
# After a lot of work and a lot of trial-and-error, MonkeyLearn is often too
# fragile for the task of NER with all of ESAdocs. Also worked on a hackey
# solution that uses coreNLP...


break_up_big <- function(x, fname, md5, chunk = 400000) {
  len <- nchar(x)
  strt <- seq(1, len, chunk)
  # print(paste("strt:", paste(strt, collapse = " ")))
  ends <- seq(chunk, len, chunk)
  if(max(ends) > len) ends[length(ends)] <- len
  print(paste("ends:", paste(ends, collapse = " ")))
  subs <- substring(x, strt, ends)
  md5s <- unlist(lapply(subs, digest, file = FALSE))
  result <- data_frame(sub_txt = subs, sub_md5 = md5s,
                       file_md5 = md5, file = fname)

proc_fils <- function(files, done) {
  get_txt <- function(f) {
    res <- try(suppressMessages(pdf_info(f)), silent = TRUE)
    if(class(res) == "try-error") return(" ")
    return(paste(suppressMessages(pdf_text(f)), collapse = " "))
  texts <- lapply(files, get_txt)
  texts <- lapply(texts, enc2utf8)
  print("Texts acquired.")
  texts <- lapply(texts, gsub, pattern = "\n", replacement = " ")
  md5s <- unlist(lapply(texts, digest, file = FALSE))
  f_md5 <- data_frame(file = files, md5 = md5s)
  cur_sm <- sm_md5 <- sm_nam <- too_big <- big_nam <- big_md5 <- c()
  for(t in 1:length(texts)) {
    if(nchar(texts[[t]]) < 400000 & !(md5s[t] %in% done)) {
      cur_sm <- c(cur_sm, texts[[t]])
      sm_nam <- c(sm_nam, files[t])
      sm_md5 <- c(sm_md5, md5s[t])
    } else if(nchar(texts[[t]]) > 400000 & !(md5s[t] %in% done)) {
      too_big <- c(too_big, texts[[t]])
      big_nam <- c(big_nam, files[t])
      big_md5 <- c(big_md5, md5s[t])
  if(!is.null(cur_sm)) {
    cur_smalls <- data_frame(txt = cur_sm, file = sm_nam, md5 = sm_md5)
    cur_smalls <- filter(cur_smalls, !(md5 %in% done))
    cur_smalls <- filter(cur_smalls, txt != " ")
    print(paste("dim(cur_smalls):", paste(dim(cur_smalls), collapse = " ")))
    if(length(cur_smalls$txt) > 0) {
      print("Extracting small texts")
      smalls <- try(
                            extractor_id = "ex_isnnZRbS"), silent = TRUE
      if(class(smalls) != "try-error" & "text_md5" %in% names(smalls)) {
        sm_res <- left_join(smalls, f_md5, by = c("text_md5" = "md5"))
        #count, tag, entity, text_md5, file
      } else {
        print(head(substr(cur_smalls$txt, 1, 1000)))
        sm_res <- data_frame(count = NA, tag = NA, entity = NA,
                             text_md5 = cur_smalls$md5,
                             file = cur_smalls$file)
  # Now process the big docs
  lg_parts <- list()
  print("Splitting up bigs")
  print(paste("Length too_big:", length(too_big)))
  if(length(too_big) > 0) {
    for(b in 1:length(too_big)) {
      lg_parts[[b]] <- break_up_big(too_big[b], big_nam[b], big_md5[b])
    lg_txt <- bind_rows(lg_parts) #sub_txt, sub_md5, file_md5, file_name
    print(paste("dim(lg_txt):", dim(lg_txt)))
    if(length(lg_txt$sub_txt) > 0) {
      print("Extracting large texts")
      sub_res <- list()
      n_chunks <- floor(length(lg_txt$sub_txt) / 200)
      for(j in 0:n_chunks) {
        print(paste("Large chunk", j))
        lo <- (j*200)+1
        hi <- (j+1)*200
        if(hi > length(lg_txt$sub_txt)) hi <- length(lg_txt$sub_txt)
        cur_set <- lg_txt$sub_txt[lo:hi]
        cur_res <- try(monkeylearn_extract(cur_set, extractor_id = "ex_isnnZRbS"))
        if(class(cur_res) != "try-error") {
          sub_res[[j+1]] <- cur_res
        } else {
          print(head(substr(cur_set, 1, 1000)))
          null_res <- data_frame(count = NA, tag = NA, entity = NA,
                                 text_md5 = lg_txt$sub_md5)
          sub_res[[j+1]] <- null_res
    larges <- bind_rows(sub_res) #count, tag, entity, text_md5
      for_join <- select(lg_txt, -sub_txt)
      large_res <- left_join(larges, for_join, by = c("text_md5" = "sub_md5"))
        #count, tag, entity, text_md5, file_md5, file_name
      large_res$text_md5 <- large_res$file_md5
      lg_res <- select(large_res, -file_md5)
  if(exists("sm_res") & exists("lg_res")) {
    return(rbind(sm_res, lg_res))
  } else if(exists("sm_res")) {
  } else if(exists("lg_res")) {
  } else {

fils <- list.files("/datadrive/data/ESAdocs_on_GCE",
                   full.names = TRUE,
                   recursive = TRUE)
done_set <- rbind(next_batch_ML, part_res, res_01Mar)
done_set <- filter(done_set, !
done_set <- filter(done_set, tag %in% c("LOCATION", "ORGANIZATION", "PERSON"))

results <- list()
n_chunks <- floor(length(fils) / 200)
# n_chunks <- floor(13581 / 200)
for(i in 0:n_chunks) {
  print(paste("Main chunk", i))
  lo <- (i*200)+1
  hi <- (i+1)*200
  if(hi > length(fils)) hi <- length(fils)
  cur_set <- fils[lo:hi]
  # print(c(lo, hi))
  results[[i+1]] <- proc_fils(cur_set, unique(done_set$text_md5))

monkey_res <- bind_rows(results)
jacob-ogre/ocrerrors documentation built on May 18, 2019, 8:01 a.m.