
# Dynamic UI is the interface which changes as the survey
# progresses.

# this function is called in order to prepare variables for the next questionary
# after this questionary has been completed
questionaryPostProcessing <- function() {
  # nop

# This renderUI function holds the primary actions of the
# survey area.
output$mainPanel <- renderUI( {
  # Initially it shows a welcome message.
  if (question_id == Survey_Sections$Teil2c_intro) {
        h4("Im letzten Abschnitt schlägt Ihnen der Vereinbarkeitssimulator konkrete Massnahmen vor, mit denen Sie gegebenenfalls vorhandene Belastungen und/oder Unzufriedenheiten verändern können. Überlegen Sie sich, welche Massnahmen Sie einplanen möchten."),
        h4("Zum Fortfahren klicken Sie bitte auf 'Weiter'.")
  } else if (question_id > Survey_Sections$Teil2c_intro & question_id <= Survey_Sections$Teil2c_last_question) {
    selected <- get_selected_value(results2c[question_id - Survey_Sections$Teil2c_intro], "weiss nicht")
        h4(radioButtons("survey", "",
                     c(option_list(), "weiss nicht"), selected = selected), width = "600"),
        h4(textInput("kommentar", "Anmerkungen", value = ifelse(length(kommentare2c[question_id - Survey_Sections$Teil2c_intro])>0, kommentare2c[question_id - Survey_Sections$Teil2c_intro], "")))
  } else if (question_id == Survey_Sections$Teil2c_end_statement) {
        h4("Die Erfassung der Unterstützungs- und/oder Entlastungsmöglichkeiten ist nun abgeschlossen. Somit sind Sie beinahe schon am Ende des Vereinbarkeitssimulators angelangt."),
        h4("Bitte klicken Sie auf 'Weiter' um zur zusammenfassenden Übersicht ihrer Planung für das nächste Jahr zu gelangen. ")

# This reactive function is concerned primarily with
# saving the results of the survey for this individual.
output$save_results <- renderText({
  # After each click, save the results of the radio buttons.
  if (question_id >= Survey_Sections$Teil2c_first_question & question_id <= Survey_Sections$Teil2c_last_question) {
    try(results2c[question_id - Survey_Sections$Teil2c_intro] <<- ifelse(length(input$survey)>0, input$survey, NA))
    try(kommentare2c[question_id - Survey_Sections$Teil2c_intro] <<- ifelse(length(input$kommentar)>0, input$kommentar, NA))
  # try is used because there is a brief moment in which
  # the if condition is true but input$survey = NULL

  # If the user has clicked through all of the survey questions
  # then R saves the results to the survey file.
  if (question_id == Survey_Sections$Teil2c_end_statement) {
    Alist <- Qlist_2c
    Alist <- Alist[, 1:3]
    Alist[,3] <- results2c
    Alist[,4] <- kommentare2c
    names(Alist)[3] <- "Antwort"
    names(Alist)[4] <- "Kommentar"
    result_coll$Alist_2c <<- Alist
  # Because there has to be a UI object to call this
  # function I set up render text that distplays the content
  # of this funciton.

# The option list is a reactive list of elements that
# updates itself when the click counter is advanced.
option_list <- reactive({
  qlist <- Qlist_2c[question_id - Survey_Sections$Teil2c_intro,3:ncol(Qlist_2c)]
  # Remove items from the qlist if the option is empty.
  # Also, convert the option list to matrix.
  as.matrix(qlist[qlist != ""])

# This function show the question number (Q:)
# Followed by the question text.
output$question <- renderText({
    "Frage ", (question_id - (Survey_Sections$Teil2c_first_question - Survey_Sections$Teil2b_last_question +5)),": ",
    Qlist_2c[question_id - Survey_Sections$Teil2c_intro, 2]
ims-fhs/vsim documentation built on Nov. 14, 2019, 4:54 a.m.