
Defines functions download_content_in_subdir setup_codingclub_session

Documented in setup_codingclub_session

#' Download files (code and data) for a specific coding club session
#' @description This function will populate the content of `/src` and `/data`
#'   directories for a specific coding club session, the date of which is passed
#'   as a parameter. Directories are created if needed. Files are downloaded
#'   if not already present.
#' @param session_date The date of the coding-club session, in the `"YYYYMMDD"`
#'   format. Default: actual date
#' @param root_dir Root directory where source and data subdirectories are
#'   located. Default: `./`
#' @param src_rel_path Relative path for R script(s). Default: `src`
#' @param data_rel_path Relative path for data files. Default: `data`
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @importFrom curl curl_download
#' @importFrom readr read_csv
#' @family INBO_coding_club_utilities
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(inborutils)
#' # Download coding club files for session 2020-02-25
#' # R script(s) in `./src/20200225` and data files in `./data/20200225`
#' setup_codingclub_session("20200225")
#' # Specify the folders where you want to save R files and data files
#' # R files will be downloaded in `./source`
#' # Data files will be downloaded in `./dataframes`
#' setup_codingclub_session(
#'   "20200225",
#'   src_rel_path = "source",
#'   data_rel_path = "dataframes"
#' )
#' # You can modify the root directory even if it should be normally not needed.
#' # For example you want to move the root to the parent directory, `../`
#' setup_codingclub_session("20200225",
#'   root_dir = "../",
#'   src_rel_path = "source",
#'   data_rel_path = "dataframes"
#' )
#' }
#' @export

setup_codingclub_session <- function(
    session_date = format(Sys.Date(), "%Y%m%d"),
    root_dir = ".",
    src_rel_path = "src",
    data_rel_path = "data") {
  msg_session_date <-
    "session_date must be a string representing a date (YYYYMMDD)"
  assert_that(is.string(session_date), msg = msg_session_date)
  msg = msg_session_date

  github_src_link <- sprintf(
  github_data_link <- sprintf(
  src_target_dir <- file.path(root_dir, src_rel_path, session_date)
  src_target_dir <- normalizePath(src_target_dir, mustWork = FALSE)
  data_target_dir <- file.path(root_dir, data_rel_path, session_date)
  data_target_dir <- normalizePath(data_target_dir, mustWork = FALSE)
    "R scripts in %s will be downloaded in folder: %s",
    github_src_link, src_target_dir
    "Data in %s will be downloaded in folder: %s",
    github_data_link, data_target_dir
  continue <- tolower(readline("Do you want to continue? (Y/n) "))
  if (!continue %in% c("y", "")) {
    message("* Download aborted")
  message("* Download source file(s)...")
  content_downloaded <- download_content_in_subdir(session_date, # nolint
    target_directory = src_target_dir,
    github_subdirectory = "src"

  message("* Download data file(s)...")
  content_downloaded <- download_content_in_subdir(session_date, # nolint
    target_directory = data_target_dir,
    github_subdirectory = "data"

download_content_in_subdir <- function(session_date,
                                       github_subdirectory = c("src", "data")) {
  github_subdirectory <- match.arg(
    arg = github_subdirectory,
    choices = github_subdirectory,
    several.ok = FALSE

  download_url <- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/inbo/coding-club/master/"

  # download file paths
  file_paths <- tempfile(fileext = "csv")
    url = paste0(
    destfile = file_paths,
    mode = "wb"
  file_path_df <- readr::read_csv(file_paths,
    col_types = "cccc"
  file_path_df <- file_path_df[
    file_path_df$date == session_date &
      file_path_df$basedir == github_subdirectory,

  content_found <- nrow(file_path_df) > 0
  if (!content_found) {
      "No %s files found for session %s. Is the date correct?",
      github_subdirectory, session_date
  } else {
    dir.create(target_directory, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
    files_in_dir <- list.files(target_directory)
    content <- file_path_df[
      !file_path_df$filename %in% files_in_dir,
    if (nrow(content) > 0) {
      for (f in seq_len(nrow(content))) {
        dest_file <- file.path(target_directory, content[f, "filename"])
        message(sprintf("** Downloading %s", content[f, "filename"]))
          url = paste0(download_url, content[f, "path"]),
          destfile = dest_file,
          mode = "wb"
      "* Download ",
      " file(s) completed"
inbo/inborutils documentation built on Nov. 23, 2023, 4:42 a.m.