
Defines functions parseRtfYear parseRtfLines

Documented in parseRtfLines parseRtfYear

# Copyright (C) 2014 - 2015  Jack O. Wasey
# This file is part of icd9.
# icd9 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# icd9 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with icd9. If not, see <http:#www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

# we don't ever use magrittr in 'live' package use, just when it is using its
# own functions for testing and generating its own data: in those cases magrittr
# will be available, but we don't want CRAN check problems, so:
utils::globalVariables(c(".", "%>%"))

# try parsing the RTF, and therefore get subheadings, as well as billable codes.
# ftp://ftp.cdc.gov/pub/Health_Statistics/NCHS/Publications/ICD9-CM/2011/
# see https://github.com/LucaFoschini/ICD-9_Codes for a completely different
# approach in python

#' @title parse RTF description of entire ICD-9-CM for a specific year
#' @description Currently only the most recent update is implemented. Note that
#'   CMS have published additional ICD-9-CM billable code lists since the last
#'   one from the CDC: I think these have been the same every year since 2011,
#'   though. THe last CDC release is Dtab12.rtf from 2011.
#' @param year from 1996 to 2012 (this is what CDC has published). Only 2012
#'   implemented thus far
#' @template verbose
#' @source
#'   http://ftp.cdc.gov/pub/Health_Statistics/NCHS/Publications/ICD9-CM/2011/Dtab12.zip
#'   and similar files run from 1996 to 2011.
#' @keywords internal
parseRtfYear <- function(year = "2011", save = FALSE, fromWeb = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) {

  rtf_dat <- data_sources[data_sources$f_year == year, ]
  url <- rtf_dat$rtf_url
  fn <- rtf_dat$rtf_filename
  fp <- file.path("inst", "extdata", fn)
  if (!save && !file.exists(fp))
    fp <- system.file("extdata", fn, package = "icd9")

  if (fromWeb || !file.exists(fp) || save) {
    zip_single(url, fn, fp)
    lines <- readLines(url, fp)
  } else {
    fp_conn <- file(fp, encoding = "ASCII")
    lines <- readLines(fp_conn, warn = FALSE)
  # the file itself is 7 bit ASCII, but has its own internal encoding using CP1252.
  # test meniere's disease with lines  24821 to 24822 from 2012 RTF

  parseRtfLines(lines, verbose) %>% swapNamesWithVals %>% icd9SortDecimal -> out
  # make Tidy data: don't like using row names to store things
  icd9Desc <- data.frame(
    icd9  = out %>% unname %>% icd9DecimalToShort,
    desc = names(out),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  if (save) saveInDataDir("icd9Desc")

#' @title parse a character vector containing RTF strings
#' @description parse a character vector containing RTF strings
#' @param lines character vector containing RTF. Encoding?
#' @template verbose
#' @return named character vector, with names being the ICD-9 codes, and the
#'   contents being the descriptions from the RTF source. Elsewhere I do this
#'   the other way around, but the tests are now wired for this layout. "Tidy"
#'   data would favour having an un-named two-column data frame.
#' @keywords internal
parseRtfLines <- function(lines, verbose = FALSE) {


  # filtered <- iconv(lines, from = "ASCII", to = "UTF-8", mark = TRUE) I think
  # the first 127 characters of ASCII are the same in Unicode, but we must make
  # sure R treats the lines as Unicode.
  filtered <- lines
  # merge any line NOT starting with "\\par" on to previous line
  non_par_lines <- grep("^\\\\par", filtered, invert = TRUE)
  # in reverse order, put each non-par line on end of previous, then filter out all non-par lines
  for (i in rev(non_par_lines)) {
    filtered[i - 1] <- paste(filtered[i - 1], filtered[i], sep = "")
  filtered <- grep("^\\\\par", filtered, value = TRUE)

  # fix ASCII/CP1252/Unicode horror: of course, some char defs are split over lines...
  filtered <- gsub("\\\\'e8", "\u00e8", filtered)
  filtered <- gsub("\\\\'e9", "\u00e9", filtered)
  filtered <- gsub("\\\\'f1", "\u00f1", filtered)
  filtered <- gsub("\\\\'f16", "\u00f6", filtered)

  # drop stupid long line at end:
  longest_lines <- nchar(filtered) > 3000
  # if none, then -c() returns no rows, so we have to test first
  if (any(longest_lines))
    filtered <- filtered[-c(which(longest_lines))]

  filtered <- stripRtf(filtered)

  filtered <- grep("^[[:space:]]*$", filtered, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE) # empty lines

  re_anycode <- "(([Ee]?[[:digit:]]{3})|([Vv][[:digit:]]{2}))(\\.[[:digit:]]{1,2})?"

  # this is so ghastly: find rows with sequare brackets containing definition of
  # subset of fourth or fifth digit codes. Need to pull code from previous row,
  # and create lookup, so we can exclude these when processing the fourth an
  # fifth digits
  re_qual_subset <- "\\[[-, [:digit:]]+\\]"
  qual_subset_lines <- grep(re_qual_subset, filtered)
  invalid_qual <- c()
  for (ql in qual_subset_lines) {
    # get prior code
    strMultiMatch(paste0("(", re_anycode, ") (.*)"), filtered[ql - 1]) %>%
      unlist %>% magrittr::extract2(1) -> code
    sb <- parseRtfQualifierSubset(filtered[ql])
    inv_sb <- setdiff(as.character(0:9), sb)
    if (length(inv_sb) == 0) next
    if (grepl("\\.", code))
      invalid_qual <- c(invalid_qual, paste0(code, inv_sb))
      invalid_qual <- c(invalid_qual, paste0(code, ".", inv_sb))

  # grab fifth digit ranges now:
  re_fifth_range_other <- "fifth +digit +to +identify +stage"
  re_fifth_range <- "ifth-digit subclas|fifth-digits are for use with codes"
  re_fifth_range_V30V39 <- "The following two fifths-digits are for use with the fourth-digit \\.0"
  fifth_rows <- grep(paste(re_fifth_range, re_fifth_range_other, sep = "|"), filtered)

  # several occurances of "Requires fifth digit", referring back to the previous
  # higher-level definition, without having the parent code in the line itself
  fifth_backref <- grep(re_fifth_range_other, filtered)
  # for these, construct a string which will be captured in the next block
  filtered[fifth_backref] <- paste(filtered[fifth_backref], filtered[fifth_backref - 1], sep = " ")

  # fourth-digit qualifiers:
  re_fourth_range <- "fourth-digit.+categor"
  fourth_rows <- grep(re_fourth_range, filtered)

  # lookup_fourth will contain vector of suffices, with names being the codes they augment
  lookup_fourth <- c()
  for (f in fourth_rows) {
    if (verbose) message("working on fourth-digit row:", f)
    range <- parseRtfFifthDigitRanges(filtered[f])
    filtered[seq(f + 1, f + 37)] %>%
      grep("^[[:digit:]][[:space:]].*", ., value = TRUE) %>%
      strPairMatch("([[:digit:]])[[:space:]](.*)", .) -> fourth_suffices
    re_fourth_defined <- paste(c("\\.[", names(fourth_suffices), "]$"), collapse = "")
    # drop members of range which don't have defined fourth digit
    range <- grep(re_fourth_defined, range, value = TRUE)
    # now replace value with the suffix, with name of item being the code itself
    names(range) <- range
    last <- -1
    for (fourth in names(fourth_suffices)) {
      if (last > as.integer(fourth)) break
      re_fourth <- paste0("\\.", fourth, "$")

      range[grep(re_fourth, range)] <- fourth_suffices[fourth]
      last <- fourth
    lookup_fourth <- c(lookup_fourth, range)

  # at least two examples of "Use 0 as fourth digit for category 672"
  re_fourth_digit_zero <- "Use 0 as fourth digit for category"
  fourth_digit_zero_lines <- grep(re_fourth_digit_zero, filtered)
  strPairMatch("(.*category )([[:digit:]]{3})$", filtered[fourth_digit_zero_lines]) %>%
    unname -> fourth_digit_zero_categories

  for (categ in fourth_digit_zero_categories) {
    parent_row <- grep(paste0("^", categ, " .+"), filtered, value = TRUE)
    filtered[length(filtered) + 1] <- paste0(categ, ".0 ", strPairMatch("([[:digit:]]{3} )(.+)", parent_row))

  # lookup_fifth will contain vector of suffices, with names being the codes they augment
  lookup_fifth <- c()
  for (f in fifth_rows) {
    if (verbose) message("working on fifth-digit row:", f)
    range <- parseRtfFifthDigitRanges(filtered[f], verbose = verbose)
    filtered[seq(f + 1, f + 20)] %>%
      grep("^[[:digit:]][[:space:]].*", ., value = TRUE) %>%
      strPairMatch("([[:digit:]])[[:space:]](.*)", .) -> fifth_suffices

    re_fifth_defined <- paste(c("\\.[[:digit:]][", names(fifth_suffices), "]$"), collapse = "")
    # drop members of range which don't have defined fifth digit
    range <- grep(re_fifth_defined, range, value = TRUE)
    # now replace value with the suffix, with name of item being the code itself
    names(range) <- range
    last <- -1
    for (fifth in names(fifth_suffices)) {
      if (last > as.integer(fifth)) break
      re_fifth <- paste0("\\.[[:digit:]]", fifth, "$")
      range[grep(re_fifth, range)] <- fifth_suffices[fifth]
      last <- fifth
    lookup_fifth <- c(lookup_fifth, range)

  # V30-39 are a special case because combination of both fourth and fifth digits are specified
  re_V30V39_fifth <- "V3[[:digit:]]\\.0[01]$"

  lines_V30V39 <- grep(re_fifth_range_V30V39, filtered)
  stopifnot(length(lines_V30V39) == 1)
  filtered[seq(from = lines_V30V39 + 1, to = lines_V30V39 + 3)] %>%
    grep("^[[:digit:]][[:space:]].*", ., value = TRUE) %>%
    strPairMatch("([[:digit:]])[[:space:]](.*)", .) -> suffices_V30V39
  range <- c("V30" %i9da% "V37", icd9ChildrenDecimal("V39"))
  range <- grep(re_V30V39_fifth, range, value = TRUE)
  names(range) <- range
  for (fifth in names(suffices_V30V39)) {
    # only applies to .0x (in 2015 at least), but .1 also exists without 5th digit
    re_fifth <- paste0("\\.0", fifth, "$")
    range[grep(re_fifth, range)] <- suffices_V30V39[fifth]
  lookup_fifth <- c(lookup_fifth, range)

  # now here we could potentially capture chapter headings, but I can drop
  # excludes easily by removing lines with bracketed codes
  filtered <- grep(paste0("\\((", re_anycode, ")+[-[:digit:]]*\\)"), filtered, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE)
  filtered <- grep(paste0("Exclude"), filtered, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE)
  # again, we can keep some more information, but we'll just take the primary
  # description for each item, i.e. where a code begins a line. Some codes have
  # ten or so alternative descriptions, e.g. 410.0
  filtered <- grep(paste0("^[[:space:]]*", re_anycode), filtered, value = TRUE)
  # spaces to single
  filtered <- gsub("[[:space:]]+", " ", filtered)
  # fix a few things, e.g. "040. 1 Rhinoscleroma", "527 .0 Atrophy"
  filtered <- sub("^([VvEe]?[[:digit:]]+) ?\\. ?([[:digit:]]) (.*)", "\\1\\.\\2 \\3", filtered)
  # and high-level headings like "210-229 Benign neoplasms"
  filtered <- grep("^[[:space:]]*[[:digit:]]{3}-[[:digit:]]{3}.*", filtered, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE)
  # "707.02Upper back"
  filtered <- sub("([[:digit:]])([[:alpha:]])", "\\1 \\2", filtered)
  # "2009 H1 N1 swine influenza virus"
  filtered <- grep("^2009", filtered, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE)
  # "495.7 \"Ventilation\" pneumonitis"
  re_code_desc <- paste0("^(", re_anycode, ") +([ \"[:graph:]]+)")
  out <- strPairMatch(re_code_desc, filtered, pos = c(1, 6))

  # apply fourth digit qualifiers
  for (f in names(lookup_fourth)) {
    if (verbose) message("applying fourth digits to: ", f)
    parent_code <- icd9GetMajor(f, isShort = FALSE)
    if (parent_code %in% names(out)) {
      out <- c(out, lookup_fourth[f])
      out[f] <- paste(out[parent_code], lookup_fourth[f], sep = ", ")

  # apply fifth digit qualifiers:
  for (f in names(lookup_fifth)) {
    if (verbose) message("applying fifth digits to: ", f)
    parent_code <- substr(f, 0, nchar(f) - 1)

    if (parent_code %in% names(out)) {
      # add just the suffix with name being the five digit code
      out <- c(out, lookup_fifth[f])
      # then update to have the parent code in description
      out[f] <- paste(out[parent_code], lookup_fifth[f], sep = ", ")

  # clean up duplicates (about 350 in 2015 data), mostly one very brief
  # description and a correct longer one; or, identical descriptions

  dupes <- out[duplicated(names(out)) | duplicated(names(out), fromLast = TRUE)] %>% names %>% unique

  for (d in dupes) {
    dupe_rows <- which(names(out) == d)
    if (all(out[dupe_rows[1]] == out[dupe_rows[-1]])) {
      out <- out[-dupe_rows[-1]]
    desclengths <- out[dupe_rows] %>% nchar
    longestlength <- desclengths %>% max
    if (verbose) message("removing differing duplicates: ", paste(out[dupe_rows]))
    out <- out[-dupe_rows[-which(desclengths != longestlength)]]

  # drop all the codes not specified by 5th digits in square brackets, which are
  # applied over a range of codes.
  out <- out[-which(names(out) %in% invalid_qual)]

  # 2015 quirks (many more are baked into the parsing: try to splinter out the most specific)
  # some may well apply to other years

  # 650-659 ( and probably many others don't use whole subset of fourth or fifth digit qualifiers)
  # going to have to parse these, e.g. [0,1,3], as there are so many...
  out <- out[grep("65[12356789]\\.[[:digit:]][24]", names(out), invert = TRUE)]

  #657 just isn't formatted like any other codes
  out["657.0"] <- "Polyhydramnios"
  out["657.00"] <- "Polyhydramnios, unspecified as to episode of care or not applicable"
  out["657.01"] <- "Polyhydramnios, delivered, with or without mention of antepartum condition"
  out["657.03"] <- "Polyhydramnios, antepartum condition or complication"

  out["719.69"] <- "Other symptoms referable to joint, multiple sites"
  out["807.19"] <- "Open fracture of multiple ribs, unspecified"
  out["E849"] <- "Place of occurence"

#' @title parse a row of RTF source data for ranges to apply fifth digit
#'   sub-classifications
#' @description returns all the possible 5 digit codes encompassed by the given
#'   definition. This needs to be whittled down to just those matching fifth
#'   digits, but we haven't parsed them yet.
#' @template verbose
#' @keywords internal
parseRtfFifthDigitRanges <- function(row_str, verbose = FALSE) {

  out <- c()
  # get numbers and number ranges
  strsplit(row_str, "[, :;]") %>% unlist %>% grep("[VvEe]?[0-9]", ., value = TRUE) -> vals
  if (verbose) message("vals are:", paste(vals, collapse = ", "))

  # sometimes  we get things like:
  # [1] "345.0" ".1"    ".4-.9"
  grepl(pattern = "^\\.[[:digit:]]+.*", vals) -> decimal_start
  if (any(decimal_start)) {
    base_code <- vals[1] # assume first is the base
    for (dotmnr in vals[-1]) {
      if (verbose) message("dotmnr is: ", dotmnr)
      if (grepl("-", dotmnr)) {
        # range of minors
        strsplit(dotmnr, "-", fixed = TRUE) %>% unlist -> pair
        first <- paste0(icd9GetMajor(base_code, isShort = FALSE), pair[1])
        last <- paste0(icd9GetMajor(base_code, isShort = FALSE), pair[2])
        if (verbose) message("expanding specified minor range from ", first, " to ", last)
        out <- c(out, first %i9da% last)
      } else {
        single <- paste0(icd9GetMajor(base_code, isShort = FALSE), dotmnr)
        out <- c(out, icd9ChildrenDecimal(single, onlyReal = FALSE))
    vals <- vals[1] # still need to process the base code

  for (v in vals) {
    # take care of ranges
    if (grepl("-", v)) {
      v %>%  strsplit("-", fixed = TRUE) %>% unlist -> pair
      # sanity check
      if (verbose) message("expanding explicit range ", pair[1], " to ", pair[2])
      # formatting errors can lead to huge range expansions, e.g. "8-679"

      # quickly strip off V or E part for comparison
      pair_one <- gsub("[^[:digit:]]", "", pair[1])
      pair_two <- gsub("[^[:digit:]]", "", pair[2])
      if (as.integer(pair_two) - as.integer(pair_one) > 10) {
        warning("probable formatting misinterpretation because huge range expansion is requested")

      out <- c(out, pair[1] %i9da% pair[2])
    } else {
      # take care of single values
      if (!icd9IsValidDecimal(v)) stop(paste("invalid code is: ", icd9GetInvalidDecimal(v)))
      out <- c(out, icd9ChildrenDecimal(v))


parseRtfQualifierSubset <- function(qual) {
  assertString(qual) # one at a time

  out <- c()

  qual %>% strip %>%
    strsplit("[]\\[,]") %>%
    unlist %>%
    grep("[[:digit:]]", ., value = TRUE) %>%
    strsplit(",") %>% unlist -> vals
  for (v in vals) {
    if (grepl("-", v)) {
      strsplit(v, "-") %>% unlist %>% as.integer -> pair
      out <- c(out, seq(pair[1], pair[2]))
    out <- c(out, as.integer(v))

#' Strip RTF
#' Take a vector of character strings containing RTF, replace each \\tab with a
#' space and eradicate all other RTF symbols
#' @param x vector of character strings containing RTF
#' @keywords internal
stripRtf <- function(x) {
  x %>%
    # just for \tab, replace with space, otherwise, drop rtf tags entirely
    # nolint start
    gsub("\\\\tab ", " ", .) %>%
    gsub("\\\\[[:punct:]]", "", .) %>% # control symbols only, not control words
    gsub("\\\\lsdlocked[ [:alnum:]]*;", "", .) %>% # special case, still needed?
    #gsub("\\\\[-[:alnum:]]+[ ;:,.]?", "", .) %>%
    gsub("\\{\\\\bkmkstart.*?\\}", "", .) %>%
    gsub("\\{\\\\bkmkend.*?\\}", "", .) %>%
    #gsub("\\\\[[:alnum:]]*[ [:punct:]]", "", .) %>%
    ## no backslash in this next list, others removed from http://www.regular-expressions.info/posixbrackets.html
    gsub("\\\\[-[:alnum:]]*[ !\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@^_`{|}~]?", "", .) %>%
    gsub(" *(\\}|\\{)", "", .) %>%
  # nolint end
jackwasey/icd9 documentation built on May 18, 2019, 7:57 a.m.