
context("Data Types")

test_that("Testing that basic single data types' (ratio, abundance, delta, etc.) validity controls are working", {
    # testing basic initialization
    expect_error(new("Ratios", data.frame()), "There are no isotope values in this isotope system")
    # testing Ratio data type
    expect_error(ratio(NA), "not a valid isotope data type")
    expect_error(ratio(c(1, NA, 2, 3)), "not a valid isotope data type")
    expect_error(ratio('test'), "not a valid isotope data type")
    expect_error(ratio(-0.2), "cannot be negative")
    expect_is(ratio(c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3)), "Ratio")
    expect_error(ratio(`12C` = 0.1, major = "12C"), "isotope ratios cannot be defined for the same isotope as minor and major isotope")
    expect_equal(get_label(ratio(`12C` = 0.2, major = "13C")), "R 12C/13C")
    expect_equal(get_label(ratio(`13C` = 0.1, major = "12C", compound = "CO2")), "CO2 R 13C/12C")
    # testing weights
    expect_output(print(ratio(1)), "An isotope value .*")
    expect_output(print(ratio(1, weight = 1)), "An isotope value .*")
    expect_output(print(ratio(1, weight = 2)), "A weighted isotope value .*")
    expect_error(ratio(1:5, weight = 2:3), "Not the same number of data values and weights") 
    expect_error(weight(ratio(1:5), 2:3), "Not the same number of data values and weights") 
    expect_equal(ratio(1:5, weight = 1:5)@weight, 1.0:5) # check weight
    expect_identical(weight(ratio(1:5), 0.2), ratio(1:5, weight = 0.2))  # set weight
    expect_equal(get_weight(ratio(1:5, weight = 0.2)), rep(0.2, 5)) # retrieve weight
    expect_equal(get_weight(ratio(1:5)), rep(1, 5)) # retrieve weight
    expect_equal(get_weighted_value(ratio(1:5, weight = 2)), 2*1:5) # retrieve weight
    # testing Abundance data type
    expect_error(abundance(-0.2), "cannot be negative")
    expect_error(abundance(1.1), "cannot be larger than 1")
    expect_is(abundance(c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3)), "Abundance")
    expect_equal(get_label(abundance(`12C` = 0.1)), "F 12C")
    expect_equal(get_label(abundance(`13C` = 0.1, major = "12C", compound = "CO2")), "CO2 F 13C")
    # testing intesnity    
    expect_error(intensity(-1), "ion intensities cannot be negative")
    expect_equal(get_label(intensity(`13C` = 1:5, compound = "CO2", major = "12C", unit = "mV")), "CO2 13C [mV]")
    # testing fractionatoin factors in alpha mode
    expect_error(ff(-0.1, notation = "alpha"), "alpha values cannot be negative")
    expect_equal(get_label(ff(0.9)), isotopia:::get_iso_letter("alpha"))
    expect_equal(get_label(ff(`13C` = 0.9)), paste("13C", isotopia:::get_iso_letter("alpha")))
    expect_equal(get_label(ff(`34S` = 0.9, ctop = "SO4", cbot = "H2S")), paste0("34S ", isotopia:::get_iso_letter("alpha"), "_SO4/H2S"))
        a <- ff(0.1, ctop = "CO2", cbot = "DIC")
        a <- ff(a, cbot = "Corg")
    }, "changing the bottom compound name")
    expect_equal(a@compound2, "Corg")
    # testing fractionation factors in permil mode
    expect_is(eps <- ff(c(-20, 20), notation = "permil"), "FractionationFactor")
    expect_equal(get_units(eps), "permil")
    expect_is(eps <- ff(c(-0.2, 0.2), notation = "eps"), "FractionationFactor")
    expect_equal(get_units(eps), "")
    expect_equal(get_label(ff(-10, notation = "permil")), paste0(isotopia:::get_iso_letter("epsilon"), " [", isotopia:::get_iso_letter("permil"), "]"))
    expect_equal(get_label(ff(`13C` = -0.01, notation = "eps")), paste0("13C ", isotopia:::get_iso_letter("epsilon")))
    expect_equal(get_label(ff(`13C` = -10, ctop = "SO4", cbot = "H2S", notation = "permil")), paste0("13C ", isotopia:::get_iso_letter("epsilon"), "_SO4/H2S [", isotopia:::get_iso_letter("permil"), "]"))
        e <- ff(25, ctop = "CO2", cbot = "DIC")
        e <- ff(e, cbot = "Corg")
    }, "changing the bottom compound name")
    expect_equal(e@compound2, "Corg")
    # testing delta data type
    expect_is(delta(c(-20, 20)), "Delta")
    expect_is(delta(c(-20, 20))@notation, "Notation_permil")
    expect_is(delta(c(-0.2, 0.2), notation = "raw")@notation, "Notation_raw")
    expect_equal(get_label(delta(-10)), paste0(isotopia:::get_iso_letter("delta"), " [", isotopia:::get_iso_letter("permil"), "]"))
    expect_equal(get_label(delta(`13C` = -0.01, notation = "raw")), paste0(isotopia:::get_iso_letter("delta"),"13C"))
    expect_equal(get_label(delta(`13C` = -10, compound = "DIC", ref = "SMOW")), paste0("DIC ", isotopia:::get_iso_letter("delta"), "13C [", isotopia:::get_iso_letter("permil"), "] vs. SMOW"))
        d <- delta(25, ref = "SMOW")
        d <- delta(d, ref = "Air")
    }, "changing the reference name")
    expect_equal(d@compound2, "Air")
    expect_error(delta(10, ref_ratio = c(0.1, 0.2)), "reference ratio for a delta value object must be exactly one numeric value")
    expect_equal(delta(10, ref_ratio = 0.1)@ref_ratio, 0.1)
    expect_equal(delta(10, ref_ratio = ratio(0.1))@ref_ratio, 0.1)
    expect_equal(delta(10, ref_ratio = ratio(0.1, compound = "SMOW"))@compound2, "SMOW")
    expect_equal(delta(10, ref_ratio = abundance(0.2))@ref_ratio, 0.25)
        d <- delta(25, ref_ratio = 0.2)
        d <- delta(d, ref_ratio = abundance(0.2))
    }, "changing the reference ratio")
    expect_equal(d@ref_ratio, 0.25)

test_that("Testing that isoval attributes can be updated correctly", {
    expect_error(set_attrib(numeric(), minor = '2H'), "cannot set attributes of non-isotope value objects")
    # FIXME: these should be eventually phased out, only set_attrib allowed!
    # testing standard attribute updates and reinitialization
    expect_error(ratio(abundance(0.1)), "Cannot initialize an isotope value with another isotope value")
    expect_is(ratio(ratio(0.1)), "Ratio")
    # update name, major and compound
        r <- ratio(0.1)
        r2 <- set_attrib(r, minor = "13C", major = "12C", compound = "CO2")
    }, "13C")
    expect_equal(r2@major, "12C")
    expect_equal(r2@compound, "CO2")
    # keep name, major and compound
        r <- ratio(`13C` = 0.1, major = "12C", compound = "CO2")
        r2 <- ratio(r)
    }, "13C")
    expect_equal(r2@major, "12C")
    expect_equal(r2@compound, "CO2")
    # overwrite name (with warning)
        r <- ratio(`13C` = 0.1, major = "12C")
        r2 <- set_attrib(r, minor = "14C")
    }, "changing the isotope name")
    expect_equal(r2@isoname, "14C")
    # overwrite major (with warning)
        r <- ratio(`13C` = 0.1, major = "12C")
        r2 <- set_attrib(r, major = "11C")
    }, "changing the major isotope")
    expect_equal(r2@major, "11C")
    # overwrite compound (with warning)
        r <- ratio(`13C` = 0.1, major = "12C", compound = "CO2")
        r2 <- set_attrib(r, compound = "DIC")
    }, "changing the compound name")
    expect_equal(r2@compound, "DIC")
    # overwrite weight (wight warning)
        r <- ratio(`13C` = 0.1*(1:5), weight = 1:5)
        r2 <- weight(r, 3:7)
    }, "changing the weight .* differences: '1, 2, 6, 7'")
    expect_equal(get_weight(r2), 3:7)
    # change unit on intensity (with warning)
        i <- intensity(`13C` = 0.1, major = "12C", unit = "mV")
        i2 <- set_attrib(i, unit = "V")
    }, "changing the unit")
    expect_equal(i2@unit, "V")

test_that("Testing that isotope systems' (ratios, abundances, etc.) validity controls are working", {
    # testing isotope system
    expect_error(capture.output(ratio(1:3, c(1, 2, NA))), "not a valid isotope data type")
    expect_error(capture.output(ratio(1:3, paste('test', 1:3))), "not a valid isotope data type")
    expect_error(ratio(c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3), 0.2), "Not the same number of measurements")
    expect_error(ratio(`13C` = 0.2, `13C` = 0.1), "All isotopes in a system must be unique")
    expect_true(is.data.frame(ratio(0.1, 0.2)))
    expect_true(is.data.frame(ratio(0.1, single_as_df = T)))
    # testing weights in isotope system
    expect_error(ratio(ratio(1:5, weight = 1:5), ratio(1:5, weight = 6:10)), "the weights of all isotope value objects in an isotope system must be the same")
    expect_equal(get_weight(ratio(1, 2, weight = 3)$iso), 3)
    expect_is(rs <- ratio(a = 1:5, b = 6:10, weight = 3:7), "Ratios")
    expect_equal(get_weight(rs$a), 3:7) # single value
    expect_equal(get_weighted_value(rs$a), 1:5*3:7) # convert single value
    expect_equal(get_weight(rs$b), 3:7)
    expect_equal(get_weighted_value(rs$b), 6:10*3:7)
    expect_equal(get_weight(rs), data.frame(a=3:7, b=3:7)) # whole data frame
    expect_equal(get_weighted_value(rs), data.frame(a=1:5*3:7, b=6:10*3:7)) # whole data frame
    # specific test of different isotope systems
    expect_is(ratio(0.2, 0.5), "Ratios")
    expect_is(abundance(0.2, 0.5), "Abundances")
    expect_error(abundance(0.5, 0.50001), "the sum of fractional abundances for each data point in an isotope system cannot exceed 1")
    expect_is(intensity(100, 500), "Intensities")
    expect_error(intensity(100, 500, major = "12C"), "major ion .* must be part of the ion intensities isotopic system")
    expect_is(intensity(`12C` = 100, `13C` = 500, major = "12C"), "Intensities")
    # testing attribute updates and reinitialization
    expect_is(ratio(ratio(0.2, 0.5)), "Ratios")
        rs <- ratio(`33S` = 0.1, `34S` = 0.2, major = "32S")
        rs2 <- ratio(rs, major = "12C", compound = "SO4")
    }, "changing the major")
    expect_equal(rs2$`33S`@major, "12C")
    expect_equal(rs2$`34S`@major, "12C")
    expect_equal(rs2$`33S`@compound, "SO4")
    expect_equal(rs2$`34S`@compound, "SO4")
    # testing compound data frame isotope systems to throw the appropriate errors and warnings
    expect_is(rs <- ratio(`33S` = c(0.1, 0.2), `34S` = c(0.2, 0.3), major = "32S", compound = "H2S"), "Ratios")
        rs2 <- rs
        rs2$c <- abundance(c(0.2, 0.3))
    }, "Not all isotopes in the system have the expected data type")
        rs$`18O` <- ratio(c(0.2, 0.3), major = "16O")
    }, "major ion of all isotope value object in an isotope system must be the same")
        rs$`18O` <- ratio(c(0.2, 0.3), major = "32S", compound = "SO4")
    }, "compound name of all isotope value objects in an isotope system must be the same")
        is <- intensity(c(0.1, 0.2), unit = "mV", single_as_df = T)
        is$`ion.2` <- intensity(c(0.2, 0.3), unit = "V")
    }, "units in an isotopic system of ion intensities must all be the same")
    expect_is({ # should still be a ratio
        rs$test <- 'other column'
    }, "Ratios")
    expect_true(is.isosys(rs["33S", drop = F]))
    expect_false(is.isosys(rs["test", drop = F])) # reduced to data frame
    expect_is({ # adding column
        rs$`36S` <- ratio(c(0.2, 0.3))
    }, "Ratios")
    expect_is({ # overwriting column
        rs$`32S` <- ratio(c(0.2, 0.3))
    }, "Ratios")

test_that("Testing that object type check functions (is.x()) are working", {
    # is.ratio
    expect_true(is.ratio(ratio(0.1, 0.2)))
    # is.abundance
    expect_true(is.abundance(abundance(0.1, 0.2)))
    # is.intensity
    expect_true(is.intensity(intensity(100, 400)))

    # is.delta
    expect_true(is.delta(delta(100, 400)))
    # is.alpha FIXME
#     expect_true(is.alpha(alpha(100)))
#     expect_true(is.alpha(alpha(100, 400)))
#     expect_false(is.alpha(abundance(0.1)))
    # is.isosys vs is.isoval
    expect_false(is.isoval(ratio(0.1, 0.2)))
    expect_true(is.isosys(ratio(0.1, 0.2)))
    # is weighted
    expect_false(is.weighted(ratio(0.2, weight = 1)))
    expect_true(is.weighted(ratio(c(0.1, 0.2), weight = c(1,2))))
isoverse/isotopia documentation built on Nov. 5, 2019, 2:40 p.m.