
#' @title Calculate Fmsy range
#' @description XXX
#' @export
#' @param sim XXX
#' @param interval XXX
#' @param type XXX

eqsim_plot_range <- function (sim, interval=0.95, type="median")


  data.95 <- sim$rbp

  if(type == "mean") {

    x.95 <- data.95[data.95$variable == "Landings",]$Ftarget
    y.95 <- data.95[data.95$variable == "Landings",]$Mean

    #x.95 <- x.95[2:length(x.95)]
    #y.95 <- y.95[2:length(y.95)]

    # Plot curve with 95% line
    # windows(width = 10, height = 7)
    par(mfrow = c(1,1), mar = c(5,4,2,1), mgp = c(3,1,0))
    plot(x.95, y.95, ylim = c(0, max(y.95, na.rm = TRUE)),
         xlab = "Total catch F", ylab = "Mean landings")
    yield.p95 <- interval * max(y.95, na.rm = TRUE)
    abline(h = yield.p95, col = "blue", lty = 1)

    # Fit loess smoother to curve
    x.lm <- stats::loess(y.95 ~ x.95, span = 0.2)
    lm.pred <- data.frame(x = seq(min(x.95), max(x.95), length = 1000),
                          y = rep(NA, 1000))
    lm.pred$y <- stats::predict(x.lm, newdata = lm.pred$x)
    lines(lm.pred$x, lm.pred$y, lty = 1, col = "red")
    points(x = sim$Refs["lanF","meanMSY"],
           y = stats::predict(x.lm, newdata = sim$Refs["lanF","meanMSY"]),
           pch = 16, col = "blue")

    # Limit fitted curve to values greater than the 95% cutoff
    lm.pred.95 <- lm.pred[lm.pred$y >= yield.p95,]
    fmsy.lower <- min(lm.pred.95$x)
    fmsy.upper <- max(lm.pred.95$x)
    abline(v = c(fmsy.lower, fmsy.upper), lty = 8, col = "blue")
    abline(v = sim$Refs["lanF","meanMSY"], lty = 1, col = "blue")
    legend(x = "bottomright", bty = "n", cex = 1.0,
           title = "F(msy)", title.col = "blue",
           legend = c(paste0("lower = ", round(fmsy.lower,3)),
                      paste0("mean = ", round(sim$Refs["lanF","meanMSY"],3)),
                      paste0("upper = ", round(fmsy.upper,3))))

    fmsy.lower.mean <- fmsy.lower
    fmsy.upper.mean <- fmsy.upper
    landings.lower.mean <- lm.pred.95[lm.pred.95$x == fmsy.lower.mean,]$y
    landings.upper.mean <- lm.pred.95[lm.pred.95$x == fmsy.upper.mean,]$y

    # Repeat for 95% of yield at F(05):
    f05 <- sim$Refs["catF","F05"]
    yield.f05 <- stats::predict(x.lm, newdata = f05)
    points(f05, yield.f05, pch = 16, col = "green")
    yield.f05.95 <- interval * yield.f05
    abline(h = yield.f05.95, col = "green")
    lm.pred.f05.95 <- lm.pred[lm.pred$y >= yield.f05.95,]
    f05.lower <- min(lm.pred.f05.95$x)
    f05.upper <- max(lm.pred.f05.95$x)
    abline(v = c(f05.lower,f05.upper), lty = 8, col = "green")
    abline(v = f05, lty = 1, col = "green")
    legend(x = "right", bty = "n", cex = 1.0,
           title = "F(5%)", title.col = "green",
           legend = c(paste0("lower = ", round(f05.lower,3)),
                      paste0("estimate = ", round(f05,3)),
                      paste0("upper = ", round(f05.upper,3))))



  if(type == "median") {
  # Extract yield data (landings) - median version

  data.95 <- sim$rbp
  x.95 <- data.95[data.95$variable == "Landings",]$Ftarget
  y.95 <- data.95[data.95$variable == "Landings",]$p50

  # Plot curve with 95% line
  #windows(width = 10, height = 7)
  par(mfrow = c(1,1), mar = c(5,4,2,1), mgp = c(3,1,0))
  plot(x.95, y.95, ylim = c(0, max(y.95, na.rm = TRUE)),
       xlab = "Total catch F", ylab = "Median landings")
  yield.p95 <- interval * max(y.95, na.rm = TRUE)
  abline(h = yield.p95, col = "blue", lty = 1)

  # Fit loess smoother to curve
  x.lm <- stats::loess(y.95 ~ x.95, span = 0.2)
  lm.pred <- data.frame(x = seq(min(x.95), max(x.95), length = 1000),
                        y = rep(NA, 1000))
  lm.pred$y <- stats::predict(x.lm, newdata = lm.pred$x)
  lines(lm.pred$x, lm.pred$y, lty = 1, col = "red")

  # Find maximum of fitted curve - this will be the new median (F(msy)
  Fmsymed <- lm.pred[which.max(lm.pred$y),]$x
  Fmsymed.landings <- lm.pred[which.max(lm.pred$y),]$y

  # Overwrite Refs table
  sim$Refs[,"medianMSY"] <- NA
  sim$Refs["lanF","medianMSY"] <- Fmsymed
  sim$Refs["landings","medianMSY"] <- Fmsymed.landings

  # Add maximum of medians to plot
  points(x = sim$Refs["lanF","medianMSY"],
         y = stats::predict(x.lm, newdata = sim$Refs["lanF","medianMSY"]),
         pch = 16, col = "blue")

  # Limit fitted curve to values greater than the 95% cutoff
  lm.pred.95 <- lm.pred[lm.pred$y >= yield.p95,]
  fmsy.lower <- min(lm.pred.95$x)
  fmsy.upper <- max(lm.pred.95$x)
  abline(v = c(fmsy.lower, fmsy.upper), lty = 8, col = "blue")
  abline(v = sim$Refs["lanF","medianMSY"], lty = 1, col = "blue")
  legend(x = "bottomright", bty = "n", cex = 1.0,
         title = "F(msy)", title.col = "blue",
         legend = c(paste0("lower = ", round(fmsy.lower,3)),
                    paste0("median = ", round(sim$Refs["lanF","medianMSY"],3)),
                    paste0("upper = ", round(fmsy.upper,3))))

  fmsy.lower.median <- fmsy.lower
  fmsy.upper.median <- fmsy.upper
  landings.lower.median <- lm.pred.95[lm.pred.95$x == fmsy.lower.median,]$y
  landings.upper.median <- lm.pred.95[lm.pred.95$x == fmsy.upper.median,]$y

  # Repeat for 95% of yield at F(05):
  f05 <- sim$Refs["catF","F05"]
  yield.f05 <- stats::predict(x.lm, newdata = f05)
  points(f05, yield.f05, pch = 16, col = "green")
  yield.f05.95 <- interval * yield.f05
  abline(h = yield.f05.95, col = "green")
  lm.pred.f05.95 <- lm.pred[lm.pred$y >= yield.f05.95,]
  f05.lower <- min(lm.pred.f05.95$x)
  f05.upper <- max(lm.pred.f05.95$x)
  abline(v = c(f05.lower,f05.upper), lty = 8, col = "green")
  abline(v = f05, lty = 1, col = "green")
  legend(x = "right", bty = "n", cex = 1.0,
         title = "F(5%)", title.col = "green",
         legend = c(paste0("lower = ", round(f05.lower,3)),
                    paste0("estimate = ", round(f05,3)),
                    paste0("upper = ", round(f05.upper,3))))



  if(type == "ssb") {
    # Estimate implied SSB for each F output

    x.95 <- data.95[data.95$variable == "Spawning stock biomass",]$Ftarget
    b.95 <- data.95[data.95$variable == "Spawning stock biomass",]$p50

    # Plot curve with 95% line
    #windows(width = 10, height = 7)
    par(mfrow = c(1,1), mar = c(5,4,2,1), mgp = c(3,1,0))
    plot(x.95, b.95, ylim = c(0, max(b.95, na.rm = TRUE)),
         xlab = "Total catch F", ylab = "Median SSB")

    # Fit loess smoother to curve
    b.lm <- stats::loess(b.95 ~ x.95, span = 0.2)
    b.lm.pred <- data.frame(x = seq(min(x.95), max(x.95), length = 1000),
                            y = rep(NA, 1000))
    b.lm.pred$y <- stats::predict(b.lm, newdata = b.lm.pred$x)
    lines(b.lm.pred$x, b.lm.pred$y, lty = 1, col = "red")

    # Estimate SSB for median F(msy) and range
    Fmsymed <- sim$Refs["landings","medianMSY"]
    fmsy.lower.median <- sim$Refs2["lanF","Medlower"]
    fmsy.upper.median <- sim$Refs2["lanF","Medupper"]

    b.msymed <- stats::predict(b.lm, newdata = Fmsymed)
    b.medlower <- stats::predict(b.lm, newdata = fmsy.lower.median)
    b.medupper <- stats::predict(b.lm, newdata = fmsy.upper.median)

    abline(v = c(fmsy.lower.median, Fmsymed, fmsy.upper.median), col = "blue", lty = c(8,1,8))
    points(x = c(fmsy.lower.median, Fmsymed, fmsy.upper.median),
           y = c(b.medlower, b.msymed, b.medupper), col = "blue", pch = 16)
    legend(x = "topright", bty = "n", cex = 1.0,
           title = "F(msy)", title.col = "blue",
           legend = c(paste0("lower = ", round(b.medlower,0)),
                      paste0("median = ", round(b.msymed,0)),
                      paste0("upper = ", round(b.medupper,0))))



  # Update summary table with John's format

  #sim$Refs <- sim$Refs[,!(colnames(sim$Refs) %in% c("FCrash05","FCrash50"))]
  #sim$Refs <- cbind(sim$Refs, Medlower = rep(NA,6), Meanlower = rep(NA,6),
  #                     Medupper = rep(NA,6), Meanupper = rep(NA,6))

  #sim$Refs["lanF","Medlower"] <- fmsy.lower.median
  #sim$Refs["lanF","Medupper"] <- fmsy.upper.median
  #sim$Refs["lanF","Meanlower"] <- fmsy.lower.mean
  #sim$Refs["lanF","Meanupper"] <- fmsy.upper.mean

  #sim$Refs["landings","Medlower"] <- landings.lower.median
  #sim$Refs["landings","Medupper"] <- landings.upper.median
  #sim$Refs["landings","Meanlower"] <- landings.lower.mean
  #sim$Refs["landings","Meanupper"] <- landings.upper.mean

  #sim$Refs["lanB","medianMSY"] <- b.msymed
  #sim$Refs["lanB","Medlower"] <- b.medlower
  #sim$Refs["lanB","Medupper"] <- b.medupper

  # Reference point estimates
  #cat("\nReference point estimates:\n")

  if(type == "carmen") {

    # original from Carmen
    #auxi <- sim$rbp$p50[sim$rbp$variable=="Catch"]
    #plot(Fscan, auxi, type="l", main=paste("Median long-term catch, Btrigger=",Btrigger,sep=""),lwd=2,xlab="F",ylab="")
    #abline(v=FmsyMedianC, col=4,lwd=2)
    #abline(v=FmsylowerMedianC, col=4,lwd=2,lty=2)
    #abline(v=FmsyupperMedianC, col=4,lwd=2,lty=2)
    #abline(h=max(auxi)*0.95, col=4, lty=2)
    #abline(v=F5percRiskBlim, col=2,lwd=2)

    i <- sim$rbp$variable %in% "Catch"
    plot(sim$rbp$Ftarget[i], sim$rbp$p50[i], type="l",
         main=paste("Median long-term catch, Btrigger=",sim$refs_interval$Btrigger,sep=""),lwd=2,xlab="F",ylab="")
    abline(v=sim$refs_interval$FmsyMedianC, col=4,lwd=2)
    abline(v=sim$refs_interval$FmsylowerMedianC, col=4,lwd=2,lty=2)
    abline(v=sim$refs_interval$FmsyupperMedianC, col=4,lwd=2,lty=2)
    abline(h=max(sim$rbp$p50[i])*0.95, col=4, lty=2)
    abline(v=sim$refs_interval$F5percRiskBlim, col=2,lwd=2)

    # original from Carmen
    #auxi <- rbp$p50[rbp$variable=="Landings"]
    #plot(Fscan, auxi, type="l", main=paste("Median long-term landings, Btrigger=",Btrigger,sep=""),lwd=2,xlab="F",ylab="")
    #abline(v=FmsyMedianL, col=3,lwd=2)
    #abline(v=FmsylowerMedianL, col=3,lwd=2,lty=2)
    #abline(v=FmsyupperMedianL, col=3,lwd=2,lty=2)
    #abline(h=max(auxi)*0.95, col=3, lty=2)
    #abline(v=F5percRiskBlim, col=2,lwd=2)

    i <- sim$rbp$variable %in% "Landings"
    plot(sim$rbp$Ftarget[i], sim$rbp$p50[i], type="l",
         main=paste("Median long-term landings, Btrigger=",sim$refs_interval$Btrigger,sep=""),lwd=2,xlab="F",ylab="")
    abline(v=sim$refs_interval$FmsyMedianL, col=4,lwd=2)
    abline(v=sim$refs_interval$FmsylowerMedianL, col=4,lwd=2,lty=2)
    abline(v=sim$refs_interval$FmsyupperMedianL, col=4,lwd=2,lty=2)
    abline(h=max(sim$rbp$p50[i])*0.95, col=4, lty=2)
    abline(v=sim$refs_interval$F5percRiskBlim, col=2,lwd=2)

    # Carmen original
    #auxi <- approx(Fscan, rbp$p50[rbp$variable=="Spawning stock biomass"],xout=seq(min(Fscan),max(Fscan),length=200))
    #plot(auxi$x, auxi$y, type="l", main=paste("SSB: Median and 5th percentile, Btrigger=",Btrigger,sep=""),lwd=2,xlab="F",ylab="",ylim=c(0,max(auxi$y)))
    #abline(v=FmsyMedianL, col=3,lwd=2)
    #abline(v=FmsylowerMedianL, col=3,lwd=2,lty=2)
    #abline(v=FmsyupperMedianL, col=3,lwd=2,lty=2)
    #abline(v=F5percRiskBlim, col=2,lwd=2)

    #auxi <- approx(Fscan, rbp$p05[rbp$variable=="Spawning stock biomass"],xout=seq(min(Fscan),max(Fscan),length=200))
    #lines(auxi$x, auxi$y, lwd=2, col=2)
    #if(!missing(Blim)){abline(h=Blim, col=2, lty=2, lwd=2)}
    #abline(h=Bpa, col=4, lty=2, lwd=2)

    i <- sim$rbp$variable %in% "Spawning stock biomass"
    auxi <- stats::approx(sim$rbp$Ftarget[i], sim$rbp$p50[i],xout=seq(min(sim$rbp$Ftarget[i]),max(sim$rbp$Ftarget[i]),length=200))
    plot(auxi$x, auxi$y, type="l", main=paste("SSB: Median and 5th percentile, Btrigger=",sim$refs_interval$Btrigger,sep=""),lwd=2,xlab="F",ylab="",ylim=c(0,max(auxi$y)))
    abline(v=sim$refs_interval$FmsyMedianL, col=3,lwd=2)
    abline(v=sim$refs_interval$FmsylowerMedianL, col=3,lwd=2,lty=2)
    abline(v=sim$refs_interval$FmsyupperMedianL, col=3,lwd=2,lty=2)
    abline(v=sim$refs_interval$F5percRiskBlim, col=2,lwd=2)
    lines(auxi$x, auxi$y, lwd=2, col=2)
    if(!is.null(sim$Blim)) {abline(h=sim$Blim, col=2, lty=2, lwd=2)}

    # Carmen original
    #auxi <- approx(Fscan, rbp$p50[rbp$variable=="Recruitment"],xout=seq(min(Fscan),max(Fscan),length=200))
    #plot(auxi$x, auxi$y, type="l", main=paste("Rec: Median and 5th percentile, Btrigger=",Btrigger,sep=""),lwd=2,xlab="F",ylab="",ylim=c(0,max(auxi$y)))
    #abline(v=FmsyMedianL, col=3,lwd=2)
    #abline(v=FmsylowerMedianL, col=3,lwd=2,lty=2)
    #abline(v=FmsyupperMedianL, col=3,lwd=2,lty=2)
    #abline(v=F5percRiskBlim, col=2,lwd=2)

    #auxi <- approx(Fscan, rbp$p05[rbp$variable=="Recruitment"],xout=seq(min(Fscan),max(Fscan),length=200))
    #lines(auxi$x, auxi$y, lwd=2, col=2)

    i <- sim$rbp$variable %in% "Recruitment"
    auxi <- stats::approx(sim$rbp$Ftarget[i], sim$rbp$p50[i],xout=seq(min(sim$rbp$Ftarget[i]),max(sim$rbp$Ftarget[i]),length=200))
    plot(auxi$x, auxi$y, type="l", main=paste("Rec: Median and 5th percentile, Btrigger=",sim$refs_interval$Btrigger,sep=""),lwd=2,xlab="F",ylab="",ylim=c(0,max(auxi$y)))
    abline(v=sim$refs_interval$FmsyMedianL, col=3,lwd=2)
    abline(v=sim$refs_interval$FmsylowerMedianL, col=3,lwd=2,lty=2)
    abline(v=sim$refs_interval$FmsyupperMedianL, col=3,lwd=2,lty=2)
    abline(v=sim$refs_interval$F5percRiskBlim, col=2,lwd=2)
    lines(auxi$x, auxi$y, lwd=2, col=2)

ices-tools-prod/msy documentation built on Nov. 3, 2022, 6:41 p.m.