
Defines functions getRefs

Documented in getRefs

#' @title Retrieve author references from Scopus and Crossref APIs
#' @description
#' This function queries the Scopus Search API to returned a list of references for one specific author.
#' Quality of metadata is increased by coupling Scopus results with a query of
#' the Crossref API called using the package \code{\link[rcrossref]{rcrossref}}.
#' Results are returned as BibTeX files (one per reference) but user can also choose two other formats: YAML and JSON.
#' The conversion is proceeded using pandoc and pandoc-citeproc (must be separately installed).
#' @param api_key A string indicating the user Scopus API Key obtained from the Elsevier Developer Portal
#' @param author_id A string indicating the Scopus identifier of the author for which references have to be retrieve
#' @param date A string indicating the year (or a range of years) for which references have to be retrieve (if \code{NULL}, default, all references listed in Scopus for this author will be returned)
#' @param sort A string indicating the field by which references will be ordered (one of \code{artnum}, \code{citedby-count}, \code{publicationName}, \code{pubyear})
#' @param sleep A positive numeric indicating the time interval (in seconds) between two consecutive Scopus queries (a Scopus query response is limited to 25 entries)
#' @param folder A string indicating the folder (relative or absolute path) to write references
#' @param format A string indicating the references format (the possible formats are \code{bibtex}, \code{yaml} and \code{json})
#' @param erase A boolean specifying if a reference that already exists in the folder must be rewritten (\code{TRUE}) or not (\code{FALSE})
#' @export
#' @return A list of BibTeX strings. BibTeX (if required) and other specified formats are also written in the directory specified by the argument \code{folder}.
#' @details Before using this function user has to get a free Scopus API Key from the Elsevier Developer Portal (\url{https://dev.elsevier.com/user/registration}).
#' He also needs to know the author Scopus identifer by visiting the Scopus Author Search Portal (\url{https://www.scopus.com/freelookup/form/author.uri}).
#' This function works in four steps:
#' 1) Get a list of references from Scopus API and keep only those with a DOI (all fields are returned except the authors list);
#' 2) Complete the metadata (mainly the authors list) using the Crossref API called by the function \code{\link[rcrossref]{cr_cn}} (request by DOI);
#' 3) Merge metadata from the two sources and keep the best (hopefully);
#' 4) Write references (one file per reference) in the specified formats using pandoc-citeproc (for YAML and JSON).
#' We strongly recommend to convert references in YAML (and also keep BibTeX formats)
#' because this step (performed with pandoc-citeproc) translates a large amount of LaTeX tags (mainly accented characters).
#' But if you prefer you can also export references in BibTeX and then use the function \code{\link[refR]{bib2yaml}} to convert them in YAML.
#' @seealso \code{\link[refR]{bib2yaml}}, \code{\link[refR]{cleanRefs}}
#' @examples
#' # Coming soon...

getRefs <- function(api_key = NULL, author_id = NULL, date = NULL, sort = "pubyear",
    sleep = 5, folder = ".", format = c("bibtex", "yaml"), erase = FALSE) {

    owarn <- options()$warn
    options(warn = -1)
    on.exit(options(warn = owarn))

    pandoc <- detectBin("pandoc")
    if (is.na(pandoc))
        stop("refR requires the installation of pandoc")

    citeproc <- detectBin("pandoc-citeproc")
    if (is.na(citeproc))
        stop("refR requires the installation of pandoc-citeproc.")


    if (is.null(api_key)) {
        stop("Please provide a Scopus API Key.\nVisit this website \"https://dev.elsevier.com\" for further informations.")

    if (is.null("author_id")) {
        stop("Please provide an Author Scopus ID.\nVisit this website \"https://www.scopus.com/freelookup/form/author.uri\" to get one.")

    if (!is.null(date)) {
        if (length(date) > 1) {
            stop("The argument \"date\" must be a year (YYYY) or a range of years (YYYY-YYYY).")
        } else {
            if (!length(grep("^[0-9]{4}$|^[0-9]{4}[[:punct:]][0-9]{4}$", date))) {
                stop("The argument \"date\" must be a year (YYYY) or a range of years (YYYY-YYYY).")
        date <- gsub("[[:punct:]]", "-", date)

    if (!is.null(sort)) {
        sort <- tolower(sort)
        if (!(sort %in% c("artnum", "citedby-count", "publicationName", "pubyear"))) {
            stop("Available sort options: \"artnum\" or \"citedby-count\" or \"publicationName\" or \"pubyear\"")

    if (!(folder %in% c(".", "./"))) {
        if (length(which(dir() == gsub("/", "", folder))) == 0) {
            stop(paste0("The directory '", folder, "' does not exist. Please select an appropriate folder."))

    format <- tolower(format)
    format <- gsub("yml", "yaml", format)
    if (!(format %in% c("bibtex", "yaml", "json"))) {
        stop("Supported formats: \"bibtex\" or \"yaml\" or \"json\"")

    cat(paste0("\n       >>>   Scopus - Crossref APIs   <<<       \n"))
    cat(paste0("\r   [] Author ID    - ", author_id, "\n"))


    tags <- c("dc:identifier", "subtypeDescription", "prism:coverDate", "dc:creator",
        "dc:title", "prism:publicationName", "prism:volume", "prism:issueIdentifier",
        "prism:pageRange", "prism:isbn", "prism:doi", "citedby-count")

    tags_names <- c("scopus_id", "doctype", "date", "author", "title", "journal",
        "volume", "issue", "pages", "isbn", "doi", "citedby")

    w <- 1
    from <- 0
    nmax <- 25
    is_entry <- TRUE
    items <- list()

    while (is_entry) {

        ### Scopus request

        res <- rjson::fromJSON(file = paste0("https://api.elsevier.com/content/search/scopus?apiKey=",
            api_key, "&query=AU-ID(", author_id, ")", "&start=", from, "&count=",
            nmax, ifelse(!is.null(date), paste0("&date=", date), ""), ifelse(!is.null(sort),
                paste0("&sort=", sort), ""), "&httpAccept=application/json"))

        ### Is there reference(s)?

        if (length(which(names(res[[1]]) == "entry")) > 0) {

            ### If Result set was empty

            if (length(which(names(res[[1]]$entry[[1]]) == "error")) > 0) {

                ### Exit

                is_entry <- FALSE

            } else {

                cat(paste0("\r   [] Scopus API   - ", (length(items) + length(res[[1]]$entry)),
                  " items found"))

                ### Extract metadata

                for (k in 1:length(res[[1]]$entry)) {

                  infos <- list()

                  for (j in 1:length(tags)) {

                    info <- res[[1]]$entry[[k]][[tags[j]]]

                    if (tags[j] == "prism:coverDate") {
                      info <- substr(as.character(info), 1, 4)
                    infos[[tags_names[j]]] <- ifelse(!is.null(info), info, "")

                  infos[["scopus_id"]] <- gsub("SCOPUS_ID:", "", infos[["scopus_id"]])

                  items[[w]] <- infos
                  w <- w + 1

                ### By-pass Scopus blocking system (in seconds)


                ### Incrementation of start entry (next loop)

                from <- from + nmax

        } else {

            ### Exit

            is_entry <- FALSE

    ### If at least one result returned

    if (length(items) > 0) {

        ### Remove items w/o DOI

        dois <- unlist(lapply(items, function(x) x$doi))
        pos <- which(dois == "")

        cat(paste0("\n                   - ", (length(items) - length(pos)), " items with a DOI\n"))

        if (length(pos) > 0) {
            items <- items[-pos]

        ### Do not re-download citation if already exist

        if (!erase) {

            ids <- paste0("ID", unlist(lapply(items, function(x) x$scopus_id)))
            files <- unique(gsub("\\.bib|\\.yml|\\.json", "", dir(folder)))

            pos <- which(ids %in% files)
            if (length(pos) > 0) {
                items <- items[-pos]

            cat(paste0("                   - ", length(items), " new items\n\n"))
        } else {

        ### If at least one DOI

        if (length(items) ) {

            w <- 1
            refs <- NULL

            for (i in 1:length(items)) {

                ### Get citation from CROSSREF

                ref <- rcrossref::cr_cn(doi = items[[i]]$doi, format = "bibtex")

                ### If the reference has been found

                if (!is.null(ref)) {

                  cat(paste0("\r   [] Crossref API - ", w, " citations found"))

                  ### Convert string to vector

                  ref <- strsplit(ref, "\n|\n\t")[[1]]

                  ### If it is an inline BiBTeX

                  if (length(ref) == 1) {
                    ref <- strsplit(ref, ",")[[1]]
                    ref <- gsub("^ ", "", ref)

                  ### If one tag is on two lines (bug for one ref on 3000 tested)

                  pos <- which(!grepl(",$|}$", ref))

                  if (length(pos) > 0) {

                    if (length(grep("[[:alpha:]]{1,} = ", ref[pos + 1])) == 0) {

                      ref[pos + 1] <- gsub("\\t", "", ref[pos + 1])
                      ref[pos] <- paste0(ref[pos], ref[pos + 1], collapse = "")
                      ref <- ref[-(pos + 1)]

                  ### Remove blank row

                  pos <- which(ref == "")

                  if (length(pos) > 0) {

                    ref <- ref[-pos]

                  ### Remove final }

                  pos <- grep("^\\}$", ref)

                  if (length(pos) > 0) {

                    ref <- ref[-pos]

                  } else {

                    ref <- gsub("\\}\\}$", "}", ref)

                  ### Change BiBTeX Key (by Article Scopus ID)

                  pos_key <- grep("^@", ref)
                  key <- strsplit(ref[pos_key], "\\{|,")[[1]]
                  ref[pos_key] <- paste0(key[1], "{ID", as.character(items[[i]]$scopus_id),

                  ### Clean TITLE

                  if (items[[i]]$title != "") {
                    pos <- grep("^title", ref)
                    if (length(pos) > 0) {
                      ref[pos] <- paste0("title = {", items[[i]]$title, "},")
                    } else {
                      ref <- c(ref, paste0("title = {", items[[i]]$title, "},"))

                  ref <- gsub("\\( ", "(", ref)
                  ref <- gsub(" \\)", ")", ref)

                  ### Clean AUTHOR firstname

                  ref[grep("^author", ref)] <- gsub("\\.", "\\. ", ref[grep("^author",
                  ref[grep("^author", ref)] <- gsub(" -|- | - ", "-", ref[grep("^author",
                  ref[grep("^author", ref)] <- gsub("[[:space:]]+", " ", ref[grep("^author",

                  ### Clean hyphen in pages range

                  ref[grep("^pages", ref)] <- gsub("-{1,}", "-", ref[grep("^pages",

                  ### Add other tags (if missing from CROSSREF)

                  tags_scopus <- c("doi", "date", "volume", "issue", "pages", "journal")
                  tags_bibtex <- c("doi", "year", "volume", "number", "pages", "journal")

                  for (j in 1:length(tags_scopus)) {

                    if (items[[i]][[tags_scopus[j]]] != "") {

                      pos <- grep(paste0("^", tags_bibtex[j]), ref)

                      if (length(pos) == 0) {

                        ref <- c(ref, paste0(tags_bibtex[j], " = {", items[[i]][[tags_scopus[j]]],

                  ref <- paste0(ref, ",")
                  ref <- gsub(",,", ",", ref)

                  ### Correct a f****** bug

                  ref <- gsub("\\{\\\\~\\{A\\}\\}\u008e", "I", ref)

                  ### Re-build the BiBTeX

                  ref[length(ref)] <- gsub("\\},$", "\\}", ref[length(ref)])
                  ref <- paste0(paste0(ref, collapse = "\n\t"), "\n}")

                  refs[w] <- ref
                  w <- w + 1

            cat(paste0("\n\n   [] Exporting citations in ", paste0(toupper(format),
                collapse = ", ")))

            for (i in 1:length(refs)) {

                ### Get filename (Article Scopus ID)

                filename <- strsplit(refs[[i]], "\\{|,")[[1]][2]

                ### Export BiBTeX

                cat(refs[[i]], file = paste0(folder, "/", filename, ".bib"))

                ### Conversion(s) with PANDOC

                for (j in 1:length(format)) {

                  if (format[j] == "yaml") {

                    system(paste0("pandoc-citeproc --bib2yaml ", folder, "/", filename,
                      ".bib > ", folder, "/", filename, ".yml"))

                  if (format[j] == "json") {

                    system(paste0("pandoc-citeproc --bib2json ", folder, "/", filename,
                      ".bib > ", folder, "/", filename, ".json"))

                ### Remove temporary BiBTeX (if required)

                if (!("bibtex" %in% format)) {

                  xxx <- file.remove(paste0(folder, "/", filename, ".bib"))

            cat(paste0("\nFiles have been successfully written in ", ifelse(folder ==
                ".", getwd(), folder)))

        } else {

            cat(paste0("   [] No new citations found"))
            cat(paste0("      Exit..."))

    } else {

        cat(paste0("   [] Scopus API   - No items found"))
        cat(paste0("\n      Exit..."))

inSileco/refR documentation built on May 28, 2019, 9:55 p.m.