
Defines functions bulk_fedreg_prep bulk_recplan_prep bulk_fiveyr_prep add_raw_txt add_raw_txt_2 chunked_es_loading

Documented in add_raw_txt add_raw_txt_2 bulk_fedreg_prep bulk_fiveyr_prep bulk_recplan_prep chunked_es_loading

# BSD_2_clause

#' Prepare Federal Register data for loading to Elastic
#' @param docs A data.frame of basic doc title, link, species information
#' @param dates A data.frame similar to \code{docs}, with doc dates
#' @return what is returned
#' @seealso \link{bulk_recplan_prep} \link{bulk_fiveyr_prep}
#'  \link{bulk_consultation_prep}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #one or more lines to demo the function
bulk_fedreg_prep <- function(docs, dates) {
  spp_links <- aggregate(species ~ Doc_Link, data = docs, FUN = unique)
  spp_links <- left_join(spp_links, docs, by = "Doc_Link")
  spp_links <- distinct(spp_links, species.x, .keep_all = TRUE)
  spp_links <- select(spp_links, -species.y, -type)
  df <- left_join(spp_links, dates, by = c("Doc_Link")) %>%
          distinct(species.x, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
          select(-Species, -Title)
  df$type <- rep(docs$type[1], length(df[,1]))
  df$pdf <- unlist(lapply(lapply(df$Doc_Link, make_file_paths), `[[`, 1))
  df$txt <- unlist(lapply(lapply(df$Doc_Link, make_file_paths), `[[`, 2))
  df$pdf_path <- paste0("~/esadocs/", df$type, "/PDFs/", df$pdf)
  df$txt_path <- paste0("~/esadocs/", df$type, "/TXTs/", df$txt)
  df$Date <- as.Date(df$Date)
  names(df) <- c("href", "species", "link", "title", "date", "fr_citation_page",
                 "type", "pdf", "txt", "pdf_path", "txt_path")
  message("Starting MD5 calculations...")
  df$pdf_md5 <- md5sum(normalizePath(df$pdf_path))
  df$pdf_size <- file.size(normalizePath(df$pdf_path))
  df$placenames <- rep("", length(df[, 1]))
  df$tags <- rep("", length(df[, 1]))
  df <- select(df, -href)

#' Prepare recovery plan data for loading to Elastic
#' @param docs A data.frame of basic doc title, link, species information
#' @param dates A data.frame similar to \code{docs}, with doc dates
#' @return what is returned
#' @seealso \link{bulk_fedreg_prep} \link{bulk_fiveyr_prep}
#'  \link{bulk_consultation_prep}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #one or more lines to demo the function
bulk_recplan_prep <- function(docs, dates) {
  spp_links <- aggregate(species ~ Doc_Link, data = docs, FUN = unique)
  spp_links <- left_join(spp_links, docs, by = "Doc_Link")
  spp_links <- distinct(spp_links, species.x, .keep_all = TRUE)
  spp_links <- select(spp_links, -species.y, -type)
  df <- left_join(spp_links, dates, by = c("Doc_Link")) %>%
          distinct(species.x, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
          select(-Species, -`Plan Action Status`, -Title)
  names(df) <- c("href", "species", "link", "title", "date", "plan_status")
  df$type <- rep(docs$type[1], length(df[,1]))
  df$pdf <- unlist(lapply(lapply(df$href, make_file_paths), `[[`, 1))
  df$txt <- unlist(lapply(lapply(df$href, make_file_paths), `[[`, 2))
  df$pdf_path <- paste0("~/esadocs/", df$type, "/PDFs/", df$pdf)
  df$txt_path <- paste0("~/esadocs/", df$type, "/TXTs/", df$txt)
  df$date <- as.Date(df$date)
  message("Starting MD5 calculations...")
  df$pdf_md5 <- md5sum(normalizePath(df$pdf_path))
  df$pdf_size <- file.size(normalizePath(df$pdf_path))
  df$placenames <- rep("", length(df[, 1]))
  df$tags <- rep("", length(df[, 1]))

#' Prepare five-year review data for loading to Elastic
#' @param docs A data.frame of basic doc title, link, species information
#' @param dates A data.frame similar to \code{docs}, with doc dates included
#' @return what is returned
#' @seealso \link{bulk_fedreg_prep} \link{bulk_recplan_prep}
#'  \link{bulk_consultation_prep}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #one or more lines to demo the function
bulk_fiveyr_prep <- function(docs, dates) {
  spp_links <- aggregate(species ~ Doc_Link, data = docs, FUN = unique)
  spp_links <- left_join(spp_links, docs, by = "Doc_Link")
  spp_links <- distinct(spp_links, species.x, .keep_all = TRUE)
  spp_links <- select(spp_links, -species.y, -type)
  df <- left_join(spp_links, dates, by = c("Doc_Link")) %>%
          distinct(species.x, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
          select(-Species, -Title)
  names(df) <- c("href", "species", "link", "title", "date")
  df$type <- rep(docs$type[1], length(df[,1]))
  df$pdf <- unlist(lapply(lapply(df$href, make_file_paths), `[[`, 1))
  df$txt <- unlist(lapply(lapply(df$href, make_file_paths), `[[`, 2))
  df$pdf_path <- paste0("~/esadocs/", df$type, "/PDFs/", df$pdf)
  df$txt_path <- paste0("~/esadocs/", df$type, "/TXTs/", df$txt)
  df$date <- as.Date(df$date)
  message("Starting MD5 calculations...")
  df$pdf_md5 <- md5sum(normalizePath(df$pdf_path))
  df$pdf_size <- file.size(normalizePath(df$pdf_path))
  df$placenames <- rep("", length(df[, 1]))
  df$tags <- rep("", length(df[, 1]))

#' Add raw text to a data.frame for loading to Elastic
#' We use text extracted from PDFs with \link[pdftext]{pdftext} for full-text
#' search with Elastic, added in a single field, \code{raw_txt}. The volume of
#' data in \code{raw_txt} can be rather large; we recommend that it is added
#' @param df A data.frame from a \code{bulk_*_prep} function, with txt_path var
#' @return df, with a raw_txt variable filled using readLines
#' @export
#' @examples
#' one or more lines to demo the function
add_raw_txt <- function(df) {
  df$raw_txt <- unlist(lapply(df$txt_path, load_doc_text))

#' Add raw text in N-character chunks to df, with df expansion
#' We use text extracted from PDFs with \link[pdftext]{pdftext} for full-text
#' search with Elastic, added in a single field, \code{raw_txt}. The volume of
#' data in \code{raw_txt} can be rather large; we recommend that it is added
#' @param df A data.frame from a \code{bulk_*_prep} function, with txt_path var
#' @return df, with a raw_txt variable filled using readLines
#' @importFrom plyr laply
#' @export
#' @examples
#' one or more lines to demo the function
add_raw_txt_2 <- function(df) {
  th_char <- function(x) {
    pieces <- lapply(seq(1, nchar(x), 1000),
                    function(i) substr(x, i, i+999))
  raw_txt_all <- unlist(lapply(df$txt_path, load_doc_text))
  raw_txt <- lapply(raw_txt_all, th_char)
  # df$raw_txt <- unlist(lapply(df$txt_path, load_doc_text))
  # return(df)

#' Add ESAdocs to Elastic in 100-doc chunks
#' The raw text of ESA docs can be rather large; rather than trying to hold
#' all of the text for all docs in a single data.frame, then load the data.frame
#' to Elastic in one fell swoop, we take a chunking approach. The raw text is
#' read in to the data.frame with \link{add_raw_txt} for each doc in each
#' 100-doc chunk, then that chunk is loaded using \link[elastic]{docs_bulk}
#' @param df A docs data.frame from \code{bulk_*_prep}
#' @param index The index into which documents are loaded
#' @param type The document type in df
#' @return Nothing; chunking messages are printed during processing
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' chunked_es_loading(fr_dat, "esadocs", "federal_register")
#' }
chunked_es_loading <- function(df, index = "esadocs", type) {
  brks <- seq(1, length(df[, 1]), 100)
  for(i in 1:length(brks)) {
    st <- brks[i]
    en <- ifelse(brks[i] + 99 < length(df[, 1]),
                 brks[i] + 99,
                 length(df[, 1]))
    cur_tst <- add_raw_txt(df[st:en, ])
    bulk <- docs_bulk(cur_tst, index = index, type = type)
    message(sprintf("Added records %s to %s\n", st, en))
jacob-ogre/esadocs documentation built on May 18, 2019, 8 a.m.