
Defines functions read_knmi_data

Documented in read_knmi_data

#' Read `KNMI` datafile (precipitation) as `data.frame`
#' Remark that this function is specifically to extract the precipitation (RH)
#' data, coordinates are extracted from the header of the `KNMI` data file
#' @param filename path/filename of the `KNMI` datafile
#' @param n_max integer; shortcut for testing, loading just a section of the
#' data
#' @return `data.frame` with the headers `location_name`, `datetime` (UTC),
#' `value`, `unit`, `variable_name`, `latitude`, `longitude` and
#' `source_filename`
#' @export
#' @importFrom iterators ireadLines nextElem
#' @importFrom readr read_delim cols col_character col_number
#' @importFrom dplyr select_ mutate %>% mutate_ quo
#' @importFrom lubridate ymd_h
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @family download_functions
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # see vignettes for more examples
#' file_path <- "knmi_file.txt"
#' knmi_data <- read_knmi_data(file_path)
#' }
read_knmi_data <- function(filename, n_max = Inf) {
  # Extract data from header by reading the header lines
  knmi_con <- file(filename, "r")
  header_it <- ireadLines(knmi_con)
  coord_lines <- FALSE
  line <- nextElem(header_it)
  while (startsWith(line, "#")) {
    # extract station coordinate info
    if (coord_lines) {
      if (line == "# ") {
        coord_lines <- FALSE
      } else {
        station <- strsplit(gsub("# ", "", line), "[ ]+")[[1]][5]
        coordinate_info[[station]] <- strsplit(
          gsub("# |:", "", line),
          "[ ]+"
    if (grepl("LON.*LAT", line)) {
      coord_lines <- TRUE
      coordinate_header <- strsplit(gsub("# ", "", line), "[ ]+")[[1]]
      coordinate_info <- list()

    # extract header info
    if (grepl("STN,YYYYMMDD", line)) {
      header <- strsplit(gsub("#? ", "", line), ",")[[1]]
    line <- nextElem(header_it)


  # convert coordinates information to mergeble data.frame
  coordinates <- as.data.frame(coordinate_info, row.names = coordinate_header)
  coordinates <- coordinates %>%
    t() %>%
    as.data.frame() %>%
      station = quote(STN), longitude = quo("LON(east)"),
      latitude = quo("LAT(north)"), location_name = quote(NAME)

  # Read the KNMI data format
  col_types <- cols(
    STN = col_character(),
    YYYYMMDD = col_character(),
    HH = col_character(),
    DR = col_number(),
    RH = col_number()
  knmi_data <- read_delim(filename,
    delim = ", ", comment = "#",
    trim_ws = TRUE, col_names = header,
    n_max = n_max, col_types = col_types

  knmi_data %>%
    mutate(datetime = ymd_h(paste(.data$YYYYMMDD, .data$HH))) %>%
    select_(station = quote(STN), value = quote(RH), quote(datetime)) %>%
    mutate(unit = "mm") %>%
    mutate(value = ifelse(.data$value == -1, -1, .data$value / 10.)) %>%
    mutate(variable_name = "precipitation") %>%
    merge(coordinates, by = "station") %>%
    mutate(source_filename = basename(filename)) %>%
    select(-.data$station) %>%
    mutate(quality_code = "")
inbo/inborutils documentation built on Nov. 23, 2023, 4:42 a.m.