
Defines functions plotRunResults paperRealWorkflow compileAndSaveAllResults paperSimWorkflow

Documented in compileAndSaveAllResults paperRealWorkflow paperSimWorkflow plotRunResults

# workflow.R - Bill White - May 2017
# Worflow algorithms replicating those in the Bioinformatics paper:
# Differential privacy-based Evaporative Cooling feature selection and
# classification with Relief-F and Random Forests
# https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btx298

#' Workflow for running one simulation of the Bioinformatics paper workflow
#' Creates one simulation of train/holdout/validation data sets, then runs the
#' four algorithms on that data. Returns a data frame of run results for each.
#' @param n.samples An integer for the number of samples
#' @param n.variables An integer for the number of variables
#' @param pct.signals A numeric for the significant variable bias
#' @param update.freq A integer for the number of steps before update
#' @param verbose A flag indicating whether verbose output be sent to stdout
#' @return A list containing:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{run.results}{data frame of run results of each sim type}
#'   \item{elapsed}{total elapsed time}
#' }
#' @note Default parameter values match those from the Bioinformatics paper.
#' @family workflows
#' @examples
#'   num.samples <- 100
#'   num.variables <- 100
#'   pct.signals <- 0.1
#'   upd.frq <- 0.1 * num.variables
#'   one.step.result <- paperSimWorkflow(n.samples = num.samples,
#'                                       n.variables = num.variables,
#'                                       pct.signals = pct.signals,
#'                                       update.freq = upd.frq,
#'                                       verbose = FALSE)
#' @seealso The workflow consists of the sequence:
#' \code{\link{createSimulation}}
#' \code{\link{privateEC}}
#' \code{\link{originalThresholdout}}
#' \code{\link{privateRF}}
#' \code{\link{standardRF}} and
#' \code{\link{compileAndSaveAllResults}}. A comparison analysis with real data (fMRI)
#' is in \code{\link{paperRealWorkflow}}.
#' @export
paperSimWorkflow <- function(n.samples=100,
                             verbose=FALSE) {
  ptm <- proc.time()
  types <- c("mainEffect", "interactionErdos", "interactionScalefree")
  biases <- c(0.4, 0.4, 0.4)
  # NOTEL bcw, below not used?
  # alg.steps <- seq(n.variables + 1, 1, -update.freq)[-1]
  # NOTEL bcw, num.stps not used?
  # num.steps <- length(alg.steps)
  temp.pec.file <- tempfile(pattern = "pEc_temp", tmpdir = tempdir())
  num.sigs <- pct.signals * n.variables
  signal.names <- sprintf("gene%04d", 1:num.sigs)

  all.run.results <- lapply(seq_along(types), FUN = function(simtype.num) {
    type <- types[[simtype.num]]
    bias <- biases[[simtype.num]]
    if (verbose) cat("begin type/sim/classification loop for type/bias",
                     simtype.num, bias, "\n")
    if (verbose) cat("running simulation with n num.vars pct.signals",
                     n.variables, pct.signals, "\n")
    if (verbose) cat("--------------------------------------------\n")
    data.sets <- createSimulation(num.samples = n.samples,
                                  num.variables = n.variables,
                                  pct.signals = pct.signals,
                                  bias = bias,
                                  sim.type = type,
                                  pct.train = 1 / 3,
                                  pct.holdout = 1 / 3,
                                  pct.validation = 1 / 3,
                                  verbose = verbose)
    if (verbose) cat("running private algorithms\n")
    if (verbose) cat("\nrunning privateEC\n")
    pec.result <- privateEC(train.ds = data.sets$train,
                            holdout.ds = data.sets$holdout,
                            validation.ds = data.sets$validation,
                            label = data.sets$label,
                            is.simulated = TRUE,
                            update.freq = update.freq,
                            save.file = temp.pec.file,
                            signal.names = data.sets$signal.names,
                            verbose = verbose)
    if (verbose) cat("\nrunning originalThresholdout.R\n")
    por.result <- originalThresholdout(train.ds = data.sets$train,
                                       holdout.ds = data.sets$holdout,
                                       validation.ds = data.sets$validation,
                                       label = data.sets$label,
                                       is.simulated = TRUE,
                                       signal.names = signal.names,
                                       pec.file = temp.pec.file,
                                       verbose = verbose)
    if (verbose) cat("\nrunning privaterf.R\n")
    pra.result <- privateRF(train.ds = data.sets$train,
                            holdout.ds = data.sets$holdout,
                            validation.ds = data.sets$validation,
                            label = data.sets$label,
                            is.simulated = TRUE,
                            signal.names = signal.names,
                            pec.file = temp.pec.file,
                            verbose = verbose)
    if (verbose) cat("\nrunning regularRF\n")
    rra.result <- standardRF(train.ds = data.sets$train,
                             holdout.ds = data.sets$holdout,
                             validation.ds = data.sets$validation,
                             label = data.sets$label,
                             is.simulated = TRUE,
                             signal.names = signal.names,
                             verbose = verbose)

    if (!is.null(temp.pec.file)) {

    # compile and return results
    all.results <- list(pec = pec.result,
                        por = por.result,
                        pra = pra.result,
                        rra = rra.result)
    run.results <- compileAndSaveAllResults(run.results = all.results, verbose = verbose)
    if (verbose) cat("end sim/classification loop for type/bias", type, bias, "\n")
  }) # end simtype.num loop 1:3 for sva. er, inte

  elapsed <- (proc.time() - ptm)[3]
  if (verbose) cat("Total elapsed time:", elapsed, "\n")

  list(run.results = all.run.results, elapsed = elapsed)

#' Compile the results of a simulation + classifier methods run
#' @param run.results A list of run results
#' @param save.file A character vector for results filename or NULL to skip
#' @param verbose A flag indicating whether verbose output be sent to stdout
#' @return A list with:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{algo.acc}{data frame of results, a row for each update}
#'   \item{ggplot.data}{melted results data frame for plotting}
#'   \item{correct}{number of variables detected correctly in each data set}
#' }
#' @family workflows
compileAndSaveAllResults <- function(run.results = NULL,
                                     save.file = NULL,
                                     verbose = FALSE) {
  if (is.null(run.results)) {
    stop("compileAndSaveAllResults: No results list provided as first argument")
  if (verbose) cat("compiling results for plotting\n")
  acc.dfs <- lapply(run.results, FUN = function(method.results) {
  all.acc <- do.call(rbind, acc.dfs)
  ggplot.dfs <- lapply(run.results, FUN = function(method.results) {
  all.ggplot <- do.call(rbind, ggplot.dfs)
  all.correct <- lapply(run.results, FUN = function(method.results) {
  if (!is.null(save.file)) {
    if (verbose) cat("saving compiled results", save.file, "\n")
    save(all.acc, all.correct, all.ggplot, file = save.file)

  list(algo.acc = all.acc,
       ggplot.data = all.ggplot,
       correct = all.correct)

#' Runs the four comparison algorithms on the passed correlation matrix and phenotypes.
#' Returns a data frame of run results for each.
#' @param real.data A matrix subject by region-pair correlations augmented with class label
#' @param label A character vector class label from columns of corr,mat
#' @param update.freq A integer for the number of steps before update
#' @param verbose A flag indicating whether verbose output be sent to stdout
#' @return A list containing:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{run.results}{data frame of run results of each sim type}
#'   \item{elapsed}{total elapsed time}
#' }
#' @examples
#'   data(rsfMRIcorrMDD)
#'   real.result <- paperRealWorkflow(real.data = rsfMRIcorrMDD[, 2900:ncol(rsfMRIcorrMDD)],
#'                                    label = "class",
#'                                    update.freq = 50,
#'                                    verbose = FALSE)
#' @seealso The workflow consists of the sequence:
#' \code{\link{privateEC}}
#' \code{\link{originalThresholdout}}
#' \code{\link{privateRF}}
#' \code{\link{standardRF}} and
#' \code{\link{compileAndSaveAllResults}}. A comparison analysis with simulated data
#' is in \code{\link{paperSimWorkflow}}.
#' @family workflows
#' @export
paperRealWorkflow <- function(real.data=NULL,
                              verbose=FALSE) {
  if (is.null(real.data)) {
    stop("No subject by correlation matrix provided")
  ptm <- proc.time()

  temp.pec.file <- tempfile(pattern = "pEc_temp", tmpdir = tempdir())
  # transform the data to fit the workflow expectations
  real.data.sets <- splitDataset(all.data = real.data,
                                 pct.train = 0.5,
                                 pct.holdout = 0.5,
                                 pct.validation = 0,
                                 label = "class")
  if (verbose) cat("\nrunning privateEC\n")
  pec.result <- privateEC(train.ds = real.data.sets$train,
                          holdout.ds = real.data.sets$holdout,
                          validation.ds = NULL,
                          label = "class",
                          is.simulated = FALSE,
                          update.freq = update.freq,
                          save.file = temp.pec.file,
                          verbose = verbose)
  if (verbose) cat("\nrunning originalThresholdout.R\n")
  por.result <- originalThresholdout(train.ds = real.data.sets$train,
                                     holdout.ds = real.data.sets$holdout,
                                     validation.ds = NULL,
                                     label = "class",
                                     is.simulated = FALSE,
                                     pec.file = temp.pec.file,
                                     verbose = verbose)
  if (verbose) cat("\nrunning privaterf.R\n")
  pra.result <- privateRF(train.ds = real.data.sets$train,
                          holdout.ds = real.data.sets$holdout,
                          validation.ds = NULL,
                          label = "class",
                          is.simulated = FALSE,
                          pec.file = temp.pec.file,
                          verbose = verbose)
  if (verbose) cat("\nrunning regularRF\n")
  rra.result <- standardRF(train.ds = real.data.sets$train,
                           holdout.ds = real.data.sets$holdout,
                           validation.ds = NULL,
                           label = "class",
                           is.simulated = FALSE,
                           verbose = verbose)


  # compile and return results
  all.results <- list(pec = pec.result, por = por.result, pra = pra.result, rra = rra.result)
  final.results <- compileAndSaveAllResults(run.results = all.results, verbose = verbose)

  elapsed <- (proc.time() - ptm)[3]
  if (verbose) cat("Total elapsed time:", elapsed, "\n")

  list(run.results = final.results, elapsed = elapsed)

#' Plot the results of a privateEC workflow for a quick plot/review with base graphics.
#' @param pec.result A list representing the results returned from a privateEC algorithm run.
#' @examples
#' data(rsfMRIcorrMDD)
#' # ~100 variables for a test
#' data.width <- ncol(rsfMRIcorrMDD)
#' real.data.sets <- splitDataset(all.data = rsfMRIcorrMDD[, (data.width - 101):data.width],
#'                                pct.train = 0.5,
#'                                pct.holdout = 0.5,
#'                                pct.validation = 0,
#'                                label = "class")
#' real.result <- privateEC(train.ds = real.data.sets$train,
#'                          holdout.ds = real.data.sets$holdout,
#'                          validation.ds = NULL,
#'                          label = "class",
#'                          is.simulated = FALSE,
#'                          update.freq = 5,
#'                          verbose = FALSE)
#' plotRunResults(real.result)
#' @family workflows
#' @export
plotRunResults <- function(pec.result=NULL) {
  if (is.null(pec.result)) {
                 col = "blue", pch = 16, type = 'b', cex = 0.75,
                 main = "One run of privateEC",
                 ylim = c(0.05, 1.0),
                 xlab = "Number of Attributes in Model",
                 ylab = "Accuracy")
                   col = "green", pch = 1, type = 'b', cex = 0.75)
  if (is.null(pec.result$algo.acc$validation.acc)) {
    legend.labels <- c("Train", "Holdout")
    legend.pch <- c(16, 1)
    legend.col <- c("blue", "green")
  } else {
                     col = "red", pch = 4, type = 'b', cex = 0.75)
    legend.labels <- c("Train", "Holdout", "Test")
    legend.pch <- c(16, 1, 4)
    legend.col <- c("blue", "green", "red")
  graphics::legend("topright", legend.labels, pch = legend.pch, col = legend.col, cex = 0.75)
insilico/privateEC documentation built on May 22, 2020, 5:12 p.m.