
Defines functions saveRipmModules saveRipmResultsToRdata saveModuleListGmt ripmVariableModuleAssignments ripMKernelStack ripM modularityBestSplit modularity mergeSumPowers loadRipmResultsFromRdata

# inbixCluster.R - Bill White - 10/10/15
# Rinbix package cluster/modularity functions.

#' Load ripM derived modules from RData file with filename.
#' \code{loadRipmResultsFromRdata} 
#' @family cluster functions
#' @param rdataFilename \code{string} filename of saved module object.
#' @return \code{list} ripM module object.
#' @export
loadRipmResultsFromRdata <- function(rdataFilename) {
  # save modules to separate files
  readRDS(file = rdataFilename)

#' Attempt merge by sum of powers of passed matrix.
#' \code{mergeSumPowers} 
#' @family cluster functions
#' @param Aadj \code{matrix} adjacency matrix.
#' @param startOrder \code{numeric} starting order for merging.
#' @param maxOrder \code{numeric} maximum order for merging.
#' @param minModuleSize \code{numeric} minimum allowed size of module.
#' @param maxModuleSize \code{numeric} maximum allowed size of module.
#' @param verbose \code{logical} send verbose messages to standard out.
#' @param indentLevel \code{numeric} tab indent level (recursion level).
#' @return \code{list} with:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{logical} \code{success} merge success
#'   \item \code{list} \code{modules.obj} best modules list
#'   \item \code{numeric} \code{q} best module Q value
#'   \item \code{numeric} \code{order} best module merge order
#' }
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
mergeSumPowers <- function(Aadj, startOrder = 2, maxOrder = 4, 
                           minModuleSize = 30, maxModuleSize = 200, 
                           verbose = FALSE, indentLevel = 1) {
  indent <- paste(rep("  ", indentLevel), collapse = "")
  if (verbose) cat(indent, "[MERGE FUNCTION] Optimization function starting\n")
  n <- ncol(Aadj)
  this_order <- startOrder
  opt_mod_list_all <- NULL
  opt_mod_list_all_q <- NULL
  best_mod_idx <- 1
  best_mod_list <- NULL
  best_mod_list_len <- n
  #best_mod_list_len_idx <- 1
  best_mod_order <- startOrder
  best_mod_q <- 0
  merge_success <- FALSE
  #process_best_mod_list <- TRUE
  keep_looping <- TRUE
  iteration <- 0
  all_q_zero <- TRUE
  while (keep_looping & (this_order <= maxOrder)) {
    iteration <- iteration + 1
    #indent <- paste(rep("  ", indentLevel), iteration, collapse="")
    if (verbose) cat(indent, "[MERGE FUNCTION] Calling sum of matrix powers order:", this_order, "\n")
    this_matrix <- sumOfPowers(Aadj, this_order)
    opt_mod_list <- modularity(this_matrix)
    opt_mod_list_all <- c(opt_mod_list_all, list(opt_mod_list))
    opt_mod_list_all_q <- c(opt_mod_list_all_q, opt_mod_list$q)
    opt_mod_list_q <- round(opt_mod_list$q, 6)
    if (verbose) cat(indent, "[MERGE FUNCTION] Q =", opt_mod_list_q, "\n")
    if (opt_mod_list_q == 0) { 
      if (verbose) cat(indent, "[MERGE FUNCTION] Q == 0 detected, cannot split module, trying next power\n")
    } else {
      all_q_zero <- FALSE
      opt_mod_list_len <- length(opt_mod_list$modules)
      if (verbose) cat(indent, "[MERGE FUNCTION] Number of modules:", opt_mod_list_len, "\n")
      if (opt_mod_list_len < best_mod_list_len) {
        best_mod_idx <- iteration
        best_mod_list_len <- opt_mod_list_len
      opt_mod_sizes <- sapply(1:length(opt_mod_list$modules), 
                              function(x) length(opt_mod_list$modules[[x]]))
      if (verbose) cat(indent, "[MERGE FUNCTION] Module sizes:", opt_mod_sizes, "\n")
      opt_big_mod_mask <- opt_mod_sizes >= maxModuleSize  # for split.
      opt_small_mod_mask <- opt_mod_sizes <= minModuleSize  # for merge.
      if (verbose) cat(indent, "[MERGE FUNCTION] Modules >= ", maxModuleSize, "nodes: ", opt_big_mod_mask, "\n")
      if (verbose) cat(indent, "[MERGE FUNCTION] Modules <= ", minModuleSize, "nodes: ", opt_small_mod_mask, "\n")
      # if we still have small modules, go to next power and try again
      if (all(opt_small_mod_mask == FALSE)) {
        # found a good merge!
        merge_success <- TRUE
        keep_looping <- FALSE
        best_mod_idx <- iteration
        best_mod_list <- opt_mod_list
    this_order <- this_order + 1

  # small module optimization is done, determine what to return to caller
  if (merge_success) {
    # nice parition found with no small modules
    if (verbose) cat(indent, "[MERGE FUNCTION] Found a power sum with no small modules, order:", best_mod_order, "\n")
      best_mod_list <- opt_mod_list_all[[best_mod_idx]]
  } else {
    # merge was not perfect, but if not all Q=0, pick the smallest module
    if (all_q_zero) {
      best_mod_list <- list(modules = list(1:n))
      best_mod_q <- 0
      best_mod_order <- 0
    } else {
      if (verbose) cat(indent, "[MERGE FUNCTION] Did not find a power sum with no small modules\n")
      if (verbose) cat(indent, "[MERGE FUNCTION] Picking minimum split size, index:", best_mod_idx, "\n")
      best_mod_list <- opt_mod_list_all[[best_mod_idx]]
      best_mod_q <- opt_mod_list_all_q[[best_mod_idx]]
      merge_success <- TRUE

  if (verbose) cat(indent, "[MERGE FUNCTION] Optimization function done\n")
  list(success = merge_success, modules.obj = best_mod_list, q = best_mod_q, order = best_mod_order)

#' Detect modular structure in a network.
#' \code{modularity}
#' @keywords math cluster
#' @family cluster functions
#' @family inbix synonym functions
#' @param G \code{matrix} Adjacency matrix.
#' @param verbose \code{logical} to output messages to stdout.
#' @return \code{list} with:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{list} \code{groups} group assignments
#'   \item \code{numeric} \code{q} modularity
#'   \item \code{data.frame} \code{modules} modules
#' }
#' @examples
#' data(testdata10)
#' rinbixRegain <- regainParallel(testdata10, stdBetas = TRUE, absBetas = TRUE)
#' rinbixModulesDF <- Rinbix::modularity(rinbixRegain)
#' @export
modularity <- function(G, verbose = FALSE) {
  n <- nrow(G);
  geneNames <- colnames(G)
  # create adjacency matrix by thresholding and/or conversion to binary
  # zero the diagonal
  diag(G) <- 0
  # create real symmetric modularity matrix B
  k <- colSums(G)
  m <- 0.5 * sum(k)
  B <- G - k %*% t(k) / (2.0 * m);
  # column indices
  firstModule <- seq(from = 1, to = n)
  # stack for recursive subdivision of modules
  processStack <- list(firstModule)
  # list of vectors of column indices
  modules <- NULL
  # Q is a measure of "goodness" of the module decomposition
  Q <- 0
  # "recursive" loop to find submodules
  iteration <- 0
  while (length(processStack) > 0) {
    iteration <- iteration + 1
    # pop the stack for a list of column indices
    thisModule <- unlist(processStack[[length(processStack)]])
    #cat("this module:", thisModule, "\n")
    processStack[length(processStack)] <- NULL
    # create Bg, a submatrix of B based on current module indices
    newDim <- length(thisModule)
    Bg <- matrix(ncol = newDim, nrow = newDim, data = c(0))
    for (l1 in 1:newDim) {
      for (l2 in 1:newDim) {
        Bg[l1, l2] <- B[thisModule[l1], thisModule[l2]];
    # adjust the diagonal
    rowsums <- rowSums(Bg)
    for (i in 1:length(rowsums)) {
      Bg[i, i] <- Bg[i, i] - rowsums[i]
    # get the best split of the modules based on eigenvector decomposition
    sub_modules <- modularityBestSplit(Bg, m)
    deltaQ <- sub_modules$Q
    s <- sub_modules$s_out 
    # assign indices based on two groups
    s1 <- thisModule[s == -1]
    s2 <- thisModule[s == 1]
    if ((length(s1) == 0) || (length(s2) == 0)) {
      # stopping criteria for recursive splits
      modules[[length(modules) + 1]] <- thisModule
      if (iteration == 1) {
        Q <- deltaQ
    else {
      if (deltaQ <= MODULARITY_THRESHOLD) {
        # stopping criteria for recursive splits
        modules[[length(modules) + 1]] <- thisModule
      } else {
        # "recursive step": push the two groups onto the stack and repeat
        processStack[[length(processStack) + 1]] <- s1
        processStack[[length(processStack) + 1]] <- s2
        # update cummulative Q
        Q <- Q + deltaQ
  # output modules
  if (verbose) {
    cat("Q:", Q, "\n")
    cat("Number of modules:", length(modules), "\n")
  groupAssignments <- NULL
  for (i in 1:length(modules)) {
    modIdx <- modules[[i]]
    modNum <- length(modIdx)
    modGenes <- geneNames[modIdx]
    #cat("Module", i, ":", modGenes, "\n")
    modGroup <- rep(i, modNum)
    thisGroup <- cbind(modGenes, modGroup)
    groupAssignments <- rbind(groupAssignments, thisGroup)
  colnames(groupAssignments) <- c("Gene", "Group")
  list(groups = groupAssignments, q = Q, modules = modules)

#' Find the best split of a modularity matrix using eigenvector decomposition.
#' \code{modularityBestSplit} 
#' @keywords math cluster
#' @family cluster functions
#' @family inbix synonym functions
#' @param B \code{matrix} modularity matrix.
#' @param m \code{numeric} average degree?
#' @return \code{list} with:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{numeric} \code{Q} modularity Q
#'   \item \code{vector} \code{s_out} module split assignments
#' }
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
modularityBestSplit <- function(B, m) {
  # function to split columns of matrix into two groups
  # get the maximum eigenvector
  eigResult <- eigen(B);
  #eigval <- eigResult$values;
  eigvec <- eigResult$vectors
  # in R, this is the first vector
  #maxeig_val <- eigval[1];
  maxeig_vec <- eigvec[,1];
  # use the sign of the eigenvector values to assign group status +/-1
  s_out  <- ifelse(maxeig_vec < 0, -1, 1)
  # calculate Q for this split
  Q_mat <- t(s_out) %*% B %*% s_out 
  Q <- Q_mat[1,1]
  Q <- Q * (1.0 / (m * 4.0))
  # return Q and list assignments
  list(Q = Q, s_out = s_out )

#' Run Recursive Indirect Paths Modularity (rip-M).
#' \code{ripM} 
#' @keywords cluster
#' @family cluster functions
#' @param Acorr \code{matrix} correlation matrix.
#' @param thresholdType \code{string} threshold type: "hard" or "soft".
#' @param thresholdValue \code{numeric} hard threshold correlation value or soft threshold power.
#' @param startMergeOrder \code{numeric} power n to raise adjacencyMatrix^n in first merge attempt.
#' @param maxMergeOrder \code{numeric} power n to raise adjacencyMatrix^n in final merge attempt.
#' @param maxModuleSize \code{numeric} maximum allowed size of module.
#' @param minModuleSize \code{numeric} minimum allowed size of module.
#' @param useAbs \code{logical} take absolute value of the correlation matrix.
#' @param useWeighted \code{logical} use weighted adjacency matrix versus binary.
#' @param hubSelection \code{string} how to choose the hub for each module (weighted, posthresh).
#' @param simpleModularity \code{logical} perform simple modularity without split/merge.
#' @param verbose \code{logical} send verbose messages to standard out .
#' @return \code{list} with: 
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{list} \code{module_list} of modules (list of character vectors of variable names)
#'   \item \code{numeric} \code{iterations} number of iterations required
#'   \item \code{vector} \code{hubs} nodes hubs
#'   \item \code{vector} \code{sizes} nodes sizes
#'   \item \code{vector} \code{degrees} nodes degrees
#'   \item \code{matrix} \code{adj} adjacency matrix
#' }
#' list of node degrees.
#' @examples
#' simMatrix <- simCorrMatrix(n = 400, num_clust = 20, max_noise_corr = 0.8, lower_true_corr = 0.2) 
#' modListRipm <- ripM(simMatrix, 
#'                     thresholdType = "hard", 
#'                     thresholdValue = 0.8, 
#'                     startMergeOrder = 2, maxMergeOrder = 4, 
#'                     minModuleSize = 10, maxModuleSize = 50, 
#'                     useAbs = TRUE, useWeighted = TRUE,
#'                     verbose = TRUE)
#' @export
ripM <- function(Acorr, thresholdType = "hard", thresholdValue = 0.8, 
                 startMergeOrder = 2, maxMergeOrder = 4,
                 maxModuleSize = 200, minModuleSize = 30, 
                 useAbs = TRUE, useWeighted = FALSE, 
                 hubSelection = "weighted", simpleModularity = FALSE, 
                 verbose = FALSE) {
  # preprocessing
  Acorr <- prepareAdjacencyMatrix(Acorr)
  # ripM
  rip_modules <- list()
  if (simpleModularity) {
    # call plain old modularity
    if (verbose) cat("ripM SIMPLE MODULARITY algorithm starting...\n")
    simple_mod_list <- modularity(Acorr)
    mod_list_vars <- list()
    for (mod_idx in 1:length(simple_mod_list$modules)) {
      this_module <- unlist(simple_mod_list$modules[[mod_idx]])
      #cat("This module length:", length(this_module), "\n")
      this_var_names <- colnames(Acorr)[this_module]
      mod_list_vars <- c(mod_list_vars, list(this_var_names))
      #mod_list_vars <- c(mod_list_vars, list(this_module))
    rip_modules$module_list <- mod_list_vars
    rip_modules$iterations <- 1
  } else {
    # call stack-based kernel
    if (verbose) cat("ripM MERGE-AND-SPLIT algorithm starting...\n")
    rip_modules <- ripMKernelStack(Acorr, startOrder = startMergeOrder, maxOrder = maxMergeOrder, 
                                   minModuleSize = minModuleSize, maxModuleSize = maxModuleSize, 
                                   verbose, indentLevel = 1)
  # post-processing return values
  # get the highest degree node (hub) for each module
  # determine node degrees
  if (verbose) cat("ripM preparing return values: hubs, degrees, sizes. adjacency...\n")
  diag(Acorr) <- 0
  global_degrees <- rowSums(Acorr)
  names(global_degrees) <- colnames(Acorr)
  module_hubs <- NULL
  module_degrees <- NULL
  for (module_idx in 1:length(rip_modules$module_list)) {
    this_module <- rip_modules$module_list[[module_idx]]
#     this_global_degrees <- global_degrees[this_module]
#     names(this_global_degrees) <- this_module
    if (length(this_module) > 1) {
      this_module_matrix <- Acorr[this_module, this_module]
      this_module_matrix_degrees <- rowSums(this_module_matrix)
    } else {
      this_module_matrix <- Acorr[this_module, ]
      this_module_matrix_degrees <- c(sum(this_module_matrix))
    names(this_module_matrix_degrees) <- this_module
    this_module_hub <- this_module_matrix_degrees[which.max(this_module_matrix_degrees)]
    this_module_hub_degree <- this_module_matrix_degrees[names(this_module_hub)]
    module_hubs <- c(module_hubs, this_module_hub)
    module_degrees <- c(module_degrees, this_module_hub_degree)
  rip_modules$hubs <- module_hubs
  rip_modules$sizes <- sapply(rip_modules$module_list, FUN = length)
  rip_modules$degrees <- module_degrees
  rip_modules$adj <- Acorr
  # return

#' Run Recursive Indirect Paths Modularity (ripM) stack-based kernel.
#' \code{ripMKernelStack} 
#' @family cluster functions
#' @param Aadj \code{matrix} adjacency matrix.
#' @param startOrder \code{numeric} starting order for merging.
#' @param maxOrder \code{numeric} maximum order for merging.
#' @param minModuleSize \code{numeric} minimum allowed size of module.
#' @param maxModuleSize \code{numeric} maximum allowed size of module.
#' @param verbose \code{logical} send verbose messages to standard out .
#' @param indentLevel \code{logical} tab indent level (recursion level).
#' @return \code{list} with: 
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{list} \code{module_list} of modules (list of character vectors of variable names)
#'   \item \code{numeric} \code{iterations} number of iterations required
#' }
#' @export
#' @keywords internal cluster
ripMKernelStack <- function(Aadj, startOrder = 2, maxOrder = 4, 
                            minModuleSize = 30, maxModuleSize = 200, 
                            verbose = FALSE, indentLevel = 1) {
  if (ncol(Aadj) == 0) { return(list()) }
  var_names <- colnames(Aadj)
  module_list <- NULL
  indent <- paste(rep("  ", indentLevel), collapse = "")
  if (verbose) cat(indent, "----------------------------------------------------------\n")
  if (verbose) cat(indent, "ripM STACK algorithm starting...\n")
  iteration <- 0
  max_iteration <- 100
  first_module <- seq(from = 1, to = ncol(Aadj))
  process_stack <- list(first_module)
  module_list <- list()
  prev_module <- rep(-1, ncol(Aadj))
  while ((length(process_stack) > 0) && (iteration < max_iteration)) {
    iteration <- iteration + 1
    if (verbose) cat(indent, "*****************************************************\n")
    if (verbose) cat(indent, "Iteration:", iteration, "\n")

    # pop the stack for a list of column indices (a module)
    if (verbose) cat(indent, "[POP] Preparing module matrix from module indices\n")
    this_module <- unlist(process_stack[[length(process_stack)]])
    if (verbose) cat(indent, "This module length:", length(this_module), "\n")
    process_stack[length(process_stack)] <- NULL
    sub_matrix <- Aadj[this_module, this_module]
    this_var_names <- colnames(sub_matrix)
    # keep from trying to process the same module over and over
    if ((length(this_module) == length(prev_module)) && all(this_module == prev_module)) {
      this_mod_vars <- this_var_names[prev_module]
      module_list[[length(module_list) + 1]] <- this_mod_vars
      prev_module <- NULL
    # run modularity on the first module on the stack  
    if (verbose) cat(indent, "Running modularity on this module matrix\n")
    mod_list <- modularity(sub_matrix)
    this_q <- round(mod_list$q, 6)
    if (verbose) cat(indent, "Q =", this_q, "\n")
    if ((length(mod_list$modules) == 1) || (this_q == 0)) {
      if (verbose) cat(indent, "Zero Q detected. Cannot split module.\n")
      this_mod_idx <- mod_list$modules[[1]]
      this_mod_len <- length(this_mod_idx)
      this_mod_vars <- this_var_names[this_mod_idx]
      if (verbose) cat(indent, "Saving irreducible module, size:", this_mod_len,"\n")
      module_list[[length(module_list) + 1]] <- this_mod_vars
    if (verbose) cat(indent, "Number of modules:", length(mod_list$modules), "\n")
    mod_sizes <- sapply(1:length(mod_list$modules), function(x) length(mod_list$modules[[x]]))
    if (verbose) cat(indent, "Module sizes:", mod_sizes, "\n")
    # first-level constraints check
    big_mod_mask <- mod_sizes >= maxModuleSize  # for split.
    small_mod_mask <- mod_sizes < maxModuleSize  # for merge.
    if (verbose) cat(indent, "Modules >= ", maxModuleSize, "nodes: ", big_mod_mask, "\n")
    if (verbose) cat(indent, "Modules < ", maxModuleSize, "nodes: ", small_mod_mask, "\n")
    # look at each module and split/merge
    small_mods_list <- list()
    small_mods_list$modules <- mod_list$modules[small_mod_mask]
    small_mod_idx <- NULL
    for (i in 1:length(mod_sizes)) {
      this_mod <- mod_list$modules[[i]]
      this_mod_length <- length(this_mod)
      this_mod_vars <- this_var_names[this_mod]
      if (big_mod_mask[i]) {
        # call split on the subnetwork of nodes from this module
        if (verbose) cat(indent, "[PUSH] Pushing large module onto recursion stack, size:", this_mod_length, "\n")
        orig_adj_idx <- which(var_names %in% this_mod_vars)
        process_stack[[length(process_stack) + 1]] <- orig_adj_idx
      } else {
        if (small_mod_mask[i]) {
          # add to merge list indices
          if (verbose) cat(indent, "Collecting small module indices, size:", this_mod_length, "\n")
          small_mod_idx <- c(small_mod_idx, this_mod)
    # see if we can make a better module split with higher powers of remaining modules  
    if (length(small_mods_list$modules) > 1) {
      if (verbose) cat(indent, "[MERGE] Attempting SMALL module optimization with higher-power matrix sums\n")
      opt_mod_matrix <- sub_matrix[small_mod_idx, small_mod_idx]
      if (verbose) cat(indent, "[MERGE] Collected small modules into matrix size:", 
          dim(opt_mod_matrix)[1], "\n")
      opt_var_names <- this_var_names[small_mod_idx]
      colnames(opt_mod_matrix) <- opt_var_names
      diag(opt_mod_matrix) <- 0
      # attempt merging small modules coalesced into a matrix
      merge_results <- mergeSumPowers(opt_mod_matrix, 
                                      startOrder = startOrder, 
                                      maxOrder = maxOrder, 
                                      minModuleSize = minModuleSize, 
                                      maxModuleSize = maxModuleSize, 
                                      verbose = verbose,
                                      indentLevel = 2)
      if (merge_results$success) {
        final_mod_list <- merge_results$modules.obj
        if (verbose) cat(indent, "[MERGE] Success!\n")
        if (verbose) cat(indent, "[MERGE] Processing best module list\n")
        final_mod_sizes <- unlist(lapply(final_mod_list$modules, length))
        # recurse any big modules from the small module optimization
        # optimization-level constraints check
        final_big_mod_mask <- final_mod_sizes >= maxModuleSize  # for split.
        if (verbose) cat(indent, "[MERGE] modules >= ", maxModuleSize, "nodes: ", final_big_mod_mask, "\n")
        # save small modules if any got through
        final_small_mod_mask <- final_mod_sizes <= minModuleSize  
        if (verbose) cat(indent, "[MERGE] modules <= ", minModuleSize, "nodes: ", final_small_mod_mask, "\n")
        # save Goldilocks modules
        final_good_mod_mask <- (final_mod_sizes > minModuleSize) & (final_mod_sizes < maxModuleSize)
        if (verbose) cat(indent, "[MERGE] Goldilocks modules: ", final_good_mod_mask, "\n")
        # process the small module optimization results
        for (i in 1:length(final_mod_sizes)) {
          this_mod_idx <- final_mod_list$modules[[i]]
          this_mod_len <- length(this_mod_idx)
          this_mod_vars <- opt_var_names[this_mod_idx]
          if (any(is.na(this_mod_vars))) {
            stop(indent, "NAs in module node names")
          if (final_big_mod_mask[i]) {
            if (verbose) cat(indent, "[MERGE] [PUSH] large module onto recursion stack, size:", this_mod_len, "\n")
            orig_adj_idx <- which(var_names %in% this_mod_vars)
            #orig_adj_idx <- which(this_mod_vars %in% var_names)
            process_stack[[length(process_stack) + 1]] <- orig_adj_idx
          } else {
            if (final_small_mod_mask[i]) {
              if (verbose) cat(indent, "[MERGE] Saving unredeemable small module, size:", this_mod_len, "\n")
              module_list[[length(module_list) + 1]] <- this_mod_vars
            } else {
              # this module passed constraints, save it
              if (verbose) cat(indent, "[MERGE] Saving Goldilocks module, size:", this_mod_len,"\n")
              module_list[[length(module_list) + 1]] <- this_mod_vars
        } # END: for all final merge modules
      } else {
        if (verbose) cat(indent, "[MERGE] Merge failed, saving small module list as single module\n")
        module_list[[length(module_list) + 1]] <- opt_var_names
      } # END: if merge success
      # END: small module merge optimization
      if (verbose) cat(indent, "[MERGE] Ending SMALL module optimization successfully\n")
    } else {
      if (length(small_mods_list$modules) == 1) {
        this_mod_idx <- small_mods_list$modules[[1]]
        this_mod_len <- length(this_mod_idx)
        this_mod_vars <- this_var_names[this_mod_idx]
        if (verbose) cat(indent, "[MERGE] Saving orphan module, size:", this_mod_len,"\n")
        module_list[[length(module_list) + 1]] <- this_mod_vars
        if (verbose) 
          cat(indent, "[MERGE] Ending SMALL module optimization successfully - single module\n")
    # keep from looping infinitely over same module
    prev_module <- this_module
  } # END: while stack processing
  if (verbose) cat(indent, "[DONE]\n")
  if (iteration == max_iteration) {
    stop(paste(indent, "FATAL ERROR: Max iteration", max_iteration, "reached"))
  if (verbose) cat(indent, "ripM exiting normally\n")
  list(module_list = module_list, iterations = iteration)

#' Assign all variables names in a rip-M result object module list index values.
#' \code{ripmVariableModuleAssignments} 
#' @family cluster functions
#' @param ripmResult \code{list} Rip-M results object.
#' @return \code{data.frame} with two columns: var(iable) and module (integer).
#' @examples
#' simMatrix <- simCorrMatrix(n = 400, num_clust = 20, max_noise_corr = 0.8, lower_true_corr = 0.2) 
#' modListRipm <- ripM(simMatrix, 
#'                     thresholdType = "hard", 
#'                     thresholdValue = 0.8, 
#'                     startMergeOrder = 2, maxMergeOrder = 4, 
#'                     minModuleSize = 10, maxModuleSize = 50, 
#'                     useAbs = TRUE, useWeighted = TRUE,
#'                     verbose = FALSE)
#' modAssignments <- ripmVariableModuleAssignments(modListRipm)
#' @export
ripmVariableModuleAssignments <- function(ripmResult) {
  variableAssignments <- NULL
  for (i in 1:length(ripmResult$module_list)) {
    this_mod_list <- ripmResult$module_list[[i]]
    for (j in 1:length(this_mod_list)) {
      #cat(i, j, this_mod_list[j], "\n")
      variableAssignments <- rbind(variableAssignments,
                                    data.frame(var = this_mod_list[j], cluster = i, stringsAsFactors = F))
  variableAssignments <- variableAssignments[order(variableAssignments$var), ]

#' Save ripM derived modules to GMT format file.
#' http://www.broadinstitute.org/cancer/software/gsea/wiki/index.php/
#' Data_formats#GMT:_Gene_Matrix_Transposed_file_format_.28.2A.gmt.29
#' \code{saveModuleListGmt} 
#' @family cluster functions
#' @param moduleObj \code{list} Rip-M results object.
#' @param outputPrefix \code{string} filename prefix for output GMT file.
#' @examples
#' simMatrix <- simCorrMatrix(n = 400, num_clust = 20, max_noise_corr = 0.8, lower_true_corr = 0.2) 
#' modListRipm <- ripM(simMatrix, 
#'                     thresholdType = "hard", 
#'                     thresholdValue = 0.8, 
#'                     startMergeOrder = 2, maxMergeOrder = 4, 
#'                     minModuleSize = 10, maxModuleSize = 50, 
#'                     useAbs = TRUE, useWeighted = TRUE,
#'                     verbose = FALSE)
#' saveModuleListGmt(modListRipm, "foobar")
#' @export
saveModuleListGmt <- function(moduleObj, outputPrefix) {
  # save modules to gmt
  cat("Saving", length(moduleObj$module_list), "modules to GMT and transposed GMT.\n")
  results <- NULL
  for (modIdx in 1:length(moduleObj$module_list)) {
    thisMod <- moduleObj$module_list[[modIdx]]
    results <- rbind(results, data.frame(paste(paste("hub_", moduleObj$hubs[modIdx], sep = ""), 
                                               "\t", paste(thisMod, collapse = "\t"), sep = "")))
  gmtFilename <- paste(outputPrefix, ".gmt", sep = "")
  cat("Saving GMT:", gmtFilename, "\n")
  #lapply(results, cat, "\n", file = gmtFilename, append = FALSE)
  write.table(results, gmtFilename, quote = F, row.names = F, col.names = F)
  # transpose for spreadsheets
  #gmtFilename <- paste(outputPrefix, ".gmtt", sep = "")
  #cat("Saving transposed GMT:", mod_filename, "\n")
  #write.table(t(results), gmtFilename, quote = F, row.names = F, col.names = F)

#' Save ripM derived modules to RData file with filename prefix.
#' \code{saveRipmResultsToRdata} 
#' @family cluster functions
#' @param resultsList \code{list} Rip-M results object.
#' @param outputPrefix \code{string} filename prefix for module output files.
#' @param verbose \code{logical} send messages to stdout.
#' @examples
#' simMatrix <- simCorrMatrix(n = 400, num_clust = 20, max_noise_corr = 0.8, lower_true_corr = 0.2) 
#' modListRipm <- ripM(simMatrix, 
#'                     thresholdType = "hard", 
#'                     thresholdValue = 0.8, 
#'                     startMergeOrder = 2, maxMergeOrder = 4, 
#'                     minModuleSize = 10, maxModuleSize = 50, 
#'                     useAbs = TRUE, useWeighted = TRUE,
#'                     verbose = FALSE)
#' saveRipmResultsToRdata(modListRipm, "foobar")
#' @export
saveRipmResultsToRdata <- function(resultsList, outputPrefix, verbose = FALSE) {
  # save modules to separate files
  saveFilename <- paste(outputPrefix, "_results.rds", sep = "")
  if (verbose) cat("Saving", saveFilename, "\n")
  saveRDS(resultsList, file = saveFilename)

#' Save ripM derived modules to separate files with filename prefix.
#' \code{saveRipmModules} 
#' @family cluster functions
#' @param moduleObj \code{list} Rip-M results object.
#' @param outputPrefix \code{string} filename prefix for module output files.
#' @examples
#' simMatrix <- simCorrMatrix(n = 400, num_clust = 20, max_noise_corr = 0.8, lower_true_corr = 0.2) 
#' modListRipm <- ripM(simMatrix, 
#'                     thresholdType = "hard", 
#'                     thresholdValue = 0.8, 
#'                     startMergeOrder = 2, maxMergeOrder = 4, 
#'                     minModuleSize = 10, maxModuleSize = 50, 
#'                     useAbs = TRUE, useWeighted = TRUE,
#'                     verbose = FALSE)
#' saveRipmModules(modListRipm, "foobar")
#' @export
saveRipmModules <- function(moduleObj, outputPrefix) {
  # save modules to separate files
  cat("Saving", length(moduleObj$module_list), "modules to separate files.\n")
  for (modIdx in 1:length(moduleObj$module_list)) {
    thisMod <- moduleObj$module_list[[modIdx]]
    modFilename <- paste(outputPrefix, "_module", modIdx, ".tab", sep = "")
    cat("Saving", modFilename, "\n")
    write.table(thisMod, modFilename, quote = F, row.names = F, col.names = F)
insilico/Rinbix documentation built on June 7, 2020, 6:19 a.m.