
Defines functions as.lazy.promise promise_env promise_expr deparse_trunc auto_names auto_name eval_call common_env print.lazy is.lazy lazy lazy_ c.lazy_dots `[<-.lazy_dots` `$<-.lazy_dots` `[.lazy_dots` is.lazy_dots lazy_dots missing_arg all_values substitute_ interp.character interp.lazy interp.formula interp.name interp.call interp lazy_eval all_dots as.lazy_dots.lazy_dots as.lazy_dots.character as.lazy_dots.lazy as.lazy_dots.name as.lazy_dots.list as.lazy_dots.NULL as.lazy_dots as.lazy.numeric as.lazy.name as.lazy.call as.lazy.character as.lazy.formula as.lazy.lazy as.lazy

as.lazy <- function(x, env = baseenv()) UseMethod("as.lazy")
#' @exportS3Method NULL
as.lazy.lazy <- function(x, env = baseenv()) x
#' @exportS3Method NULL
as.lazy.formula <- function(x, env = baseenv()) lazy_(x[[2]], environment(x))
#' @exportS3Method NULL
as.lazy.character <- function(x, env = baseenv()) lazy_(parse(text = x)[[1]], env)
#' @exportS3Method NULL
as.lazy.call <- function(x, env = baseenv()) lazy_(x, env)
#' @exportS3Method NULL
as.lazy.name <- function(x, env = baseenv()) lazy_(x, env)
#' @exportS3Method NULL
as.lazy.numeric <- function(x, env = baseenv()) {
  if (length(x) > 1) {
    warning("Truncating vector to length 1", call. = FALSE)
    x <- x[1]
  lazy_(x, env)
as.lazy.logical <- as.lazy.numeric
as.lazy_dots <- function(x, env) UseMethod("as.lazy_dots")
#' @exportS3Method NULL
as.lazy_dots.NULL <- function(x, env = baseenv()) {
  structure(list(), class = "lazy_dots")
as.lazy_dots.list <- function(x, env = baseenv()) {
  structure(lapply(x, as.lazy, env = env), class = "lazy_dots")
#' @exportS3Method NULL
as.lazy_dots.name <- function(x, env = baseenv()) {
  structure(list(as.lazy(x, env)), class = "lazy_dots")
as.lazy_dots.formula <- as.lazy_dots.name
as.lazy_dots.call <- as.lazy_dots.name
#' @exportS3Method NULL
as.lazy_dots.lazy <- function(x, env = baseenv()) {
  structure(list(x), class = "lazy_dots")
#' @exportS3Method NULL
as.lazy_dots.character <- function(x, env = baseenv()) {
  structure(lapply(x, as.lazy, env = env), class = "lazy_dots")
#' @exportS3Method NULL
as.lazy_dots.lazy_dots <- function(x, env = baseenv()) {
all_dots <- function(.dots, ..., all_named = FALSE) {
  dots <- as.lazy_dots(list(...))
  if (!missing(.dots)) {
    dots2 <- as.lazy_dots(.dots)
    dots <- c(dots, dots2)

  if (all_named) {
    dots <- auto_name(dots)

lazy_eval <- function(x, data = NULL) {
  if (is.lazy_dots(x)) {
    return(lapply(x, lazy_eval, data = data))

  x <- as.lazy(x)

  if (!is.null(data)) {
    eval(x$expr, data, x$env)
  } else {
    eval(x$expr, x$env, emptyenv())
interp <- function(`_obj`, ..., .values) {
#' @exportS3Method NULL
interp.call <- function(`_obj`, ..., .values) {
  values <- all_values(.values, ...)

  substitute_(`_obj`, values)
#' @exportS3Method NULL
interp.name <- function(`_obj`, ..., .values) {
  values <- all_values(.values, ...)

  substitute_(`_obj`, values)
#' @exportS3Method NULL
interp.formula <- function(`_obj`, ..., .values) {
  values <- all_values(.values, ...)

  `_obj`[[2]] <- substitute_(`_obj`[[2]], values)
#' @exportS3Method NULL
interp.lazy <- function(`_obj`, ..., .values) {
  values <- all_values(.values, ...)

  `_obj`$expr <- substitute_(`_obj`$expr, values)
#' @exportS3Method NULL
interp.character <- function(`_obj`, ..., .values) {
  values <- all_values(.values, ...)

  expr1 <- parse(text = `_obj`)[[1]]
  expr2 <- substitute_(expr1, values)
substitute_ <- function(x, env) {
  call <- substitute(substitute(x, env), list(x = x))
all_values <- function(.values, ...) {
  if (missing(.values)) {
    values <- list(...)
  } else if (identical(.values, globalenv())) {
    # substitute doesn't want to replace in globalenv
    values <- as.list(globalenv())
  } else {
    values <- .values
  # Replace lazy objects with their expressions
  is_lazy <- vapply(values, is.lazy, logical(1))
  values[is_lazy] <- lapply(values[is_lazy], `[[`, "expr")

missing_arg <- function() {
  quote(expr = )
lazy_dots <- function(..., .follow_symbols = FALSE) {
  if (nargs() == 0 || (nargs() == 1 && !missing(.follow_symbols))) {
    return(structure(list(), class = "lazy_dots"))

  .Call(make_lazy_dots, environment(), .follow_symbols)
is.lazy_dots <- function(x) inherits(x, "lazy_dots")
#' @exportS3Method NULL
`[.lazy_dots` <- function(x, i) {
  structure(NextMethod(), class = "lazy_dots")
#' @exportS3Method NULL
`$<-.lazy_dots` <- function(x, i, value) {
  value <- as.lazy(value, parent.frame())
  x[[i]] <- value
#' @exportS3Method NULL
`[<-.lazy_dots` <- function(x, i, value) {
  value <- lapply(value, as.lazy, env = parent.frame())
#' @exportS3Method NULL
c.lazy_dots <- function(..., recursive = FALSE) {
  structure(NextMethod(), class = "lazy_dots")
lazy_ <- function(expr, env) {
  stopifnot(is.call(expr) || is.name(expr) || is.atomic(expr))

  structure(list(expr = expr, env = env), class = "lazy")
lazy <- function(expr, env = parent.frame(), .follow_symbols = TRUE) {
  .Call(make_lazy, quote(expr), environment(), .follow_symbols)
is.lazy <- function(x) inherits(x, "lazy")
#' @exportS3Method NULL
print.lazy <- function(x, ...) {
  code <- deparse(x$expr)
  if (length(code) > 1) {
    code <- paste(code[[1]], "...")

  cat("  expr: ", code, "\n", sep = "")
  cat("  env:  ", format(x$env), "\n", sep = "")

common_env <- function(dots) {
  if (!is.list(dots)) stop("dots must be a list", call. = FALSE)
  if (length(dots) == 0) {

  dots <- as.lazy_dots(dots)
  env <- dots[[1]]$env
  if (length(dots) == 1) {

  for (i in 2:length(dots)) {
    if (!identical(env, dots[[i]]$env)) {
eval_call <- function(fun, dots, env = parent.frame()) {
  vars <- paste0("x", seq_along(dots))
  names(vars) <- names(dots)

  # Create environment containing promises
  env <- new.env(parent = env)
  for (i in seq_along(dots)) {
    dot <- dots[[i]]

    assign_call <- substitute(
      delayedAssign(vars[i], expr, dot$env, assign.env = env),
      list(expr = dot$expr)

  args <- lapply(vars, as.symbol)
  call <- as.call(c(fun, args))

  eval(call, env)
auto_name <- function(x, max_width = 40) {
  names(x) <- auto_names(x, max_width = max_width)
auto_names <- function(x, max_width = 40) {
  x <- as.lazy_dots(x)

  nms <- names(x) %||% rep("", length(x))

  missing <- nms == ""
  expr <- lapply(x[missing], `[[`, "expr")
  nms[missing] <- vapply(expr, deparse_trunc,
    width = max_width,
    FUN.VALUE = character(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE

deparse_trunc <- function(x, width = getOption("width")) {
  if (is.symbol(x)) {

  text <- deparse(x, width.cutoff = width)
  if (length(text) == 1 && nchar(text) < width) {

  paste0(substr(text[1], 1, width - 3), "...")
promise_expr <- function(prom) {
  .Call(promise_expr_, prom)

promise_env <- function(prom) {
  .Call(promise_env_, prom)
#' @exportS3Method NULL
as.lazy.promise <- function(x, ...) {
  lazy_(promise_expr(x), promise_env(x))
"%||%" <- function(x, y) if (is.null(x)) y else x
igraph/rigraph documentation built on July 9, 2024, 6:43 p.m.