
#' Estimate the effect of a continuous treatment.
#' @param Y Outcome vector
#' @param A Treatment vector
#' @param W Covariate matrix
#' @param Qn Function to compute Q(A, W) = E(Y|A,W)
#' @param gn Function to compute g(A,W) = density(A|W)
#' @param delta Shift value of interest. I.e., compute the effect of shifting A delta units
#' @param tol Convergence tolerance for parametric fluctuation
#' @param iter.max Maximum of iterations
#' @param Aval Points in the range of A to approximate integrals by Riemman sums. Must be equally spaced.
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
#' n <-100
#' W <- data.frame(W1 = runif(n), W2 = rbinom(n, 1, 0.7))
#' A <- rpois(n, lambda = exp(3 + .3*log(W$W1) - .2*exp(W$W1)*W$W2))
#' Y <- rbinom(n, 1, plogis(-1 + .05*A - .02*A*W$W2 + .2*A*tan(W$W1^2) -
#'                            .02*W$W1*W$W2 + 0.1*A*W$W1*W$W2))
#' fitA.0 <- glm(A ~ I(log(W1)) + I(exp(W1)):W2, family = poisson, data = data.frame(A, W))
#' fitY.0 <- glm(Y ~ A + A:W2 + A:I(tan(W1^2)) + W1:W2 + A:W1:W2, family =
#'                 binomial, data = data.frame(A, W))
#' gn.0  <- function(A = A, W = W)dpois(A, lambda = predict(fitA.0, newdata = W,
#'                                                         type = "response"))
#' Qn.0 <- function(A = A, W = W)predict(fitY.0, newdata = data.frame(A, W,
#'                                                                   row.names = NULL), type = "response")
#' tmle00 <- tmle.shift(Y, A, W, Qn.0, gn.0, delta=2, tol = 1e-4, iter.max = 5,
#'                     Aval = seq(1, 60, 1))
tmle.shift <- function(Y, A, W, Qn, gn, delta, tol = 1e-5, iter.max = 5, Aval){
  # interval partition length, Aval assumed equally spaced
  h.int <- Aval[3]-Aval[2]
  # this function takes as input initial estimator of Q and g and returns
  # their updated value
  f.iter <- function(Qn, gn, gn0d = NULL, prev.sum = 0, first = FALSE){
    # numerical integrals and equation (7)
    Qnd <- t(sapply(1:nrow(W), function(i)Qn(Aval + delta, W[i,])))
    gnd <- t(sapply(1:nrow(W), function(i)gn(Aval, W[i,])))
    gnd <- gnd/rowSums(gnd)
    if(first) gn0d <- gnd
    EQnd <- rowSums(Qnd*gnd)*h.int
    D2   <- Qnd - EQnd
    QnAW <- Qn(A, W)
    H1   <- gn(A - delta, W)/gn(A, W)
    # equation (8)
    est.equation <- function(eps){
      sum((Y - (QnAW + eps*H1)) * H1 + (Qn(A + delta, W) - EQnd) -
            rowSums(D2*exp(eps*D2 + prev.sum)*gn0d)/rowSums(exp(eps*D2 + prev.sum)*gn0d))
    eps  <- uniroot(est.equation, c(-1, 1))$root
    # updated values
    gn.new   <- function(a, w)exp(eps*Qn(a + delta, w)) * gn(a, w)
    Qn.new   <- function(a, w)Qn(a, w) + eps * gn(a - delta, w)/gn(a, w)
    prev.sum <- prev.sum + eps*D2
    return(list(Qn = Qn.new, gn = gn.new, prev.sum =
                  prev.sum, eps = eps, gn0d = gn0d))
  ini.out <- f.iter(Qn, gn, first = TRUE)
  gn0d    <- ini.out$gn0d
  iter = 0
  # iterative procedure
  while(abs(ini.out$eps) > tol & iter <= iter.max){
    iter = iter + 1
    new.out <- f.iter(ini.out$Qn, ini.out$gn, gn0d, ini.out$prev.sum)
    ini.out <- new.out
  Qnd <- t(sapply(1:nrow(W), function(i)ini.out$Qn(Aval + delta, W[i,])))
  gnd <- t(sapply(1:nrow(W), function(i)ini.out$gn(Aval, W[i,])))
  gnd <- gnd/rowSums(gnd)
  # plug in tmle
  psi.hat <- mean(rowSums(Qnd*gnd)*h.int)
  # influence curve of tmle
  IC      <- (Y - ini.out$Qn(A, W))*ini.out$gn(A - delta, W)/ini.out$gn(A, W) +
    ini.out$Qn(A + delta, W) - psi.hat
  var.hat <- var(IC)/length(Y)
  return(c(psi.hat = psi.hat, var.hat = var.hat, IC = IC))
idiazst/continuoustreat documentation built on May 18, 2019, 2:33 a.m.