 10)(30)
#' })
#' f
#' # PM Characteristics
#' pol <- c("AS_urban", "AS_rural", "AS_highway",
#' "N_urban", "N_rural", "N_highway",
#' "N_50nm_urban", "N_50_100nm_rural", "N_100_1000nm_highway")
#' f <- sapply(1:length(pol), function(i){
#' ef_ldv_speed("PC", "4S", "<=1400", "D", "PRE", pol[i], x = 10)(30)
#' })
#' f
#' # PAH POP
#' ef_ldv_speed(v = "PC",t = "4S", cc = "<=1400", f = "G", eu = "PRE",
#' p = "indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene")(10)
#' ef_ldv_speed(v = "PC",t = "4S", cc = "<=1400", f = "G", eu = "PRE",
#' p = "napthalene")(10)
#' # Dioxins and Furans
#' ef_ldv_speed(v = "PC",t = "4S", cc = "<=1400", f = "G", eu = "PRE",
#' p = "PCB")(10)
#' # NMHC
#' ef_ldv_speed(v = "PC",t = "4S", cc = "<=1400", f = "G", eu = "PRE",
#' p = "hexane")(10)
#' # List of Copert emission factors for 40 years fleet of Passenger Cars.
#' # Assuming a euro distribution of euro V, IV, III, II, and I of
#' # 5 years each and the rest 15 as PRE euro:
#' euro <- c(rep("V", 5), rep("IV", 5), rep("III", 5), rep("II", 5),
#'           rep("I", 5), rep("PRE", 15))
#' speed <- 25
#' lef <- lapply(1:40, function(i) {
#' ef_ldv_speed(v = "PC", t = "4S", cc = "<=1400", f = "G",
#'           eu = euro[i], p = "CO")
#' ef_ldv_speed(v = "PC", t = "4S", cc = "<=1400", f = "G",
#'           eu = euro[i], p = "CO", show.equation = FALSE)(25) })
#' # to check the emission factor with a plot
#' efs <- EmissionFactors(unlist(lef)) #returns 'units'
#' plot(efs, xlab = "age")
#' lines(efs, type = "l")
#' euros <- c("VI", "V", "IV", "III", "II")
#' ef_ldv_speed(v = "PC", t = "4S", cc = "<=1400", f = "G",
#'           eu = euros, p = "CO")
#' a <- ef_ldv_speed(v = "PC", t = "4S", cc = "<=1400", f = "G",
#'           eu = euros, p = "CO", speed = Speed(0:120))
#' head(a)
#' filled.contour(as.matrix(a)[1:10, 1:length(euros)], col = cptcity::cpt(n = 18))
#' filled.contour(as.matrix(a)[110:120, 1:length(euros)], col = cptcity::cpt(n = 16))
#' filled.contour(as.matrix(a)[, 1:length(euros)], col = cptcity::cpt(n = 21))
#' filled.contour(as.matrix(a)[, 1:length(euros)],
#' col = cptcity::cpt("mpl_viridis", n = 21))
#' filled.contour(as.matrix(a)[, 1:length(euros)],
#' col = cptcity::cpt("mpl_magma", n = 21))
#' persp(as.matrix(a)[, 1:length(euros)], phi = 0, theta = 0)
#' persp(as.matrix(a)[, 1:length(euros)], phi = 25, theta = 45)
#' persp(as.matrix(a)[, 1:length(euros)], phi = 0, theta = 90)
#' persp(as.matrix(a)[, 1:length(euros)], phi = 25, theta = 90+45)
#' persp(as.matrix(a)[, 1:length(euros)], phi = 0, theta = 180)
#' new_euro <- c("VI", "VI", "V", "V", "V")
#' euro <- c("V", "V", "IV", "III", "II")
#' old_euro <- c("III", "II", "I", "PRE", "PRE")
#' meuros <- rbind(new_euro, euro, old_euro)
#' aa <- ef_ldv_speed(v = "PC", t = "4S", cc = "<=1400", f = "G",
#'           eu = meuros, p = "CO", speed = Speed(10:11))
#' # Light Commercial Vehicles
#' V <- 0:150
#' ef1 <- ef_ldv_speed(v = "LCV",t = "4S", cc = "<3.5", f = "G", eu = "PRE",
#' p = "CO")
#' efs <- EmissionFactors(ef1(1:150))
#' plot(Speed(1:150), efs, xlab = "speed[km/h]")
#' lef <- lapply(1:5, function(i) {
#' ef_ldv_speed(v = "LCV", t = "4S", cc = "<3.5", f = "G",
#'           eu = euro[i], p = "CO", show.equation = FALSE)(25) })
#' # to check the emission factor with a plot
#' efs <- EmissionFactors(unlist(lef)) #returns 'units'
#' plot(efs, xlab = "age")
#' lines(efs, type = "l")
#' # Motorcycles
#' V <- 0:150
#' ef1 <- ef_ldv_speed(v = "Motorcycle",t = "4S", cc = "<=250", f = "G",
#' eu = "PRE", p = "CO",show.equation = TRUE)
#' efs <- EmissionFactors(ef1(1:150))
#' plot(Speed(1:150), efs, xlab = "speed[km/h]")
#' # euro for motorcycles
#' eurom <- c(rep("III", 5), rep("II", 5), rep("I", 5), rep("PRE", 25))
#' lef <- lapply(1:30, function(i) {
#' ef_ldv_speed(v = "Motorcycle", t = "4S", cc = "<=250", f = "G",
#' eu = eurom[i], p = "CO",
#' show.equation = FALSE)(25) })
#' efs <- EmissionFactors(unlist(lef)) #returns 'units'
#' plot(efs, xlab = "age")
#' lines(efs, type = "l")
#' a <- ef_ldv_speed(v = "Motorcycle", t = "4S", cc = "<=250", f = "G",
#' eu = eurom, p = "CO", speed = Speed(0:125))
#' a$speed <- NULL
#' filled.contour(as.matrix(a), col = cptcity::lucky(),
#' xlab = "Speed", ylab = "Age")
#' persp(x = as.matrix(a), theta = 35, xlab = "Speed", ylab = "Euros",
#' zlab = "CO [g/km]", col = cptcity::lucky(), phi = 25)
#' ef <- ef_ldv_speed(v = "LCV",
#'                    t = "4S",
#'                    cc = "<3.5",
#'                    f = "G",
#'                    p = "FC",
#'                    eu = c("I", "II"),
#'                    speed = Speed(10))
#' }
ef_ldv_speed <- function(
  t  = "4S",
  k = 1,
  show.equation = FALSE,
  fcorr = rep(1, 8)){

  ef_ldv <- sysdata$ldv
  xas <-  c("AS_urban", "AS_rural", "AS_highway")
  npm <- c("N_urban", "N_rural", "N_highway",
           "N_50nm_urban", "N_50_100nm_rural", "N_100_1000nm_highway")

  # try to solve error of negative values present in EEA guidelines
  if(v == "LCV" && any(eu %in% "V")) {
    warning("When `v` is 'LCV' and `eu` is 'V', I replaces `v` by 'PC' and `cc` by >'2000' see issue #204")
    v <- "PC"
    cc <- ">2000"

  #Check eu
  if(is.matrix(eu) | is.data.frame(eu)){
    eu <- as.data.frame(eu)
    for(i in 1:ncol(eu)) eu[, i] <- as.character(eu[, i])
  } else {
    eu = as.character(eu)

  # Check speed
    if(!class(speed)[1] %in% c("units", "Speed")){
      stop("speed neeeds to has class 'Speed' or 'units' in 'km/h'. Please, check package '?units::set_units'")
    speed <- remove_units(speed)

  #Function to case when
  lala <- function(x) {
    ifelse(x == "PRE", fcorr[1],
             x == "I", fcorr[2],
               x == "II", fcorr[3],
                 x == "III", fcorr[4],
                   x == "IV", fcorr[5],
                     x == "V", fcorr[6],
                       x == "VI", fcorr[7],

  # Message for units
    if( p %in% xas) {
      cat("Units of Active Surface: cm^2/km\n")
    } else if (p %in% npm){
      cat("Units of Number of Particles: n/km\n")

  # fun starts
    if(length(eu) == 1){

      df <- ef_ldv[ef_ldv$VEH == v &
                     ef_ldv$TYPE == t &
                     ef_ldv$CC == cc &
                     ef_ldv$FUEL == f &
                     ef_ldv$EURO == eu &
                     ef_ldv$POLLUTANT == p, ]
      k2 <- lala(eu)

      if (show.equation == TRUE) {
        cat(paste0("a = ", df$a, ", b = ", df$b, ", c = ", df$c, ", d = ", df$d,
                   ", e = ", df$e, ", f = ", df$f, "\n"))
        cat(paste0("Equation = ", "(",as.character(df$Y), ")", "*", k, "*", k2, "\n"))
      if(p %in% c("SO2","Pb")){
        f1 <- function(V){
          a <- df$a; b <- df$b; c <- df$c; d <- df$d; e <- df$e; f <- df$f; x <- x
          V <- ifelse(V < df$MINV, df$MINV,
                      ifelse(V > df$MAXV, df$MAXV, V))
          eval(parse(text = paste0("(",as.character(df$Y), ")", "*", k)))
      } else {
        f1 <- function(V){
          a <- df$a; b <- df$b; c <- df$c; d <- df$d; e <- df$e; f <- df$f
          V <- ifelse(V<df$MINV,df$MINV,ifelse(V>df$MAXV,df$MAXV,V))
          eval(parse(text = paste0("(",as.character(df$Y), ")", "*", k)))

      # check for speed as numeric or data.frame
          f1 <- EmissionFactors(f1(speed))
        } else if(is.data.frame(speed)){
          f1 <- EmissionFactors(sapply(speed, f1))
      } else {

    } else if(length(eu) > 1){

        if(is.numeric(speed)) {
          dff <- do.call("cbind", lapply(1:length(eu), function(i){
            df <- ef_ldv[ef_ldv$VEH == v &
                           ef_ldv$TYPE == t &
                           ef_ldv$CC == cc &
                           ef_ldv$FUEL == f &
                           ef_ldv$EURO == eu[i] &
                           ef_ldv$POLLUTANT == p, ]
            k2 <- lala(eu[i])

            if(p %in% c("SO2","Pb")){
              f1 <- function(V){
                a <- df$a; b <- df$b; c <- df$c; d <- df$d; e <- df$e; f <- df$f; x <- x
                V <- ifelse(V < df$MINV, df$MINV,
                            ifelse(V > df$MAXV, df$MAXV, V))
                ifelse(eval(parse(text = paste0("(",as.character(df$Y), ")", "*", k, "*", k2))) < 0,
                       eval(parse(text = paste0("(",as.character(df$Y), ")", "*", k, "*", k2))) )
            } else {
              f1 <- function(V){
                a <- df$a; b <- df$b; c <- df$c; d <- df$d; e <- df$e; f <- df$f
                V <- ifelse(V<df$MINV,df$MINV,ifelse(V>df$MAXV,df$MAXV,V))
                ifelse(eval(parse(text = paste0("(",as.character(df$Y), ")", "*", k, "*", k2))) < 0,
                       eval(parse(text = paste0("(",as.character(df$Y), ")", "*", k, "*", k2))))
          dff <- EmissionFactors(dff)
          names(dff) <- paste0(eu, 1:length(eu))
          dff$speed <- speed
        } else if (is.data.frame(speed)){}

      } else {
        dff <- lapply(1:length(eu), function(i){
          df <- ef_ldv[ef_ldv$VEH == v &
                         ef_ldv$TYPE == t &
                         ef_ldv$CC == cc &
                         ef_ldv$FUEL == f &
                         ef_ldv$EURO == eu[i] &
                         ef_ldv$POLLUTANT == p, ]
          k2 <- lala(eu[i])

          if(p %in% c("SO2","Pb")){
            f1 <- function(V){
              a <- df$a; b <- df$b; c <- df$c; d <- df$d; e <- df$e; f <- df$f; x <- x
              V <- ifelse(V < df$MINV, df$MINV,
                          ifelse(V > df$MAXV, df$MAXV, V))
              ifelse(eval(parse(text = paste0("(",as.character(df$Y), ")", "*", k, "*", k2))) < 0,
                     eval(parse(text = paste0("(",as.character(df$Y), ")", "*", k, "*", k2))) )
          } else {
            f1 <- function(V){
              a <- df$a; b <- df$b; c <- df$c; d <- df$d; e <- df$e; f <- df$f
              V <- ifelse(V<df$MINV,df$MINV,ifelse(V>df$MAXV,df$MAXV,V))
              ifelse(eval(parse(text = paste0("(",as.character(df$Y), ")", "*", k, "*", k2))) < 0,
                     eval(parse(text = paste0("(",as.character(df$Y), ")", "*", k, "*", k2))))
        names(dff) <- paste0(eu, 1:length(eu))
    # New stuffs!
  } else if (is.data.frame(eu)){
    if(missing(speed)) stop("Add 'speed' please")
    dff <- do.call("rbind", lapply(1:nrow(eu), function(j){
      do.call("cbind", lapply(1:ncol(eu), function(i){
        df <- ef_ldv[ef_ldv$VEH == v &
                       ef_ldv$TYPE == t &
                       ef_ldv$CC == cc &
                       ef_ldv$FUEL == f &
                       ef_ldv$EURO == eu[j,i][[1]] &
                       ef_ldv$POLLUTANT == p, ]
        k2 <- lala(eu[j,i][[1]])

        if(p %in% c("SO2","Pb")){
          f1 <- function(V){
            a <- df$a; b <- df$b; c <- df$c; d <- df$d; e <- df$e; f <- df$f; x <- x
            V <- ifelse(V < df$MINV, df$MINV,
                        ifelse(V > df$MAXV, df$MAXV, V))
            ifelse(eval(parse(text = paste0("(",as.character(df$Y), ")", "*", k, "*", k2))) < 0,
                   eval(parse(text = paste0("(",as.character(df$Y), ")", "*", k, "*", k2))) )
        } else {
          f1 <- function(V){
            a <- df$a; b <- df$b; c <- df$c; d <- df$d; e <- df$e; f <- df$f
            V <- ifelse(V<df$MINV,df$MINV,ifelse(V>df$MAXV,df$MAXV,V))
            ifelse(eval(parse(text = paste0("(",as.character(df$Y), ")", "*", k, "*", k2))) < 0,
                   eval(parse(text = paste0("(",as.character(df$Y), ")", "*", k, "*", k2))))
    dff <- EmissionFactors(dff)
    dff$speed <- speed
    dff$row_eu <- rep(1:nrow(eu), each = length(speed))
ibarraespinosa/vein documentation built on Sept. 8, 2024, 6:55 p.m.