
rfScenario <- function(history, id, nDays, method, typeRes, mc.cores=1,...)
    ## Defining all available days in 'history' (the 'workDays')
    ## The following eliminates empty days due to the 00h
    workDays <- unique(as.Date(index(history)-1800))
    ## The following eliminates empty days due to missing 01-23 hours
    workDaysAux <- unique(as.Date(index(history)+1800)) 
    workDays <- workDays[workDays %in% workDaysAux]
    ## The following eliminates last day, usualy incomplete
    workDays <- workDays[-length(workDays)]
    ## The following ensures that the number of training days before
    ## the test day is >= nDays for method='previous'
    if(method=='previous') workDays <- workDays[(nDays+1):length(workDays)]
    ## Computes the daily clearness index for the predictor set 'history'
    Bo0 <- history$Bo0
    swflx <- history$swflx.point
    Bo0d <- aggregate(Bo0, by = as.Date)
    G0d <- aggregate(swflx, by = as.Date)
    ktD <- G0d/Bo0d
    ktD[!is.finite(ktD)] <- 0
    randForestList <- mclapply(workDays, FUN=function(workDay){
        pred <- predictPac(goal=workDay, history = history,
                           id = id, nDays = nDays,
                           method = method, 
                           mc.cores=mc.cores, ...)
               power = return(pred),

               stats = {
                   if(sum(pred$Pac)==0 | sum(pred$q5)==0){
                       error <- rep(NA, 15)
                       names(error) = c('mo', 'mm', 'sdo', 'sdm',
                                        'mbe', 'mae', 'rmse',
                                        'nmbe', 'cvmbe',
                                        'nmae', 'cvmae',
                                        'nrmse', 'cvrmse',
                       q1q9 <- rep(NA, 6)
                       names(q1q9) <- c('difSUM', 'difMED',
                                        'uq1NUM', 'uq1MED',
                                        'uq9NUM', 'uq9MED')
                   } else{
                       ## Compute error statistics considering only rows
                       ## with Pac > 0 and q5 > 0
                       error <- with(pred[(pred$Pac > 0 | pred$q5 > 0),],
                                     tdStats(m = q5, o = Pac))
                       ## Compute q1 vs Pac and q9 vs Pac
                       q1q9 <- with(pred[(pred$Pac > 0 | pred$q5 > 0),],
                                    qqStats(Pac, q1, q9))
                   ## Joining the results
                   ktD <- ktD[as.Date(workDay),]
                   result <- zoo(t(c(error, q1q9, ktD)), workDay)
                   names(result) <- c(names(error), names(q1q9), 'KT')
    }, mc.cores = mc.cores)
    randForest <- do.call(rbind, randForestList)
    ##if(typeRes=='stats') randForest$KTclass <- cut(randForest$KT,
    ##                                               round(quantile(randForest$KT),2))
iesiee/PVF documentation built on May 9, 2019, 1:09 a.m.