
context("Verify autog computation works for covariate model")

# Use sample data baked into package
rdsIn <- readRDS(paste0(system.file('extdata',package='autognet'),"/agc-example.rds"))
adjmat <- rdsIn[[1]]
data <- rdsIn[[2]]
treatment <- "treatment"
outcome <- "outcome"
B = 10
R = 5

test_that("Supplying multiple values in the seed vector yields multiple chains", {

  # Run the covariate model with only one chain
  mod_1chain <- agcParam(data, treatment, outcome, adjmat,
                         B = B, R = R, seed = c(1))

  # Verify outcomes of the function calls work for the numbers of chains anticipated
  expect_true(length(mod_1chain) == 8)

context("Verify autog computation works for outcome model")
mod <- agcParam(data, treatment, outcome, adjmat,
                B = 100, R = R, seed = c(1))
effects <-  agcEffect(mod)

test_that("Outcome model did something", {

  expect_true(sum(abs(effects)) > 0)

isabelfulcher/autognet documentation built on Aug. 23, 2020, 9:42 a.m.