
Defines functions geom_selector get_display_data

Documented in geom_selector get_display_data


#' Title
#' @param x object
#' @param data descriptor dataset
#' @param choices which axes (vector of length 2)
#' @param display sites | species | lc | bp | cn
#' @param scaling ??
#' @param merge_by merge rownames of object scores with this column in the descriptor dataset
#' @param species_abbrev should the species axes names be abbreviated
#' @param species_adjust text adjustment to avoid overlap with arrows
#' @param remove_row_prefix remove the default row prefix "Row"
#' @param ... other arguments passed to the vegan::scores function
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
get_display_data <- function(x,
                             data = NULL,
                             choices = 1:2,
                             display = "sites",
                             scaling = "species",
                             merge_by = "row.numbers",
                             species_abbrev = FALSE,
                             species_adjust = 1.1,
                             remove_row_prefix = TRUE,
  #Control input arguments
  if (length(choices) != 2) stop("Choices must contain exactly 2 elements")

  #get the effective data
  display_data <- as.data.frame(vegan::scores(x, display = display, scaling = scaling, choices=choices))
  if(nrow(display_data) > 0){
    if(all(substring(rownames(display_data),1,3) %in% c("row", "sit")) & remove_row_prefix == TRUE) {
      rownames(display_data) <- substring(rownames(display_data), 4, nchar(rownames(display_data)))
    display_data$Row.names <- rownames(display_data)
    display_data$Row.numbers <- 1:nrow(display_data)

    #get and convert the descriptive data
    if (is.null(data)){
      data <- data.frame(Row.numbers = 1:nrow(display_data), Row.names = rownames(display_data))
    } else {
      data$Row.numbers <- 1:nrow(data)
      data$Row.names <- rownames(data)

    #allow merging variants
    if (merge_by %in% c("rownames", "row.names", "Row.names", ".Row.names")) {
      merge_by = "Row.names"
    if (merge_by %in% c("rownumbers", "row.numbers", "Row.numbers", ".Row.numbers")) {
      merge_by = "Row.numbers"

    #Merge the plotdata with the descriptordata
    if (merge_by == "Row.numbers"){
      print(paste(display, "merge by numbers"))
      if (nrow(display_data) != nrow(data)){
        stop("Merge on row.numbers for 2 datasets that do not have the same number of rows")
      } else {
        display_data <- cbind(display_data, data)
    } else { #merge on rownames or variable
      print(paste(display, "merge by", merge_by))
      if (!all(rownames(display_data) %in% as.data.frame(data)[,merge_by])){
        stop("Not all rownames of the display data are found in the merge_by column in the descriptor data")
      } else {
        display_data <- merge(display_data, data, by.x = "Row.names", by.y = merge_by, all.x = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
        display_data <- display_data[ , c(2:3,1, 4:ncol(display_data)), drop = FALSE]

    #Check data after merge
    if (nrow(display_data) < 2) {
      warning("After merging with descriptor there are less than 2 observations left")

    ### >>> SPECIFIC ACTION according to display type

    if (display == "sites"){
      if (scaling == 2) {
        u.axis.labs = paste("standardized", colnames(display_data)[1:2])
      } else {
        u.axis.labs <- colnames(display_data)[1:2]
      u.axis.labs <-
              sprintf('(%0.1f%% explained var.)',
                      100 * c(x$CCA$eig, x$CA$eig)[choices] / sum(c(x$CCA$eig, x$CA$eig))))
      attr(display_data, "axis.labels") <- u.axis.labs

    } else if (display == "species"){
      if(species_abbrev) {
        display_data$Row.names <- abbreviate(display_data$Row.names)

      #Create variables to aid with plotting
      display_data$.angle <- (180/pi) * atan(display_data[,2] / display_data[,1])
      display_data$.hjust <- (1 - species_adjust * sign(display_data[,1])) / 2

      #Add r attribute fot the radius for the correlation circle
      attr(display_data, "r") <- sqrt(max(rowSums(display_data[,1:2])^2))

    } else if (display == "lc"){
      #do nothing extra

    } else if (display == "bp"){
      q <- ncol(x$CCA$v)
      #multiplier for the coordinates of the head of the vector to occumay fill proportion of the plot
      bp <- scores(x, display = "bp", scaling = scaling, choices=choices)
      bp <- ordiArrowMul(bp, fill = 0.95) * bp 
      #bp <- attr(bp, "const") * bp
      cn <- scores(x, display = "cn", scaling = scaling, choices=choices)
      if (!is.null(q)){
        if(!is.na(cn)[1]) {
          bipnam <- rownames(bp)
          cntnam <- rownames(cn)
          bp <- bp[!(bipnam %in% cntnam), , drop = FALSE]
          df.bp <- as.data.frame(bp)
          if (nrow(bp) == 0) df.bp <- NULL

        } else {
          df.bp <- as.data.frame(bp)
      } else {
        df.bp <- NULL
        df.bp$.bpname <- rownames(bp)
        df.bp$.angle <- (180/pi) * atan(df.bp[,2] / df.bp[,1])
        df.bp$.hjust = (1 - species_adjust * sign(df.bp[,1])) / 2
        df.bp$Row.names <- rownames(df.bp)
      display_data <- df.bp

    } else if (display == "cn"){
      q <- ncol(x$CCA$v)
      #bp <- scores(x, display = "bp", scaling = scaling, choices=choices)
      cn <- scores(x, display = "cn", scaling = scaling, choices=choices)
      levlist <- x$terminfo$xlev
      if (!is.null(q)) {
        if (!is.na(cn)[1]) {
          df.cn <- as.data.frame(cn)
        } else {
          df.cn <- NULL
      } else {
        df.cn <- NULL

      if(!is.null(q) & !is.na(cn)[1]){
        # centroid names
        levinterpret <-
                  lapply(names(levlist), levlist = levlist,
                         FUN= function(levs, levlist){
                           cbind(.level = levlist[[levs]],
                                 .fullname = paste(levs, levlist[[levs]], sep = ""))
        df.cn$.cnname <- rownames(cn)
        df.cn <- merge(df.cn, levinterpret, by.x = ".cnname", by.y = ".fullname", sort = FALSE)
        df.cn <- df.cn[c(2,3,1,4)] #door de merge wordt de merge kolom eerst gezet, en we willen dat dit de scores zijn
        df.cn$Row.names <- row.names(df.cn)
        display_data <- df.cn
      } else {
        warning("display not in sites, species, lc, bp, cn")
  } else {
    display_data <- NULL

  ### >>> RETURN


#' Title
#' @param mapping zie ggplot
#' @param data zie ggplot
#' @param geom welke geom wil je gebruiken: text | point | blank | line | path
#' @param base_color basiskleur grafiek
#' @param base_shape standaardsymbool
#' @param base_size  standaard symboolgrootte
#' @param ... andere parameters die gebruikt worden door ggplot geoms
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
geom_selector <- function(mapping, data, geom, base_color, base_shape, base_size, ...){
  if (       geom == "text"){
    if        (is.null(mapping$colour) & is.null(mapping$size)){
      add <- geom_text(mapping = mapping, data = data, color = base_color, size = rel(base_size))
    } else if (is.null(mapping$colour) & !is.null(mapping$size)){
      add <- geom_text(mapping = mapping, data = data, color = base_color)
    } else if (!is.null(mapping$colour) & is.null(mapping$size)){
      add <- geom_text(mapping = mapping, data = data, size = rel(base_size))
    } else {
      add <- geom_text(mapping = mapping, data = data)

  } else if (geom == "point") {
    if        (is.null(mapping$colour) & is.null(mapping$shape) & is.null(mapping$size)){
      add <- geom_point(mapping = mapping, data = data, color = base_color, shape = base_shape, size = rel(base_size))
    } else if (is.null(mapping$colour) & is.null(mapping$shape) & !is.null(mapping$size)){
      add <- geom_point(mapping = mapping, data = data, color = base_color, shape = base_shape)
    } else if (is.null(mapping$colour) & !is.null(mapping$shape) & is.null(mapping$size)){
      add <- geom_point(mapping = mapping, data = data, color = base_color, size = rel(base_size))
    } else if (is.null(mapping$colour) & !is.null(mapping$shape) & !is.null(mapping$size)){
      add <- geom_point(mapping = mapping, data = data, color = base_color)
    } else if (!is.null(mapping$colour) & is.null(mapping$shape) & is.null(mapping$size)){
      add <- geom_point(mapping = mapping, data = data, shape = base_shape, size = rel(base_size))
    } else if (!is.null(mapping$colour) & is.null(mapping$shape) & !is.null(mapping$size)){
      add <- geom_point(mapping = mapping, data = data, shape = base_shape)
    } else if (!is.null(mapping$colour) & !is.null(mapping$shape) & is.null(mapping$size)){
      add <- geom_point(mapping = mapping, data = data, size = rel(base_size))
    } else {
      add <- geom_point(mapping = mapping, data = data)

  } else if (geom == "blank") {
    add <- NULL

  } else if (geom == "line") {
    if (is.null(mapping$colour)){
      add <- geom_line(mapping = mapping, data = data, color = base_color)

  } else if (geom == "path") {
    add <- geom_path(mapping = mapping, data = data)
  } else {
    warning(paste("no geom_selector defined for geom", geom))

inbo/inboggvegan documentation built on July 31, 2023, 6:51 p.m.