
Defines functions outflank_input_freqs

Documented in outflank_input_freqs

#' Convert a (long_) allele frequency data table to \code{OutFLANK} input
#' Converts a long format data table of allele frequency information into
#' a data frame fit for analysis by OutFLANK (Whitlock & Lotterhos 2015).
#' @param dat Data table: The biallelic allele frequency data. Requires the
#' following columns:
#' \enumerate{
#'    \item The population ID.
#'    \item The locus ID.
#'    \item The allele frequency of the Reference allele.
#'    \item The number of individuals (sample size) used to estimate allele frequency.
#' }
#' @param popCol Character: The column name with the sampled individual information. Default = \code{'POP'}.
#' @param locusCol Character: The column name with the locus information. Default = \code{'LOCUS'}.
#' @param freqCol Character: The column name with the allele frequency information. Default = \code{'FREQ'}.
#' @param indsCol Character: The column name with the number of individuals (sample size)
#' used to estimate the allele frequency. Default = \code{'INDS'}.
#' @param HoCol Character: An optional argument. The column name with the observed number of
#' heterozygotes. Affects estimation of FST, see details. Default = \code{NULL}.
#' @details FST is estimated using modified versions of the \code{OutFLANK} functions
#' \code{WC_FST_FiniteSample_Diploids_2Alleles_NoCorr()} and \code{WC_FST_FiniteSample_Diploids_2Alleles()}.
#' The observed heterozygosity, Ho, is required to calculate the variance components. However,
#' allele frequencies alone do not carry this information. Users can specify a column
#' containing the Ho (argument \code{HoCol}) if this is known, otherwise, a naive assumption
#' that Ho = He (the expected heterozygosity) is made.
#' @return A data frame in the required format for analysis by \code{OutFLANK}.
#' @references Whitlock & Lotterhos (2015) Reliable detection of loci responsible
#' for local adaptation: Inference of a null model through trimming the distribution
#' of FST. The American Naturalist 186.
#' @examples
#' library(genomalicious)
#' data(data_PoolFreqs)
#' data_PoolFreqs
#' ofDF <- outflank_input_freqs(
#'    dat=data_PoolFreqs,
#'    popCol='POOL',
#'    locusCol='LOCUS',
#'    freqCol='FREQ',
#'    indsCol='INDS')
#' @export
outflank_input_freqs <- function(dat, popCol='POP', locusCol='LOCUS', freqCol='FREQ', indsCol='INDS', HoCol=NULL){

  # --------------------------------------------+
  # Libraries and assertions
  # --------------------------------------------+

  if(sum(c(popCol, locusCol, freqCol, indsCol) %in% colnames(dat)) < 4){
    'Columns specified in arguments `popCol`, `locusCol`, `freqCol`, and `indsCol`
    must all be present in `colnames(dat)`')

    if(!HoCol %in% colnames(dat)){
      stop('Argument `HoCol` is specified, but is not in `colnames(dat)`')

  # Rename the population and locus column
  colnames(dat)[match(c(popCol, locusCol, freqCol, indsCol), colnames(dat))] <- c(
    'POP', 'LOCUS', 'P', 'INDS')

    colnames(dat)[match(HoCol, colnames(dat))] <- c('HO')}

  # Number of populations
  numPops <- length(unique(dat$POP))

  # Split data by loci
  dat <- split(dat, dat$LOCUS)

  # Iterate through loci
  fstDF <- lapply(dat, function(locus){
    if('HO' %in% colnames(locus)){
      Ho <- locus$HO
    } else{ Ho <- NULL }

    # Corrected and uncorrected (for sample size) FST
    fst.cor <- outflank_mod_fst_correct(locus$P, locus$INDS, Ho=Ho)
    fst.nocor <- outflank_mod_fst_nocorrect(locus$P, locus$INDS, Ho=Ho)

    # An FST data frame
    fstDF <- data.frame(LocusName=locus$LOCUS[1]
                        , cbind(as.data.frame(fst.nocor[c('FSTNoCorr', 'T1NoCorr', 'T2NoCorr')])
                                , as.data.frame(fst.cor)

  # Combine FST data frames across loci
  fstDF <- do.call('rbind', fstDF)

j-a-thia/genomalicious documentation built on Oct. 19, 2024, 7:51 p.m.