
#' Write to Windows/OSX clipboard
#' Wrapper for writing to windows/OSX clipboards with the most-used defaults for a
#' scandinavian locale.
#' @param x The data or text to write.
#' @param encoding The encoding to use when writing.
#' @author Kristian D. Olsen
#' @note This function only works on Windows or OSX, and the data-size cannot 
#' exceed 128kb in Windows.
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' x %>% to_clipboard()

to_clipboard <- function(x, encoding = "") {
  if ((Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows")) {
    file <- "clipboard-128"
    if (object.size(x) > 120000) {
      stop("The data is too large to write to windows clipboard", call. = FALSE)
  } else if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Darwin") {
    file <- pipe("pbcopy", "w")
    on.exit(close(file), add = TRUE)
  } else {
    stop("Writing to clipboard is supported only in Windows or OSX")
  if (is.character(x)) {
    writeLines(x, file)
  } else {
    cols <- if (is.data.frame(x)) TRUE else FALSE
    utils::write.table(x = x, file = file, sep = "\t", na = "", dec = ",",
                       row.names = FALSE, col.names = cols, fileEncoding = encoding)

#' Write data to sheet (in an openxlsx workbook)
#' This function (a very thin wrapper for openxlsx functions) that writes/appends 
#' a data.frame to the specified sheet in a loaded openxlsx workbook.
#' @param df The data to write.
#' @param wb A loaded openxlsx workbook (use openxlsx::loadWorkbook)
#' @param title The title to give to the table (only used if style = TRUE).
#' @param sheet Name of the sheet to write to, will be created if it does not exist.
#' @param row Optional: Also specify the startingrow for writing data.
#' @param format_style Set to FALSE if you do not want styling for the data.
#' @param format_values Set to FALSE and no formatting will be applied based on
#' variable type. With TRUE, character columns will be left justified, numeric
#' will have 1 decimal place, integer 0, and columns with values between 1 and 0
#' as percentages.
#' @param append Whether or not the function should append or clean the
#' sheet of existing data before writing.
#' @author Kristian D. Olsen
#' @return A list containing data.frames matching the sheets in the .xlsx file.
#' If only one sheet is read, the function returns a data.frame instead.
#' @note This function requires openxlsx.
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' wb <- openxlsx::loadWorkbook("test.xlsx")
#' x %>% to_sheet(wb, sheet = "test", append = FALSE)
#' openxlsx::saveWorkbook(wb, "test.xlsx", overwrite = TRUE)

to_sheet <- function(df, wb, title = "Table", sheet = "analysis", row = 1L, 
                     format_style = TRUE, format_values = TRUE, append = TRUE) {
  if (!inherits(wb, "Workbook")) {
    stop("wb argument must be a (loaded) openxlsx workbook")
  # Check input
  if (!is.character(sheet) || length(sheet) != 1L) {
    stop("The sheet has to be a string of length 1 (not an index).", call. = FALSE)
  # See if sheet exists
  sheet_exists <- sheet %in% openxlsx::sheets(wb)
  # Get last row if sheet exists, or create if it does not.
  if (sheet_exists && isTRUE(append)) {
    row <- 2L + nrow(openxlsx::read.xlsx(wb, sheet = sheet, colNames = FALSE, skipEmptyRows = FALSE))
  } else if (sheet_exists) {
    openxlsx::removeWorksheet(wb, sheet)
    openxlsx::addWorksheet(wb, sheetName = sheet)
  } else {
    openxlsx::addWorksheet(wb, sheetName = sheet)
  # Set table_row to be the last found row
  table_row <- row
  # Add data to the workbook
  if (is.null(names(df)) || identical(names(df), character(0))) {
    warning(sheet, ": No columnames in data. An empty sheet was created", call. = FALSE)
  } else {
    # When styling the title must be written first (and convert df names to titles)
    if (isTRUE(format_style)) {
      openxlsx::writeData(wb, sheet, title, startRow = row)
      names(df) <- stri_trans_totitle(names(df), type = "sentence")
      table_row <- row + 1

    # Write the data.frame
    openxlsx::writeData(wb, sheet, df, startRow = table_row)
  # Apply additional formatting if desired
  if (isTRUE(format_style) || isTRUE(format_values)) {
    format_xlsx(df, wb, sheet, table_row, style = format_style, values = format_values)
  # Check the dimensions of what was written
  n_row <- dim(df)
  n_row <- if(is.null(n_row)) 0 else n_row[1]
  # Invisibly return the rows that have been written to
  invisible(setNames(c(table_row, table_row + n_row), c("first", "last")))

#' Write common file formats
#' A simple wrapper for writing common data formats. The format is determined 
#' by the extension given in \code{file}. Flat files are written with \code{readr},
#' and the encoding is always \code{UTF-8}. For xlsx, the function uses \code{to_sheet} 
#' (which in turn uses \code{openxlsx}). 
#' @param x The data to be written. (\code{data.frame}, \code{list} or \code{survey}).
#' @param file Path.
#' @author Kristian D. Olsen
#' @note Use \code{lapply} to write a list of data to flat files (csv, txt etc).
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' write_data(x, file = "test.xlsx")

write_data <- function(x, file, ...) {
  # Gather dots
  dots <- list(...)
  # Get file information
  file <- clean_path(file)
  ext <- stri_trans_tolower(tools::file_ext(file))
  name <- filename_no_ext(file)
  # Convert matrix to data.frame
  if (is.matrix(x)) x <- as_data_frame(x)
  # Check if it is a survey and convert depending on output format
  if (is.survey(x) && ext == "sav") {
      x <- to_labelled(x)$df
  } else if (is.survey(x) && ext == "xlsx") {
    is_date <- vapply(x$df, inherits, what = "Date", logical(1))
    x$df[is_date] <- lapply(x$df[is_date], as.character)
    names(x) <- ordered_replace(names(x), default$structure$survey, default$structure$sheet) 
  } else if (is.data.frame(x)) {
    if (ext %in% c("xlsx", "rdata")) {
      x <- if ("sheet" %in% names(dots)) setNames(list(x), dots[["sheet"]]) else setNames(list(x), name)
  } else if (!is.list(x)) {
    stop("This function expects a matrix, data.frame, list or survey.", call. = FALSE)
  # Only xlsx and rdata supports a list of output
  supports_list <- ext %in% c("xlsx", "rdata")
  if (is.list2(x) && !supports_list) {
      stop("Use lapply to write lists that are not survey objects when output is not xlsx.", call. = FALSE) 
  # Use extension to write correct format
         sav = write_spss(x, file),
         rdata = write_rdata(x, file),
         xlsx = write_xlsx(x, file, dots),
         txt = write_flat(x, file, delim = "\t", dots),
         tsv = write_flat(x, file, delim = "\t", dots),
         csv = write_flat(x, file, delim = ",", dots),
         stop("Unrecognized output format: ", ext))

# Output wrappers --------------------------------------------------------------

write_spss <- function(data, file) {
  if (!is.spss(data)) {
    warning("No labelled variables found.", call. = FALSE)
  # BUG in ReadStat (long strings, > 256 characters) 
  is_character <- vapply(data, is.character, logical(1))
  if (any(is_character)) {
    strings <- vapply(data[is_character], function(x) max(stri_length(x), na.rm = TRUE) > 250, logical(1))
    strings <- names(strings[strings])
    if (length(strings)) {
      name <- filename_no_ext(file)
      spath <- file.path(dirname(file), stri_c(name, " (long strings).Rdata"))
      # Add stringID to data
      data$stringID <- 1:nrow(data)
      # Write strings separately and shorten in original data
      write_rdata(list("x" = data[c(strings, "stringID")]), spath)
      data[strings] <- lapply(data[strings], function(x) {
        oa = attributes(x); x <- stri_sub(x, to = 250); attributes(x) <- oa; x
      warning("Found long strings (> 250) in data. Writing as separate Rdata.", call. = FALSE)
  haven::write_sav(data, path = file)

write_rdata <- function(data, file) {
  save(list = names(data), file = file, envir = list2env(data, parent = emptyenv()))

write_flat <- function(data, file, delim, dots) {
  # Update standard args
  args <- list(x = data, path = file, delim = delim)
  args <- append(dots, args[!names(args) %in% names(dots)])
  # Read the data
  do.call(readr::write_delim, args)

write_xlsx <- function(data, file, dots) {
  # If the file exists, load and write to it
  if (file.exists(file)) { 
    wb <- openxlsx::loadWorkbook(file)
  } else { 
    wb <- openxlsx::createWorkbook()
  # Update standard args
  args <- list(row = 1L, format_style = FALSE, format_values = FALSE, append = FALSE)
  args <- append(dots[!names(dots) %in% "sheet"], args[!names(args) %in% names(dots)])
  lapply(names(data), function(nm, x, wb) {
    a <- list(df = x[[nm]], wb = wb, sheet = nm); a <- append(a, args)
    do.call(to_sheet, a)}, data, wb)
  openxlsx::saveWorkbook(wb, file, overwrite = TRUE)
itsdalmo/reporttool documentation built on May 18, 2019, 7:11 a.m.