
Defines functions get_name_gbif gbif_species_name_match

Documented in gbif_species_name_match get_name_gbif

#' Add species information provided by the GBIF taxonomic backbone API
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("superseded")`
#' Development on `gbif_species_name_match()` is complete, and for new code we
#' strongly recommend switching to `rgbif::name_backbone_checklist()`, which is
#' easier to use, has more features, and still under active development.

#' This functions extends an existing dataframe with additional columns provided
#' by the GBIF taxonomic backbone and matched on the species (scientific) name,
#' which need to be an available column in the dataframe.
#' This function is essentially a wrapper around the existing rgbif
#' `name_backbone` and extends the application to a data.frame. Such extension
#' has been added to rgbif via the function
#' [rgbif::name_backbone_checklist](https://docs.ropensci.org/rgbif/reference/name_backbone_checklist.html). # nolint
#' For more information on the name matching API of GBIF on which rgbif relies,
#' see <https://www.gbif.org/developer/species/#searching>.
#' @param df `data.frame` with species information
#' @param name char column name of the column containing the names used for the
#'   name matching with the GBIF taxonomic backbone. Default: "name".
#' @param gbif_terms list of valid GBIF terms to add as additional columns to
#'   the data.frame. Default: `usageKey`, `scientificName`, `rank`, `order`,
#'   `matchType`, `phylum`, `kingdom`, `genus`, `class`, `confidence`,
#'   `synonym`, `status`, `family`.
#' @param ... any parameter to pass to rgbif function `name_bakbone`. One of:
#'   `rank`, `kingdom`, `phylum`, `class`, `order`, `family`, `genus`, `strict`,
#'   `verbose`, `start`, `limit`, `curlopts`. See `?name_backbone` for more
#'   details.
#' @return a tibble data.frame with GBIF information as additional columns. If
#'   none of the taxa in  `df` is matched, only the columns `confidence`,
#'   `matchType` and `synonym` are added. This behaviour is inherited by
#'   `rgbif::name_backbone`.
#' @export
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @importFrom assertable assert_colnames
#' @importFrom dplyr %>% bind_cols select mutate_all mutate_at vars
#' @importFrom purrr pmap_dfr map_chr
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
#' @importFrom tidyselect ends_with
#' @family GBIF_interactions
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(readr)
#' library(dplyr)
#' species_list <- read_csv(paste0(
#'   "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/inbo",
#'   "/inbo-pyutils/master/gbif/gbif_name_match",
#'   "/sample.csv"
#' ),
#' trim_ws = TRUE, col_types = cols()
#' )
#' # basic usage
#' species_list %>%
#'   gbif_species_name_match()
#' # pass optional parameters to name_backbone
#' species_list %>%
#'   gbif_species_name_match(name = "name", kingdom = "kingdom", strict = TRUE)
#' # select GBIF terms
#' species_list %>%
#'   gbif_species_name_match(gbif_terms = c("scientificName", "rank"))
#' }
gbif_species_name_match <- function(df,
                                    name = "name",
                                    gbif_terms = c(
                                      "scientificName", "rank",
                                    ...) {
  inargs <- list(...)
  api_terms <- c(
    "usageKey", "scientificName", "canonicalName", "rank",
    "status", "confidence", "matchType", "kingdom", "phylum",
    "order", "family", "genus", "species", "kingdomKey",
    "phylumKey", "classKey", "orderKey", "familyKey", "genusKey",
    "speciesKey", "synonym", "class"

  # test incoming arguments
    msg = paste0(
      "Error: df. Expected a data.frame. Got an object of class ",
      class(df), "."
    msg = paste0(
      "name. Expected a character. Got an object of class ",
      class(name), "."
    msg = paste0(
      "gbif_terms. Expected a character. Got an object of class ",
      class(gbif_terms), "."
  if (!is.null(inargs$name_col)) {
    name <- inargs$name_col
    warning("\'name_col\' is deprecated. Use \'name\' instead.")
    inargs$name_col <- NULL
  # column with names exists in  df
  assert_colnames(df, name, only_colnames = FALSE) # colname exists in df
  invalid_gbif_terms <- gbif_terms[!gbif_terms %in% api_terms]
  if (length(invalid_gbif_terms) > 0) {
      "Invalid GBIF terms discarded: ",
      paste(invalid_gbif_terms, collapse = ", "),
  # GBIF terms to add as additional columns to df
  gbif_terms <- match.arg(gbif_terms, api_terms, several.ok = TRUE)
  if (name %in% gbif_terms) {
      "Column with names \'",
      "\' is also one of the returned gbif_terms. ",
      "GBIF column name is authomatically recalled \'",
  df <- as_tibble(df)
  # make df with names only
  name_df <- select(df, eval(name))
  colnames(name_df) <- "name" # rename to "name"
  # optional fields accepted by name_backbone
  name_backbone_fields <- c(
  # Check optional parameters are all search name parameters
  assert_that(all(names(inargs) %in% name_backbone_fields),
    msg = paste0(
      "Only optional parameters of GBIF name search allowed: ",
      paste(name_backbone_fields, collapse = ", "),
      ". Check ?name_backbone for more details."
  # optional fields defined by user
  search_terms <- names(inargs)[which(names(inargs) %in% name_backbone_fields)]
  if (length(search_terms) > 0) {
    inargs <- inargs[which(names(inargs) %in% search_terms)]
    # subset with taxonomic related fields accepted by name_backbone
    taxa_terms <- c(
    taxaargs <- inargs[which(names(inargs) %in% taxa_terms)]
    taxa_terms <- names(taxaargs)
    # other not taxonomic related fields
    otherargs <- inargs[which(!names(inargs) %in% taxa_terms)]
    other_terms <- names(otherargs)
    if (length(taxa_terms) > 0) {
      taxa_df <- select(df, eval(map_chr(taxaargs, function(x) x[[1]])))
      names(taxa_df) <- taxa_terms
      name_df <- bind_cols(name_df, taxa_df)
    if (length(other_terms) > 0) {
      name_df[other_terms] <- as.data.frame(otherargs)
  name_df <-
    name_df %>%
    pmap_dfr(get_name_gbif) %>%
  not_existent_gbif_terms <- gbif_terms[!gbif_terms %in% names(name_df)]
  if (length(not_existent_gbif_terms) > 0) {
      "The following terms are not returned by GBIF: ",
      paste(not_existent_gbif_terms, collapse = ", "),
      ". It is possible they refer to ranks ",
      "lower than rank of matched names."

  df_not_existent_terms <- data.frame(
      ncol = length(not_existent_gbif_terms),
      nrow = nrow(name_df)
  ) %>%
  names(df_not_existent_terms) <- not_existent_gbif_terms
  df_not_existent_terms <-
    df_not_existent_terms %>%
    # set all NA to NA_character
    mutate_all(as.character) %>%
    # set all columns with keys to numeric (still NA)
    mutate_at(vars(ends_with("Key")), as.numeric)
  name_df <-
    name_df %>%
    bind_cols(df_not_existent_terms) %>%
  df <- bind_cols(df, name_df)

#' Helper function for retrieving informations from GBIF Taxonomy Backbone
#' @importFrom rgbif name_backbone
#' @keywords internal
get_name_gbif <- function(...) {
  args <- list(...)
  # NA are accepted at dev level (devtools::install_github("ropensci/rgbif"),
  # but still not in CRAN version. Only NULL accepted.
  args[which(is.na(args))] <- NULL
  do.call(name_backbone, args)
inbo/inborutils documentation built on Nov. 23, 2023, 4:42 a.m.