globalVariables(c("globalclimate", "habitats"))
#' Generates plant area index profile
#' @param m number of canopy nodes
#' @param PAI total plant area index for canopy
#' @param skew number between 0 and 10 indicating the degree of skew towards top of
#' canopy in canopy foliage (see details)
#' @param spread positive non-zero number less than 100 indicating the degree of spread in
#' canopy foliage (see details)
#' @details in specifyign `skew`, lower numbers indicate greater skew towards top of
#' canopy (5 = symetrical). In specifying `spread` a value of one indicates almost
#' all the foliage in concentrated in one canopy layer, whereas a value of 100 indicates
#' completely evenly spread.
#' @return a vector of length `m` of plant area indices for each canopy layer
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats dbeta
#' @examples
#' pai <- PAIgeometry(100, 10, 7, 70)
#' plot(pai, type = "l")
PAIgeometry <- function(m, PAI, skew, spread) {
skew <- 10 - skew
# Plant area index of canopy layer
shape1 <- 100 / spread
if (skew > 5) {
shape2 <- (10 - skew) / 5 + 1
shape2 <- shape2 / 2 * shape1
y <- rev(dbeta(x, shape1, shape2))
} else {
shape2 <- (skew + 5) / 5
shape2 <- shape2 / 2 * shape1
y <- dbeta(x, shape1, shape2)
y <- PAI / sum(y) * y
#' Generates vegetation thickness profile
#' @description `thickgeometry` is used is to calculate the mean thickness of leaves
#' and woody vegetation such that volume = Plant Area Index * thickness
#' @param m number of canopy nodes
#' @param mthick mean thickness of vegetation
#' @param thmax mean thickness of lowest portion of canopy
#' @param thmin mean thickness of upper portion of canopy
#' @return a vector of thicknesses for each canopy node (m)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pai <- PAIgeometry(1000, 10, 7, 70)
#' thick <- thickgeometry(1000,0.4,0.7,0.1)
#' hgt <- 25
#' dens <- thick * pai * length(pai) / hgt
#' z <- c(1:1000) / 40
#' par(mar=c(5, 5, 2, 2))
#' plot(z ~ dens, type = "l", cex.axis = 1.5, cex.lab = 1.5,
#' xlab = expression(paste("Volume ",(~m^3 / m^3))),
#' ylab = "Height (m)")
thickgeometry <- function(m, mthick, thmax, thmin) {
x <- c(1:m)/m
me <- 0
for (i in 1:1000) {
y<- (thmax - thmin) * x^(i/80) + thmin
me[i] <- mean(y)
dif <- abs(me-mthick)
sel <- which(dif == min(dif))
y<- (thmax - thmin) * x^(sel/80) + thmin
y <- rev(y)
#' Generates fraction of green leaves profile
#' @param m number of canopy nodes
#' @param pLAI mean proportion of green leaf foliage
#' @param skew number between 0 and 10 indicating the degree of skew towards top of
#' canopy in green foliage (see details).
#' @return vector of length `m` of the proportion of plant area that is green leaf area
#' @export
#' @examples
#' plot(LAIfrac(100,0.8, 0),type="l", ylim = c(0,1))
#' plot(LAIfrac(100,0.8, 5),type="l", ylim = c(0,1))
#' plot(LAIfrac(100,0.8, 10),type="l", ylim = c(0,1))
LAIfrac <- function(m, pLAI, skew = 7) {
skew <- skew/2 + 5
x <- c(1:m)/m
a <- 10^7/(10^skew)
rge <- (1/a)
mL <- 0
for (i in 1:1000) {
mu <- (i/100) * rge
y1 <- a + x
y1 <- mu * y1
y <- 2 / (1+exp(-y1)) - 1
mL[i] <- mean(y)
dif <- abs(mL - pLAI)
sel <- which(dif == min(dif))
mu <- (sel/100) * rge
y1 <- a + 2*x
y1 <- mu * y1
ipLAI <- 2 / (1+exp(-y1)) - 1
#' Generates relative turbulence intensity profile
#' @param m number of canopy nodes
#' @param iwmin minimum relative turbulence intensity
#' @param iwmax maximum relative turbulence intensity
#' @param increasing logical indicating whether turbulence intensity increases (TRUE) or decreases
#' (FALSE) with height
#' @return relative turbulence intensity for each node `m`.
#' @details default values are for a maize crop Shaw et al (1974) Agricultural Meteorology,
#' 13: 419-425.
#' @export
iwgeometry <- function(m, iwmin = 0.36, iwmax = 0.9, increasing = FALSE) {
x <- c(1:m) / m
if (increasing) {
y <- iwmin + (iwmax - iwmin) * x
} else y <- iwmax - (iwmax - iwmin) * x
#' Derives leaf area index, leaf geometry and canopy height from habitat
#' @description `PAIfromhabitat` generates an hourly dataset for an entire year of
#' leaf area index values, the ratio of vertical to horizontal projections of leaf
#' foliage and canopy height from habitat.
#' @param habitat a character string or numeric value indicating the habitat type. See [habitats()]
#' @param lat a single numeric value representing the mean latitude of the location for which the solar index is required (decimal degrees, -ve south of the equator).
#' @param long a single numeric value representing the mean longitude of the location for which the solar index is required (decimal degrees, -ve west of Greenwich meridian).
#' @param meantemp an optional numeric value of mean annual temperature (ÂșC) at reference height.
#' @param cvtemp an optional numeric value of the coefficient of variation in temperature (K per 0.25 days) at reference height.
#' @param rainfall an optional numeric value mean annual rainfall (mm per year)
#' @param cvrain an optional numeric value of the coefficient of variation in raifall (mm per 0.25 days) at reference height.
#' @param wetmonth an optional numeric value indicating which month is wettest (1-12).
#' @param year the year for which data are required.
#' @return a list with the following items:
#' @return `lai` hourly leaf area index values,
#' @return `x` the ratio of vertical to horizontal projections of leaf foliage
#' @return `height` the heigbht of the canopy in metres
#' @return `obs_time` an object of class POSIXlt of dates and times coressponding to
#' each value of `lai`
#' @import sp raster
#' @importFrom stats spline
#' @export
#' @details
#' If no values of `meantemp`, `cvtemp`, `rainfall`, `cvrain` or `wetmonth` are
#' provided, values are obtained from [globalclimate()]. Variable `lai` is derived by fitting
#' a Gaussian curve parameters of which are climate and location-dependent. Functional
#' fits were calibrated using MODIS data (see
#' @examples
#' pxh <- PAIfromhabitat("Deciduous broadleaf forest", 50, -5.2, 2015)
#' pxh$height
#' pxh$x
#' plot(pxh$lai ~ as.POSIXct(pxh$obs_time), type = "l", xlab = "Month",
#' ylab = "LAI", ylim = c(0, 6))
PAIfromhabitat <- function(habitat, lat, long, year, meantemp = NA, cvtemp = NA,
rainfall = NA, cvrain = NA, wetmonth = NA) {
laigaus <- function(minlai, maxlai, pkday, dhalf, yr) {
diy <- 365
sdev <- 0.0082 * dhalf^2 + 0.0717 * dhalf + 13.285
difv <- maxlai - minlai
y <- 1 / (sdev * sqrt(2 * pi)) * exp(-0.5 * (((x - 0) / sdev) ^ 2))
y[(diy + ceiling(0.5 * diy)):(2 * diy + 1)] <- y[(diy - ceiling(0.5 * diy)):diy]
st <- diy + 1 - pkday
y <- y[st:(st + diy - 1)]
x <- c(1:diy)
x <- c(0, x, c(366:375))
y <- c(y[diy], y, y[1:10])
sel <-c(0:15) * 25 + 1
tme <- as.POSIXct((x * 24 * 3600), origin = paste0(yr - 1,"-12-31 12:00"), tz = "GMT")
xy <- spline(tme, y, n = diy * 24 + 241)
tme2 <- as.POSIXlt(xy$x, origin = "1970-01-01 00:00", tz = "GMT")
sel <- which(tme2$year + 1900 == yr)
y <- xy$y[sel]
dify <- max(y) - min(y)
y <- y * (difv / dify)
y <- y + minlai - min(y)
long <- ifelse(long > 180.9375, long - 360, long)
long <- ifelse(long < -179.0625, long + 360, long)
lat <- ifelse(lat< -89.49406, -89.49406, lat)
lat <- ifelse(lat> 89.49406, 89.49406, lat)
ll <- SpatialPoints(data.frame(x = long, y = lat))
diy <- 366
if (year%%4 == 0) diy <- 366
if (year%%100 == 0 & year%%400 != 0) diy <- 365
mmonth <-c(16, 45.5, 75, 105.5, 136, 166.5, 197, 228, 258.5, 289, 319.5, 350)
if (diy == 365) mmonth[2:12] <- mmonth[2:12] + 0.5
e <- extent(c(-179.0625, 180.9375, -89.49406, 89.49406))
clim <- c(meantemp, cvtemp, rainfall, cvrain, wetmonth)
for (i in 1:5) {
if ([i])) {
r <- raster(microctools::globalclimate[,,i])
extent(r) <- e
clim[i] <- extract(r, ll)
wgts <- function(x1, x2, ll, lmn, lmx) {
ll <- ifelse(ll < lmn, lmn, lat)
ll <- ifelse(ll > lmx, lmx, lat)
w <- 1 - (abs(ll - lmn) / (abs(ll - lmn) + abs(ll - lmx)))
y <- w * x1 + (1 - w) * x2
# By habitat type
if (habitat == "Evergreen needleleaf forest" | habitat == 1) {
h2 <- 74.02 + 5.35 * clim[1]
h1 <- 203.22 - 35.63 * clim[4]
hperiod <- wgts(h1, h2, abs(lat), 0, 20)
hperiod <- ifelse(hperiod < 50, 50, hperiod)
p2 <- 216.71 - 2.65 * clim[1]
p2 <- ifelse(p2 > 244, 244, p2)
if (lat < 0) p2 <- (p2 + diy / 2)%%diy
p1 <- mmonth[round(clim[5], 0)]
peakdoy <- wgts(p1, p2, abs(lat), 0, 30)
if (clim[1] <= 20) {
maxlai <- 2.33 + 0.0132 * clim[1]
} else maxlai <- 2.33 + 0.0132 * 20
minlai <- 1.01
x <- 0.4
hgt <- 15
if (habitat == "Evergreen broadleaf forest" | habitat == 2) {
hperiod <- 154.505 + 2.040 * clim[1]
hperiod <- ifelse(hperiod < 50, 50, hperiod)
peakdoy <- peakdoy <- mmonth[round(clim[5], 0)]
maxlai <- 1.83 + 0.22 * log(clim[3])
minlai <- (-1.09) + 0.4030 * log(clim[3])
minlai <- ifelse(minlai < 1, 1, minlai)
x <- 1.2
hgt <- 20
if (habitat == "Deciduous needleleaf forest" | habitat == 3) {
h2 <- 51.18 + 3.77 * clim[1]
h1 <- 152
hperiod <- wgts(h1, h2, abs(lat), 0, 20)
p2 <- 204.97 - 1.08 * clim[1]
p2 <- ifelse(p2 > 244, 244, p2)
if (lat < 0) p2 <- (p2 + diy / 2)%%diy
p1 <- mmonth[round(clim[5], 0)]
peakdoy <- wgts(p1, p2, abs(lat), 0, 30)
if (clim[1] <= 20) {
maxlai <- 2.62 + 0.05 * clim[1]
} else maxlai <- 2.62 + 0.05 * 20
minlai <- 0.39
x <- 0.4
hgt <- 10
if (habitat == "Deciduous broadleaf forest" | habitat == 4) {
h2 <- 47.6380 + 2.9232 * clim[1]
h1 <- 220.06 - 79.19 * clim[4]
hperiod <- wgts(h1, h2, abs(lat), 0, 20)
hperiod <- ifelse(hperiod < 32.5, 32.5, hperiod)
p2 <- 209.760 - 1.208 * clim[1]
p2 <- ifelse(p2 > 244, 244, p2)
if (lat < 0) p2 <- (p2 + diy / 2)%%diy
p1 <- mmonth[round(clim[5], 0)]
peakdoy <- wgts(p1, p2, abs(lat), 0, 30)
if (clim[1] <= 20) {
maxlai <- 3.98795 + 0.03330 * clim[1]
} else maxlai <- 3.98795 * 0.03330 * 20
minlai <- 0.4808
x <- 1.2
hgt <- 15
if (habitat == "Mixed forest" | habitat == 5) {
h2 <- 74.02 + 5.35 * clim[1]
h1 <- 203.22 - 35.63 * clim[4]
hperiod1 <- wgts(h1, h2, abs(lat), 0, 20)
h2 <- 51.18 + 3.77 * clim[1]
h1 <- 152
hperiod2 <- wgts(h1, h2, abs(lat), 0, 20)
hperiod <- (hperiod1 + hperiod2) / 2
hperiod <- ifelse(hperiod < 30.5, 30.5, hperiod)
p2 <- 216.71 - 2.65 * clim[1]
p2 <- ifelse(p2 > 244, 244, p2)
if (lat < 0) p2 <- (p2 + diy / 2)%%diy
p1 <- mmonth[round(clim[5], 0)]
peakdoy1 <- wgts(p1, p2, abs(lat), 0, 30)
p2 <- 204.97 - -1.08 * clim[1]
p2 <- ifelse(p2 > 244, 244, p2)
if (lat < 0) p2 <- (p2 + diy / 2)%%diy
peakdoy2 <- wgts(p1, p2, abs(lat), 0, 30)
peakdoy <- (peakdoy1 + peakdoy2) / 2
if (clim[1] <= 20) {
maxlai1 <- 2.33 + 0.0132 * clim[1]
maxlai2 <- 2.62 + 0.05 * clim[1]
maxlai <- (maxlai1 + maxlai2) / 2
} else maxlai <- 3.107
minlai <- 0.7
x <- 0.8
hgt <- 10
if (habitat == "Closed shrublands" | habitat == 6) {
h2 <- 33.867 + 6.324 * clim[1]
h1 <- 284.20 - 102.51 * clim[4]
hperiod <- wgts(h1, h2, abs(lat), 0, 20)
hperiod <- ifelse(hperiod < 30.5, 30.5, hperiod)
p2 <- 223.55 - 3.125 * clim[1]
p2 <- ifelse(p2 > 244, 244, p2)
if (lat < 0) p2 <- (p2 + diy / 2)%%diy
p1 <- mmonth[round(clim[5], 0)]
peakdoy <- wgts(p1, p2, abs(lat), 0, 30)
maxlai <- 2.34
minlai <- -0.4790 + 0.1450 * log(clim[3])
minlai <- ifelse(minlai < 0.001, 0.001, minlai)
x <- 1
hgt <- 2
if (habitat == "Open shrublands" | habitat == 7) {
h2 <- 8.908 + 4.907 * clim[1]
h1 <- 210.09 - 28.62 * clim[4]
hperiod <- wgts(h1, h2, abs(lat), 0, 20)
hperiod <- ifelse(hperiod < 38.3, 38.3, hperiod)
p2 <- 211.7 - 4.085 * clim[1]
p2 <- ifelse(p2 > 244, 244, p2)
if (lat < 0) p2 <- (p2 + diy / 2)%%diy
p1 <- mmonth[round(clim[5], 0)]
peakdoy <- wgts(p1, p2, abs(lat), 0, 30)
maxlai <- -0.7206 + 0.272 * log(clim[3])
minlai <- -0.146 + 0.059 * log(clim[3])
minlai <- ifelse(minlai < 0.001, 0.001, minlai)
x <- 0.7
hgt <- 1.5
if (habitat == "Woody savannas" | habitat == 8) {
hperiod1 <- 47.6380 + 2.9232 * clim[1]
hperiod1 <- ifelse(hperiod1 < 32.5, 32.5, hperiod1)
hperiod2 <- 71.72 + 3.012 * clim[1]
h1 <- (hperiod1 + hperiod2) / 2
h2 <- 282.04 - 92.28 * clim[4]
h2 <- ifelse(hperiod1 < 31.9, 31.9, hperiod1)
hperiod <- wgts(h1, h2, abs(lat), 25, 35)
peakdoy1 <- 209.760 - 1.208 * clim[1]
peakdoy1 <- ifelse(peakdoy1 > 244, 244, peakdoy1)
if (lat < 0) peakdoy1 <- ( peakdoy1 + diy / 2)%%diy
peakdoy2 <- 211.98 - 3.4371 * clim[1]
peakdoy2 <- ifelse(peakdoy2 > 244, 244, peakdoy2)
if (lat < 0) peakdoy2 <- (peakdoy2 + diy / 2)%%diy
p2 <- (peakdoy1 + peakdoy2) / 2
p1 <- mmonth[round(clim[5], 0)]
peakdoy <- wgts(p1, p2, abs(lat), 10, 40)
if (clim[1] <= 20) {
maxlai1 <- 3.98795 + 0.03330 * clim[1]
maxlai2 <- 1.0532 * 0.016 * clim[1]
} else {
maxlai1 <- 3.98795 + 0.03330 * 20
maxlai2 <- 1.0532 * 0.016 * 20
mx2 <- (maxlai1 + maxlai2) / 2
minlai1 <- 0.4808
minlai2 <- 0.0725 * 0.011 * clim[1]
mn2 <- (minlai1 + minlai2) / 2
mx1 <- 1.298 + 0.171 * log(clim[3])
mn1 <- -2.9458 + 0.5889 * log(clim[3])
maxlai <- wgts(mx1, mx2, abs(lat), 10, 40)
minlai <- wgts(mn1, mn2, abs(lat), 10, 40)
minlai <- ifelse(minlai < 0.0362, 0.0362, minlai)
x <- 0.7
hgt <- 3
if (habitat == "Savannas" | habitat == 9 |
habitat == "Short grasslands" | habitat == 10 |
habitat == "Tall grasslands" | habitat == 11) {
h2 <- 71.72 + 3.012 * clim[1]
h1 <- 269.22 - 89.79 * clim[4]
hperiod <- wgts(h1, h2, abs(lat), 0, 20)
hperiod <- ifelse(hperiod < 31.9, 31.9, hperiod)
p2 <- 211.98 - 3.4371 * clim[1]
p2 <- ifelse(p2 > 244, 244, p2)
if (lat < 0) p2 <- (p2 + diy / 2)%%diy
p1 <- mmonth[round(clim[5], 0)]
peakdoy <- wgts(p1, p2, abs(lat), 0, 30)
mx2 <- 1.48
mn2 <- 0.0725 * 0.011 * clim[1]
mx1 <- 0.1215 + 0.2662 * log(clim[3])
mn1 <- 0.331 + 0.0575 * log(clim[3])
maxlai <- wgts(mx1, mx2, abs(lat), 10, 40)
minlai <- wgts(mn1, mn2, abs(lat), 10, 40)
minlai <- ifelse(minlai < 0.762, 0.762, minlai)
x <- 0.15
if (habitat == "Savannas" | habitat == 9) hgt <- 1.5
if (habitat == "Short grasslands" | habitat == 10) hgt <- 0.25
if (habitat == "Tall grasslands" | habitat == 11) hgt <- 1.5
if (habitat == "Permanent wetlands" | habitat == 12) {
h2 <- 76 + 4.617 * clim[1]
h1 <- 246.68 - 66.82 * clim[4]
hperiod <- wgts(h1, h2, abs(lat), 0, 20)
hperiod <- ifelse(hperiod < 40, 40, hperiod)
p2 <- 219.64 - 2.793 * clim[1]
p2 <- ifelse(p2 > 244, 244, p2)
if (lat < 0) p2 <- (p2 + diy / 2)%%diy
p1 <- mmonth[round(clim[5], 0)]
peakdoy <- wgts(p1, p2, abs(lat), 0, 30)
maxlai <- -0.1782 + 0.2608 * log(clim[3])
maxlai <- ifelse(maxlai < 1.12, 1.12, maxlai)
minlai <- -0.1450 + 0.1440 * log(clim[3])
minlai <- ifelse(minlai < 0.001, 0.001, minlai)
x <- 1.4
hgt <- 0.5
if (habitat == "Croplands" | habitat == 13) {
h2 <- 54.893 + 1.785 * clim[1]
h1 <- 243 - 112.18 * clim[4]
hperiod <- wgts(h1, h2, abs(lat), 10, 30)
hperiod <- ifelse(hperiod < 43.5, 43.5, hperiod)
p2 <- 212.95 - 5.627 * clim[1]
p2 <- ifelse(p2 > 244, 244, p2)
if (lat < 0) p2 <- (p2 + diy / 2)%%diy
p1 <- mmonth[round(clim[5], 0)]
peakdoy <- wgts(p1, p2, abs(lat), 0, 30)
if (clim[1] <= 20) {
maxlai <- 3.124 - 0.0886 * clim[1]
} else maxlai <- 3.124 - 0.0886 * 20
maxlai <- ifelse(maxlai > 3.14, 3.14, maxlai)
minlai <- 0.13
x <- 0.2
hgt <- 0.5
if (habitat == "Urban and built-up" | habitat == 14) {
h2 <- 66.669 + 5.618 * clim[1]
h1 <- 283.44 - 86.11 * clim[4]
hperiod <- wgts(h1, h2, abs(lat), 0, 20)
hperiod <- ifelse(hperiod < 43.5, 43.5, hperiod)
p2 <- 215.998 - 4.2806 * clim[1]
p2 <- ifelse(p2 > 244, 244, p2)
if (lat < 0) p2 <- (p2 + diy / 2)%%diy
p1 <- mmonth[round(clim[5], 0)]
peakdoy <- wgts(p1, p2, abs(lat), 10, 30)
if (clim[1] <= 20) {
maxlai <- 1.135 - 0.0244 * clim[1]
} else maxlai <- 1.135 - 0.0244 * 20
maxlai <- ifelse(maxlai > 1.15, 1.15, maxlai)
minlai <- 0.28
x <- 1
hgt <- 1.5
if (habitat == "Cropland/Natural vegetation mosaic" | habitat == 15) {
h2 <- 29.490 + 8.260 * clim[1]
h1 <- 326.46 - 161.70 * clim[4]
hperiod <- wgts(h1, h2, abs(lat), 10, 30)
hperiod <- ifelse(hperiod < 43.5, 43.5, hperiod)
p2 <- 210.867 - 3.5464 * clim[1]
p2 <- ifelse(p2 > 244, 244, p2)
if (lat < 0) p2 <- (p2 + diy / 2)%%diy
p1 <- mmonth[round(clim[5], 0)]
peakdoy <- wgts(p1, p2, abs(lat), 10, 30)
if (clim[1] <= 20) {
maxlai <- 3.5485 - 0.09481 * clim[1]
} else maxlai <- 3.5485 - 0.09481 * 20
maxlai <- ifelse(maxlai > 3.14, 3.14, maxlai)
if (clim[1] <= 20) {
minlai <- -0.072815 - 0.044546 * clim[1]
} else minlai <- -0.072815 - 0.044546 * 20
minlai <- ifelse(minlai < 0.001, 0.001, minlai)
x <- 0.5
hgt <- 1
if (habitat == "Barren or sparsely vegetated" | habitat == 16) {
h2 <- 80.557 + 6.440 * clim[1]
h1 <- 344.65 - -191.94 * clim[4]
hperiod <- wgts(h1, h2, abs(lat), 0, 20)
hperiod <- ifelse(hperiod < 43.5, 43.5, hperiod)
p2 <- 236.0143 - 3.4726 * clim[1]
p2 <- ifelse(p2 > 244, 244, p2)
if (lat < 0) p2 <- (p2 + diy / 2)%%diy
p1 <- mmonth[round(clim[5], 0)]
peakdoy <- wgts(p1, p2, abs(lat), 10, 30)
maxlai <- -0.05491 + 0.05991 * log(clim[4])
maxlai <- ifelse(maxlai < 0.81, 0.81, maxlai)
minlai <- 0.08
x <- 0.6
hgt <- 0.15
if (habitat == "Open water" | habitat == 17) {
hperiod <- 100
peakdoy <- 50
maxlai <- 0
minlai <- 0
hgt <- 0
lai <- laigaus(minlai, maxlai, peakdoy, hperiod, year)
if (habitat == "Short grasslands" | habitat == 10) lai <- lai / 2
tme <- c(1:length(lai)) - 1
tme <- as.POSIXlt(tme * 3600, origin = paste0(year,"-01-01 00:00"), tz = "UTC")
return(list(lai = lai, x = x, height = hgt, obs_time = tme))
#' Converts daily times to hourly
.tme.sort <- function(tme) {
tme<-as.POSIXlt(tme, origin = "1970-01-01 00:00", tz = "UTC")
zero <- function(x) ifelse(x < 10, paste0("0", x), paste0("", x))
dstart<-paste0(tme$year[1]+1900,"-",zero(tme$mon[1]+1),"-",zero(tme$mday[1])," 00:00")
zero(tme$mday[length(tme)])," 23:00")
tmeh<-seq(as.POSIXlt(dstart, format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", origin = "1900-01-01", tz = "UTC"),
as.POSIXlt(dfinish, format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", origin = "1900-01-01", tz = "UTC"),
by = 'hours')
#' Returns PAI for multiple years
.PAI.sort <- function(habitat, lat, long, tme) {
lai<-0; ota<-as.POSIXlt(0,origin="1970-01-01 00:00",tz="UTC")
yrs<-unique(tme2$year) +1900
for (i in 1:length(yrs)) {
pai <- PAIfromhabitat(habitat, lat, long, yrs[i])
sel<-which(tme2$year+1900 == yrs[i])
sel <- which(ot >= tmemn & ot <= tmemx)
l <- pai$lai[sel]
otx<- pai$obs_time[sel]
lai<-lai[-1]; ota<-ota[-1]
ota<-as.POSIXlt(as.numeric(ota),origin="1970-01-01 00:00",tz="UTC")
# spline to correct time interval
if (length(tme) > 1) {
int <- as.numeric(tme[2])-as.numeric(tme[1])
} else int <- 3600
n <- (length(ota)-1)*(3600/(int))+1
tz <- attr(tme,"tzone")[1]
ota2<-as.POSIXlt(ota2,origin="1970-01-01 00:00",tz=tz)
sel <- which(ota2 >= tme[1])[1:length(tme)]
#' generates PAI and pLAI for a given habitat type
.habgen<-function(habitat,lat,long,tme,PAIt,m,m2,skew,spread,pLAIo1,under=TRUE) {
pai <- .PAI.sort(habitat, lat, long, tme)
wgt <- (m2 / m) * 0.25
if (class(PAIt) != "logical") {
if (length(PAIt) == 1) {
PAI<-PAIgeometry(m, PAIt * (1 - wgt), skew, spread)
if (under) {
PAIu <- c(PAIgeometry(m2, PAIt * wgt, 1, 50), rep(0,m-m2))
} else if (length(PAIt) == m) {
if (length(tme) == 1) {
} else {
PAI <- array(NA, dim = c(m,length(pai$lai)))
for (i in 1:m) PAI[i,] <- PAIt[i]*mult
} else {
PAIo<-PAIgeometry(m, max(PAIt) * (1 - wgt), skew, spread)
if (under) {
PAIu <- c(PAIgeometry(m2, max(PAIt) * wgt, 1, 50), rep(0,m-m2))
PAIo <- PAIo + PAIu
PAI <- array(NA, dim = c(m,length(pai$lai)))
for (i in 1:m) {
PAI[i,]<- PAIo[i]*mu+mn
} else {
xx<-PAIfromhabitat(habitat, lat, long, tme$year[length(tme)]+1900)$lai
mxPAI <- max(xx,pai$lai, na.rm = TRUE)
PAIo <- PAIgeometry(m, mxPAI * (1 - wgt), 7.5, 70)
if (under) {
PAIu <- PAIgeometry(m2, mxPAI * wgt, 1, 50)
PAIu <- c(PAIu, rep(0, m - m2))
PAIo <- PAIo + PAIu
if (length(tme) > 1) {
mn<-min(PAIo, na.rm = TRUE)
PAI <- array(NA, dim = c(m,length(pai$lai)))
for (i in 1:m) {
PAI[i,]<- PAIo[i]*mu+mn
} else PAI <- PAIo
# pLAI
pLAIo <- LAIfrac(m, pLAIo1, 6)
if (under) pLAIu <- c(LAIfrac(m2, 0.9, 6), rep(0, m - m2))
if (class(PAI)[1] == "matrix") {
mult <- PAIs / mxPAI
for (i in 1:m) {
if (under) {
pLAI2 <- pLAIo[i] * ((PAI[i,] - PAIu[i,]) / PAI[i,]) + pLAIu[i] * (PAIu[i,] / PAI[i,])
pLAI2[] <- pLAIo[]
} else pLAI2<-pLAIo[i]
pLAI[i,] <- mult * pLAI2
} else {
mult <- sum(PAI) / max(pai$lai)
if (under) {
pLAI2 <- pLAIo * ((PAI - PAIu) / PAI) + pLAIu * (PAIu / PAI)
pLAI2[] <- pLAIo[]
} else pLAI2<-pLAIo
pLAI <- mult * pLAI2
#' Derives vegetation paramaters from habitat type
#' @description `habitatvars` generates vegetation parameters required to run the model
#' from habitat type.
#' @param habitat a character string or numeric value indicating the habitat type. See [habitats()]
#' @param lat a single numeric value representing the mean latitude of the location for which the solar index is required (decimal degrees, -ve south of the equator).
#' @param long a single numeric value representing the mean longitude of the location for which the solar index is required (decimal degrees, -ve west of Greenwich meridian).
#' @param tme a single value or vector of POSIXlt objects of date(s) and time(s). See details
#' @param m number of canopy nodes
#' @param PAIt optional single numeric value or vector of values of total plant area index for canopy (see details).
#' @return a list with the following components:
#' @return `hgt` height of vegetation (m)
#' @return `PAI` a vector or array of Plant Area Index values (see details)
#' @return `x` the ratio of vertical to horizontal projections of leaf foliage
#' @return `lw` mean leaf width (m)
#' @return `cd` drag coefficient
#' @return `iw` a vector of length `m` of relative turbulence intensities
#' @return `hgtg` height of understory vegetation (m)
#' @return `zm0` roughnes length governing momentum transfer of understory vegetation (m)
#' @return `pLAI` a vector or array of proportions of green vegetation (see details)
#' @return `refls` reflectivity (shortwave radiation) of leaves
#' @return `refg` reflectivity (shortwave radiation) of ground
#' @return `refw` reflectivity (shortwave radiation) of dead vegetation and woody stems
#' @return `reflp` # Reflectivity of leaves to photosynthetically active radiation
#' @return `vegem` thermal emissivity of vegetation
#' @return `gsmax` maximum stomatal conductance (mol / m^2 / s)
#' @return `q50` Value of PAR when photosynthetically active radiation is at 50% of
#' maximum (micromoles / m^2 / s^1)
#' @return `thickw` a vector of length `m` of mean thickness (m) of vegetation such that `thickw`
#' x PAI = volume of vegetation (m^3 / m^3)
#' @return `cpw` Specific heat capacity of woody vegetation (J / kg / K)
#' @return `phw` Density of woody vegetation (no air) (kg / m^3)
#' @return `kwood` Thermal conductivity of wood (W / m / K)
#' @return `clump` Clumpiness factor for canopy (0-1)
#' @details if `tme` is a single value `PAI` and `pLAI` are vectors of length `m` giving
#' Plant Area Index values and proportions of green vegetation for each canopy node `m`.
#' If `tme` is a vector of times, `PAI` and `pLAI` are arrays of dimension m x length(tme).
#' I.e. seperate `PAI` and `pLAI` values are derived for each time interval and node. If
#' `PAIt` is provided, and a single value, then the length of `tme` is ignored and returned
#' `PAI` is a vector of values for each node. If `PAIt` is a vector of values of length `m`
#' then seasonally adjusted values for each node and time inteval of `tme` are returned. If
#' `PAIt` is a vector of values of any length other than `m` spline interpolated values for
#' each node and time interval of `tme` are returned. If `PAIt` is NA (the default) PAI is
#' estimated from habitat and location using [PAIfromhabitat()].
#' @export
habitatvars <- function(habitat, lat, long, tme, m = 20, PAIt = NA) {
# Check class of tme to prevent future failure
if (any(class(tme) != "POSIXlt")) {
try_convert <- try(tme<-as.POSIXlt(tme))
if (any(class(try_convert) == "try-error")) {
stop("tme must be provided as a single value or vector of POSIXlt objects")
# By habitat type
if (habitat == "Evergreen needleleaf forest" | habitat == 1) {
m2 <- round((1/15)*m,0)
thickw <- thickgeometry(m, 0.4,0.7,0.1)
iw <- iwgeometry(m, iwmin = 0.8, iwmax = 1.2)
refls = 0.25 # reflectivity (shortwave radiation) of leaves
refw = 0.1 # reflectivity (shortwave radiation) of woody vegetation
reflp = 0.3 # Reflectivity of leaves to PAR
lw <- 0.01
gsmax <- 0.33
phw <- 500
uhgt <- 1
wgt <- (m2 / m) * 0.25
if (any(class(PAI) == "matrix")) {
} else sPAI <- sum(PAI)*wgt
zm0 <- roughlength(uhgt, PAI = sPAI)
if (habitat == "Evergreen broadleaf forest" | habitat == 2) {
m2 <- round((4/20)*m,0)
thickw <- thickgeometry(m, 0.55, 1,0.2)
iw <- iwgeometry(m, iwmin = 0.8, iwmax = 1.2)
refls = 0.3 # reflectivity (shortwave radiation) of leaves
refw = 0.1 # reflectivity (shortwave radiation) of woody vegetation
reflp = 0.2 # Reflectivity of leaves to PAR
lw <- 0.35
gsmax <- 0.33
phw <- 1100
uhgt <- 4
wgt <- (m2 / m) * 0.25
if (any(class(PAI) == "matrix")) {
} else sPAI <- sum(PAI)*wgt
zm0 <- roughlength(uhgt, PAI = sPAI)
if (habitat == "Deciduous needleleaf forest" | habitat == 3) {
m2 <- round((1/10)*m,0)
thickw <- thickgeometry(m, 0.4,0.7,0.1)
iw <- iwgeometry(m, iwmin = 0.8, iwmax = 1.2)
refls = 0.3 # reflectivity (shortwave radiation) of leaves
refw = 0.1 # reflectivity (shortwave radiation) of woody vegetation
reflp = 0.25 # Reflectivity of leaves to PAR
lw <- 0.01
gsmax <- 0.33
phw <- 500
uhgt <- 1
wgt <- (m2 / m) * 0.25
if (any(class(PAI) == "matrix")) {
} else sPAI <- sum(PAI)*wgt
zm0 <- roughlength(uhgt, PAI = sPAI)
if (habitat == "Deciduous broadleaf forest" | habitat == 4) {
m2 <- round((2/15)*m,0)
thickw <- thickgeometry(m, 0.5, 0.6,0.15)
iw <- iwgeometry(m, iwmin = 0.8, iwmax = 1.2)
refls = 0.3 # reflectivity (shortwave radiation) of leaves
refw = 0.1 # reflectivity (shortwave radiation) of woody vegetation
reflp = 0.2 # Reflectivity of leaves to PAR
lw <- 0.07
gsmax <- 0.23
phw <- 700
uhgt <- 2
wgt <- (m2 / m) * 0.25
if (any(class(PAI) == "matrix")) {
} else sPAI <- sum(PAI)*wgt
zm0 <- roughlength(uhgt, PAI = sPAI)
if (habitat == "Mixed forest" | habitat == 5) {
m2 <- round((1.5/10)*m,0)
thickw <- thickgeometry(m, 0.45,0.65,0.12)
iw <- iwgeometry(m, iwmin = 0.8, iwmax = 1.2)
refls = 0.28 # reflectivity (shortwave radiation) of leaves
refw = 0.1 # reflectivity (shortwave radiation) of woody vegetation
reflp = 0.25 # Reflectivity of leaves to PAR
lw <- 0.04
gsmax <- 0.28
phw <- 600
uhgt <- 1.5
wgt <- (m2 / m) * 0.25
if (any(class(PAI) == "matrix")) {
} else sPAI <- sum(PAI)*wgt
zm0 <- roughlength(uhgt, PAI = sPAI)
if (habitat == "Closed shrublands" | habitat == 6) {
thickw <- thickgeometry(m, 0.2,0.5,0.05)
iw <- iwgeometry(m, iwmin = 0.4, iwmax = 0.9)
refls = 0.3 # reflectivity (shortwave radiation) of leaves
refw = 0.1 # reflectivity (shortwave radiation) of woody vegetation
reflp = 0.2 # Reflectivity of leaves to PAR
lw <- 0.03
gsmax <- 0.35
phw <- 500
uhgt <- 0.05
zm0 <- 0.004
if (habitat == "Open shrublands" | habitat == 7) {
thickw <- thickgeometry(m, 0.2,0.5,0.05)
iw <- iwgeometry(m, iwmin = 0.36, iwmax = 0.9)
refls = 0.3 # reflectivity (shortwave radiation) of leaves
refw = 0.1 # reflectivity (shortwave radiation) of woody vegetation
reflp = 0.2 # Reflectivity of leaves to PAR
lw <- 0.03
gsmax <- 0.35
phw <- 500
uhgt <- 0.05
zm0 <- 0.004
if (habitat == "Woody savannas" | habitat == 8) {
thickw <- thickgeometry(m, 0.2,0.3,0.1)
iw <- iwgeometry(m, iwmin = 0.5, iwmax = 0.98)
refls = 0.35 # reflectivity (shortwave radiation) of leaves
refw = 0.2 # reflectivity (shortwave radiation) of woody vegetation
reflp = 0.2 # Reflectivity of leaves to PAR
lw <- 0.01
gsmax <- 0.33
phw <- 300
uhgt <- 0.75
wgt <- (m2 / m) * 0.25
if (any(class(PAI) == "matrix")) {
} else sPAI <- sum(PAI)*wgt
zm0 <- roughlength(uhgt, PAI = sPAI)
if (habitat == "Savannas" | habitat == 9) {
thickw <- thickgeometry(m, 0.2,0.3,0.02)
iw <- iwgeometry(m, iwmin = 0.36, iwmax = 0.9)
refls = 0.35 # reflectivity (shortwave radiation) of leaves
refw = 0.1 # reflectivity (shortwave radiation) of woody vegetation
reflp = 0.2 # Reflectivity of leaves to PAR
lw <- 0.01
gsmax <- 0.33
phw <- 300
uhgt <- 0.05
zm0 <- 0.004
if (habitat == "Short grasslands" | habitat == 10) {
thickw <- thickgeometry(m, 0.2,0.3,0.02)
iw <- iwgeometry(m, iwmin = 0.36, iwmax = 0.9)
refls = 0.35 # reflectivity (shortwave radiation) of leaves
refw = 0.1 # reflectivity (shortwave radiation) of woody vegetation
reflp = 0.2 # Reflectivity of leaves to PAR
lw <- 0.01
gsmax <- 0.33
phw <- 300
uhgt <- 0.05
zm0 <- 0.004
if (habitat == "Tall grasslands" | habitat == 11) {
thickw <- thickgeometry(m, 0.2,0.3,0.02)
iw <- iwgeometry(m, iwmin = 0.36, iwmax = 0.9)
refls = 0.35 # reflectivity (shortwave radiation) of leaves
refw = 0.1 # reflectivity (shortwave radiation) of woody vegetation
reflp = 0.2 # Reflectivity of leaves to PAR
lw <- 0.01
gsmax <- 0.33
phw <- 300
uhgt <- 0.05
zm0 <- 0.004
if (habitat == "Permanent wetlands" | habitat == 12) {
thickw <- thickgeometry(m, 0.2,0.3,0.02)
iw <- iwgeometry(m, iwmin = 0.36, iwmax = 0.9)
refls = 0.5 # reflectivity (shortwave radiation) of leaves
refw = 0.1 # reflectivity (shortwave radiation) of woody vegetation
reflp = 0.2 # Reflectivity of leaves to PAR
lw <- 0.09
gsmax <- 0.55
phw <- 600
uhgt <- 0.02
zm0 <- 0.002
if (habitat == "Croplands" | habitat == 13) {
thickw <- thickgeometry(m, 0.25,0.3,0.02)
iw <- iwgeometry(m, iwmin = 0.36, iwmax = 0.9)
refls = 0.3 # reflectivity (shortwave radiation) of leaves
refw = 0.1 # reflectivity (shortwave radiation) of woody vegetation
reflp = 0.2 # Reflectivity of leaves to PAR
lw <- 0.02
gsmax <- 0.33
phw <- 300
uhgt <- 0.05
zm0 <- 0.004
if (habitat == "Urban and built-up" | habitat == 14) {
m2 <- round((0.5/1.5) * m, 0)
thickw <- thickgeometry(m, 0.5, 0.6,0.15)
iw <- iwgeometry(m, iwmin = 0.6, iwmax = 1.4)
refls = 0.3 # reflectivity (shortwave radiation) of leaves
refw = 0.1 # reflectivity (shortwave radiation) of woody vegetation
reflp = 0.2 # Reflectivity of leaves to PAR
lw <- 0.04
gsmax <- 0.33
phw <- 600
uhgt <- 0.1
wgt <- (m2 / m) * 0.25
if (any(class(PAI) == "matrix")) {
} else sPAI <- sum(PAI)*wgt
zm0 <- roughlength(uhgt, PAI = sPAI)
if (habitat == "Cropland/Natural vegetation mosaic" | habitat == 15) {
thickw <- thickgeometry(m, 0.35,0.5,0.02)
iw <- iwgeometry(m, iwmin = 0.5, iwmax = 0.98)
refls = 0.3 # reflectivity (shortwave radiation) of leaves
refw = 0.1 # reflectivity (shortwave radiation) of woody vegetation
reflp = 0.2 # Reflectivity of leaves to PAR
lw <- 0.03
gsmax <- 0.3
phw <- 400
uhgt <- 0.05
zm0 <- 0.004
if (habitat == "Barren or sparsely vegetated" | habitat == 16) {
thickw <- thickgeometry(m, 0.25,0.3,0.02)
iw <- iwgeometry(m, iwmin = 0.36, iwmax = 0.9)
refls = 0.3 # reflectivity (shortwave radiation) of leaves
refw = 0.1 # reflectivity (shortwave radiation) of woody vegetation
reflp = 0.2 # Reflectivity of leaves to PAR
lw <- 0.015
gsmax <- 0.33
phw <- 600
uhgt <- 0.01
zm0 <- 0.001
if (any( {
warning("NA values returned in PAI. Possible reasons:\n - tme time series covers multiple years (only one year allowed)\n - tme time series is sub-daily but not at hourly resoultion")
return(list(hgt = pai$height, PAI = PAI, x = pai$x, lw = lw, cd = 0.2, iw = iw,
hgtg = uhgt, zm0 = zm0, pLAI = pLAI, refls = refls,
refg = 0.15, refw = refw, reflp = reflp, vegem = 0.97, gsmax = gsmax,
q50 = 100, thickw = thickw, cpw = 1200, phw = phw, kwood = 0.14, clump=0))
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