
  lonlat2planar = function ( x, proj.type, input_names=c("lon", "lat"), newnames = c("plon", "plat") ) {
    #\\ convert lon/lat to a projected surface using proj
    #\\ proj.type can be an internal code such as "utm20" or a proj4 argument
    #\\ output scale is defined in the +units=km (default for bio) or +units=m (default for proj)
    # first try an internal conversion /lookup for CRS
    datatype = ifelse("data.table" %in% class(x), "data.table", "data.frame")

    ii = which( is.finite( rowSums( x[,input_names, with=FALSE] ) ) )   

    pjj = NULL
    pjj = projection_proj4string(proj.type)
    if (!is.null(pjj)) {
      proj4.params = try( sf::st_crs( pjj ), silent=TRUE )
    } else {
      proj4.params = try( sf::st_crs( proj.type ), silent=TRUE )

    if ( "try-error" %in% class( proj4.params) ) {
      if (!is.null(proj.type)) proj4.params = try( sf::st_crs( as.character(proj.type) ), silent=TRUE )
    if ( "try-error" %in% class( proj4.params) ) {
      print( proj.type )
      warning( "Projection not recognised")

    crsX = proj4.params$input
    if ( ! grepl("units", crsX) ) {
      print (crsX)
      stop( "The proj4 CRS requires an explicit +units=km ")

    y = terra::project( terra::vect(x[, input_names, with=FALSE ], geom=input_names, keepgeom=FALSE, crs="EPSG:4326"), crsX ) 
    # y = rgdal::project( as.matrix(x[,input_names, with=FALSE]), proj=crsX , inv=FALSE )
    # sf method is a bit too srtict with bounds TODO
    # y = sf::sf_project( from=sf::st_crs("EPSG:4326"), to=proj4.params, pts=as.matrix(x[,input_names, with=FALSE]))
    y = geom(y)[,c("x", "y")]

    if (!is.null(colnames(y))) {
      colnames(y) = newnames
    } else {
      names(y) = newnames
    for (i in 1:length( newnames)) {
      if ( newnames[i] %in% colnames(x) ) x[[newnames[i]]] = NULL
    x = cbind(x,y)
    if (datatype != "data.table") setDF(x)
    return (x)
jae0/aegis documentation built on April 4, 2024, 2:40 p.m.