
Defines functions dich_r_logistic dich_normal dich_loglik cont_ols dich_logistic cont_normal cont_logistic

Documented in cont_logistic cont_normal cont_ols dich_logistic dich_loglik dich_normal dich_r_logistic

#' Likelihood functions for data.frame
#' @title Logistic-distribution-based likelihood function for xregControl and xreg
#' @param d_df data.frame provided by xreg.
#' @param sigma_est Subsequent parameters define required formulas to genrete necessary variables, such as standard deviations. If these are not manually provided (which could be useful to model heteroscedasticity, etc.), xreg will get them from the functions.
#' @description Likelihood function to use with xregControl
#' @export
cont_logistic <- function(d_df, sigma_est = 0) {
  if(sigma_est == 1) return(list(formula = formula(sigma_est ~ SIGMA, env = globalenv()),
                                 start_values = c(SIGMA = 1)))  #lb == ub
  sel <- d_df$internal_ub == d_df$internal_lb
  d_df$p[sel] <- log(exp(-(d_df$internal_lb[sel]- d_df$Xb[sel])/(d_df$sigma_est[sel])) / ((d_df$sigma_est[sel])*(1+exp(-(d_df$internal_lb[sel]- d_df$Xb[sel])/d_df$sigma_est[sel]))^2))
  # ub != lb
  sel <- d_df$internal_ub != d_df$internal_lb
  d_df$p[sel] <- log((1/(1+exp(-(d_df$internal_ub[sel]- d_df$Xb[sel])/d_df$sigma_est[sel])))- (1/(1+exp(-(d_df$internal_lb[sel]- d_df$Xb[sel])/d_df$sigma_est[sel]))))

#' Likelihood functions for data.frame
#' @title Normal-distribution-based likelihood function for xregControl and xreg
#' @param d_df data.frame provided by xreg.
#' @param sigma_est Subsequent parameters define required formulas to generate necessary variables, such as standard deviations. If these are not manually provided (which could be useful to model heteroscedasticity, etc.), xreg will get them from the functions.
#' @description Likelihood function to use with xregControl
#' @export
cont_normal <- function(d_df, sigma_est = 0) {
  if (sigma_est == 1) 
    return(list(formula = formula(sigma_est ~ exp(LN_SIGMA), env = globalenv()), 
                start_values = c(LN_SIGMA = 0)))
  if (min(d_df$sigma_est) <= 0) 
  sel <- d_df$internal_ub == d_df$internal_lb
  d_df$p[sel] <- dnorm((d_df$Xb[sel] - d_df$internal_lb[sel]), 
                       0, d_df$sigma_est[sel], log = TRUE)
  sel <- d_df$internal_ub != d_df$internal_lb
  d_df$p[sel] <- log(pnorm((d_df$Xb[sel] - d_df$internal_lb[sel])/d_df$sigma_est[sel], 
                           0, 1) - pnorm((d_df$Xb[sel] - d_df$internal_ub[sel])/d_df$sigma_est[sel], 
                                         0, 1))
  d_df$p[d_df$p == -Inf] <- log(.Machine$double.xmin)

#' Likelihood functions for data.frame
#' @title Normal-distribution-based random intercept likelihood function for xregControl and xreg
#' @param d_df data.frame provided by xreg.
#' @param sigma_est Within-unit variance parameter, may be specified as a function to vary between observations. Defaults to exp(LN_SIGMA)
#' @param omega_est Between-unit variance parameter, must be a fixed result for all observations, as only the first instance will be used. Defaults to exp(LN_OMEGA)
#' @description Likelihood function to use with xregControl
#' @export
cont_r_normal <- function (d_df, sigma_est = 0, omega_est = 0, internal_id = 0) {
  if (sigma_est == 1)
    return(list(formula = formula(sigma_est ~ exp(LN_SIGMA), env = globalenv()),
                start_values = c(LN_SIGMA = 0)))
  if (internal_id == 1)
    return(list(formula = formula(internal_id ~ id, env = globalenv())))
  if (omega_est == 1)
    return(list(formula = formula(omega_est ~ exp(LN_OMEGA), env = globalenv()),
                start_values = c(LN_OMEGA = 0)))
  if (min(d_df$omega_est) <= 0)
  if (min(d_df$sigma_est) <= 0)
  betwSD <- d_df$omega_est[1]
  uid <- sort(unique(d_df$internal_id))
  q <- NROW(uid)
  d_df$p <- 0
  GH_order <- 8L
  if(!is.null(.Options$xreg$Gauss_Hermite_Order)) {
    GH_order <- .Options$xreg$Gauss_Hermite_Order
  } else  {
    .Options$xreg$Gauss_Hermite_Order <- GH_order
  ws <- as.matrix(xreg_GHS[[GH_order]]$w)
  xs <- xreg_GHS[[GH_order]]$x
  mus <- sqrt(2) * betwSD * xs
  tmpm <- matrix(NA, nrow = NROW(d_df), ncol = GH_order)
  sel <- (d_df$internal_ub == d_df$internal_lb)
  sel2 <- (d_df$internal_ub != d_df$internal_lb)
  tmpm[sel,] <- dnorm(d_df$internal_lb[sel], mean = outer(d_df$Xb[sel], mus, FUN = "+"), sd = d_df$sigma_est[sel], log = F)
  tmpm[sel2,] <- pnorm((d_df$internal_lb[sel2]),outer(d_df$Xb[sel2], mus, FUN = "+"), d_df$sigma_est[sel2], lower.tail = F) -
    pnorm((d_df$internal_ub[sel2]), outer(d_df$Xb[sel2], mus, FUN = "+"), d_df$sigma_est[sel2], lower.tail = F)
  d_df$p[match(uid, d_df$internal_id)] <- log(1/sqrt(pi)*as.matrix(aggregate(tmpm, by = list(d_df$internal_id), FUN = prod)[,-1]) %*% ws)
  d_df$p[d_df$p == -Inf] <- log(.Machine$double.xmin)

#' Likelihood functions for data.frame
#' @title Logistic-distribution-based likelihood function for dichotomous data, used by xregControl and xreg
#' @param d_df data.frame provided by xreg.
#' @param theta_est Subsequent parameters define required formulas to genrete necessary variables, such as standard deviations. If these are not manually provided (which could be useful to model heteroscedasticity, etc.), xreg will get them from the functions.
#' @description Likelihood function to use with xregControl
#' @export
dich_logistic <- function(d_df, theta_est = 0) {
  if(theta_est == 1) return(list(formula = formula(theta_est ~ THETA, env = globalenv()),
                                 start_values = c(THETA = 1)))
  return(d_df$internal_lb*(-log(1+exp(-d_df$Xb*d_df$theta_est)))   + (1-d_df$internal_lb)*(-d_df$Xb*d_df$theta_est   - log(1+exp(-d_df$Xb*d_df$theta_est))))

#' Likelihood functions for data.frame
#' @title OLS-minimizer, used by xregControl and xreg
#' @param d_df data.frame provided by xreg.
#' @description Likelihood function to use with xregControl
#' @export
cont_ols <- function(d_df) -(d_df$Xb-d_df$internal_lb)^2

#' Likelihood functions for data.frame
#' @title Probability likelihood over probabilities, used by xregControl and xreg
#' @param d_df data.frame provided by xreg.
#' @description Likelihood function to use with xregControl
#' @export
dich_loglik <- function(d_df){ 
  thisp <- d_df$internal_lb*log(d_df$Xb)+(1-d_df$internal_lb)*log(1-d_df$Xb)
  thisp[thisp == -Inf] <- log(.Machine$double.xmin)

#' Likelihood functions for data.frame
#' @title Normal-distribution-based likelihood function for dichotomous data, used by xregControl and xreg
#' @param d_df data.frame provided by xreg.
#' @param theta_est Subsequent parameters define required formulas to generate necessary variables, such as standard deviations. If these are not manually provided (which could be useful to model heteroscedasticity, etc.), xreg will get them from the functions.
#' @description Likelihood function to use with xregControl
#' @export
dich_normal <- function(d_df, theta_est = 0) {
  if(theta_est == 1) return(list(formula = formula(theta_est ~ THETA, env = globalenv()),
                                 start_values = c(THETA = 1)))
  return(d_df$internal_lb*pnorm(d_df$Xb/d_df$theta_est, 0, 1, log.p = TRUE) + (1-d_df$internal_lb)*pnorm(-d_df$Xb/d_df$theta_est, 0, 1, log.p = TRUE))

#' Likelihood functions for data.frame
#' @title Logistic-distribution-based likelihood function for dichotomous data with random intercepts, used by xregControl and xreg
#' @param d_df data.frame provided by xreg.
#' @param theta_est Subsequent parameters define required formulas to genrete necessary variables, such as standard deviations. If these are not manually provided (which could be useful to model heteroscedasticity, etc.), xreg will get them from the functions.
#' @param sigma_est Within-unit variance parameter, may be specified as a function to vary between observations. Defaults to exp(LN_SIGMA)
#' @param omega_est Between-unit variance parameter, must be a fixed result for all observations, as only the first instance will be used. Defaults to exp(LN_OMEGA)
#' @description Likelihood function to use with xregControl
#' @export
dich_r_logistic <- function(d_df, theta_est = 0, omega_est = 0, internal_id = 0) {
  if(theta_est == 1) return(list(formula = formula(theta_est ~ THETA, env = globalenv()),
                                 start_values = c(THETA = 1)))
  if (internal_id == 1)
    return(list(formula = formula(internal_id ~ id, env = globalenv())))
  if (omega_est == 1)
    return(list(formula = formula(omega_est ~ exp(LN_OMEGA), env = globalenv()),
                start_values = c(LN_OMEGA = 0)))
  if (min(d_df$omega_est) <= 0)

  betwSD <- d_df$omega_est[1]
  uid <- sort(unique(d_df$internal_id))
  q <- NROW(uid)
  d_df$p <- 0
  GH_order <- 20L
  ws <- as.matrix(xreg_GHS[[GH_order]]$w)
  xs <- xreg_GHS[[GH_order]]$x
  mus <- sqrt(2) * betwSD * xs
  tmpm <- matrix(NA, nrow = NROW(d_df), ncol = GH_order)
  tmpm <- d_df$internal_lb*(-log(1+exp(-(tmpxb<-outer(d_df$Xb, mus, FUN = "+"))*d_df$theta_est)))   + (1-d_df$internal_lb)*(-tmpxb*d_df$theta_est   - log(1+exp(-tmpxb*d_df$theta_est)))
  d_df$p[match(uid, d_df$internal_id)] <- log(1/sqrt(pi)*as.matrix(aggregate(tmpm, by = list(d_df$internal_id), FUN = prod)[,-1]) %*% ws)
  d_df$p[d_df$p == -Inf] <- log(.Machine$double.xmin)
intelligentaccident/xreg documentation built on Jan. 17, 2021, 7:38 a.m.