
dir.create("post/spec_grid", showWarnings = FALSE)

fs <- list.files(
  path = "post/spec_grid",
  pattern = ".rds",
  full.names = TRUE,
  recursive = TRUE

months_subset <- ifelse(nchar(months_subset) < 2,
  paste0("0", months_subset),

# Gasoline Exhaust
gx <- st_set_geometry(readRDS("post/emi_grid.rds"), NULL)

nx <- paste0("NMHC_G_EXH_", months_subset)
x <- gx[nx]
x[] <- 0
x$id <- NULL
vocE25EX <- speciate(
  x = x,
  spec = mech,
  fuel = "G",
  veh = "veh",
  eu = "Exhaust",
  list = T

# Gasoline Evap
nx <- paste0("NMHC_G_EVA_", months_subset)
x <- gx[nx]
x[] <- 0
x$id <- NULL
vocE25EV <- speciate(
  x = x,
  spec = mech,
  fuel = "G",
  veh = "veh",
  eu = "Evaporative",
  list = T
# Etanol Exhaust
nx <- paste0("NMHC_E_EXH_", months_subset)
x <- gx[nx]
x[] <- 0
x$id <- NULL
vocE100EX <- speciate(
  x = x,
  spec = mech,
  fuel = "E",
  veh = "veh",
  eu = "Exhaust",
  list = T

# Etanol Evap
nx <- paste0("NMHC_E_EVA_", months_subset)
x <- gx[nx]
x[] <- 0
x$id <- NULL
vocE100EV <- speciate(
  x = x,
  spec = mech,
  fuel = "E",
  veh = "veh",
  eu = "Evaporative",
  list = T

# Diesel Exhaust
nx <- paste0("NMHC_D_EXH_", months_subset)
x <- gx[nx]
x[] <- 0
x$id <- NULL
vocB5EX <- speciate(
  x = x,
  spec = mech,
  fuel = "D",
  veh = "veh",
  eu = "Exhaust",
  list = T

voc <- lapply(1:length(vocE25EX), function(i) {
  vocE25EX[[i]] + vocE25EV[[i]] +
    vocE100EX[[i]] + vocE100EV[[i]] +

names(voc) <- toupper(names(vocE25EX))

for (i in 1:length(voc)) {
  voc[[i]]$id <- 1:nrow(voc[[i]])

# saving VOC ####
voc[] <- 0

for (i in seq_along(names(voc))) {
  g_x <- g
  g_x <- merge(g, voc[[names(voc)[i]]], by = "id", all = T)
  g_x <- st_sf(g_x, geometry = g$geometry)
  saveRDS(g_x, file = paste0("post/spec_grid/", names(voc)[i], ".rds"))

nx <- paste0(pol, "_all_EXH_", months_subset)
for (j in seq_along(nx)) {
  x <- gx[nx[j]]
  x[] <- 0
  mm_x <- units::set_units(mol[j], "g/mol") # mm: massa molar
  x[[1]] <- x[[1]] * (mm_x)^-1
  x <- st_sf(x, geometry = g$geometry)
  saveRDS(x, paste0("post/spec_grid/E_", pol[j], ".rds"))

# PM
nx <- paste0("PM_all_EXH_", months_subset)
gPM <- gx[nx]
# we need to add time units
# Assuming hourly emissions, the untis will ne ug/m2/s
# when inputting emissions into wrfchemi, we must add % hourly profile
gPM[[1]] <- gPM[[1]] * units::set_units(1, "1/h")

gPM$id <- NULL
gPM1 <- speciate(x = gPM, spec = aer, list = T)

for (i in 1:length(names(gPM1))) {
  gPMx <- st_sf(gPM1[[i]], geometry = g$geometry)
  saveRDS(gPMx, paste0("post/spec_grid/", toupper(names(gPM1))[i], ".rds"))
# NO PM10 yet!
# for(i in 1:ncol(gPM)) gPM[, i] <- units::set_units(gPM[, i], "ug/m^2/s")
# gPM10 <- st_set_geometry(readRDS("post/grids/PM10.rds"), NULL)
# names(gPM10)
# gPM10$id <- NULL
# for(i in 1:ncol(gPM10)) gPM10[, i] <- units::set_units(gPM10[, i], "ug/m^2/s")

# # gPM2510 are in g/km/h
# # need to change units to ug/m2/s
# gPM2510 <- gPM10 -  gPM
# gPM2510 <- st_sf(gPM2510, geometry = g$g)
# saveRDS(gPM2510, "post/spec_grid/E_PM_10.rds")

  "portuguese" = message("\npost/spec_grid"),
  "english" = message("\npost/spec_grid"),
  "spanish" = message("\npost/spec_grid")
  rm("g", "gPM", "gPM1", "gPM10", "gPM2510", "gPMx", "i", "pol")
ibarraespinosa/vein documentation built on April 13, 2024, 8:51 p.m.