Man pages for igbucur/MASSIVE
MASSIVE: Tractable and Robust Bayesian Learning of Many-Dimensional Instrumental Variable Models

alternative_determine_hyperparametersFunctioning for automatically determining MASSIVE...
binomial_sigma_GFunction for deriving the estimated standard deviation of the...
BMI_psoriasis_samplesA dataset containing results for reproducing Figure 7 in...
decode_IV_modelFunction for decoding a character vector representing IV...
derive_smart_starting_pointsRoutine for computing smart starting points from the...
determine_hyperparametersFunctioning for automatically determining MASSIVE...
find_causal_modelsRoutine to find the most likely causal models using a simple...
find_optimumRoutine for finding MASSIVE posterior local optimum.
five_optima_posterior_surfaceA dataset containing results for reproducing Figure 3 in...
generate_data_MASSIVE_modelFunction to generate data from a MASSIVE generating model.
get_empty_IV_modelFunction for generating the empty IV model (only spike...
get_full_IV_modelFunction for generating the full IV model (only slab priors).
get_ML_solutionFunction for deriving maximum likelihood solution given...
get_random_IV_modelFunction for generating a random IV model (combination of...
institutions_macroeconomic_growth_samplesA dataset containing results for reproducing Figure 6 in...
integration_macroeconomic_growth_samplesA dataset containing results for reproducing Figure 6 in...
JAMMR_MASSIVE_comparisonA dataset containing results for reproducing Figure 5 in...
Laplace_approximationRoutine for computing the Laplace approximation of the...
MASSIVEMASSIVE algorithm (Model Assessment and Stochastic Search for...
MR_regression_coefficients_to_momentsFunction to extract first-order and second-order estimated...
neg_log_priorRcpp routine for computing the negative log-prior...
neighbor_IV_modelsFunction for returning the neighboring IV model, i.e., those...
parallel_greedy_searchRoutine to perform greedy search at the beginning of MASSIVE...
parameter_list_to_vectorFunction for converting list of parameters to vector format,...
parameter_vector_to_listFunction for converting vector of parameters to list format.
prior_comparison_samplesA dataset containing results for reproducing Figure 4 in...
propose_neighbor_IV_modelProposal function for generating a random neighbor of an IV...
prune_model_listFunction to prune approximate IV model list returned by...
random_Gaussian_parametersGenerate random Gaussian distributed parameters
Rcpp_scaled_neg_log_gradientRcpp routine for computing the negative log-posterior...
Rcpp_scaled_neg_log_hessianRcpp routine for computing the negative log-posterior Hessian...
Rcpp_scaled_neg_log_posteriorRcpp routine for computing the negative log-posterior...
robust_find_optimumRoutine for more robust local optimum search of MASSIVE...
safe_Laplace_approximationRoutine for computing the Laplace approximation of the...
sample_from_BMA_posteriorSample from BMA posterior derived using the MASSIVE approach
scaled_neg_log_gradientRoutine for computing the negative log-posterior gradient for...
scaled_neg_log_hessianRoutine for computing the negative log-posterior Hessian for...
scaled_neg_log_posteriorRoutine for computing the negative log-posterior distribution...
stochastic_greedy_searchGreedy search function in the IV model space.
igbucur/MASSIVE documentation built on Oct. 26, 2020, 1:26 a.m.