
Defines functions outflank_mod_fst_nocorrect

Documented in outflank_mod_fst_nocorrect

#' @title Modificatin of OutFLANK's \code{WC_FST_FiniteSample_Diploids_2Alleles_NoCorr()}
#' @description Skip the need for diploid genotypes, i.e. just use allele frequencies,
#' and produce the same output as \code{WC_FST_FiniteSample_Diploids_2Alleles_NoCorr()}.
#' Calculate FST without a sample size correction.
#' @param alleleFreqs Numeric: A vector of the Reference allele frequency, with
#' the length == number of populations.
#' @param sampSize Integer: A vector of sample sizes, with the length == number
#' of populations and the order corresponding to the those in \code{alleleFreqs}.
#' @param Ho Integer: An optional vector of the heterozygote frequency,
#' with the length == number of populations and the order corresponding 
#' to the those in \code{alleleFreqs}. Default = \code{NULL}, see Details.
#' @details By using just allele frequencies, there is no information about 
#' the observed frequency of heterozygotes, Ho. The function will make the
#' naive assumption that Ho = He, if Ho is not specified.
#' @return Returns a list of values related to FST:
#'  \itemize{
#'  \item   He:  the expected heterozygosity of the locus
#'  \item 	FSTNoCorr:  Fst (without sample size correction)
#'  \item 	T1NoCorr: The numerator of the uncorrected sample size correction (similar to Weir and Cockerham 1984)
#'  \item   T2NoCorr: The denominator of the uncorrected sample size correction
#'  }
outflank_mod_fst_nocorrect <-function(alleleFreqs, sampSize, Ho){

  # Determine the variance in allele frequencies
  sample_sizes = sampSize
  n_ave = mean(sample_sizes)
  n_pops = length(alleleFreqs) #r
  r = n_pops
  n_c = (n_pops*n_ave - sum(sample_sizes^2)/(n_pops*n_ave))/(n_pops-1)
  p_freqs = alleleFreqs
  p_ave = sum(sample_sizes*p_freqs)/(n_ave*n_pops)
  s2 = sum(sample_sizes*(p_freqs - p_ave)^2)/((n_pops-1)*n_ave)
  if(s2==0){return(1); break}  
  # Heterozygosity
  He <- 1-sum(p_ave^2, (1-p_ave)^2)
  if(is.null(Ho)==FALSE){ h_freqs <- Ho
  } else{ h_freqs = He }
  h_ave = sum(sample_sizes*h_freqs)/(n_ave*n_pops)
  # This is where sample size correction would occur, but not here
  a <- n_ave/n_c*(s2)
  b <- (p_ave*(1-p_ave) - (r-1)/r*s2 - (2*n_ave)/(4*n_ave)*h_ave)
  c <- 1/2*h_ave
  # FST estimate
  FST <- a/(a+b+c) 
  return(list(He=He,FSTNoCorr=FST, T1NoCorr=a, T2NoCorr=(a+b+c)))
j-a-thia/genomalicious documentation built on Oct. 19, 2024, 7:51 p.m.