
Defines functions arrows2

Documented in arrows2

#' Add arrows to a plot
#' Draw a custom arrows between pairs of points.
#' @export
#' @param x0 the x coordinates of points from which to draw arrows.
#' @param y0 the y coordinates of points from which to draw arrows.
#' @param x1 the x coordinates of points to which to draw arrows.
#' @param y1 the y coordinates of points to which to draw arrows.
#' @param off0 offset of points from which to draw arrows.
#' @param off1 offset of points to which to draw arrows.
#' @param cex.arr the magnification coefficient to be used for the heights of
#' the arrows.
#' @param cex.shr the magnification coefficient to be used to change the
#' height of arrows towards their heads.
#' @param cex.hl the magnification coefficient to be used for the lengths of
#' arrows' head.
#' @param cex.hh the magnification coefficient to be used for the heights of
#' arrows' head.
#' @param prophead logical. If `TRUE` arrows are drawn with head proportional 
#' to the length of the arrows.
#' @param twoheaded logical. If `TRUE` two-headed arrows are drawn, default is
#' `FALSE`.
#' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to `polygon` function.
#' @keywords arrows
#' @seealso [graphics::arrows()]
#' @examples
#' # Example 1:
#' plot0(c(0, 10), c(0, 10))
#' arrows2(1, 9, 8)
#' arrows2(1, 8, 8, 1, cex.hh = 1.2, cex.hl = 1.2, col = "grey30", lwd = 1.2,
#'  prophead = TRUE, twoheaded = TRUE)
#' arrows2(5, 9, 5, 1)
#' # Example 2:
#' plot0(c(0, 1), c(0, 1))
#' arrows2(runif(2), runif(2), x1 = runif(2), y1 = runif(2))
#' arrows2(runif(2), runif(2), x1 = runif(2), y1 = runif(2), prophead = FALSE,
#'  lty = 3)
arrows2 <- function(x0, y0, x1 = x0, y1 = y0, off0 = 0, off1 = off0,
        cex.arr = 1, cex.shr = 1, cex.hh = 1, cex.hl = 1, prophead = TRUE,
        twoheaded = FALSE, ...) {
    stopifnot(all(c(off0, off1)^2 < 1))
    ## ---- Format checking / adjusting vectors sizes
    argn <- c("x0", "y0", "x1", "y1")
    argo <- list(x0, y0, x1, y1)
    sz <- max(lengths(list(x0, y0, x1, y1)))
    for (i in seq_along(argn)) assign(argn[i], rep_len(argo[[i]], sz))
    argo <- list(x0, y0, x1, y1)
    ## ----
    rx <- (x1 - x0)
    ry <- (y1 - y0)
    distpt <- sqrt(rx * rx + ry * ry)
    # ----- Checking
    pb <- which(distpt == 0)
    if (length(pb)) {
        warning("Zero-length arrows are skipped.")
        for (i in seq_along(argn)) assign(argn[i], argo[[i]][-pb])
    ## ----
    anglept <- 0.5 * pi
    idx1 <- which(rx != 0)
    anglept[idx1] <- atan(ry[idx1] / rx[idx1])
    idx2 <- which(rx < 0 | (rx == 0 & ry < 0))
    anglept[idx2] <- anglept[idx2] + pi
    ## ----
    x0 <- x0 + distpt * off0 * cos(anglept)
    y0 <- y0 + distpt * off0 * sin(anglept)
    distpt <- distpt * (1 - off0 - off1)
    ## ----
    myusr <- graphics::par()$usr
    hg1 <- 0.015 * (myusr[4L] - myusr[3L]) * cex.arr
    hg2 <- hg1 * cex.shr
    hg3 <- hg2 + cex.hh * hg1
    ## ----
    for (i in seq_len(sz)) {
        lg1 <- distpt[i]
        if (!prophead) {
            lg3 <- cex.hl * 0.06 * (myusr[2L] - myusr[1L])
            lg2 <- lg1 - lg3
        } else {
            lg2 <- lg1 * (1 - cex.hl * 0.2)
            lg3 <- lg1 * cex.hl * 0.2
        ## ----
        if (!twoheaded) {
            sqptx <- rep(x0[i], 7) + c(0, lg2, lg2, lg1, lg2, lg2, 0)
            sqpty <- rep(y0[i], 7) + c(hg1, hg2, hg3, 0, -hg3, -hg2, -hg1)
        } else {
            sqptx <- rep(x0[i], 12) + c(
                0, lg3, lg3, 0.5 * lg1, lg2, lg2, lg1, lg2,
                lg2, 0.5 * lg1, lg3, lg3
            sqpty <- rep(y0[i], 12) + c(
                0, hg3, hg2, hg1, hg2, hg3, 0, -hg3, -hg2,
                -hg1, -hg2, -hg3
        ## ----
        ptcoord <- rotation(sqptx, sqpty,
            rot = anglept[i], xrot = x0[i],
            yrot = y0[i], rad = TRUE
        polygon(ptcoord$x, ptcoord$y, ...)
    ## ----
inSileco/graphicsutils documentation built on Sept. 12, 2022, 11:13 p.m.